AN: I'm not dead!!! Just haven't been posting lately. I decided to post a second chapter since Riku and Sora deserve much love This is supposed to happen right before the first chapter.

My Light –Riku Version-
Author: Minty
Rating/Warning: PG. Shounen-ai!
Pairing: RikuxSora
SPOILER: Kingdom Hearts II ending
Destiny Island's nights were always calm. The air was clear and a light breeze was coming through the window.

Riku sighed. Finally everything has come to an end. He was back the way he was, and he was back where he belonged. He turned to look at the person beside him.

Sora was sleeping soundly, his face so peaceful and innocent that no one would think that he was the mighty bearer of the keyblade and the person who saved the worlds… twice.

Riku smiled and ran a finger down the length of Sora's nose. The brown haired boy frowned a little, and his lips formed a small pout. Riku chuckled. Even in his sleep, Sora is adorable. Riku shifted to put an arm around Sora's waist. He finally could face Sora again. He could finally hold him in his arms again. Yes, things are finally back to how they were.

Riku remembered the first night he spent as Ansem, after finally defeating Roxas. He felt hatred towards himself. He had promised Sora not to turn to the darkness again, yet he is now in Ansem's body. He wanted badly to find Sora, he wanted to see that silly grin of his. Yet he didn't want to face Sora as he was. He didn't want to see the disappointment in Sora's eyes.

But then it wasn't disappointment he saw. When Sora slowly opened his eyes, they were brimming with tears. They were tears of happiness and tears of relief. Riku wanted to break down himself. He wanted to pull Sora into his arms and tell him that everything was going to be alright. But he didn't. He was in Ansem's body after all, and the guilt stopped him from showing his emotion and affection for the other boy.

He didn't know what it was that turned him back the way he was. But he was glad. To be able to see the hands that he knew were his, and to feel the mass of silver hair that he hadn't trimmed for years was a blessing. He was glad he was able to see Sora's bright smile directed at him.

Sora really was his light. Just like his name suggests : an endless sky shining with hope and encouragement.

Sora was always there for him, mentally, if not physically. He was always there. When Riku was shut away in the darkness, it was Sora's voice he heard, it was Sora's form he followed that led him to the light.

When he lost aim, he thought of Sora, and it gave him a direction. He'd know what to do. He knew that whatever happened, as long as he had his light shining his way for him, he'd never be lost.

Riku looked down at Sora again, and saw large blue eyes blinking up at him.

"Did I wake you up?"

Sora shook his head slightly and stretched. "Nah, I just kind of woke up."

"Ah" Riku shifted again as Sora settled down onto the bed once more, resting his head on Riku's chest.

"Why are you still up? You should be asleep."

"I was just doing some thinking."

Sora chuckled, "It's always thinking with you."

"Well… One of us have to do the thinking." Riku chuckled as he was poked in the ribs. "Anyways, you should go back to sleep. It's late."

Sora sighed and threw an arm across Riku before closing his eyes. Riku smiled for what must be the millionth time that day and stroke Sora's hair gently. Yes, as long as his light was there to shine the way, he won't get lost. And he would not lose sight of this light ever again.

I promise.

The End

Fluff again with KH2 final mix coming out, I can't help being all gooey again for this couple. And maybe a few others, but mainly this one. Hopefully KHIII won't be cutting them out of the picture as the rumours say. I am going to be seriously upset.