Chapter 10: The Dance Party

Before the party...

Natsume was in Ruka's room.

Natsume handed out the ring and said, "You dropped it."

Ruka blushed.

"You got it from Hotaru's chocolate, didn't you?" Natsume asked calmly.

"But she didn't make the chocolate herself, so I don't mind about it, and I won't give up that easily on Mikan." Ruka protested

Natsume smiled and Ruka, and he smiled back.

It was night time now, and the party was going to start.

In the girls changing room……

"HOTARU! Why did you say "it's none of my business" today?" the idiot cried.

Hotaru ignored her and said, "Get changed or else we'll be late."

Their clothes were ultra cute, they are like the clothes at the School Festival, but these are more pretty and cute.

Mikan dressed up and went out.

"You shall put your hair down in the party." Hotaru said as she let Mikan's hair down.

At that time, Natsume and Ruka went out from their dressing room too.

Just as they saw Mikan letting her hair down, they blushed madly.

She is so beautiful with her hair down.

They quickly looked away when they saw Hotaru staring.

"Ok, everyone, the dance party has started, now choose a partner to dance, there will be two pair of lucky couples today, our principal will throw two bunch of flowers in the middle of the party. Then we will know who will be the luckiest couples. Let's start!" The man on the stage said.

"Wow, it seems fun!" The idiot shouted.

Then she suddenly felt someone glaring at her.

She tried to ignore them and asked with a cute smile on her face, "Natsume, you haven't danced with me at the School Festival, do you want to dance?"

"Whatever." Natsume blushed and said.

Actually, the idiot was bad at dancing, she kept stepping on Natsume's foot.

Suddenly, a couple danced past them and pushed Mikan by accident.

Of course, the idiot, who was bad at dancing, fell down on top of Natsume.

And her teeth touched Natsume's lip.

All the girls glared at Mikan.

"Ouch!" Mikan said as she got up.

Then she realized that she was sitting on top of Natsume, so she hurry got up.

"Are you ok?" the idiot asked Natsume.

"I realized that you are not only bad at dancing, you are bad at kissing too." Natsume said, wiping the blood on his lips.

Mikan blushed.

And the crowd whispered at each other, "What? Natsume Hyuuga and the idiot?"

"No, it isn't a kiss, it is only my teeth touched Natsume's lips." Mikan protested.

"So, it is teeth kissing?" Hotaru asked.

"Teeth kissing, what's that?" Mikan shouted.

Natsume just walked away, ignoring them.

The idiot tried ignoring them too.

And she asked Ruka, "Never mind about those idiots, hey Ruka-pyon, do you want to dance again?"

You are the idiot.

"I agree with you." Kokoroyomi said to Hotaru and laughed.

"Um… ok." Ruka said, still blushing.

After they danced, the idiot danced with Tsubasa, Iinchou, and a lot of different people.

Well, I suppose it wasn't really Natsume's fault of doing THAT to me, because that was an accident and he always said bad things about me. I think I should apologize to him later on.

"Well, it's true that he always said bad things about you, but I don't think it was an accident, it was only because your dancing skills were too bad that you fell down." Kokoroyomi smiled and said.

"Stop reading my mind!" Mikan shouted that everyone looked at her.

She blushed and walked away.

When she walked to a place that not much people were there, she felt someone glaring at her, just as she turned around, someone attacked her and pushed her to the Northern Woods.

"Hey, what do you think you are doing?" Mikan shouted at the ones who attacked her.

"We won't forgive anyone who kissed Natsume-kun!" They said angrily.

They were the fan girls of course, no one will do something stupid like that.

And they tied the idiot up.

One of the girls with a teleportation alice said to the idiot, "We will teleport you to a desert, so you can never come back, and we will have Natsume-kun." And she laughed.

"Please don't, I still haven't had my first birthday here yet, and l haven't had enough Howalons. Please don't teleport me to a desert." Mikan cried.

"That's impossible." The girl laughed.

But the fan girls didn't realized that someone was sitting on a tree, ready to use his alice.

Just as the girl used her teleportation alice, Natsume set her hair on fire, and the fire protected Mikan from being teleported.

And the other girls all followed the girl to get some water.

Mikan looked up.

"Thank you, Natsume." She said, smiling.

Natsume blushed.

Mikan climbed up and said, "Hey, Natsume, is something going on between you and Ruka-pyon, you haven't talked to each other on the bus."

"No, we haven't."


"Don't worry about us, pig."

"Hey, what do you mean about pigs?" Just as she turned around, Natsume kissed her.

At first, she didn't realize that they were kissing, but she pushed him away when she woke up.

"What are you doing?" She asked, still shocked.

"This is a real kiss." Natsume said calmly.

And he got off the tree and ran.

Mikan ran after him.

"I love you." he whispered.

They stopped running and looked at each other.

But they didn't realize that someone was looking at them.

Well, that's the end, is it good or bad? I know someone wants a sequel, so I changed the ending. But I still need time to think about what to write in the sequel, I think it will be after my next story, please give me some suggestion about what to write in the sequel, thanks. And reviews please.