Love Doll

A/N: Revised chapter with revised format.

( ̄ー ̄) means: break between two scenes.

Disclaimer: SDK does not belong to the author.


Chapter One – The Present


18 year old Mibu Kyo hated birthdays… especially his own. Today was his 19th birthday and he was not even a wee bit excited. He always gets everything he wanted from his spoiling rich parents ever since he was small. His big brother, Mibu Kyoshiro (he wasn't very excited to have him as a brother… and he's the big one!) got married last year to someone that came from nowhere. Sakuya was there to make his brother happy and he envied that a bit. She was just too perfect to be real.

"Happy birthday, Kyo!" his parents greeted and began showering him with gifts and a pat on the head. "Who's the big boy now?"

"Man… BIG man…" he corrected.

"Oh yeah, Shiruru… please call for Takai to greet the guests… and tell him we'll be down in a second…" Kyo's father, Kishiro said to his mother. "And you… let your old man fix your tie… ah, there you go! Handsome like me! Now, let's go down to greet your guests."

Kyo grumbled. He hated getting pampered like this! "Just go! I'll come down in 30 minutes…"

"Aw! Are you embarrassed? Or do you need to put on loads of make-up? Let your father do that for you!" Kishiro took out his special make-up kit that was hidden in his pockets.


Kishiro was shocked. "What…? Oh, okay then… hm… growing boys tend to be like this… but, your brother was different…"

"Kyoshiro IS different… he's WEIRD."

"Don't say things like that about your brother… he's a nice brother."

"Hmph! Getting married after going out with Sakuya just for a week? That's just weird." Kyo undid his tie and inhaled for air. "There must be something that he's hiding from us…"

"Oh, don't say that, and please wear your tie…" Kishiro took out a small box and gave it to Kyo. "Happy birthday. Just come back home sometimes…"

Kyo opened the gift and his eyes widened. Inside, there was a car key and another key. "Hey… thanks. You read my mind…"

"Nope. I read your Xanga… ahahaha…" Kishiro laughed seeing Kyo wince. "The penthouse is somewhat of your taste. You know what car I bought…"

Kyo couldn't help but smile (a small one). He held out his hand for his father. "Thanks."

His father sighed but did not take it. He held out his arms for a hug. "C'mon, no one's watching…"

Kyo smirked and hugged him anyway. "Thank you, father."


"What the fuck…?"

"Kishiro! How did you make him hug you?"

"Father, where did mom's voice come from?" Kyo scanned around for his mother. She was nowhere in sight.

"Shiruru! He's not supposed to know…" he whispered out to an invisible Shiruru.

"We could see you, you know?" Kyo's television switched on by itself and there, on the screen… was his mom, waving happily. "Hi there, dear… come on down… your friends are here!"

Kyo's anger was boiling now… how could he place a camera in my room without me noticing?


( ̄ー ̄)

"Hello there, birthday boy!" Okuni said in a sultry voice. She handed him a small present. "I know you'll need it one day…"

Kyo opened it and found… a box of condoms…

"Thank you…" he murmured with a strained voice.

"Here you go, I know it's not much but…" Mahiro handed him a box covered with cobweb wrapping.

Kyo opened it and found… a toy spider…

"Yeah, not much…" he murmured.

"It makes funny noises when you kiss it! Go on, kiss it!" Mahiro said gleefully. Kyo sweat dropped.

Kiss it? Are you out of your mind?

"I'll kiss it next time…" Kyo moved over to the guys. "Hey."

Yukimura smiled openly. "I know what you did last summer…" he whispered something that made Kyo back away with a startled face.

"I did not!"

"Heh… I'm drunk…" he said before staggering to the punch bowl.

Benitora gave him a pair of gloves. Bon gave him a box of beers. Akari presented a coupon for 10 free massages (which he declined greatly) from him. Akira gave him a new shinai. Hotaru gave Kyo a basket filled with bug goodies. Shinrei gave him a box of mineral water (one of a kind!) and Sasuke gave him a thumbs up.

( ̄ー ̄)

"Alright, thank you for coming tonight… there won't be a party next year as I will study abroad. I do appreciate gifts… so, thank you…" Kyo ended his speech with a small bow.

Everyone clapped their hands and turned to leave the party. All of them exchanged small stories as they left. They bowed to Kyo before leaving as he waited at the entrance door. Kyo bowed back (just a little). And then… in an instant, everyone finally left.

"Huh… finally."


Kyo turned around to see Kyoshiro, smiling. He was standing next to a large box. He approached his brother and smirked seeing the largest box he ever saw as a gift. He walked around it before greeting Kyoshiro.

"What's this? My present?" he asked, raising his brows. "I don't really need a refrigerator… but thanks anyway… where's Sakuya?"

"Oh, she's at home, she didn't want to come." Kyoshiro brushed his bangs before continuing. "By the way… this is not a fridge. It's something far better."

"Oh, I see… can I open it?"

"No. Don't. Not until you're 23… you can't open this."

"Why?" Kyo asked suspiciously.

"It's something that needs a long time before being complete… I'll tell you this though, it's worth the wait."

"You make me wanna open it more…" Kyo took out Okuni's present. "Want this? I'll give it if you let me open it."

"You can't get me with that. Just wait and be patient for once… I tell you, it's really worth it."

(^w^)ノ 。ノート。 v(*O*)v

A/N: There's the first chapter! I know, it's slow but my shoulders hurt… so I'll stop there. R&R! Next chappy will start it fully.