Hi, it's SmilesAreAllINeed

This is my newest piece and it's placed right after Rory's graduation onward.

Most of this chapter is taking from the last episode of season 3. And I know I posted this earlier but I needed to change some of it.

"What are we doing? "

"Leaving our mark. Got a knife?"

"A knife? For what?"

"For carving our initials. Come on. Knife, knife. "

"What, like the switchblade I keep in my sock? No, I left it at home"

Mom rummaged through her purse for something to carve with. "Oh a safety pin, perfect!"

She walked up to the wall. "Oo! The wall."

"Too out in the open, they could trace it back to us."

"Ok what about the floor?"

"It's over 200 years old! Harriet Beecher Stowe walked on this floor!"

"What about the banister?"

"Was donated by Robert Frost.

"The sconce?"

"Was ceremoniously lit for the first time by Thomas Edison."

"Ok the baseboard?"

"That's ok I guess."

Mom walked over to the baseboard and kneeled down. She started carving.


And there it was, our mark was left and was forever going to be there.I smiled at the thought.

"Come on let's go"

I started to walk away.

"Wait wait, don't you notice?"


"It's not so scary anymore."

"Your right it isn't."

We started to walk out to the cars.

We came to Miss Patty's where my party was being held. I walked in and everyone started clapping and I saw everyone I knew there.

The night came and went. I mingled and got my congratulations from everyone. And it was morning in a blink of an eye.

"Wake up, Fruit of my Loins!"

"Please never ever call me that again!"

"Fine Wake up oh daughter of mine!"

"No1 it's only like 7!"

"It's 8! And out plane leaves in an hour and a half!"

"Oh My God!"

"Why didn't you tell me!"

"I just did!"

I hopped out of bed and ran around my room to find my clothes and then I ran to the bathroom to take a shower. Twenty minutes later I emerged with my wet hair wrapped in a towel. And I ran to my room to grab a brush. I brushed my hair and pulled it back into a ponytail.

"I'm Ready!"

"Me too!"

"Come on we're late!"

We grabbed our bags and put them in the jeep and drove to the Hartford Airport. We checked in and boarded our plane. We sat in our seats.

"We are finally making our plans come true"

"We are"

"Carpe Diem"

"What's that mean?"

"Seize the day!"

"Now that I understand!"

We hugged like there was no tomorrow. Our mother daughter team was unbreakable. We would be together forever no matter what.

As we hugged, I saw an oddly familiar blonde walk by on the plane. I couldn't place him but I knew I had seen him before. I tried to follow him with my eyes but I didn't see him again.

Mom pulled out two water bottles and handed me one. She twisted the top off and she held up her bottle. "To our plans and dreams"

"To our hopes and futures"

We clinked bottles and took a sip. This trip was going to be something new. And I think I liked that thought.

Well here's the first chapter. I know it sucked but I promise it will get better! Reviews make the world go round so please review because if you don't the world will stop spinning. And that would be bad really really bad.

Oh, and these are the list of places I thought of for them to visit in Europe.

Paris, France

London, England

Rome, Italy

Düsseldorf, Germany (mentioned in Willy Wonka!)

Athens, Greece

Madrid, Spain

Brussels, Belgium (for the CHOCOLATE of course!)

Any more ideas? Or should I take some of them off? Review and tell me.