Hey there! I hope everyone enjoyed the last chapter! But I would like to thank…





Chapter 14- Evening News

It had been a few days since Inuyasha and Kagome's late night transformations and confessions and as strange as it sounds, Kagome and Inuyasha still weren't going out. After confessing their love they had decided to take things slow. Mainly Inuyasha wanted to get his demon side in check and to train a little more with his brother so that he would be able to control it. That was now his main and top priority, after of course Kagome.

"Wait, wait, wait." Sango said holding her hands up in disbelief. She and Kagome were sitting at their kitchen table eating breakfast consisting of bacon, eggs, and pancakes. "Today is when our main art project is due? Damn! I totally forgot about it. Good thing its last period. Otherwise I'd be totally screwed."

"Yeah, I'm so ready! All I have to do is get the picture there, have the professor look it over, and then bring it right back home." Kagome said smiling as she glanced over at the now framed canvas that sat propped up against the wall, Inuyasha's painted eyes seeming to look at her.

"Ugh, I wish I was as good as you. That looks so much like Inuyasha its not even funny." Sango said looking over at the painting as well.

"Well I'm going to head off to class, a little early so I can drop this off at the art building. I don't want to carry it around all day. That would be really weird." Kagome said standing up, putting her plate in the sink then draping her bag over her shoulder and then grabbing the picture in her arms and carrying it out of the apartment.

The hallway was, as usual, very congested and filled with cheerleaders and students hurrying on with their daily rituals. Kagome walked through the crowed and stood waiting for the elevator when she felt a familiar presence stand beside her and her lips curled up into a smile as she looked over at the silver haired hottie standing next to her.

"Hey Inuyasha," Kagome said smiling brighter when her eyes met his.

"So, you're finally turning in that brilliant piece of art?" Inuyasha asks looking once again at his painted self. He almost envied the painting, being able to watch over Kagome at all times, even when he himself could not.

"Yes I am, and I'm expecting to get a very good grade." Kagome said smiling and looking down at her painting with pride.

"Well listen, after last period come back here so we can drive to work together okay." Inuyasha said. After he leaned down and kissed Kagome's cheek making her blush like mad.

"Oh, okay." Kagome said smiling brightly and blushing deeper when Inuyasha winked at her and walked back to his dorm.

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Last period finally rolled around and Kagome was excited. She knew she would get a good grade and couldn't wait to rub it in everyone's faces. The teacher passed back everyone's painting, pausing for a second to tell Kagome what a great job she did and then returned to the front of the class to announce everyone's grades.

"I will start from best grade to last," the professor said looking around the room at all the students. "Kagome Higurashi, you got a perfect score. Everyone look over at her beautiful piece of art. The eyes, capture every feeling swimming in this young mans eyes, and the color contrasts make this piece pop."

The rest of the class was spent listening and looking at everyone's art work. Kagome was just so excited that she got the best grade and the most compliments. All the girls in the glass confessed that she captured the Football caption and quarterback perfectly. They all also asked when she was allowed to model him. Kagome of course said plainly that he had volunteered. Smiling to herself she reminisced about what took place after the painting was completed.

"Gosh Kagome, you are so lucky. Everyone just drooled over your painting, literally." Sango said as she and Kagome made their way back to their apartment. "At least I didn't get the worst grade. An eighty is just fine with me."

"Yeah, I feel sorry for Hojo. He got the worst grade, and almost everyone gave him crap about his work. I mean drawing a chair as his main piece may not have been the best idea." Kagome said causing her and Sango to burst out laughing as they walked into the apartment building.

After the elevator ride to the second floor and walking into their apartment, both girls decided to change, to get ready for work. Sango changed into a black dress that went mid thigh with some black slip ones and a silver necklace. She actually decided to style her hair, pinning it up into a messy, but cute, bun. Kagome changed into some black slacks and a sliver tank top with the simple pearl necklace Inuyasha had bought her.

"You look so cute Sango," Kagome said looking at her friend's very cute outfit. "Be ready to get hit on. A lot!" Kagome said laughing.

"You look awesome too. Inuyasha's going to drool over that." Sango said giver her friend a quick hug before heading out the door and on her way to work.

'Guess I should get going myself.' Kagome thought with a sigh as she walked out into the hallway and locked the apartment door. She took the two steps over to Inuyasha and Miroku's apartment and rung the doorbell. She could hear some rustling around and finally Inuyasha opened the door wearing a nice black dress shirt and some jeans, looking very sexy under Kagome's keen eye.

