The Light in My Tunnel

Disclaimer: I never owned Gakuen Alice, never have and never will.
Authors notes: This is my first fic of Gakuen Alicefanfictionso all flames are accepted no matter how offensing. I still need to improve in some parts anyways. RxR and enjoy!
All my life I've been walking through a dark and mysterious tunnel, trapped in because of all my pride and fear.

For all these years I've been searching for the light.

The light to get me out of this tunnel and lead me to the place they all promised.

A place where there darkness does not lurk, a place where misery ends, a place where only happiness and love can exist. I've been dreaming of being in that place all these years.

But sadly, I haven't found that light. I'm still stuck in that tunnel desperately trying to surpass all the obstacles ahead of me.

Or maybe I haven't recognized it yet. After all, I've been in the darkness for all the time I could imagine.

Is it…

No it can't be…

It's definitely not her…

It can't be that annoying idiot Mikan…

And besides, why would it be her?

Why not Ruka? He's always there, but…

At first, that's what I thought, only to realized I started relenting at that thought, whenever I think about that light. I thought that it wouldn't be her, that maybe I got it wrong thinking that it might have been her. But then, as time passed, I started to see something I didn't expect to see.

A smile…

I usually think they give me a smile, the apologetic kind of smile. It was always bothering me, as if I'm some kind of 'cast off' in this world. But then, this was a warm smile, a real and true, genuine smile from her face shining like that light I've been longing for…

Why does she smile at me? She knows how much of a burden I am to her.

That idiot girl…

Smiling at everything and acting as if she doesn't have a care in the world.

But… why should I care?

And that's end of chapter 1. Pls wait, I'm still fixing chapter 2. RxR!