Written for the old sasuxnaru100 challenge; I'm always slow on doing anything, so always miss deadlines, be it term papers, artworks, contests, or challenges, but I kinda wanted to post this anyways. SasuNaru fluff. Just pure fluff. As usual, written during history class. I don't think I've taken notes in history class for a while now...

"All right kids! Come inside! Nap time!" the teacher standing outside Konoha Preschool called out to the twenty or so toddlers playing on the school's play-yard. She was soon mobbed by a rush of small bodies as everyone ran inside, screaming out their decisions for nap time.

"I want the yellow blanket!"

"I call the spot under the window!"

"I wanna sleep next to Sasuke!"

Two boys hung back, one to avoid the chaos of children, and the screams and grabs at him he knew would ensue, the other again to avoid screams, but this time screams meant to drive him away. Both boys approached the box that held blankets once the mass of bodies cleared. There were two blankets left, and the smaller boy started to grin when he saw that he would get a blanket this time, until he picked up the blanket and saw its state. The blanket was torn down the middle, the rip reaching almost to the other side. He clenched the blanket in his hands and blinked back tears when suddenly, something was shoved into his arms. It was the other blanket. He lifted his gaze to meet the black stare of the other boy.

"Take it. I don't really need it. Besides, if you get sick, the rest of us will too."

"But if I take the blanket, won't you be cold and get sick?"

"Baka, I'm stronger than you. I won't get sick."

"Demo saa, demo saa…."

"If it bothers you that much, we can share."

That made the blond boy's mouth snap shut, and made him look down as he muttered something about fangirls and glares.

The two walked over to the only open space left, as everyone else had settled down already. In true preschool fashion, carefully laid out spots had become a pile of bodies, packed closely together. The two boys left were forced to take a spot on the edge of the circle. Naruto sat down next to Sasuke, but far enough apart that the two wouldn't touch. The blanket barely covered them both, but Naruto was insistent on not moving any closer to Sasuke. In his sleep, Naruto eventually ended up curled up out of the blanket. Sasuke never really slept during nap time anyways, so when Naruto moved, he watched as the blond boy curled up more in an attempt to get warmer. He sighed, picked up the blanket, and moved over to the shivering orange ball. He lay down next to Naruto and wrapped both the blanket and himself around the sleeping boy. Naruto's shivering slowed as he warmed up. One blue eye opened sleepily.


"I told you, dobe, if you get cold, you're gonna get sick, and then we'll all get sick. Just go back to sleep."

A small smile crept across Naruto's face as he closed his eye again and snuggled closer to Sasuke.

"Thanks." A warmth spread throughout Sasuke's heart as he watched the younger boy sleep. Maybe nap time wasn't as bad as he thought.

Now, wasn't that fluffy? I've actually written a different middle to this-same beginning, same ending, but it changes where Sasuke gives Naruto the blanket. If people want to see it, review and tell me, otherwise it'll sit in my notebook, amusing myself and my muses.

Next project will probably be centered around where the manga is drools over chapter 306 smexy smexy Sasuke!