A/N: Ok. Told you I'd update soon. I'm at my grandma's and she doesn't have a spell checker thingy. Sooo, I'm stuck trying to spell. Please don't kill me for it. And now, the conclusion of The Beginning of Forever.

Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight! I'm NOT Stephenie Meyer! gasp NOOOOOO! Well, there you have it. I dont own Twilight, since I'm not Stephenie Meyer. sob


I groaned. It was the last day of summer vacation.

"What is it?"

"School starts tomorrow. I don't want to go back."

"I don't either, but we have to. I'm sorry."

I sighed dramatically. "You can't help it."

"But I can still say I'm sorry."

"Okay," I said, smiling.

There was a very loud knock on the door. Must be Emmett. He forgets his own strength sometimes. "What is it?" Edward and I called in unison.

"Are you guys ready?" Huh? What are they going to make me do now?

"Give us a minute Emmett."

I heard his feet shuffling as he walked down the hall. I turned to Edward and raised an eyebrow.

"We always have a bonfire the night before school starts back."


"Yes. We have a little blood and we sit around a campfire telling stories."

I could just imagine them sittting in a circle singing Kumbya. I laughed out loud at the mental image of them eating smores and roasting weenies.

"What? Can't vampires have a little party?"

"Yea they can. I was just thinking about all of us eating smores."

"That is pretty funny. We might just try that."

Okay. That makes it even funnier. I cant wait for it now. I got off the bed, much to Edward's disappointment, and looked in the closet for somehting to wear. "Hmm...what should I wear?" It was clearly rhetorical, so I was surprised to hear Edward answer me.

"Jeans and this shirt." He held out an expensive, but simple blue shirt with white flowers going up the seams.

"Thank you. Now go so I can change."

"I'll close my eyes."

"Why do you want to be here so badly?"

"I don't want anything to happen to you."

I rolled my eyes. He wasn't going anywhere and I needed to change. I might as well let him stay. Crazy old vampire boyfriend. This would be about the time I'm glad he can't hear my thoughts.

I changed quickly and waited in the living room with Edward. Time to go guys. Everything's ready.

"Okay, Alice." Again with the freaky unison thing.

We all piled into the cars. Rosalie and Emmett in the M3 and Alice, Jasper, Edward, and I were in the Volvo.

We drove on the one ten for about 3 minutes and came to the trail at the end of the road. We all got out and ran to the meadow.

Edward and I gathered firewood while the others got the pit ready.

"This looks like it's going to be a lot of fun."

"You'll like it, don't worry."

"I wasn't."

With our arms full, we made our way back to where they set up camp. "Great! You guys didn't think as long as I thought. Now we can get started." I may have imagined the hidden meaning behind her words. What, did she think I was going to attack him and start making out?

Jasper and Emmett lit the fire. Edward sat down and pulled me into his lap and ran his fingers through my hair. "So, where are the smores?"

They all laughed.

"Well, you said we would eat some." I saw the disgust on their faces. "It'll be fun."

"Come on guys. Trust me." Alice took her turn at persuading them.

After a few more minutes of...dazzling by the wives, the men cracked and stuffed piping hot smores in their mouths.

"See? Wasn't that fun?" Rosalie, Alice and I were on the ground laughing. That was definitely better than I thought.

Edward brought out a bottle of red liquid. "What is that?" I asked. It looked like-


"What kind is it this time? Anything but deer. Remember that Alice?"

"Yes. It was horrible."

"This is mountain lion."

I heard several yeses and goods.

We all had our share of it. Then the stories started. There were stories of their human lives and random moments that got a few laughs. My favorite had to be the one where Edward fell out of a tree.


Third Person POV

The entire Cullen clan were hunting out in the mountains. Emmett challenged Edward to a tree climbing race.

"I bet you I'll win."

"You wish Emmett."

The race was on. Esme was the referee. It was neck and neck until Edward caught scent of a mountain lion. It hit him with so much force, he fell out of the tree.

He got up and bruhed his pants off, looking around, hoping no one saw his fall.

Of course, he wasn't that lucky. Everyone saw. The laughter was deafening.

Embarrased, and with a bruised ego, Edward ran back to their house.

End Flashback


By the end of the story, Edward had his head burried in my hair. "Aww, poor Edward. I'm sorry."

"Mmpf." I guess he's still embarrased.

We sat around the fire until dawn broke. We packed up and headed back to the house to get ready for our first day back at school.

Ok, I hope you like it. I was typing while trying to listen to the conversation in the other room. heehee. I didn't have a spell checker, so please don't kill me for the mistakes. That was the last chapter of The Beginning of Forever. The sequel will be called 'Secrets Made, Secrets Told'. It starts right where this left off. Thanks to all my faithful reviewers. I love you guys!
