(A/N: Okay, I feel bad now. I haven't updated this story in nearly a month! I'm sorry! I keep making excuses, like I lost power, I was grounded, etcetera. The truth, not that those things aren't true, is that I've just really been lazy. Honestly. I have issues devoting myself to finishing stories, but I have been working on it. I think I'm going to try to write longer chapters now, not these short little crappy ones that consist mainly of flashbacks and unimportant dialogue. Read on, now!)


Hermione has a nightmare, and Ron makes it go away!

Harry tells Ginny she's beautiful after she sings a song.

They come back to the burrow, Ron and Hermione quickly discovering about their engagement.

Ginny explains about R.A.B. and the locket…

Harry ponders about his future.

The search begins…

Chapter 13


Hermione walked up to her room to get ready for bed. When she opened the door, she discovered a very fat, folded piece of paper lying on her made-up bed. She picked it up, and upon discovering it was from Viktor, preceded to read it.


I'll have you know that I am not happy with our divorce, but I can see now that our marriage will never work. I live in Bulgaria, and you live in England… I just hope that you are happy in whatever husband you choose to live your life with. He is the luckiest man on Earth.


Viktor Krum

Hermione finished reading the letter and flipped to the next sheet, considerable larger than this small sheet. It was the divorce forms, signed with Viktor's ornate signature in all the right places.

She picked up her quill and a piece of parchment and wrote two words on the paper:

Thank you.

She went to Harry and Ron's room and knocked softly on the door. When beckoned to enter, she saw only Harry sitting on the edge of his bed, reading a piece of parchment. He looked up upon her entrance.

"Hey, Hermione. What's that there in your hand?" he asked.

"Just a Thank you note to Viktor."

"I take it he signed the forms?"

"Yes, he did. What are you reading?" Hermione asked, indicating the piece of parchment.

"I sent Professor Lupin a letter a few weeks ago asking if he would come help us, train us, so that we could go on our hunt. I also told him of your kidnapping," he told her.

"But you didn't say anything that could've told anyone what we were doing, did you?"

"I don't think I did… Here, you read his reply." He handed Hermione the parchment and she began to scan it.


I am sorry to here that Ms. Granger was kidnapped, and I do hope you recover her soon without her being in too much of a state.

I would love to come by and teach you all a few things I learned. Just for pranks of course…

I'll hopefully be able to make it tomorrow afternoon, but I can't be quite sure. Tell Mr. and Mrs. Weasley that I may be coming.

R. Lupin

P.S. Sorry about the delay in replying. Tonk's wants to go out on very random dates every other night. More details to come when I arrive.

Hermione let out a small giggle, then a gasp. "Professor Lupin and… TONKS!?"

"I was wondering when you would grasp that, Hermione." Harry smiled.

"Well, that's a definite surprise. So, what kind of things do you expect him to teach us?"

"Ummm… I really haven't thought about it."

"Probably some really defensive spells, information on creatures, a lot of things that wizards our age wouldn't know. Perhaps he'll even offer to come with us!" she said excitedly.

Harry's face turned to stone. "No. He can't come. I don't even want you, Ron, and Ginny to come! Professor Lupin's life will not be a sacrifice on this mission that we have to complete on our own! He's only coming to help, Hermione. He doesn't even know about the Horcruxes."

"But I thought that…"

"Just because he's in the Order doesn't mean anything. After all, Snape was in the Order, wasn't he?"

"I suppose…"

"What I mean, Hermione, is that just because he's in the Order doesn't mean that Dumbledore confided in him what he told me. Sure, he probably knows some, but not nearly as much as we do. After all, Voldemort's followers don't even know about his Horcruxes."

"Yes, I guess you're right. Hey, Harry?"


"It'll be okay. We'll get through this, all of us will."

Harry for a moment looked touched. Then his expression changed to determined. "I know we will."