Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter.

The Last Conquest

The year was drawing to a close. And Ginny was mad. More than mad. Irate.

Do you know why, reader? Because Professor Lupin was leaving. That's why.

Lupin had been Ginny's absolute favourite teacher. Why the heck is he leaving? We love him! What's wrong with him?

Ginny had been fulminating about all this when she walked headfirst into Harry. "Oh!" She coloured brilliantly.

"Sorry, Ginny."

"N-no. I-it's um, my fault."

Harry smiled that meltingly open smile. Why does he have to do that? "Hey—Harry? You were with Lupin last night. And I know Hermione knows something about him. I can just tell. Why is he…?"



He pulled her behind a pillar. "Listen, you're not to tell anyone this, but it will have spread throughout the school by now—or it will within the hour. Lupin's a werewolf."

Ginny gasped. "But—but he…he isn't a bad…"

"I know. You know, that's why he was away monthly. He was a wolf at those times."

"Wow, I can't believe it."

"Believe it," said Harry grimly, "Because that's also why he's leaving today."

"No one else knows, though."

"Actually, the whole staff did. And Snape let it 'slip' this morning at the Slytherin table."

"That foul…"

"Yeah, I know."

"I really wish he'd just—hey, Harry. I have an idea."

"Oh no, not another crazy…"

"Come on! Please? Are you or aren't you going to help me?"

"I'm not."

"But it'll involve Snape."

"Exactly. He hates me enough."

"He can't hate you more than he does now."

"Well thanks, Ginny!"

"Sorry. But will you?"



"Fine. What did you have in mind?"

Ginny whispered in his ear.


"Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Relax. It's harmless and I haven't been caught once this year."


"I'll keep watch. Hurry up. Don't look like that; it's perfect!"

"You think stealing his wand and replacing it with Fred's trick wand is perfect?"


Harry grabbed the wand and laid the fake wand on the desk.

"Okay, done, let's go!"

"You've got Creevey's camera?"


Snape walked in, not noticing the two figures outside his door. "Perfect timing," Ginny whispered. "Now…"

Snape picked up the wand. He walked down to the Great Hall for the last breakfast.

Ginny and Harry followed.


Fred and George had saved them seats. "Ready?" asked George.

"Yes—now make his cup break!"

Fred pointed his wand at Snape's goblet of wine. "Fracta!"

The cup shattered. Snape swore quietly and pulled out 'his' wand to repair it.

Ginny held her breath in anticipation.

And it happened. The wand squirted a jet of water into Snape's sallow face and proceeded to beat him over the shoulders and arms in full view of the teachers and students.

The Hall erupted with laughter, especially the Gryffindor table.

Trelawney, who had come to the Hall to celebrate the last day tried to assist. She dramatically pulled off her shawl and tried to trap the wand. Unfortunately, she got Snape's head and nearly suffocated him.

No one bothered to lift a finger.

And Ginny went home happy, never telling her mother or father exactly how well the year had gone.

Sylvester…he went home to Mommy, who welcomed him with open arms and several kisses. He never told her anything about the red-haired girl except how nice she was.

Tricky…I believe that he works in the Hogwarts kitchens to this day making éclairs, a few of which he nicks every now and then.

Snape…he never gave Ginny a detention again. Unfortunately, the same privilege was not reserved for her twin brothers.

And that was that.

A/N: Thanks to my readers and reviewers. I hope you enjoyed this little tale.