Chapter 30

"Kaliee, why am I all of the sudden really scared?"

"I don't know." Kaliee shrugged as she added the final touch to Padme's makeup. "Ask Sola when she comes back, she's been married before."

Padme just laughed. "I can't wait until you settle down."

Kaliee looked at her best friend with an up turned brow. "Yeah, me too."

"Don't look at me that way! It'll happen someday."

"Well, I hope so. But today is not about me its about you and your man."

"Right." Padme looked back at the mirror and smiled. It was finally their day.

Obi-wan sat in the front row of chairs trying to steady his shaking hand. He felt nervous and anxious. He placed his head in his head and took a deep breath. He looked up when he felt a small hand on his knee.

"Daddy, are you okay?" Kayden asked.

Obi-wan smiled at the look in his eye. It was a very similar look to the one Padme would wear when she got worried. He couldn't help but smile at how the boy looked in his suit. "I'm fine. How are you?"

"This thing is itchy. Are you sure you're okay?" Kayden asked as he climbed onto Obi-wan's lap.

"I'm just a little nervous. That's all."


"Because your Mom and I are going to get married today."

"What does that mean? Married."

"It means, that I promise to love your Mommy for the rest of my life. That I'll always take care of her no matter what. That no matter if we disagree, we'll work things out. That I'll always come home to her."

"But, don't you kind of do some of that stuff already?"

"I guess so."

Kayden scratched his head and tugged at the collar on his little suit. "Then I don't understand why you'd be scared."

"You know what? I don't understand either." Obi-wan set Kayden on the ground. "Do you know where you're supposed to stand?" Obi-wan stood up and walked under the lattice.

"Right here!" Kayden said running to his spot.

"Good job. Let's go inside its getting hot out here." Obi-wan put his hand on Kayden's shoulder and steered him indoors.

Kayden looked up at him. "You know, you still look funny in that." Kayden remarked while trying to hide a giggle.

"Oh really?"

Kayden could tell in his tone that something was coming. Obi-wan scooped him up and began tickling him. The little boy tried to wiggle away but just ended up leaning too far backwards and was now being held by his ankles as his head was only a few inches from the ground.

"Dad… no Dad… that tick…les." Kayden managed to get out. He tried again once the onslaught of tickles stopped. "Okay, I give up! I'm sorry."

Obi-wan set him down. "Just remember," he squatted down to Kayden's level. "You're wearing one too." Obi-wan tapped Kayden's nose with his finger, stood up and went inside.

Kayden came running behind him mumbling, "aww man!"

"How's my little sister doing?" Sola asked as she entered the room. She saw Padme turning around in front of a full length mirror. "Everything okay?"

"I think she's going to blow chunks." Kaliee said from her seat on the bed.

"I am not going to 'blow chunks'." Padme rolled her eyes and kept looking in the mirror.

"You better not, after I picked out that dress." Sola teased. "Do you think you're almost ready? Everyone is ready."

"Even Kayden?" Kaliee asked knowing what a task that was.

"Yeah, somehow Obi-wan got him to put on the suit."

"He's wearing a suit?" Padme asked excitedly.

"What else would he wear, May? His is just like Obi-wan's." Kaliee smiled at Padme.

"I'm almost ready. I'm just scared." Padme kept her focus in the mirror.

Sola and Kaliee exchanged glances and Kaliee stepped into the adjoining fresher. Sola walked up to her little sister and put her hands on her shoulders. "What's wrong?"

Padme lost her calmness with the soft tone of Sola's voice. She turned to look at her sister. "I'm scared, Sola. What if I mess up?"

"You won't! I haven't seen you mess up in years. And even when you think you've messed up, you really haven't. Plus you two have been living together for a little while now and you two know each other."

"I'm just so nervous. I know, in my heart that this is right…"

"Then that's all that matters." Sola interrupted. "You two are so much in love. I can see it in his eyes whenever he talks about you. And I can see your blush every time someone mentions Obi-wan's name."

"I do love him." Padme said looking to her sister. "More than you'll ever know. Some mornings I still can't believe I'm waking up next to him. That he's holding me."

"I know. It feels like he's a gift from a higher source."

"Yes," Padme smiled at knowing that feeling.

The stood silent for a while and Kaliee returned. "Do you think you're ready now?"

Padme's smile was larger than either woman had ever seen it. "You bet."

Padme felt like her heart was beating a light year a minute. She watched as Kaliee walked down the silken path. Padme felt her father's arm link with hers. She turned to smile at him and saw the tears that he was trying to hold back.

"I love you Daddy." She whispered trying to keep herself from crying.

"I love you too. And remember if you ever need me to, former Jedi of not, I'll kick his butt."

Padme laughed, "Yes, sir." She heard the music play and knew it was time to go.

She stepped out of the house and onto the silk pathway and looked straight to the lattice work. She met Obi-wan's eyes and had to restrain her tears. She looked to Obi-wan's right and saw Kayden standing in as Obi-wan's best man. She chuckled at the sight of them in matching suits.

As she neared the rose covered lattice her eyes stayed on Obi-wan. Her eyes doing a quick sweep over him. He looked so perfect standing there. She wondered if her smile matched the goofy one he wore on his face.

She came to stand beside him as her Father gave her a quick peck on the cheek and a whisper of love and sat down beside her mother. Obi-wan and Padme turned to the Holy Man as the ceremony began.

Obi-wan took Padme's hands and looked into her eyes as he declared his undying love for her. Telling her of the support to her he wishes to be. And the many years they will spend together. He placed a simple golden band on her finger.

Obi-wan wiped at her tears as she spoke her own vows. She was surprised her voice sounded as steady as it was. She finished and slipped a similar band onto Obi-wan's finger.

The Holy Man said a few words before pronouncing them husband and wife. Obi-wan quickly stole a kiss from his new bride. Applause surrounded them as their foreheads met. Padme felt she could do nothing but stand there and stare into his eyes.

"I love you." Obi-wan whispered to her, unsure if she could actually hear him over the commotion. He knew she saw it when she mouthed the same words back to him. Obi-wan wouldn't have noticed anyone else if there hadn't have been a tug on the bottom of his jacket.

Obi-wan pick Kayden up and Padme placed a kiss on the boy's face. He hugged them both and they all set down the silk aisle to their new lives as one family.

A/N: And that's the end of this story. Thank you to everyone that read and reviewed, that is what keeps me going…and has made me decide to write a sequal!

And to all of you requesting an A/P version of this story, I may write an A/P story in the future but it won't have this storyline, sorry.