The ending of this story! Is this a reason to celebrate or to cry? Well anyways I don't own Fruits Basket! Just this story! And my precious Charlie, Christy, Yume, Lei, Sakura, Chuurippu and their future children. So if you steal them I will hunt you down! grins

When Yuki and Tohru came home from their graduation. Sakura and Chuurippu were fast asleep. Yuki was carrying Sakura and Tohru carried Chuurippu. Tohru placed Chuurippu into the crib in Sakura's old room. Sakura now had her own room across from the nursery. Yuki entered slowly picking up the letter that was on their porch step. He placed it on the kitchen table and went up to place Sakura on her bed. When Yuki came back downstairs after removing his graduation gown Tohru was looking at the letter.

"What is this?" Tohru asked Yuki curiously examining the letter.

"I don't know, it was on the porch," replied Yuki walking up beside Tohru.

Tohru opened the envelope reveling a pretty white card. She opened it and smiled.

It read:

Please come and join us in the

Joining of Motoko and Charlie

In holy matrimony

Time: 1-4pm

Place: Temple

Date: August 7

"I think we're free that day," Yuki smiled.

"This sounds so lovely!" exclaimed Tohru.

"Is it me or do I hear a hint of jealousy?" teased Yuki.

"No, I got my prince and the perfect wedding," replied Tohru.

"And I got my princess," Yuki added with a grin.

"I love you…" Tohru breathed happily.

"I love you too," Yuki repeated as he placed his hand behind Tohru's head and pulled her near.

He pressed his lips against hers lovingly. Tohru wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him closer and deepening the kiss. They soon broke apart for air. Yuki ran his hand across her cheek caressing her cheek lovingly.

"I don't it's possible but I think I love you more each day," Yuki whispered.

"Hai (yes) it's possible because everyday my love for you grows even more," Tohru murmured.

"You're so beautiful, hime," Yuki told her.

"And you are so handsome," replied Tohru.

"We did it. It's finally done with,"

"Hai, we're done with college," Tohru agreed.

"Iie(no) I'm talking about something else."


Yuki smiled running his fingers through Tohru's silky strands. (She undid the bun and took out the clip before she came downstairs)

"We passed the test of love… We went through so many difficult events that challenged our love and we passed," explained Yuki.

"Of course we passed. Nothing can break our bond… And it won't ever be broken," replied Tohru leaning against Yuki's chest.

Yuki wrapped his warm arms around her hugging her tightly. Tohru's arms were around his waist. She closed her eyes tiredly and yawned.

"Tired, hime?" asked Yuki.

Tohru looked up and nodded, "Let's go to bed."

Tohru started to leave when Yuki came behind her and scooped her up bridal style. She let out a little squeal of surprise.

"Yuki!" she gasped.

"I thought you said you were tired," Yuki responded with a sheepish grin.

Tohru smiled and her hands were snaked around his neck. Yuki started to walk out of the kitchen when Tohru's feet brushed against the envelope knocking it to the floor. A note fluttered out.

"Wait, Yuki-kun… Something came out of the envelope!" exclaimed Tohru.


Yuki spun around and saw the envelope and note lying on the ground.

"Wait here hime," Yuki told her as he set her down on the counter.

He picked up both the envelope and letter. Yuki came over to Tohru unfolding the note so they could read it together.

Dear Yuki and Tohru,

We wrote this letter as an apology for all the bad things we did to you both in the past. We have so many regrets and can only hope that you'll forgive us. All we ever did was try to drive you two apart for our own selfish reasons. Maybe asking for forgiveness is too extreme but we want you to know that we are sorry and still hope you can make it to our wedding. This is not just an apology but also a note of appreciation. It's all thanks to you that we found each other. You both set a wonderful example of what true love is and through all your chaos you drove us together. So thank you.


Charlie and Motoko

PS Don't ever stop loving each other and just to let you know Christy is fine too! She has a nice boyfriend.

A single tear rolled down Tohru's cheek.

"What's wrong?" Yuki asked worriedly.

Tohru smiled and wiped away the tear, "Nothing… It was just so beautiful…"

"You know somehow it feels like our problems are over… You know… it seems like the happy ending is all that is left," Yuki said.

"Well then let's enjoy our happy ending," Tohru yawned.

"How could I forget that my hime is tired," joked Yuki as he picked Tohru up again.

He tossed the letter aside and headed up to their room.

"Maybe there is such thing as fairytales… I got my prince charming, a dream house, a perfect family and a happily ever after…"

"This is the start of our happy ending… The beginning of the life I have yet to share with my hime and our children…"

(The Veronicas: I could get used to this)

You make me breakfast in bed
When I'm mixed up in my head
You wake me with a kiss
I could get used to this


You think I look the best
When my hair is a mess
I can't believe you exist
I could get used to this

Because I know you're too good to be true
I must have done something good to meet you

'Cause you wrote my name across your hand
When I freak you understand
There is not a thing you miss
And I could get used to this


I'm feeling it comin' over me
With you it all comes naturally
Lost the reflex to resist
And I could get used to this

You love the songs I write
You like the movies I like
There must be some kind of twist
But I could get used to this

You kiss me listen to me when I'm depressed
It doesn't seem to make you like me less

(b x 1)

(c x 1)

If there's a dark side to you I haven't seen it
Every good thing you do feels like you mean it

(b x 1)

(c x 1)

(b x 1)

(a x 1)

(I don't own this song! But it is very sweet and fits the story well)


(seriously… not the end of a chap but the end of the story but not to fear a possible trilogy and plenty of more fan fics coming up!)

