This is my first KH parody, and maybe the first one involving WWE. Okay, read and review, please…

Wrestling Kingdom Hearts

Awake the heart

We see a brown spiky haired kid, with a red and black shirt, with short white sleeves and red shorts named Sora sleeping in front of a TV, with a SmackDown match on. He wakes up, and sees one of the matches.

I've been having these weird thoughts lately! Like if are any of those matches real or not?

He closes his eyes, and moments later, he wakes up, seeing he's not n his home anymore. We see a silver haired kid, with a yellow and blue sleeveless shirt and blue shorts named Riku, holding his hand for Sora. It seems that Riku's not noticing the big wave behind him. When Sora reaches for Riku's hand, a big wave takes him away from Riku. He sees the shore of an island, and sees a red haired girl, with a white sleeveless shirt, and pink skirt named Kairi smiles to him. Suddenly, he sees himself falling, and lands in the entrance to the ring. He then hears a familiar voice.

I wasn't expecting you here, Sora. Sometimes, even the greatest fan can be the most coward fighter.

Sora was now recognizing the voice. But how did the voice know his name?

So much to do, but so little time. Don't fear, the door is still shut. Now step into the ring. Do you have the guts to do it?

It was none other than Eric Bischoff's voice. Sora runs, and enters in the ring. Suddenly, three weapons appear in front of him. The first was a steel chair with the SmackDown sign on it. The second on is a sledgehammer with the RAW Sign. Finally, the third one is a key shaped sword, with a key chain with the WWE sign.

This is the power underneath you. You give it form, and it will give you strength. Choose wisely.

Sora was bit surprised and shocked at the time, but quickly recomposed himself, and choosed the sword.

The power of the warrior. Invincible courage. A sword of terrible destruction. Is this what you choose?

"Yes it is!" said Sora, finally getting the courage to speak.

Then, you must choose the power you give up.

He then looked at the rest of the weapons, and remembered the times he saw some of the wrestlers using sledgehammers on his favourite superstars. He was always angry when that happened. He choosed the sledgehammer.

The power of the mage. Hidden Power. A sledgehammer of wonder and ruin. Is this the power you give up?

"Yes it is!" said Sora, again, but this time more confident.

Suddenly, the weapons disappear, and the ring now changes. The only difference was that the ring was just a big cell, and Sora was in the outside. In the inside were many divas.

You've won the ability to fight or in my language, to wrestle.

The sword appears in his hands, and he gives a few swings with his new weapon, and sees many shadows, which looked like ants with yellow eyes, surrounding him.

Those are the Heartless. Creatures without a heart, seeking on other person's heart. There will be times where you have to wrestle. Keep your light burning strong.

Sora then slashes all of the Heartless, and then did a clothesline with the sword. Suddenly, he falls again, and lands in the backstage. He looks at a door saying SmackDown Locker Room, which was in front of him.

"Is this the door I must open?" asked Sora to Eric's voice.

He tried to open it, but it was locked. Suddenly, a chest appears in front of him. He then opens it, but it was just a paper saying "You're fired". A huge crate appears.

To prove you're worthy of destroying the Heartless, crush the crate.

Sora was a bit confused about that, but he did a few slashes with the sword, and the crate was destroyed. A barrel appeared, but Sora guessed that it was to be destroyed, so he crushed it.

Now try to open the door.

Sora then opened the door easily. He entered in the locker room, and saw three men. One of them was wearing a suit, with a blue tie. It was Tazz. Another was a man with the same suit as Daivari, only with a red tie. It was Michael Cole. The third was a man with a purple shirt, and brown pants. It was Jerry Lawler.

Those aren't the actual lead announcers from RAW and SmackDown. Those are fragments of your heart. To open the door, just answer their questions.

First Tazz made him a question.

"Hey kid, what are you afraid of?" asked Tazz.

"Getting old. I wanna win many matches, so I can prove I'm the strongest of them all!" said Sora.

Then, it was Michael Cole's turn.

"So, what do you want out of life?" asked Michael Cole.

"To see rare sights!" said Sora.

Finally, Jerry asked him his question.

"What's most important to you?" asked Jerry Lawler.

"My friendship!" said Sora.

Okay, let's see. You're afraid of getting old, you wanna see rare sights and friendship is the most important thing to you. Your journey should begin at dawn. As long as the sun is shining, your journey should be a pleasant one.

"Well, as long as I win matches…!" said Sora.

The day you open the door is very near from now on.

Suddenly, Sora was falling again, and landed in a ring with a big ladder

That's what I call an Interference Point. There you can heal yourself.

After that, more Heartless appeared. Sora then slashed them away against the barrier. Finally, he dropkicked the Heartless left, destroying it. He then started falling, and landed in another ring.

The closer you get to the light, the bigger your shadow becomes.

He looks behind him, and sees that his shadow became a huge heartless with a heart shaped hole in his chest.

But don't be afraid. And don't forget-

Sora vs. Darkside Heartless

Sora tries to slash the Darkside, but it has no effect. The Darkside tries to punch him, and Sora dodges. Sora then gives a Springboard Clothesline to the Darkside's hand. Finally, he finishes him of with a final swing of the sword.

Sora wins

Suddenly, a big dark vortex sucks everything in, along with Sora. Sora then hears Eric's final words.

But don't be afraid, you hold the mightiest weapon of all. And don't forget, you're the one that will open the door.

The ring disappears, along with Sora, and Eric Bischoff's voice fades.

The prologue is over. Thanks to Neros Urameshi for helping me with the cast of characters, and hope he keeps on helping me.