
Moshi Moshi Mai

Chapter Two: Here's Your Man

Maria watched the carriage carrying her brother as it disappeared beyond the horizon, fading from her point of view. She sighed, half worried and half excited, wringing her hands.

"Good luck, Fayt."

There was snow everywhere. Everywhere he looked, there it was: snow. Fayt was fascinated by the simple white substance because back home temperatures were so constant that the weather never dropped below freezing. He shivered a bit in the gigantic dress he had been shoved into and amused himself by poking his fake breasts, which were a little too flexible. He grinned, feeling silly.

The sound of the horses dragging the carriage was comforting, and the blue-haired boy listened to it halfheartedly before becoming bored again. The scenery seemed to stay the same. Showers of snow sprinkled lightly onto the white ground, and the rugged mountains loomed on both sides of the pathway like sentinels.

He leaned his head out of the open window and shouted to the driver. "Are we there yet?"

The burly forty-something year old man glanced back at the "princess" and inwardly sighed beneath the layers of clothing and scarves surrounding him. This had to be the ninth time she had asked that question.

"Not yet, Lady Maria. If we were there, I think you would know," he stated calmly, but Fayt didn't miss the bite in his voice. Grumbling, the bluenette leaned back inside the warm carriage and crossed his arms.

Minutes passed by like hours, but eventually the snowy pathway turned into a stone bridge and the driver announced their arrival into the city known as Airyglyph. The atmosphere was definitely not the same as back home. Everywhere, peasants lined the streets and corners. The amount of technology was dearth in comparison to back home. Still, there were some children running around and chasing each other, and warm fires could be seen inside private homes.

So this was where he was going to stay for the next month, huh? It seemed very homey.

The carriage pulled to an abrupt halt, and Fayt curiously poked his head out again. They had arrived at the front entrance of the city's castle. Guards lined the walls, their faces serious, eyes hidden behind lowered helmets, swords in their scabbards and massive, dark spears in their hands.

The door opened and the nineteen year old timidly stepped out, clenching his teeth. It was freezing. Inside the moving carriage, the boy hadn't really taken notice of the temperature because he was warm and toasty, but now that the warmth had left him, he was shivering underneath his frilly dress.

He grabbed the arm of his escort, his fingers chilly. The escort jumped at the sudden contact, feeling his body warmth evaporate as Fayt absorbed it. As the carriage drove away somewhere, the two entered through the main castle doors, ignoring the two guards stationed there as they bowed their heads.

The inside of the castle was slightly warmer. Fireplaces decorated the roomy place here and there, maids and butlers bustled about without sending them a second glance, and tapestries hung from the stone walls.

The escort led Fayt up the long stairway, and after ascending for a while, they finally made it to the audience chamber, where Fayt could see a figure sitting upon a throne, a big burly soldier standing upright next to him. At this point, the escort bowed and left the room, leaving Fayt feeling very self-conscious and nervous. What was he supposed to do? He realized Maria hadn't informed him of any procedures, if there were any.

"Crap," the blue-haired boy muttered to himself as the figure on the throne who he supposed was the king continued to sit there, staring at him curiously. The man was wearing a laurel around his head, and his hair was down to his shoulders and a deep brown. He had a pointy mustache and goatee, and he was wearing a long royal cape that hid body armor.

"My lady," King Arzei spoke, his deep voice echoing in the audience chamber. Fayt jumped and decided a curtsy was the best option, so he tried to imitate what he had seen his younger sister do. He managed a very messy one, and he had to stop himself from teetering off sideways.

Great first impression, Fayt, he thought to himself sarcastically.

"State your name, please."

"My name is Maria Traydor," Fayt announced, feeling himself fight down a grin.

The king arched a regal brow. "Traydor?" he asked softly, "I was under the presumption that your last name was Leingod."

"I prefer using my mother's maiden name."

Arzei nodded in understanding. "Very well. Welcome to my castle, Miss Traydor. I am aware you have been arranged to marry one of my captains. His father is the former Captain of the Dragon Brigade, and he has told me countless times about this marriage. I myself am quite pleased about this arrangement."

Fayt nodded, not knowing what else to do. Geez, this was kind of awkward. The soldier that stood next to the king was just standing there. It must be a pretty life-altering job.

"I am sure you have heard his name," King Airyglyph XIII continued on, unaware of Fayt's drifting mind, "He's an excellent captain, though he has a reputation for being slightly twisted…"

Fayt's emerald eyes were now drifting about the chamber. It was well decorated with the royal colors of the city, and there were four doors behind the throne, most likely the king's chambers and other important places. He wondered where he would be sleeping. It might be pretty fun to explore this place after he had settled in.

"Well, anyway, do not be bothered by that reputation. I know him quite well, and he isn't all that bad…"

Fayt shifted. This was kind of a long introduction. It almost seemed like the king was stalling. The teenager coughed, drawing Arzei's attention away from listing off the Captain of the Black Brigade's good qualities.

"I don't mean to be rude or anything, Your Highness, but I was wondering if you knew where I would be staying?"

Arzei blinked and then sagely nodded, lifting up an arm and motioning absently with it. "Ah, yes, you will not be staying at the castle, but at the Nox Estate nearby in the town known as Kirlsa. I think you will find that the climate is more suitable there, although a bit arid, Miss Traydor."

"Oh. So, uh…when do I leave?"

