It was silent. Sandy, Squidward, Patrick and Kiku stared at the hole and waited. They wondered is Spongebob was alive or not.

There was not movement, no vibrations, no voices.


"...What do you think, Patrick?" Sandy asked. "Did your pal make it out of this one?"

Patrick was silent.

Suddenly, a hand reached out of the hole. Everyone took a deep breath, they werent sure if it was SPongebobs hand or the Flying Ducthmans.

The hand pulled up someone. Everyone was shocked to see the Flying Dutchman! But he was weak and bleeding. He pulled himself out of the hole and layed on the ground.

Then, Spongebob finally appeared from the hole. Weak but still standing. He raised the Dutchmans sword in the air.

"You lose."

He stuck the swrod through The Dutchmans body, and he dissapeared in a cloud of smoke.

Spongebob collapsed. Sandy stayed by him.

Suddenly, dark clouds surrounded the ship. A tornado blew in. Everyone dissapeared.

"Aye, me daughter. It is so wonderfull to see ye again." The dutchman said. Kiku nodded.

"No more fighting...No more..."

Sandy, Patrick, Spongebob and Squidward layed on the ground in a circle. Spongebob was the first to wake up.

"Oi...My aching..."

Suddenly, he noticed his hands were yellow... He was bald, (Sadly) and he was surrounded by water...

His eyes widened.

"YEEEAAAH! WE ARE HOME! YEEEeesss ow ow ow still sore..." He said.

"Sandy, wake up! We are creatures of the deep again! Well, sorta."

Sandy woke up, she relized she was a squirrel again.

"Well butter my rump and call me toast!"


"Lets get Patrick and Squidward back to their houses."

"Yeah, okay." Spongebob agreed.


Spongebob quickly ran into his house, Gary was feeding on old table scraps cuz he wasnt fed for awhile. He hugged and fed him, then ate everything in his fridge, cuz he missed his old food.

But suddenly and finally, he remembered.

He dropped everything and ran to the calendar, the Krusty Krab was soppose to be knocked down today.

He grabbed a book with pictures of plants and ran to the Krusty Krab with Sandy.


Mr. Krabs watched the Krusty Krab, as the bull-dozer went nearer and nearer to it. He thought it was all over...Untill a yellow sponge ran into the scene.

"Stop that bull-dozer!" Spongebob exclaimed. Squidwards smile turned into a frown as Spongebob was interupting the best day of his life, well, if Spongebob moved THAT would be the best day of his life.

"That plant was not poisonous! The unaware teenager was allergic!"

"Prove it!" Said the man inside the bull-dozer. Spongebob held open the book of plants. There was a picture of the green plant with white bumps. It read:

A safe plant.


"Well Ill be...!" The man said. "Lets go, boys! To my house for bricks and tea!"

The other men in bull-dozers cheered.

"You did it, Spongebob! Ye saved the Krusty Krab!" Mr. Krabs said.

"Congratulations, Spongebob!" Said Sandy. She hugged him.

"Thanks!...But what really matters is that I am home with friends." Spongebob said. Sandy nodded in agreement.

"Aye, Spongebob. Now get back to work!" Mr. Krabs exclaimed. Spongebob nodded.

But as he approached the door, he sawsomething very strange in the distance.

A black long haired, brown eyes girl, smiling at him. A shorter girl with short brown hair stood next to her, smiling and waving. It looked as if the taller woman was saying something.

Spongebob read her lips.

It said Thank You.

"Spongebob, why are you just standing around? Get back to cooking those patties!" Mr. Krabs said.

Spongebob ran inside to the grill before Mr. Krabs got any more impatient.

"Your welcome, Kiku."