Daisuke stared at the words floating on the pages before him, attempting in vain to make some sense of the myriad of letters. He sighed and fiddled with his pen absent-mindedly.

Dark, you awake? he called.


Dark. he tried more insistently. Still no reply. Dark!


Hey, you are awake! Daisuke reddened as Dark let loose a string of profanities in response.

What do you want? he finally grumbled.

Dark, I'm bored . . .

Leave me alone.

You don't have to be so mean.

I'm sleeping. Go away.

Daisuke gave up and turned his attention back to the book. Nope, still not making sense. He randomly looked around the classroom in the hopes of finding inspiration. Instead his eyes found Satoshi.

The boy had his head bowed studiously over his work, pen scritching away. There was no doubt Satoshi paid careful attention to every pen stroke, writing with the same meticulous ardor he assigned to the quest of capturing Dark.

Dark . . . he was the reason Satoshi always shied away whenever Daisuke tried to make friends with him. No, not Dark. It was Krad Satoshi was really afraid of. And they were kind of like friends at the moment . . .

Satoshi blinked and the incessant scratching of his pen halted. He looked up at the red head, catching him out. Daisuke turned red to match his fire like hair and quickly turned back to his work, flustered as he tried to calm himself down. What is it with me…? Daisuke thought.

Now this is interesting. Dark mentally grinned.

I thought you were sleeping! Daisuke jumped and glanced back at Satoshi who had returned to his work.

Was sleeping, was, but this caught my attention. Dark mused.

What caught your attention?

Oh a little flustered blushing boy. I wonder why he's blushing. Dark snickered to himself.

Daisuke blinked, what did Dark mean? Sure Daisuke blushed a lot, but from embarrassment, nothing more.

Oh, c'mon Daisuke! Dark sighed at the back of Daisuke's head.

C'mon what? What are you talking about Dark?

Nothing, it doesn't matter. Dark fell further to the back of the red head's mind as he drifted back into slumber.

Daisuke shook his head as if that would dislodge the confusion that had settled there. Was Dark just messing with him? Maybe it was an attempt to get back at him for waking the thief in the first place. Probably.

For some reason his eyes drifted back to Satoshi. It really was amazing how his hair caught the light like that. How just a few strands would fall across his face so he'd have to brush them away, and then they'd just fall right back again. He has nice hair,

Daisuke finally decided.

"Mom, I'm home!" Daisuke yelled down the empty hallway. He took a cautious step forward . . .

After avoiding the usual trapdoors, heat sensors, knives, banana peels and flamethrowers (Hey that one was new! Was his mom getting more inventive or something?) he braced himself for his mother's greeting.

"Oh, Daisuke honey! How was your day at school? Did you have a nice time? Was lunch okay? I didn't pack too much did I-" Daisuke simply smiled and his eyes glazed over as his almost hyperactive mother continued to ramble on about the things only mothers worry about. "-and don't forget Dark has another job tonight so make sure you get all your homework done!" she finished in a sing-song voice and returned to her base of operations, the kitchen.

Shook out of his mother-induced dazed state by her last announcement, Daisuke climbed the stairs to his room with the usual feeling of anticipation.

Daisuke sat down at his desk and pulled his school books out of his bags. Maybe tonight he'd actually get done with most of his homework without rushing out the door to steal something.

I wonder if Satoshi has to rush as well… Daisuke shook his head. No, he wouldn't have to rush, homework would be a breeze for him, being a genius and all.

C'mon Daisuke, I want to leave the house tonight with some time to spare.

You're not going to annoy Hiwatari tonight are you? Daisuke sighed at the thought of all the times Dark messed around with Satoshi.

But it's so much fun. Dark grinned to himself.

No it isn't, it's mean.

Oh and trying to capture me isn't mean! And he wants to kill you!

He isn't the one that wants to kill me! Daisuke started to get flustered at Dark's outburst.

No it's that monster inside of him. Dark cringed at the thought of the fallen angel, Krad.

See? Satoshi can't help what Krad does!

Satoshi? Hiwatari? First name basis now? When did this happen? Dark mused.

I- Well- Um… Daisuke blushed, but before Dark had any time to respond with a sarcastic remark his mother called.

"Daisuke I hope you're getting ready! It's almost time!"

The redhead sighed. Now he'd have to finish his homework later. Much later, knowing Dark. And God, he hoped the Harada twins didn't show up! 'Cuz Risa would be all dove-eyed over Dark while Riku would be screaming at the 'pervert' which would make Dark depressed and so he'd also be depressed as a result . . . it was a vicious circle.

Oh, well. Nothing for it I guess.

You ready Daisuke?
