Authors Notes:

Personally, I would like to thank everyone who has read this story. I put a lot of time and effort to make it as good as I thought it could be, and even though I believe my writing skills are mediocre at best, everyone seemed to really enjoy "After the Battle".

The main theme of the story was "humanity" or limitations. I wanted everyone to realize that they are only humans and that they aren't expected to do it all. People encourage each other and help each other which make them stronger, but, it takes a really strong individual to realize their faults and limitations. I wanted Sora and Riku to realize that even though they have the abilities they do, they are only human, and sometimes abilities can't save you from reality.

I really hope that everyone enjoyed the story and again, thank you for all the support and love.

Please continue to read my fictions; the muses sure as hell appreciate it.

Also, this is to all the obvious KH fans that read my fictions. As you probably already realize the lack of Kingdom Hearts Merchandise in the U.S. and Europe.. I, as a disney store cast member, find this especially sad because I continue to have to tell people that we don't have the merchandise.

It's very hard for people to buy online now, whether their parents won't let them or the outrageous cost for shipping. So, I'm begging you all, please, sign my petition to get KH merchandise into the U.S. and Europe. Please. We need all the support we can get!

Seeing as how is this site crazy about links, please send me an email or IM me at silversweet3 (email just add the at aimdotcom) if you are interested

PLEASE help.
