

Six months later.

It hadn´t been easy. Life and living. The constant fear, the fighting against the Wraith, fighting against the new enemies. Losing friends and loved ones, crying because of the unfairness of the life until there were no more tears left to shed.

But today, gathered on the white sanded beach on the main land, the sun setting into the horizon, the sky turning into a nature´s colorful master piece, the people of Atlantis smiled

Not all were there of course; they still had the city to run. But their closest friends were standing bare feet on the still warm, silky sand.

Two little girls walked slowly along the aisle that was made on the sand. Most of the red rose pedals that had been gathered just for that day, fell softly on the sand until the smaller girl saw something more interesting in the sand and forgot the little basket she was carrying.

It didn´t matter. The girls were lifted in the arms of those who loved them. Cora´s arms wrapped around Rodney´s neck, and the scientist tried to his best to look annoyed. Lily´s dark curls were ruffled by the soft wind and Laura reached to smooth the hair back, glancing up smiling at Carson who held the little girl.

There was so much in love in John´s eyes as he turned his head to look at the woman he was about to marry. Elizabeth´s long, white dress flapped softly at the wind, her hair falling to frame her smiling face as she met his eyes.

He was wearing white too. White shirt and white pants, matching her dress. They were bare feet like the others, and she had a small bouquet of red flowers she and the girls had picked earlier.

There was no priest to wed them, but no one cared. They planned to make official their union in the Earth when they get there. But for now, the closest thing of the priest was Steven Caldwell as the commander of Daedalus.

"It works on the ships. The captain has the right to wed the couples. Haven´t you watched the bloody Love Boat?" It had been Carson´s idea.

No pre-written vows, just the words that came into their minds at that moment. And they promised to love and honor to each other for the rest of their lives.

And no one doubted they would do just that.

The End


Too much fluff in the end? Well, you know what to do...yes, push the button and review! One last time...

Watch out for the sequel. Yes, because of your lovely reviews I thought that someone will actually read it if I decide to write one, so... Be patient though, I will start to write it as soon as I have one day off from work so you don´t have to wait too long for each new chapter (you did like the almost-daily-updates, didn´t you?)

Thank you all so much for reading and reviewing this story!
