Oz, Redux

By Bite16

Chapter 14

Toby watched from his spot on the door as Chris's chest rose and fell. Chris looked really bad; even though he assured him he was all right, so Chris really wasn't the thing that bothered him. Ryan was still not back. He had never been out this long, Murphy usually only had him out for two hours or so. It was almost time for the lights to come on that meant something was wrong and it was his fault. Their relationship would never have been in jeopardy if he hadn't opened his mouth.

"Toby, stop thinking so much and come back over here." Chris said softly, but loud enough to break Toby's concentration and fretting.

"O'Riely is not back, yet. Something's wrong." Toby said not leaving the door looking back at Chris. Who was getting up.

Chris came behind him and wrapped his arms around him

"Chris, Don..."

"Shhh!, don't worry about O'Riely he can take care of himself."


"I said shhh." Chris said tightening his grip on Toby's waist. "Now come back to bed." Chris said firmly. Toby followed Chris reluctantly back to bed. Chris pulled Toby down onto the bed with him and snuggled him close to hush his worried lovers mind.

"I want you to stay close to me or the pod. I don't want you to get hurt, the guards are passed and I don't want you to get caught in the crossfire. Do you hear me?" Chris said firmly.

"Yeah, I heard you!" Toby said trying to pull away, but Chris wasn't letting him go and he could feel him getting hard. "Let go!" Toby snapped.

"Naw" Chris said taking advantage and flipping Toby on his stomach. What really made him struggle was when Chris managed to get his briefs down over his rear and gently pressed his naked body against his back.

"Get off, Chris!" Toby said angrily as he felt Chris press himself into him. "Chris!" He pleaded as his struggles stopped, when the lights came on. Chris smirked as he let Toby up. Which earned him a glare and a shove. Toby pulled his briefs up and went out for account. Toby opened the door all and almost walked in to one of the "Aryan" guards.

"Bitcher" the guard said grabbing his arm and tried to take him, but strangely enough Schillinger blocked his path. Toby didn't fight as Chris jerked him away from the guard and pushed him into their pod.

"MCMANUS!! MURPHY!!" Keller shouted as he backed Toby into their pod. They watched Schillinger argue with his "paid" guards.

"Stay in the pod." Chris said putting himself in front of his lover as he shut the door and to their surprise, Mineo, moved in front of their pod door. Neither was surprised to see a very pissed McManus and Murphy nearly running through the gate. The guard that had hustled Toby was called down to see McManus. While Murphy jogged up the stairs to their pod. Mineo moved out of the way for Murphy and open the door. Murphy stopped in the doorway and examined Beecher with his eyes to make sure there was no damage. Then signaled to McManus who was still yelling at the guards.

"Beecher, come with me. Keller, chill, He'll stay with me and O'Riely in the infirmary." Murphy said quickly, thinking Keller would through a fit, but was surprised when Keller just nodded and let him take Beecher without a fight. Toby looked at Chris's icy eyes, and then quietly followed Murphy, not wanting to irritate the already pissed officer or his lover. He knew that Murphy was getting shit for his relationship with Ryan and now he had to step in the way of the guards from getting their revenge. When they arrived in the infirmary, they were greeted by a not too happy warden Glynn. Glynn looked at Beecher and then at Murphy.

"Is he okay?" Glynn asked Murphy as if Beecher wasn't there.

"Yeah, Keller made a big stink, before the guards could get to him. Come on, Beecher." Murphy said and pushed Beecher into O'Riely 's room. Then followed him inside the room with Glynn. Beecher went over and sat down by O'Riely 's side. Glynn stood by the door and looked at very worried Beecher.

"Tobias, this isn't your fault. I know you're blaming yourself, but you were drugged and McManus took that to his advantage. Glynn said calmly as Toby rolled his eyes.

"Not this again." Toby groaned. "Don't say you can protect me, cause I know you can't. Like this morning, you can't do a DAMN THING!"

"Beecher!" Murphy barked, Toby ignored him.


"SHUT UP, BEECHER!" O'Riely snapped from his spot on the bed.

"Be quiet and let them talk, you're making my head hurt."

"I'll suspend any guard that comes near you, Keller, or O'Riely. Beecher look at me, the guard that bothered you this morning has already been suspended." Glynn said calmly.

"That will only piss them off more!!" Toby yelled and stood up.

"Beecher! I said shut up, damn it, my head hurts." O'Riely snarled as he grabbed Beecher's arm to keep him from moving. "Sit down!"

Toby sat down next to him.

"You okay?" Beecher asked ignoring the fact that Sister Pete and Dr. Nathan had joined them after hearing the shouting.

"My head hurts, but I'm fine. You need to calm down. Toby, chill, I don't think that the guards are stupid enough to attack one of their own. Alvaraz said the inmates don't care and that most of them already knew about me and Murphy. Fuckers just think I'm lucky, to have a CO in my pocket. They don't understand, he'll kick my ass and turn me into McManus if he catches me doing something I'm not supposed to be doing. He can't be paid off, not like those Aryan bastards, pay off guards. He's too honest to good for that. So calm down, okay." O'Riely said softly so Beecher had to lean in to hear him. Beecher jumped when someone felt touched his shoulder and he looks up into Sister Pete's worried eyes. She softly smiled and sat down next to him, not saying a word. He knew her presence was calming and he was less likely to yell at the warden's stupid ideas with her present. Stupid warden probably had someone call her to come and calm him down.

