I'm bored with this story so this is the last chapter of the plotless story.

(lights dim)

(some people in audience start doing that really annoying shhh thing)

(curtains open)

(Hermione walks out)

(spotlight hits her)

"I Hermione Granger am now proud to present the end of this Plotless Parody that made no sense at all!"

(Crowd now starts cheering)

(Ron and Harry come out and go next to Hermione one of each side)

(Some 50's up beat music starts)

"Now it's the end!" Sang Harry.

"It's the end!" Hermione and Ron repeat in background. And that keeps repeating for about 10 seconds.

(song changes to "We are the champions")

(Draco and crew i.e. Crabbe and Goyle walk out)

(Draco goes to front of stage and pushes trio out of way)

(Crabbe and Goyle go behind and get out their lighters and start doing the arm in the air thing)

"Finally its ending the plotless story" sang Draco.

(people in audience get up and get there lighters out, or if there too young they use there glow sticks and join Crabbe and Goyle)

"And I would keep on fighting for more lines!"

(Than Dumbledore and Teachers walk out)

(Draco and Crew magically start floating and continue singing or lighter waving)

(Dumbledore and Teachers bow)

(they go off to side of stage but still see-able (I know not word) and take out their lighters and do wave thing)

(students we don't care about come out and bow and join Dumbledore and Teachers)

(Rupert Grint and Daniel Radcliffe walk out and bow and go join others)

(Really Pretty Girl with long name or w/e walks out and bows beautifully)

(Draco and Crew and get down and song stops and Crabbe and Goyle Join the rest of the peoples)

"Last but not least, the girl who made this all happen, the amazing, wonderful, Sarcastic.Bitch!" Said Draco.

(I walk out and Roses are being thrown at me and one tomato but it missed me)

(I walk up to the front)

"Thank you Draco I would like to thank all who read this story and my reviewers especially" I say.

"The reviews motivated me to not make this a one-shot" I'm continuing.

"But now I'm thinking of writing a serious story for the first time!"

(crowd goes wild)

(I start to walk of stage)

(Than I see Rupert Grint in the crowd on stage)


"Oh no not again!" he says

(He runs off outside but I'm very close behind him)

"Sorry about that but yeah the "stories" over now, I think sarcastic.Bitch would appreciate some reviews.. not to sure thought HINTHINT" says Draco.

Well the stories over.

Thinking about writing a serious story, you know one with a plot this time.

Yeah listen Draco on the Reviews :