I could kill him later, I mused as I watch him run. The little pest inside of me however had to go now, he was starting to retake control, he had even warned the freak who we are.

I looked up at the one called Butler and smiled; "It is time."

The one called Butler depressed the clutch and shifted into fifth as the car pulled onto the motorway. I sighed and looked out of the window.

You had to give the humans credit; their world was something of beauty. The realm we came from. The realm we had been exiled to all those years ago was something of a living hell. The torture, the endless pain… that darkness. For every day that went passed on earth. A year passed in the living hell we were in.

Five centuries ago we were exiled for something we didn't do, and now we want revenge. We wanted revenge on those who have done this, the humans, vampires, vampaneze and all those freaks at the cirque. They did this to us; they have confined us to centuries of hell and now it was time for payback. I smiled as evilly as this body would allow me to… which surprisingly was quite evil.

"Are you sure this will work? They are strong."

"Together we are stronger."

We were at a small stone circle in the centre of Addling wood, where we first encountered these humans. It was time we had to get rid of these souls, send them to life of hell we had to endure.

A tall old oak loomed above us, below us surrounding the stone circle adding age old protection from demons like us, was a stream.

Butler looked worried;

"In these bodies we are fine, their humanity will protect us." I reassured him; and to prove I was telling the truth I stepped over the stream and into the circle. Turning around I faced him. "Not a scratch."

Butler nodded and joined me in the circle.

I faltered and stumbled, I was getting weak, I needed to rest. Maybe the circle did affect me after all.

Butler gathered me in his arms; "Azra?"

"I'm fine, we need to do this now!"

He knew where they were. Somehow he remembered, He remembered the boy Kinsey, how he looked scared, how he ran. Somehow Artemis Fowl the Second was still in control at least a bit.

He looked around, and saw nothing, either it was dark or his eyes were closed. He reached up and touched his face, he stopped and looked, he could see his hands, the pale white hands. His brain sent a message to them telling them to wave. And they did, one finger at a time.

Artemis frowned, how could he see himself but nothing else; Butler? He called into the darkness.


Still frowning he concentrated, how did he get out last time?

There they were, surprised he nearly lost the picture. In his mind eye he could see what the one called Azra was seeing. They were after all sharing the same mind.

Azra turned around and so did Artemis, together they took in their surroundings and Aretmis smiled in disbelief with what he saw;

Where full moon, ancient oak and twisted water meet…

"…And bury it far from where it was found…" the words were out of my mouth before I could even think. I slapped my hand over my mouth as if I had just uttered the most disgusting curse I could come up with.

Krifta looked at me, worried; "What was that?"

"Nothing just something that this human knows." I wasn't convinced it sounded ancient it sounded familiar… in a flash I remembered where I had heard it. Almost a month ago, before Artemis had appeared we were in hiding in this very spot watching some creatures perform some sort of ritual to the full moon. Muttering those words. I quickly searched my body and found what I was looking for. Around my neck was a small vial filled with what looked like dirt. Nestled, buried in the dirt was an acorn.

Artemis frowned, whatever he thought, Azra thought and therefore Azra knew what he was planning to do… in that case he needed to act fast. Azra was weak, he knew it, and he felt it. It was only a matter of time before Artemis could regain control of his body. He just hoped they didn't finish what they were doing before that happened.

I fell to my knees.

"Maybe we should wait?"

"I'm fine!" I snapped, getting up again. I wasn't fine, Krifta knew it, but if we waiting for me to regain control it could be too late. Who knew was this human…if he was a human… could do.

I was standing up straight. My head was pounding, he was fighting within me, he knew I was weak… he wanted out; "Kill the body." I moaned. As I lost control and the real Artemis Fowl regained control.

As soon as he was free he knelt down and tipped the acorn out of the vial, finding some soft ground he buried it deep within the ground and waited. He kept one eye on the acorn the other, his brown; on what he thought was his Bodyguard.

"Butler." He whispered. But knew in an instant that Krifta wasn't as weak as Azra; it would take more than a couple of hours to weaken this demon.

He gasped in surprised as the earthly powers shot up his arm checking for cuts, bruises and recharging him with energy he hadn't felt since his time on Hybras.

It was over as soon as it had started and already Artemis felt recharged. He stood up and looked up at the full moon just as it went behind a cloud, the clearing was plunged into darkness. He took his eyes of the moon and looked at Krifta.

"Butler?" He caution took a step towards him.

The 7ft male seems to be fumbling with something on his belt. He then lifted his hand up and pointed it at the young teen.

Artemis gasped as his manservant pointed his Sig Saucer at him. "Butler, can you hear me? Butler you're stronger than him, regain control."

Krifta smiled, "I can and will kill you. Azra will just find another host. Pity he was starting to like you, you had a certain something about you…fairy."

"I'm not a fairy." Artemis said his voice cool, he walked backwards and found that his feet were wet. Looking down, he found he had stepped into the stream.

"Well, whatever you are, you will soon be dead."

Artemis was starting to worry. Usually at times like this Butler would step in and save him. "Butler." He tried to reach his friend again. "Domovoi!" He had never used his real name and even just saying it gave him the chills. "Domovoi!"

Krifta stopped, something flickered in his eyes. For a moment Artemis thought it at worked. The Krifta laughed, "So that's his name? Domovoi how fitting."

Artemis didn't wait around any longer. He turned and ran.

A/N: I'm sorry if your confused, imagine my confusion and I'm writing this lol. Well erm yeah imagine my surprise when I read the last chapter I was like, damn what am I going to write about. Then I had a small idea. I wrote the first paragraph, figured my idea was rubbish and left it… then we got a review, I nice review I may add, and I remembered all about this… and figured out what to right there on the spot. Quite cool… any ways I've rambled enough. Chapter 7 is up next with Elisha writing.