"Pete, can you get me a book? It looks like I'm going to be here for the day."

"Sure, Tobias, I'll bring some cards and chess board. So you'll both have something to do." She said smiling as she left the room. Toby went back to softly talking to O'Reilly. He watched the warden leave and Murphy sat down on the other side of O'Riely 's bed. He leaned over and kissed O'Riely on his bruised for-head.

"Do you need any pain reliever?" Murphy asked Ryan.

"Dr. Nathan gave me some while you were gone. She stayed with me till she heard you talking to the warden."

"Okay. McManus will bring Keller up in a while to keep Beecher occupied while you sleep. Do you need anything?"

"Some water or juice would be nice. I haven't had food this morning and I'm getting really hungry." Ryan said

"Dr. Nathan said soup and Jell-O, I'll also get you some water." Murphy said before going to the door, then spoke to someone outside before coming back to sit down by his bed. Beecher was smirking at O'Riely, when he was told he'd only be getting soup and Jell-O. How the tables are turned. Not a week ago the only thing O'Riely had let him have with soup and Jell-O.

"Sou..." Beecher started.

"Shut up, Beecher." O'Reilly growled.

"Tease him and that's all you'll be getting as well." Murphy said smiling at Beecher. Beecher frowned and looked away. Not wanting to have to eat that crap, he'd leave O'Riely alone, until Murphy was gone, but he was fair game, when the guard left. They all looked up when the door opened and Keller came in carrying to trays and McManus followed holding another tray, which he gave to Murphy. That Tray had the nasty soup and Jell-O, to Toby's relief, the other two trays contained eggs, toast, sausage, and Apple. Alvaraz came in and poured 3 cups of juice before leaving.

"See Tobe, I told you O'Riely was okay. No need for you to worry so much." Keller said softly as he watched Toby's turn red. Damn bastard, why he'd have to let O'Riely know he was worried.

"You were worried, Beech?" O'Riely asked.

"You didn't come back; you're always back in a few hours. I had a reason to be worried." Toby said glaring at Chris for bringing this up.

"I threw up in my sleep. That's how I ended up here. Murphy stayed too, till McManus called him just in case something went wrong when the lights came up in Emcity."

"Oh" Toby said as he pushed his food around on a tray, not meeting anyone's eyes. When Chris nudged him he started to eat. He didn't want to argue with Chris over this, again. He didn't look up until it finished. Ryan and Chris were chatting softly so as Murphy and McManus. Toby felt Chris's arms wrap around him and leaned closer, when he pulled him close to his side. Murphy and McManus just watched them when Chris kissed him gently on the lips. He wasn't surprised that they didn't stop him, they had learned their lesson. Chris deepened the kiss, and then led his sleepy lover up for air.

"There are two beds, how about we curl up on the other one and get some more sleep." Chris said he stood up and pulled Toby up as well. Toby sat down on the bed on the other side of O'Riely's and kicked off his shoes. He saw Chris kick off his own shoes and join him on his side of bed. Toby lay down and he could feel Chris lay down beside him. He felt his arms wrap around his waist, feeling safe, Toby fell a sleep. Chris smiled when he felt Toby relax. He knew his poor baby was stressed out and needed the rest.

Sister Pete poked her head in just after Keller fell asleep. Not wanting to wake them, she placed the books and cards and chess board with pieces, on the side table. She looked one more time at Tobias before leaving; he looks so peaceful lying in Keller's arms, as long as Keller didn't hurt him. She would'nt bring up that it was wrong in the eyes of the church. She realized that she would only drive him further away from God by pressing him. She would just have to be supportive of his decision. She smiled as she left the boys to sleep. Not noticing Lopreski outside the door as she made her way out of the infirmary. Lopreski move toward the door only to be blocked by Dr. Nathan.

"I'm sorry officer Lopreski, this room is off-limits. You'll get suspended if you go in there." Dr. Nathan said calmly.

"So I can't check on Murphy, to make sure he's okay." Lopreski asked still trying to get into the room.

"McManus will check on him, later. Please leave." Dr. Nathan said as she gestured for him to leave.

"All right, Dr. Nathan. I'll see you later." Lopreski said before leaving. Gloria waited till she was sure he was gone, before locking the door. Then she went to her office and called McManus.

"Tim, I need you to send a trustworthy guard to watch O'Riely 's door. I just had someone try and get to the boys." Dr. Nathan told him.

"I'll send Mineo; he was keeping Beecher and Keller safe this morning." He said.

"Thank you, I'll stay by the door until he gets here." She said with a sigh of relief. She hung up the phone and walked back to the private room, unlocking the door. She looked in on the sleeping men; even Murphy was asleep in his chair beside O'Reily's bed. She smiled and shut the door. It wasn't too long before she saw Officer Mineo walking into the infirmary.

"Dr. Nathan, McManus sent me." Mineo said.

"Thank you, Joe." Dr. Nathan said smiling at the officer. She allowed him to look inside the room before getting him a chair to place outside the door.