Title: One and only

Author: KyoKat003

Genre: Naruto

Subgenre: Romance/general

Rated: T might go up

Pairing: Sasunaru

Summary: Naruto has a nervous breakdown and doesn't want to live anymore. When Sasuke finds out he shows a whole new sasuke, one that was hiding under a mask for a long time...

Disclaimer: Don't own Naruto. Don't ask.

Author's Note: I don't know what I was thinking when I wrote this...But maybe it's okay.

Note: This story will defiantly contain Yaoi. If you don't like Yaoi, that don't read this fic.

KyoKat003: Hi people!

Sasuke: Are you always that loud?

KyoKat003: Don't get on my bad side boy; I can pair Naruto with someone else!

Sasuke: Don't you dare!

Naruto: Sasuke, You do realize that she's the author right?

Sasuke: I'm still gonna have my way with you sooner or later.

Naruto: Says who!

Sasuke: Me. (Naruto leaps out at sasuke in anger but gets pinned to the ground)

Sasuke: Your mine. And mine only!

KyoKat003: Sorry Naruto but he's right. You are his little uke chan.

Naruto: Ugh... Why me...

KyoKat003: On with the First chapter!


Chapter 1: breakdown



Life deals with pain and hurt

But how far can you go before the depression takes over

Devours the last of your courage

Leaving you broken


Can you get up


The day was almost over; Kakashi sensei was late as usual. Sasuke leaned on the rail of the bridge where they normally meet their sensei. But something was wrong, something was... missing. Then it hit him. "Sakura, where is that dobe?" He said with a sigh. He may have looked like he didn't care but he had trained himself to do so. The truth was, he was worried. Normally the blond would be at the bridge with sakura and sasuke, babbling on about how he was going to kick kakashi's ass when he arrives.

"I don't know. He usually isn't late except for when he stops by the ramen shop. Sasuke, do you think something happened?" She said. Sasuke could see the worry in her eyes which made him more concerned as well. He looked around, not seeing any movement.

"I'm going to go find him."

"But sasuke, what about Kakashi sensei?"

"That's why you're staying here. Tell him that naruto's missing and I went to go find him." With that he left bolting through the forest. 'She is so annoying sometimes...What am I saying...She's that way all the time! 'He used his sharingan eyes to try and find naruto's unique chakara. 'Good thing to or else it would be nearly impossible to find him'.



Naruto was strolling through the near by village. He had his head down and his hands in his pockets. 'I don't want to go back to konoha. Not after what happened last night.' (Don't worry you'll figure out what happened sooner or later.) 'Why did I have to have this demon inside of me? Is this some kind of curse because of something I did in a past life? I can't take it anymore. It's..'. Tears ran down naruto's cheeks. 'It's just too damn hard'! He started running into the forest. He didn't want anyone to see him like that. So many painful memories and hurtful words built up inside of him and he just couldn't hold them any longer. He ran far enough so he was at least a mile away from civilization. He hesitantly reached into his weapon pouch and took out a kunai. Then he held it to his wrist. 'This could end all of my suffering. No more pain, no more guilt of having a murderer in me... I should have done this a long time ago. It's just too hard to live.' He wiped some tears off his face and replaced the knife at his wrist. Then he began to make a slow deep painful cut. He bit his lower lip to stop himself from crying but it failed. Tears flowing down the sides of his face like they would never stop. He looked at his wound and lightly smiled. 'It's almost over; soon I won't have a worry in the world.' But his smile quickly turned into a frown as he saw the cut slowly heal itself.

"No!" He screamed and grabbed the kunai again, slicing his wrist over and over. But after a few minutes every cut stopped bleeding and started to seal itself up. He let out a cry of anger and sadness. The kyubbi inside of him was healing his wounds. 'How am I supposed to die if that thing keeps healing my cuts!' He was so confused, mixed with all of his pent up emotions. Finally letting it all out, he collapsed to the ground slamming his fists to the ground, then lay on his side putting his hands over his eyes and screamed.


Back to Sasuke...

Sasuke scanned his surroundings, jumping from tree to tree. 'It's getting dark. Where is that idiot!'He started to pick up the pace when he herd someone scream. His head turned to the direction the scream came from and used his sharingan again. 'Got you!' He quickly sprinted to the area that naruto's chakara sense was but hid himself behind a bush. He peeked up when he herd someone sobbing and saw Naruto curled up on the ground crying his eyes out. Naruto let out a soft whimper before realizing that someone was watching him.

"Naruto..." Naruto turned around and saw sasuke crouching down beside him. His eyes widened as sasuke took him into a tight embrace. 'What is sasuke doing? Is this some kind of trick?' Naruto pushed away from sasuke and scrambled to stand up. He was just about to run when sasuke grabbed a hold of his bloody wrist and not letting go. The blond let out a whimper and struggled to get free but was pushed to the ground, sasuke straddling his hips.

"Leave me alone sasuke teme!" Naruto screamed.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you crying?" Sasuke said in a concerned. This was the first time sasuke lowered his mask and showed his true emotions to anyone and Naruto noticed. His eyes began to water again. Sasuke gently wiped away the boy's tears and ran his hand through the blond's hair.

Naruto finally knew how sasuke felt about him. He really did care for the blond.


"Hm?" He said as he wiped another tear falling down the boy's cheek. He sat up and picked Naruto up bridal style. He knew that the kyubbi was fixing his wrist so he wasn't worried about him dying. But he was very concerned on why Naruto would want to commit suicide.

Naruto buried his face into sasuke's warm chest. He sniffled and said, "I want to go home."

"Okay, but it will take a while. Just try to rest okay?" Naruto nodded, curled up into sasuke's arms and slowly drifted off to sleep with a smile on his face. 'Sasuke... Thank you...'

End of Chapter 1.

KyoKat003: Sorry that it's so short but I don't want to write something that people won't read. But I'll tell you that the next chapter will be longer. Please R&R. If you have any Ideas that would also be helpful. Thanx!