Disclaimer: I own nothing except for my love of BDS and my soft spot for vulnerable men.

I wanted to wait until I finished this before posting but I just couldn't resist. I have a bad habit of never finishing a fic, regardless of fandom, so bear with me.

A rebel stream of sunlight found its way directly into the eyes of Murphy McManus as he lay asleep in his bed. Well, if a tattered mattress set on the floor could be considered a bed. The brightness agitated him despite his efforts of covering his face with his pillow. Finally, Murphy opened his eyes slowly and stretched his long limbs until the tips of his toes went just over the edge of his mattress.

He loved Saturdays. He lay on his back and stared up at the cruddy ceiling of the loft dwelling he shared with his brother. He thought about what he might do for the rest of the day. He would have preferred to sleep longer, but the sun had already proven that he was to be awake at that moment. He and his brother would probably sit around and relax, maybe get into the occasional bicker that would be settled by roughhousing and perhaps stop by the bar for a drink and a laugh before coming back home and crawling back into dreamland for the night.

He took time out of these thoughts to listen for the sounds he was used to hearing on the average Saturday morning. The intermittent ambulance siren could be heard in the far distance along with maybe a few birds that had managed to establish their own residence on the fire escape.

Inside the apartment he found it to be quiet. Unusually so. He had expected to hear the shower running, soft murmurs drifting from the TV, or any other activity his brother might partake in early in the morning. Turning to his left side he could see that his brother lay in his own bed, mere feet away from him, still asleep as he was positioned on his stomach with his head turned away.

"Hey." He said in a harsh whisper, "Connor. Wake up."


"Connor." He said a little louder, quickly becoming annoyed that his twin was asleep while he did not have that luxury.

"Connor!" He yelled this time, throwing a balled-up sock at the back of his head.

Confusion crossed his face when his brother still didn't stir. Keeping his eyes on the prone form of his twin, he rolled out of his bed and into Connor's.

"Connor?" It was a question now, fear gripping him as he slowly raised a hand to place on his brother's shoulder. Feeling the heat of his skin, Murphy placed the palm of his hand on Connor's forehead without hesitation. Only then did he get a response from his brother, a small groan and a brief flicker of his eyelids. Murphy gave his shoulder a shake to fully rouse him.

"Go away." Connor had managed to say after attempting to swallow. He rolled from his stomach and onto his left side in an attempt to get away from his bothersome twin. He opened his eyes for a short moment before suddenly closing them again. His head didn't spin as fast when his eyes were closed.

"No can do." Murphy tried to roll Connor onto his back. Connor, too tired to fight, allowed him to, "Now, what's wrong?"

"I'll be fine. Just let me sleep."

Murphy considered this option. Sleep would probably help his brother immensely, and depriving him of it might be worse. Still, he was wary of just letting a fever go, mild or not. Without waiting for an answer Connor turned back onto his side, coughing a bit before curling into himself and drifting off to sleep.

A word of warning… I am a sucker for vulnerability so I play it for all it's worth. If men in pain (ish) is not your thing, then this story isn't for you. If it is, then this will be bound to pull at your heartstrings. More to come soon, please no flames as this is my first BDS fic. R&R!