Title: Collide
Chapter Seven: Looking for An Adventure
Pairings: Tatsuki/Kotarou
Summary: When Tatsuki is involved in a car accident, a concussion alters his powers to the point where he sees five minutes into the future. How will this new power change his outlook on life and his feelings toward Kotarou?

Dashing down the emptying halls of the school and narrowly avoiding a collision with a group of female students as he round a corner, Kotarou aimed for the door at the end of the hall.

'Come on,' he thought, biting his bottom lip in his anxiousness. 'Almost there.'

Sitting in his usual seat, Yuuto looked out the window at the cloudless sky. He'd seen Kotarou dashing into school moments before and silently wished his blonde buddy good luck on making it to class on time. 'Speaking of Oohiras…' He turned curious amber orbs to the elder Oohira cousin sitting near the front of the class.

After Tatsuki had gotten irritated at his constant questions and lack of answers last night, Yuuto had been left alone to ponder at the park. He hadn't come up with much, but he had a nagging feeling, somewhere in the back of his mind, that the answer was right under their noses.

Standing up, he walked to the front of the class, taking a chair from a nearby desk and setting it in front of the brooding Tatsukis desk.

"Hey, man." Yuuto greeted.

Tatsuki merely nodded his head, seeming distracted. Yuuto resisted the urge to check the others aura.

"…I was thinking," he started, choosing his words carefully. "…about what you said last night."

He watched as Tatsuki tensed almost instantly.

Letting out a heavy sigh he said, "I think it would be a good idea to try and get a hold of -"

The classroom door slid open with a bang, mere seconds before the tardy bell rang, making most of the student in the classroom jump in surprise.

"I made it!" Kotarou exclaimed and promptly fell to his knees, trying to catch his breath.

The girls giggled, some clapping in congratulations and whispering about how cute Kotarou was, as his other classmates just laughed and took their seats.

Kotarou blushed in embarrassment, giving a sheepish smile and rubbing the back of his head causing more giggling to ensue.

"On time for once, Oohira, congratulations." Came the teasing voice form behind. "But is there a reason why you've taken up residence on the floor and not your seat? You're blocking the door."

Kotarou winced, turning in his kneeling position to face his teacher. " Ah…. Sorry, Mr. Langley." Kotarou bowed his head, ears burning red from embarrassment.

Mr. Langley, couldn't help but smile. "It's alright." He said, patting the young blonde on the head.

Yuuto grinned as Kotarou squeaked at the act, "Yo, Kotarou, get up already!"

Managing a glare in the brunettes direction, Kotarou scrambled to his feet, bowing once more to Mr. Langley before moving aside to let a very amused teacher in.

Setting his black, leather briefcase on his desk, Mr. Langley gave Kotarou a charming smile, tilting his head to the side. "Oohira?"

"Yes, Mr. Langley?" Kotarou asked, cheeks still a pinkish hue.

"Do you plan on taking a seat any time soon?" Came Mr. Langleys sweet voice.

Kotarou found himself blushing for what seemed the millionth time in the last hour as he bowed his head, hoping his bangs would cover his flaming cheeks. His classmates gave quiet snickers, some of his closer friends patting him on the back or smiling sympathetically as Kotarou passed them on his way to his desk.

Yuuto, who'd been resisting the urge to laugh, couldn't hold back any longer as uncontrollable laughter overtook him. "Oh, man! That was great!" Beside him Tatsuki glared half-heartedly, his lips curled up slightly, in as close to a smile as he'd get.

Mr. Langley turned his dancing emerald gaze on the laughing brunette. "That goes for you as well, Urushiyama."

Multiple giggles and hushed whispers spread around the room before Mr. Langley told of a ruler and tapped it against the blackboard behind him. "Now, now. We have a lesson to get through, then you can all laugh to your hearts content."

Kotarou was sitting restless by the window, waiting for his sixth period health class to begin when he felt like he was being watched. Turning away from the blue jay he'd been watching on the window sill, he spotted an unmistakable mop of black and red curls disappear around the opened classroom door.

His golden orbs widened in surprise, '…it couldn't be…could it?'

Before he could think more on the subject, the teacher walked in. After a short afternoon greeting, everyone watching in confusion as she started writing on the chalkboard instead of her normal routine of picking up homework.

'What's going on?' Kotarou thought.

Ms. Miana smiled at the class. "As you can see things will be a little different today. That is because we have a new student joining us today."

Mumbles and quiet whispers filled the room, before settling down as Ms. Miana gestured to something - rather someone - standing just outside the classroom.

Kotarou dropped the pencil he'd been twirling, in quiet shock. 'Sakura?'

Luscious black and red curls cascaded down to mid-back. Golden orbs, high cheek bones, and full-red lips that never failed to smile. A long-sleeved white t-shirt with the image of a pink bunny rabbit, hugged her form just above her bare belly button. Low riding black jeans fit snuggly on her hips. She toed at the floor with her black, red laced boots. Her lightly tanned skin looked smooth and had a lovely sheen to it.

"This is Sakura Nee Mori, she's a transfer student from Yokohama." Ms. Miana explained, gesturing to the cheerful girl. "Why don't you tell the class a little about yourself?"

Sakura nodded and stepped up to the front of the class.

"I'm Sakura Nee Mori and I'm looking for an adventure."

Yuuto settled his things in the empty science room of his seventh period class before heading towards the nearest exit. Tatsuki would most likely be at one of the outside eating areas than in the library.

Both he and Tatsuki had sixth period study hall but Yuuto never bothered wasting the time by actually studying, besides it was called homework for a reason.

He spotted the antisocial teen sitting under the shade of a tree. His eyes were closed, lips curling upwards ever so slightly. Tapping into his aura, Yuuto could see light red and pink overpowering a dull yellow and red-orange. '…Interesting.' He thought to himself before taking a deep breath and closing the distance between them, stopping just before the relaxed form.

"Reminiscing…?" He said softly.

Tatsukis eyes snapped open, looking startled before he cleared his throat and glared up at him, "What do you want, now?"

Yuuto could see something was troubling the brooding youth, something other than his sudden change of power. "Ouch, what's your deal. All I'm trying to do is help."

"Yeah, well, I never ask-" Before another word could leave him, Tatsuki doubled over in pain. A burning, like nothing he'd ever felt before, spreading from the pit of his stomach and cooling as it made its way up his body, settling an ice cold grip on his mind.

"Tatsuki?" Yuuto kneeled down to Tatsukis level, grabbing the pained teen by the shoulders, "What's wrong? Tatsuki? Tatsuki!"

But it was no use, grey-blue orbs rolled back into his head as Tatsuki passed out.

Color Guide

Light red - joy, love, etc.
Pink - romance, love, and friendship
Red-orange - desire, thirst for, etc.
Dull yellow - caution, etc.

Authors Note:
Sorry for the wait but I would like to thank everyone whose stuck with the story from the beginning and the new! I get so excited when I read your thoughts on the story!