Because Of You…

Author: My Interests

Story: Sailor Moon falls victim to a Youki's spell and looses her memory. She one-day ends up meeting a man who would change her life forever.

Disclaimer: I DON'T OWN SEIYA! I mean, SAILOR MOON!

Usagi let out a yawn. She was leaving school late due to detention, yet again. 'Man, this really sucks!' She thought. She wore her school uniform and her hair was done up in two odangos. She tripped over her own shoe and started to fall, but she quickly recovered. "BAKA!" She scolded herself. Mamoru had left for America yesterday. It tore at her, but, he had given her a promise ring. She looked at the ring and smiled. It was the most beautiful ring she had ever received.

"IEEEEEEE!" A girl's voice came from afar.

Usagi turned to the voice. "This calls for Sailor Moon!" She said as she ran towards the scream, her broach in her hand. She wished the others were nearby; she hated to battle alone with out them. She jumped over a fallen tree and saw the youki towering over the defenseless girl. "STAR SEED! STAR SEED!" It sneered.

"Moon Eternal- MAKE-UP!" Usagi yelled.

Sailor Moon rushed over to the scene and stood posed. "HEY YOU! Big blob of yuck… er… what ever you are! You should never attack a girl in the night and it's rude as well! In the name of the moon, I shall punish you!"

The youki let go of the girl who scrambled to run away. "Star Seed?" The youki cooed. It started to head towards Sailor Moon.

"Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss!" She yelled as feathers began to dance around her.

The youki jumped out of the path of the attack and swung at Sailor Moon, sending her to the ground. It grabbed her arms and pinned her to the ground. "Star Seed."

Sailor Moon grimaced at the youki. How can she fight it now? Suddenly, the youki opened its mouth and dust flew into Sailor Moon's face. She tried not to breath it in, but failed. She began to feel light headed.

"Star Seed…" The youko growled as it let go of one of her arms and started to insert it's hand into her chest.

Sailor Moon snapped out of her trance and used her free arm to punch the monster off of her. She then got up and yelled, "Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss!"

The youki turned back into a man and a gold flower with a black diamond went back into his head and he collapsed.

Sailor Moon stumbled away and de-transformed. She grabbed her head and fell to her knees as she screamed. "What's wrong with me?" She yelled. She then looked at her hands in fear. "Who, Who am I?"

A/N: Here it is, another long story of poor Usagi having something happen to her yet again. Hope you all enjoy this one. Oh, and New Life R will be coming out real soon! Ok, you know the drill: R E V I E W PLEASE!