I know I have a story "Loving you" started, but I'll add to that really soon…in fact I have some of it done…just need to finish the next chapter, but during that time period, I was inspired to write this one. Please give reviews!

Ethan and Theresa are in Rome, and Theresa runs into Alistair, right after her meeting with the tabloid reporter.

"Theresa, my pet! I've been looking all over for you."

Theresa shivered at his voice. She slowly turned around and to her great depression, was Alistair Crane, her husband, who was ironically the person she despised the most in this world.

"A-Alistair?" Theresa choked out.

"Yes, my dear, its your not-so-late husband." Alistair said with a smirk on his face.

"B-but, you were in a coma…there was—there wasn't any chance of recovery!"

"Well, you know what they say; the bad guy will always come back for a couple more bites."

"What are you doing here in Rome? How did you know I was here?"

"Theresa, Theresa, you're acting like you don't know me. I can see everything, and even beyond."

"So—so what do you want?"

"Why I came to find you."

"What for?"

"Well, I've been out cold for about 4 months…and you know…I don't usually go that long without…ahem…well you know what I'm referring to." Alistair snorted.

"Oh please Alistair, why don't you just go get one of those hussies you have in your office…they're always happy to do it."

"Yes, of course they are. But none of them are nearly as sexy as my hot tomala." Alistair says as he reaches over her arms and pulls her close.

Theresa pulls away, freeing from his grip by slapping him hard on his left cheek.

"Now Lady, watch yourself, or else I'll take it out on your little boy, and I know how much you love him!"

Theresa tightened up…she forgot…she was bound to Alistair because of her little boy. "I swear Alistair, if you lay one finger on him, I'll---"

"You'll what? Go and cry to your night and shining armor, Ethan?"

Theresa turned away and then starred coldly back. "No…I'll kill you, and this time I'll make sure you do die. You know what they say—third time's the charm."

"Oh Theresa, stop giving me your empty threats".

"They're not threats, Alistair…they're promises." Theresa said as she tried to walk away, but Alistair stopped her.

"What do you want, huh?"

"Theresa, my dear, I told you what I want. I want you."

"Oh, get off me Alistair, you pig!"

"Well, do you want me to tell Ethan Gwen's secret or not?"

Theresa's eyes widened, and then went back to normal. "Excuse me Alistair, but I don't need your help any longer. I met the tabloid reporter, and he said he'd—"

"Oh, you mean, Mr. Jennings? Cause I just spoke to him, just a couple minutes I ran into you. And as it turns out? He's no longer serving you."

"You bastard!"

"Ta ta ta, Theresa! You would want me getting mad and taking it out on your son now would you?"

Theresa shut up, knowing her son was on the line. "Alistair, I want that proof."

"Okay, well it seems as though you're not going to concentrate on anything else until you get it."

"Well you're finally getting it, huh?"

"Theresa, I'll make you a deal"

"What kind of deal, Alistair?"

"Well, I want you to talk to Ethan, if you can really convince him that you didn't send it, and that maybe there's a possibility that Gwen and Rebecca did, then, I will show him the proof that Gwen and Rebecca are really the ones that did."

"So, if I convince Ethan that, you'll show him the proof?"

"Uh huh…if he believes you didn't do it and there's a possibility that Gwen and Rebecca did do it, well, I will show him that they did do it."

"Alistair, what's the catch?"

"Now, how did you know there would be a catch?"

"Because you're Alistair Crane, and everything comes at a price".

"Ah, Theresa, you know me well."

"Well, what is it?"

"Well, if you can't convince him, then well, you'll be mine and forever. And I won't tell you exactly what I'm going to do to you, but you sure as hell won't like it."

Theresa became uneasy at his words.

"Well, what if I turn this offer down?"

"Well, then you'll be forced to spend the rest of your life with me, I won't tell Ethan the truth, and you will never be with Ethan again!"

These words hit harder. There was only one way to get Ethan and be a family, it was to convince him. "I can do it. I can make Ethan believe that I really didn't do it. If he just hears me out and I calmly explain everything I've done in the past, and I still won't budge on that part, he'll have to believe me." Theresa thought.

"Just be sure Theresa, that if your plan goes south, then you cannot mention your deal with me. I will know, and then I will destroy your little boy."

"It's a deal Alistair."