"You ready?" Kagome asked looking Inuyasha up and down again.

"Yes, you look…really good Kagome." Inuyasha said looking into Kagome's deep chocolate brown eyes almost forgetting they were supposed to be heading to work.

"Thank you," Kagome said taking a step back as she let Inuyasha step out into the hallway and close his apartment door.

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After driving to Pinky Pop's and walking in their boss Shippou ordered them to their usual stations and walked off to apparently go fire this girl who spilled wine all over the place.

Kagome had seated about ten tables when Koga, Ginta, Hakaku and Jinenji walked in looking all high and mighty, along with four cheerleaders.

"Well if it isn't Kagome, the bitch who don't know her place." Ginta said, obviously drunk.

"Shut up Ginta," Jinenji said shoving the drunken idiot out of the way, his blue eyes flashing as he looks down and away from Kagome as she smiled at him.

"Okay," Kagome said rolling her eyes when Ginta flipped Jinenji off. "Right this way please." After seating them she walked back to her podium to see Sesshomaru standing there with the green imp Jaken and the lively little girl Rin. Rin was currently playing with the sleeve of Sesshomaru's shirt humming something softly.

"Hello Kagome," Sesshomaru said looking at Kagome, his golden eyes cold.

"Hi Sesshomaru, and hello Rin." Kagome said smiling at the little girl who blushed and waved back at her. "Right this way." She led them to a booth somewhat near the bar. Kagome glanced over at Inuyasha who was glaring at Sesshomaru who seemed to be amused.

Kagome returned to the podium and leaned forward on it since no one was standing there waiting. The rest of the night passed uneventfully until the little basketball boy group left. Ginta made a fool of himself, continually trying to kiss one of the cheerleaders who seemed to be really interested in Koga. Then Jinenji decided to stay and talk.

"How is your evening going Kagome?" Jinenji asked leaning against the podium, giving Kagome full view of all the scares on his arms for the first time.

"It's going good. Jinenji if you don't mind me asking…where did you get all those scars?" Kagome asks looking down at his arms with a curious look.

"They are from when I was younger. My parents weren't around that much…and so I would wonder off a lot, as a curious child. And always seemed to get myself into trouble, and these scars are a result of getting into a fight with some full demons." He said looking down at his arms just in time to see Kagome reaching out and stroking one of the scars lightly, feeling the difference in skin texture between the scars and his normal skin.

"What a tragic little story," a cold and deep voice said from behind Kagome. Kagome turned around to see Sesshomaru standing there a disgusted look on his face as he locked gazes with Jinenji and refused to look away, even when Rin and Kagome started talking. "Come Rin, it is time we returned home."

"Yes lord Sesshomaru," Rin said looking up sweetly at Sesshomaru and then waved bye to Kagome as they left the building.

"Sorry about him, he can be a little intense at times." Kagome said shifting her gaze away from Jinenji and to the bar where Inuyasha was making a drink but she could tell he was watching because he smiled when she looked over at him, also shifting his gaze to look at her.

"Yes, he is the one who kidnapped you." Jinenji said, trying desperately to get her attention so she would quit looking back at Inuyasha.

"Oh yeah, but he was just trying to help out Inuyasha." Kagome said almost defending Sesshomaru; she didn't know why she was though.

"I see, so what are you doing tomorrow?" Jinenji asked. He took note of the fact that Inuyasha turned his head abruptly and growled as soon as the words left his lips.

"Tomorrows Saturday, I think me and Sango are going to have a girls night in our apartment." Kagome said lying. She didn't want to hurt Jinenji's feelings but she wanted to hang out with Inuyasha.

"I see."

"Maybe another time, maybe go to The Wave one of the nights Sango and Miroku are working there." Kagome said smiling when Jinenji nodded slowly. He then walked away and out of the building, feeling….rejected almost.

"Closing time people!" Shippou yelled as the last customer exited the building. "Kagome, you are in charge of cleaning the tables. Inuyasha you can sweep."

