TITLE: What Friends Are For
DISCLAIMER: Belongs to J.K. Rowling, etc. etc.
SUMMARY: A Harry/Ron drabble for empathicsiren. Ron is always looking out for Harry.

What Friends Are For

"Harry, duck!" Ron tackled him, sending them both sprawling in the mud. The bludger whizzed over their heads, and George swooped, batting it away.

"Sorry!" Fred yelled insincerely. The twins flew off, avoiding a scene.

Harry squirmed, turning onto his back, and gave Ron a smile. "Thanks, Ron."

They stared at each other for a long moment, before Harry kissed leaned forward and Ron softly.

When they broke apart, Ron blushed. "It almost makes it worth ruining my clothes. Actually, I hated this outfit, so I'm pretty much coming out ahead. Thanks, mate!"

"Hey, what are friends for?" Harry laughed.