Non Ho Saputo Questo…

Translation: I didn't know this… or I have not known this

In an effort to inspire more Kid FlashxRaven fanfiction, I have decided to write a bunch of goob-lee-gosh drabble. Some of this will be romance; others will be friendship. The main point is for you, the reader, to be introduced to something new, be it a food, concept, or other. If I made you stop and go, "Huh, I never knew that," then I did my job. :D Also, a challenge!

Challenge: MMkay, I don't know how these things usually go, but I'd really like all you KFxR fans to strut your stuff! The idea is to write a one-shot (or a short story) involving Wally and Raven and one of the following themes:

1. Riddle
2. Numbers
3. Playing Cards
4. Roses
5. Tea
6. Pastry
7. Chess

(I'm in a Lewis Carroll/Alice's Adventures in Wonderland mood. Sue me!)

If I like your one-shot (and I probably will, since I like just about any KFxR fanfic!) I'll draw a piece of fanart for you – whichever couple you want!

I'll try to write a one-shot at least once every few weeks, or whenever the mood strikes.

Author Note: Kid Flash will be knowledgeable about certain foods because he's pretty much fast enough to run around the world and try different cuisines to fuel his powers. He's not THAT great of a chef, however, only possessing the basic know-how of cooking. Plus he seems like the type to eat anything.

Disclaimer: I don't even officially own my laptop yet. What makes you think I'd own the Teen Titans?

A red-gloved hand turned off the gas stove. Wally West, also known as Kid Flash carefully slid the contents of a heated pan onto a sturdy paper plate as to not drop a precious morsel of food. He'll need every crumb, since food is fuel for his great speedster powers. Kid Flash set his plate on the table and tapped his chin. His head tilted upwards in a daydream, wondering if he had missed something. With a snap of his fingers, he zoomed off to the refrigerator, picked up an ice cold can of ginger ale, and returned all within a second's passing.

Before he could pop the first whatever-he-made into his mouth, the doors leading to the bedrooms opened, and Raven entered, her blue cloak noiselessly flapping behind her. She instinctively went to the cabinets and selected an earl grey blend of tea, grabbed a mug, and set to boiling her water. Wally waved to his new teammate, inviting her to sit with him while he ate.

"Why aren't you inhaling your meal?" she asked, making her way to the table.

"I like to enjoy my food…especially when I make it myself," he replied while giving her his trademark grin. Raven looked at his plate and immediately quirked an eyebrow.

"And what exactly DID you make?" she again asked doing a very good job at hiding the curiosity on her face.

"Quesadillas," he again replied, this time putting one of the tiny empanada-shaped treats in his mouth and chewing happily.

"If I'm not mistaken, aren't those supposed to be made with cheese?"

"Nah," swallowed Wally, "There are different varieties. I learned this recipe when I was running through Mexico and stopped for a refueling break. Wanna try?"

Surprised by his offer, the empath finally sat next to him and nodded. She opened her hand and Kid Flash placed a quesadilla in a napkin in her palm. She sniffed it out of instinct, and put it in her mouth. She tasted garlic, onion, tomato, and something else she couldn't name. It tasted like… corn? It may have been the corn tortilla the stuffing was blanketed in, but she tasted the corn in the filling as well.

"May I have another?" she quietly asked. Wally nodded with a smile and handed her a second. She gently broke it in half, noticing the filling was black, with no sign of yellow kernels. Her eyebrows knitted in confusion. Where was the corn?

"The black stuff is a corn fungus, or corn smut." He added nonchalantly as if he read her mind. She immediately dropped the quesadilla on the table in disgust.

Wally couldn't help but chuckle. He picked up what she dropped and simply ate it. He turned to measure her reaction: the look of utter disgust on her face was priceless.

"It's a delicacy in Mexico called cuitlacoche. Does corn truffle sound nicer? I'm sorry for grossing you out."


"Close enough. Here, wanna try again?" he offered another quesadilla. Raven hesitantly accepted, and now with this new information, she swallowed her disgust (or was it pride?) and ate it. She smiled, now enjoying its sweet, earthy flavor. Her enjoyment was cut short when she heard the teapot whistling.

Little time passed as the resident mystic walked back to the kitchen to retrieve her tea. Raven returned to her seat and Kid Flash continued to tell her what he knew of cuitlacoche. She was genuinely interested, especially how this smooth talking speedster spoke so passionately about food. 'Well, he does eat a lot of it to keep his powers top notch,' she thought to herself.

"Want me to give you a cooking lesson tomorrow? I'll even treat you for coffee and tea afterwards… in Keystone City!" Raven barely caught the question as she realized she had let her mind wander.

"Uhm, alright. But I must warn you that I'm not the best at cooking. I'm sure everyone has told you about my pancakes," she responded while looking away from him.

"Don't worry, this is easy to make. I'll be Iron Chef Wally with my trusty assistant, Sous-chef Raven! Tomorrow at noon? Great!" It was obvious he wasn't going to take no as an answer. She sighed and nodded in defeat. Wally looked up again, his thinking gears turning.

"We'll have to leave the tower by at least one to make it to Keystone by three."

"I don't mind." Kid Flash's eyes lit up.

"It's a date!" he beamed.

"D.. Date?" Raven stuttered. No one had asked her on a date before! Raven flushed and the lights in the kitchen exploded.

Completely un-phased by the explosion, the boy nodded, grinning from ear to ear. There was a twinge of pink on his cheeks, and the empath finally noticed how… handsome the speedster is.

"Yeah! And uhm, how about casual wear? No costumes."

"And no cuitlacoche."


Raven smirked and finished the last of her tea.

"You better promise, Fleet Feet." Wally smirked at his new nickname.

Raven stood up from her seat and rinsed her mug in the kitchen. When she returned, Kid Flash was nowhere to be found. Only a single quesadilla remained. The mystic swallowed her pride once again and ate it… for Wally.

Not all that great, ne? ; But yeah, I don't have a beta, and I usually write when I don't feel like drawing. I have a migraine right now, though so apologies for it sounding forced or rushed. There'll be better one shots to come!

A bit more information about cuitlacoche:

Cuitlacoche, or huitlacoche, is a black fungus that infects corn and kernels. (It makes them all swollen and huge) American farmers consider it a disease and usually do their best to destroy it, but in Mexico, it's considered a delicacy and actually sells higher than corn. I have tried the stuff (and made the quesadillas in my World Cuisine class) and they have an earthy flavor with a light corn sweetness. Thesneeze . com wrote a very funny article about it, and it's a good read, although it may prevent you from wanting to try it.

Here's the recipe

1 can cuitlacoche, chopped up
3 cloves garlic, minced
½ white onion, diced
2 medium tomatoes, diced
Extra virgin olive oil (eyeball it)
salt and pepper to taste
Corn tortilla mix (or premade, if you have some)

In a sauté pan, cook the onion and garlic in oil until the onion is transparent (or translucent). Add the tomatoes and sauté until thoroughly cooked. Add cuitlacoche and continue cooking until liquid evaporates. Season with salt and pepper.

Make corn masa according to the bag the masa comes in. With a tortilla press, make small tortillas, about 2 ½ inches in diameter. Grill on a pan on both sides, about 30 seconds each side. Spoon cuitlacoche mix in the tortilla, fold, and seal, and grill until the tortilla is cooked. Place on a plate lined with paper towels. Eat!