The futures of the Sohmas (according to my story)


Career: became a doctor with Haru together they found the cure for leukemia

Love: still married to Tohru happily

Family: Sakura and Chuurippu, two daughters, 2 years apart. Sakura is more like Tohru, happy and honest, very caring while Chuurippu is more like Yuki, smart, serious and caring.


Career: became a professional cook at a famous restaurant. (Only works part time)

Love: Still married to Yuki happily

Family: Sakura and Chuurippu, two daughters, 2 years apart. Sakura is more like Tohru, happy and honest, very caring while Chuurippu is more like Yuki, smart, serious and caring.


Career: became a doctor with Yuki together they found the cure for leukemia for Rin

Love: Married Rin

Family: Kyuuka(summer), has beautiful black hair with white streaks. She is very nice like her father but beautiful like her mother. She has a bad temper and can be hurtful when mad.


Career: became a famous fashion designer

Love: married Haru

Family: Kyuuka, has beautiful black hair with white streaks. She is very nice like her father but beautiful like her mother. She has a bad temper and can be hurtful when mad.

Note: since in my fantasy world Yuki and Haru cured cancer she is cured!

Hiro(Not yet… a few more years)

Career: became a public speaker

Love: Married Kisa

Family: Had twins, boy and girl. Girl named Kahen (petal) smart and mature like Hiro but nice like Kisa. Tenkuu (sky) is their son who is quiet like Kisa and sarcastic but caring like Hiro.

Kisa(Doesn't happen yet a few more years)

Career: became a grade school teacher

Love: Married Hiro

Family: Had twins, boy and girl. Girl named Kahen (petal) smart and mature like Hiro but nice like Kisa. Tenkuu (sky) is their son who is quiet like Kisa and sarcastic but caring like Hiro.


Career: Joined the army with Kagura…. Let's just say the army was never the same again

Love: Married Kagura

Family: Tenshuko, a boy with bright orange hair and pale grey eyes. Very tough like his mom and dad.


Career: joined the army with Kyo… Brought martial arts to the army…

Love: married happily to Kyo

Family: Tenshuko, a boy with bright orange hair and pale grey eyes. Very tough like his mom and dad.


Career: owns a chain of hotels with Yume and became rich but not even close to the Sohma wealth

Love: married to Yume

Family: son Youkou grew up to be strong minded and caring like Yume and Lei.


Career: owns a chain of hotels with Lei and became rich but not even close to the Sohma wealth

Love: married to Lei

Family: son Youkou grew up to be strong minded and caring like Yume and Lei.

Reasons why all the Sohmas hate me……

Yuki: I broke his heart twice, had a guard smash his head against a wall, lock him up (starved him, kept him in there for 3 days with no food), had him dive off a cliff and break 2 ribs…. His rib cut threw his skin (had to have surgery and he had an asthma attack while his ribs were broken)….

Kyo: One word Kagura

Tohru: broke her heart, had her beat up, starved her, hurt by Akito had her get shoved off a cliff (hehe… she ain't a Sohma but she'll probably forgive me!)

Ayame: Yuki beats him up….

Shigure: Kyo and Yuki beat him up

Kisa: had her trip at her graduation

Charlie(Again not a Sohma but my made up character): beat up by Yuki, rejected by Tohru and then Motoko(though she went back to him), hit by a lamp by Yume, fell off the cliff and let's just say got hurt badly!

Christy (Again my made up character): broke her heart! Her dad hates her

Haru: hurt by a guard, slapped by Akito, and I gave his girlfriend cancer

Rin: I gave her cancer

Hatori: He should still like me! At least for now….

Ritsu: fainted so many times

Kagura: scraped her knee (not so bad!)

Hiro: not bad

Momiji: Kyo hits him

Kureno: not bad…

Plus probably more in other stories I have yet to write….

Arigato for reading! I hope you enjoyed this!

I changed my pen name from MElizabethT to AssassinedAngel

Questions for readers:

Which did you like better? The Test of Love or To Love Again?

Do you like long chaps (like at the end of my story not counting 21) or short chaps like near the beginning? Or do you like the progression like in all my stories so far?

Did you enjoy this? Was it lacking anything? Romance? Drama? Suspense?

What would you like me to do better in my next stories?

Do you even read my comments throughout the story?

Do you like it when there are songs in the story?

Do you think I got the personalities correct?

How many of you watch Full Metal Panic? It rocks!

Would you like me to try to think of a trilogy? It may be short though (not that short just not 21 chaps)… And it may not be started for a while… I think I will make it…

Most of this chap was like a survey thing and just a mini chap. I added this chap to basically eliminate all their problems. For now that is…. Well review please!