Kagome began cleaning tables, picking up some forks that fell on the floor. He body moving to the rhythm of the soft music that the restaurant played. Inuyasha began sweeping a little bit away from Kagome, but his eyes never left her. He watched as she shook her hips and moved her body softly to the music, her movements only changing when she would lean down and pick something up. He couldn't stop himself. His body was acting on is own accord as he crossed the space between himself and Kagome. He slid his arms around her waist resting the broom against the table so he was about to fully enclose Kagome with his body. He leaned his head down to the back of her neck and breathed. Her scent. That beautiful, intoxicating, deadly scent that could make a thousand demons go mad with passion. And she loved only him. Out over all her possible suitors she picked him. She had picked a half-breed. Kagome, the beautiful, smart, talented, intoxicating girl, had chosen him to say 'I love you' to.

Kagome almost forgot how to breathe when she felt Inuyasha's arms slip around her waist and him intake her scent. She loved the way he made her feel, like she was the only one he wanted to be around or be with. She could feel his nose graze the back of her neck, sending a chill through her.

"Inuyasha," she said but was stopped when she felt his lips come in contact with her neck, his fangs grazing over her skin making her feel amazing. She couldn't hold it in; a soft moan escaped her lips as he moved his fangs over her skin once more.

"Yeah," Inuyasha finally answered leaning back still keeping his arms around Kagome's waist.

"We're supposed to be working. And I don't want Shippou to yell at us when he catches us like this. Get back to work." Kagome said playfully with a small smile. When she saw Inuyasha's disappointment she tip toed up and kissed him. She meant it to be a simple kiss, but Inuyasha slip one of his arms from her waist to the small of her back, pressing her closer to him, deepening the kiss. Kagome moaned into Inuyasha's mouth and could feel Inuyasha smile against her.

"Okay you two. Get back to work! I don't pay you to make out!" Shippou yelled as he stepped out of the kitchen causing Inuyasha and Kagome to part away almost instantly. "The nerve of you horny teens!" he continued yelling even though Kagome and Inuyasha had already gotten back to work.

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"Lord Sesshomaru, why don't you ever ask Lady Kagome to come home with us again? I liked it when Lady Kagome stayed with us." Rin said tugging on Sesshomaru's sleeve again as they walked to their hotel where they were staying.

"Rin, my little brother loves her. I am not interested in…breaking his heart." Sesshomaru said an idea popping into his head. "Jaken, take Rin and head back our home. I will be joining you shortly."

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After getting off of work and Inuyasha driving them back home Inuyasha and Kagome now stood outside of Kagome's apartment. Kagome was leaning against her apartment door and Inuyasha had on arm to the right of her leaning on the door frame and the other held Kagome's chin lightly as they kissed softly. Kagome couldn't help it; her arms began to snake around Inuyasha's neck, pulling him closer. Inuyasha's tongue asked for entrance and Kagome granted it. Inuyasha dipped his head lower to capture Kagome's lips deeper with his, savoring the way she tasted. The sweet, delicious taste that was Kagome.

"Inuyasha," Kagome said after they parted for air. "Its late, I'd better be going." She hated to have to leave him, but she was tired, and she and Sango wanted to go to the movies tomorrow and maybe go shopping. She wanted to look good, not tired.

"Okay," Inuyasha said smiling. "Sweet dreams Kagome." Inuyasha said before lightly kissing her again and then moving a little to the side so she could unlock her door and get in.

"Night Inuyasha," Kagome said blowing him a kiss and then walking into her apartment and closing the door with a loving sigh.

Inuyasha stood outside Kagome's door a few moments after she entered, hearing her sigh with contentment and giggle, made him smile to himself as he walking into his apartment.

"Inuyasha, what's going on?" Miroku asked from the couch a pile of popcorn sitting in his lap.

"Nothing, just got off work." Inuyasha said plopping down next to him.

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Kagome had walked into her Apartment to see Sango asleep on the couch with the TV playing the movie Because I Said So. She decided not to wake Sango so she just walked swiftly to her room. She set down her purse on her bed and grabbed her pj's. Wonder Woman underwear boy shorts style and a big blue shirt that hung a little past her underwear. Kagome walked to the bathroom. After taking her shower, brushing her hair, making her some ramen, eating, and then brushing her teeth she finally returned to her room and hopped into bed.

While in sleep she dreamed that she had been taking away from her room in the night to a far away land where she and Inuyasha could be alone together. Unfortunately for her some of it was true. Only it was Sesshomaru who took her away from her room and to a far away place.

Chapter 14 is done! Hope you enjoyed it. I am going to start on chapter 15 soon. PLEASE review! Give me some thoughts and opinions. No flames please. –Samurai Fish