You guys should hate need to update more often by far! Seriously...I am really going to try and get a chapter up at keast once a week...Hope you enjoy!

Sirens glared in the background. Rumblings of news reporters filled the air of the surrounding area. Time slowly passed. Fear and shock was something that was very well in presence in this hour of tragic.

Ethan could feel someone touching him, someone was picking him up. He knew that he was in bad shape, he guessed that it was so bad that the paramedics had given him drugs to ease the pain since his whole body felt numb. Every now and again he would hear someone encourage him to hang on, not to give up. He thought they were crazy. Here he was on the brink of death and all he could wish for was not living.

People sometimes will always wish for death, but when it smacks them in the face, they always back down. This was different. He didn't want to back down. He didn't belong here, breathing the same air as her.

The thought of her name was more than he could bare, all he could now think about was what had happened, how long it had happened for, and how it could've been prevented.

Ethan thought of the night in Rome at the masque party. Fancy, his sister, was absolutely right. Oddly enough, this advice was the advice that he had given her. "If you love someone, you trust them", it was as simple as that. "Why the hell did I have to go and make things so complicated then?" Ethan was now unconscious. He was in a dream world now where things weren't supposed to be wrong, this was the place he came to get away from everything. This time, those things caught up with him and he found himself in square one again. Instead of being caught up in an accident, found himself lost, in the forest. He could hear things surrounding him; wild animals and whispers followed him wherever he went.

He hated this place and he really wanted to leave. "I can't run away frm my problems" Ethan now realized, stopping dead in his tracks leaning against a tree he created in his mind.

"What can I do? How do I get out of here? Why did I even come here?" Ethan continued to question even himself.

Time stood still as Ethan waited. Waiting...waiting...but for what? Not even he was sure. He didn't know where he would find the answers but he knew that they weren't lost in the forest. Streaming with fear of loss Ethan started gasping for air as if he was lost in space without his helmet. Shadows seemed to lurk in every corner, everywhere he looked. He convinced himself that his mind was playing tricks on him. He didn't know if it was true on not though.

Ethan started breathing heavy. "Breathe in, breath out. You can't risk losing it now." Not now–not when things are becoming clearer and clearer. Ethan looked toward the endless sky. "I–I want to go back. I need to go back. I know she needs me, I can feel her hands grasping for mine and I need to be there when she reaches out. Please, Give me this one more chance. I need to at least try and make things better. I'll never forgive myself if I don't try."

Back at Harmony hospital, Theresa lay in her bed, fresh with brand new clean sheets. Her body was washed which made her feel warm inside despite the pain and anger she felt.

"Oh Ethan...why...why..." Theresa thought to herself.

She felt her mothers presence close to her. Oddly enough, she didn't feel Ethan's. He hadn't come for her, he didn't care.

Theresa rolled her head over and softly sighed, without opening her eyes. "Ugh! Maybe his little wifey didn't think it was appropriate! Ethan never could stand up to her after she lost the ability to have children." Theresa thought. Theresa's fist was punched together by her intensity. "Why do I even care! I never want to see him again..."

Minutes passed as she thought of that statement. "I never want to see him again..." Why was she lying to herself? Did she want to become like Ethan and ignore the truth when she faced it? Did she want to run away from the fear of honesty and her soul like him? No, she would not back down, she would not stand back and let fate do its work. Maybe she didn't believe in fate anymore, maybe because of her "feelings" toward "fate", it blinded her from doing what she really wanted to do. Maybe she now realized that keeping secrets isn't how you hold on to someone, no matter what. Fate doesn't exist. Nobody is destined to be with someone and if you screw that up then maybe your chance is over. Why hang onto the notion that no matter how many mistakes I make, he will come back–all because its destined. I sound like someone who belongs in the church of destiny, which as far as I know doesn't exist. You be with someone because you want to, end of story.

Theresa then realized she was talking to a ghost. Ethan wasn't there. He hadn't come. She took him from her mind and remembered where she was. She was in a hospital, her family had requested a large room so they could all sit and wait–wait for her to come within them and be with then after months of tragedy.

A startling discovery shocked her. Her family never let her down. Her mother, who at times seemed to have gone against her wishes, but she knew now, that if she had followed her advice then she wouldn't be stuck in this hospital with permanent scars and painful memories. Her brothers, who always stuck up for her no matter what crazy stunts she commited, and her sister, Paloma who she hadn't really known for long loved her like she hadn't been apart from her at all. Antonio. Her beloved late brother. When they were finally reunited, she felt whole again, and he too, like Luis and Miguel, put his whole heart into her terrible ordeals like never before. She needed to pull herself together. For them, she needed to do it for them. For once she wasn't going to do it for Ethan, she wasn't going to return to society for Ethan, she was going to d it for her family and true friends.

She flickered her eyes open. Immediately, she felt someone's hands cover hers. They felt warm. Everything was blurry at first, her vision seemed altered. She blink a few more times until the image became clear. It was Luis.

"Luis?" Theresa softly said, her voice cracking.

Luis put the biggest smile on his face. One she hadn't seen grow for so long.

"Oh, thank god" Luis buried his face in her hands. She could feel her hands wet from his tears.

"D-don't cry", Theresa managed to get out.

"Aw Sis, I can't believe you've finally awaken."

The rest of her family members raced to her when they awoke from the commotion.

Meanwhile, Paramedics rushed Ethan into the hospital on a bed tray. Tv reporters were left hanging outside wanting to know more.

Over the intercom system there was the sound of an emergency.

"Dr. Russell to the ER. Dr. Russell to the ER.

"Oh Theresa, I'll have to come back later." Dr. Russell left in a hurry and ran to the ER.

"What was that? I wonder who's in the emergency room?" Just then Theresa turned up the TV in her bedroom. It was breaking news in Harmony–a car crash.

Theresa seemed troubled. "I hope it isn't anyone we know".

A picture of the demolished car flashed in front of the screen.

"Wait–wait...isn't that Ethan's car?" Pilar questioned, worried.

Theresa's eyes suddenly flew back to the screen and saw the car. Fear rushed down to the pit of her gut.

"A man known as Ethan Winthrop, son of Harmony's chief of Police, Sam Bennett, is thought t be the man who drove this vehicle through a red light on this street. Paramedics have taken him to Harmony Hospital, but there is no word on his condition but we'll keep you updated when more information on the accident is released.

"...Ethan..." Theresa whispered.