"Whenever Sir Albel Nox reports back to me, which will be in but a few minutes. He was sent on a mission to the Mosel Dunes to eliminate some rather bothersome bandits in the area."

As if strangely on cue, the entrance doors to the castle below the audience chamber sprung open with a terrible crash, making Fayt jump in shock. The hustle and bustle of the servants down below had been brought to an abrupt halt, as if whoever had made the entrance had frozen life.

"Arzei!" came a ferocious roar. Fayt's eyes locked onto the middle-aged king who had a tired look in his eyes, as if this was a natural occurrence within his kingdom. The bluenette was surprised that the sovereign didn't look in the least indignant about being called by his first name.

The sound of heavy metal resounded slowly and deliberately up the stone steps of the castle, and the footsteps of the servants were brought back to life. Fayt had a feeling they were scurrying out of the way of whomever was now approaching the audience chamber.

"Get out of my way, maggots!" came the same chilling voice, growing louder in volume. The sound of a sword slashing through the air soon followed that speech, as well as a muffled shriek as whoever was unfortunately attacked managed to escape with his life.

"Umm…who is that?" Fayt whispered to the king, feeling quite uneasy. He didn't want to be caught in the middle of some bloodshed, or even to meet whomever was stomping up the stairs at that moment in time.

King Airyglyph XIII coughed politely behind his hand, blocking out Fayt's question just as the boy was speaking. The young boy raised a brow at that.

The heavy doors that Fayt had previously come through were opened again with a dramatic creak as the person applying force to them pushed forward slowly. Fayt felt terrified. His back was to the person, but he could sense a presence that chilled his bones. There was an eerie and overstretched silence before the clanking of metallic combat boots began their way towards the throne.

Fayt winced as a sword was dragged across the stone floor, making an intolerable screeching noise. As the presence came nearer, Fayt tensed, afraid to move lest the intruder pounce at him like an angry jaguar. The blue-haired boy let out a surprised gasp as a sharp metallic claw grasped his shoulder and shoved him aside as if he was a mere object.

"Hey!" Fayt shouted after getting over his initial shock. The owner of the clawed hand turned around at the outburst and silenced the blue-haired man with a deadly gaze of feral red behind a curtain of shaggy two-toned hair.

"If you know what's best for you, worm, you had better – "

"Albel." The man referred to as Albel closed his mouth and focused his attention on the king in front of him. "I do not appreciate you manhandling nor disrespecting a guest of mine."

Albel sneered and pointed his long sword at Arzei, gnashing his teeth as he ground out, "That mission was a complete waste of my energy and time. You could've saved me the trouble of disposing of that idiotic lot and sent out a force of your weaker men."

Arzei cocked his head to the side, propping his chin into the palm of his hand. "You seemed a bit restless these past few weeks since the news of your marriage to Maria Traydor struck you, so I thought sending you on a small task would ease the tension a bit."

"I wasn't restless!" the dark-haired man roared, sheathing the sharp sword. "Why would a mere woman get me riled up?"

Airyglyph XIII merely shrugged, sighing. "Well, I guess I was wrong…"

"Bah," Albel replied, narrowing his catlike eyes, "I will retire to my quarters, then. Tell me when the woman arrives." The Captain of the Black Brigade whirled around on his heels, the black cloak covering his armor floating gently around his body. He noted the woman standing before the king next to him and frowned slightly. Her hair was a strange color. "And who is this? I was not aware of a guest. Is she from Aquaria?"

"No, she's from Greeton…"

Albel looked stunned. "Don't tell me this pathetic-looking fool is Maria Traydor?"

Pathetic-looking fool? Fayt frowned and crossed his arms, feeling highly offended. I don't think I look bad…

"Albel," Arzei spoke in a strangely calm voice. The menacing gaze of the armor-clad captain switched to his sovereign. "You are correct. This young lady will be your future wife, and I'm ashamed of this first meeting. You have left a bad impression on her already."

"Bah," Albel muttered, "I tire of your formalities." The red-eyed captain switched his gaze to Fayt, who blinked back at him, feeling uncomfortable with the probing glance. "I shall retire to my room and return to Kirlsa tomorrow morning before dawn. Do as you please, wench."

"Hey!" Fayt shouted, feeling ridiculous for shouting that word twice in a short amount of time. But…no one indirectly called his sister a wench!

Albel raised a brow and looked down at the slightly shorter man with condescendence. "Is that the only thing you are capable of saying, fool?"

The bluenette bristled at the rude tone in which the shaggy-haired man spoke to him, turning red slightly. The nerve of this jerk! Then Fayt smirked.

"No, I just think that's all you'll be capable of getting from me."

For a moment, there was complete silence; then, the sound of the king shifting uncomfortably in his seat. And then suddenly, a something that sounded like an amused bark erupted from Albel the Wicked's mouth. He sneered at Fayt who glared right back.

"Like you could have anything to offer that I would want." Despite the harsh remark, a pleased smile stretched at the corners of the captain's lips as he broke the stare-down and walked out of the room, his two long tails swaying behind him.

A/N – Yay, thanks for the reviews! I'm glad you guys like it! I'd also like to take this moment to apologize for the ridiculously long wait. I'm in my junior year of high school – the most stressful year by far – so writing in my free time has become almost scarce. Thank you for those who have patiently waited, and thank to those who asked me to update, also. I got the review alert in my e-mail and when I saw them, I remembered about this story! sweat drop Please continue to review!

Moshi Moshi Mai