Disclaimer: If I owned Naruto, it would be weirder and less coherent.

The title is a play on words. And I don't really like the ending...

Tensai 天災 (天才)

"That's really weird."

The dark-haired boy could only nod in mute agreement as he and his friend stood upon the engawa, watching as a huge flock of birds swarmed across the sky, mocking black clouds and spiraling upward together.

"Why do you think they're doing that?" The blond inquired, and the other boy could only shake his head, eyes fixed on the sky, before replying,

"I don't know..."

"Well, people say that animals know when natural disasters are gonna hit. Do you think they know something?"

"...Maybe a tornado or earthquake. But those are pretty rare here..."

There was a silence as they stared, captivated by the anxious actions of the animals, listening to their squawks and trills. (All together, it sounded very much like screaming, but neither commented on that.)

Finally, the blond spoke. "It doesn't look like they're going anywhere to escape or something like that. They're just circling... Like something scared them."

Suddenly the mood lightened as the darker boy scoffed and turned to walk away.

"Must have seen your face."

The comment took a moment to sink in before a loud, "BASTARD!" sounded in the yard, followed by an amused snort and what might have been the beginning of a scuffle that was quickly diffused.

Instead they ended up sitting side-by-side, leaning against the frame of the house and watching the strange spectacle.

"Do you think it's because he died?"

The paler boy shifted, "You mean the Third?"

The blond nodded, still staring at the sky. His friend leaned back again.

"No. Something's bothering them. Something must have come to upset them."

They were both silent for a long moment.

The pale boy stood suddenly and walked inside without a word, his friend curiously hurrying after him.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing." But he hesitated. He shook his head. "I've gotta go..."

The blond smiled nonchalantly. "Me too. Going to Ichiraku!"

His friend snorted and shook his head at his energy and they both left, soon parting ways. But they both had the feeling something was about to happen.

Something big.