AN:Okay so...hehe. First fic for Hands Off!. Yeah.

Disclaimer: I don't own Hands Off! or any other anime/manga for that matter. If I did, You think we'd be having this conversation?


Written around book four but with my own twists. Hope you enjoy! Domo Arigato!

Yuuto and Kotarou were at the food court at Shibuya 109. Yuuto was trying desperately to cheer Kotarou up. Mio had recently dumped him and claimed to have many reasons, but her main reason was because the boys seemed to attract unwanted attention and she didn't want any of it. Yuuto looked at Kotarou and saw his aura. A blue greenish. He was getting better but was still a bit depressed.

"Yuuto? What are you looking at?" The blonde said to Yuuto. He noticed he was still staring at him.

"Nothing, just that guy over there. He looks kinda suspicious, don't ya think?" he said trying to cover up the fact he had been staring at him.

Kotarou turned to look. The boy was a teenager with black clothes. Looked like part of a gang to him.

"Yeah he does but those kinda guys are always around here." Kotarou said, turning back to look at Yuuto. He picked up the soda on the table and took a drink.

"Guess your right." He half spoke half muttered.

The two finished eating and got up when they heard a scream. It was a "help" kinda scream. They looked around. The man Yuuto had previously pointed out had stolen a girl's purse and was heading straight for the pair. Kotarou yelp as he saw this and stepped aside. Yuuto put his foot out right in time and tripped the guy.

Yuuto leaned down and grabbed the purse. "This doesn't belong to you." The girl showed up and claimed it within seconds.

The guy quickly jumped up and ran out the door. Kotarou looked at Yuuto and then out the door. He had a real bad feeling about that guy. The two guys left soon after that.

Yuuto dropped Kotarou off at his house and then went home himself. Kotarou upon entering the house, saw a black shadow fade quickly. He knew it to be Tatsuki who, lately, couldn't even stand to be in the same room with him. Kotarou scoffed at him and went to his room.

About an hour later Kotarou's grandfather came in the room. "Phone Kotarou. It's Yuuto's mother."

He took the phone. "Hello?" He said. "Kotarou? Yes this is Yuuto's mom. Is he there with you? He never came home." "No he isn't. He said he was going home when he dropped me off." "Well, if you see him tell him we're looking for him." She said goodbye and hung up.

"Grandpa, I'm going out." Kotarou yelled through the house. He went out the door and over to his bike. He couldn't get the guy from earlier out of his head. He rode off; planning to trace the route from his house to Yuuto's to see if he could find any clues.

Back at the house, Tatsuki started up his old Honda CBR. Put on his helmet and followed Kotarou. He knew something was up and his cousin was probably gonna need some help.

AN:Soooo? What did ya think? Was it good? Should I write more? I thought that maybe since Kotarou and Tatsuki are always in trouble maybe it should be Yuuto's turn. Hmm...Review Please ! Thanks!