Sweet 16, Chapter 3

The party was going wonderfully. They were seated in groups at large tables to eat the four-course meal. Emily sat between Kristin and Marty. Horatio, Calleigh, Eric, Ryan and her family sat at the same table. She had introduced Kristin and Marty to Horatio and was now busy talking to them about events in Hanston and telling them all about her new job.

"No way!" Emily cried as Kristin whispered something in her ear.

"Yes!" Kristin said, glaring at Marty.

"What?" Marty asked putting on an innocent look.

"Marty, you are not dating Renee Whitman, are you?" Emily asked, looking shocked.

Marty blushed. Kristin smiled. He was in for it now.

"MARTY PATRICK WILLIAMS! I cannot believe you are dating that spoiled, stuck up, rich, snotty, annoying, lying, cheerleading brat!" Emily shouted at him as she slapped him in the arm.

"But..." He tried to protest.

Emily just glared.

"…she's nice…" He stuttered.

"Oh no, you are so not worthy to be in my presence." Emily said folding her arms and sticking her nose in the air in a perfect imitation of Renee.

Kristin was nearly doubled over with laughter. Horatio looked up.

"What's going on?" He asked as he ate his Lemon Chicken.

"Marty is dating my childhood enemy." Emily said in an offended tone

"I thought you had given up that particular grudge." Mumbled Marty.

"Remind me to never make you mad." Said Ryan.

Everyone laughed and turned back to their individual conversations.

Kristin poked Marty in the ribs. "I told you, I knew you were in for it." She said.

Emily smiled at Marty. "It's okay, I'll forgive you. If you're happy then I guess I'll just have to live with it."

Marty visibly brightened and reached over to give Emily a hug.

Right then the DJ announced that it was time to dance. The Cha-Cha slide began to play.

"Yes!" Marty, Kristen and Emily all exclaimed at once as they moved to the dance floor.

To the left. Take it back now ya'll. One hop this time.

Emily laughed as more people joined them on the dance floor. She saw Calleigh trying her best to tug Horatio out onto the dance floor and decided to help out.

"Come on Horatio." She said as she walked over.

"No. I don't want to dance yet." He replied shaking his head, desperately trying to avoid eye contact. With two women as persistent as Calleigh and Emily, it was impossible for him to ignore them.

Emily looked over at Calleigh and nodded. They both turned to Horatio and pouted, batting their eyelashes at him.

He rolled his eyes. "Fine." He muttered as he allowed himself to be pulled onto the dance floor.

The dancing continued and Emily was having an amazing time.

"Now it's time for the Father Daughter dance." The DJ announced. Her Father smiled and led her out to the dance floor as the song I'll Be began to play.

"Thanks for everything tonight, Dad." She said as they danced.

"It's not everyday my baby girl turns 16." He replied, smiling. Emily beamed.

That moment she new this was the best birthday she had ever had.