Darcy walked out of Degrassi and sat down on the stairs. She ruffled through her backpack for her cell phone. She took it out of her backpack and turned it on. She sighed when she saw she had no messages.

"Need a ride?" asked someone. Darcy turned to see who it was.

"Oh, hi Spin." she said, as she turned back around.

"So, do you need a ride?" Darcy was silent until she saw a motorcycle pull up.

"No. I've got one." Darcy put her cell phone in her bag and put it on her shoulder. She ran to the motorcycle. The guy on it gave her a helmet and she put it on, as she hopped on the motorcycle. Spinner watched as she did so.

"Hey Spinner." Emma said. She and Manny looked over at Darcy and watched as she rode off.

"I thought you were gonna ask Darcy if she needed a ride." Manny said.

"I did. Turns out she already had one." Spinner said.

"It's OK."

"Since Darcy's not ridin', can you give us a ride?" Emma asked, hopefully.

"Sure. Come on."


"Where are we?" Darcy asked.

"I told you I wanted to take you somewhere. So here we are." Nick said.

"It's a park."

"I know." Nick and Darcy walked through the park until they found an empty, shady place by the lake. Darcy lay down on the ground and Nick sat beside her.

"It's beautiful."

"I guess. I've always thought of this place as a place for me to think." The two continued to talk forever, until there was nothing to talk about. Nick lifted Darcy's shirt above her belly button slowly. He then began to play around with her belly button, which tickled her, but she withheld her laughter. He looked over to her. He leaned in until his lips were touching hers. The kiss deepened and Darcy sat up. She pulled away quickly when she felt Nick's hands on her back. "What?"

"As I said to Spinner, we made a vow."

"Right, to abstain from sex until marriage. I guess I'll have to renew that." Nick muttered the last sentence.

"What?" Darcy asked.

"Nothing. Nothing at all." Nick said, turning away.

"No. Don't shut me out. Tell me."

"OK. I lost my virginity when I was sixteen."

"To who?"

"No one important."

"No, tell me."

"Paige. Paige Michalchuk."

"That's it?"

"Yeah. Are you OK with this?"

"Of course. Why should I be jealous? You're mine now, right?"

"Right." Nick was surprised that she was OK with this. Darcy gave Nick a quick kiss and grabbed her backpack.

"What time is it?" Darcy asked.

"Um, about five o'clock." Nick answered.

"Oh my gosh. We've been here for two hours." Darcy stood up and grabbed her bag.

"So what?"

"So what? My mom is going to want to know where I've been. What am I going to say?"

"Hey, I'm the one who has to go home to Alex. Besides, just tell her you were with Emma. Well, Emma's brother."

"That's lying."

"I know. But, how would your mom feel about you hanging out with a college student who just happens to be your boyfriend?"

"She wouldn't let me see you anymore."

"And we wouldn't want that, so…"

"So, I'll say I was with Emma."

"OK. Now come on." Nick and Darcy ran to the motorcycle and got on.


"See ya later." Darcy said, quickly.

"Hey, don't I get a prize?" Nick said. Darcy walked back over to Nick and gave him kiss. "So, am I picking you up tomorrow?"

"Maybe." Darcy said, playfully.


"Yeah, you may be picking me up tomorrow."

"Well, I need to know before school ends."

"Don't worry. You will." Nick watched as Darcy went inside the house and then drove off to his apartment.


"Yo, Alex!" Nick called as he walked into his apartment. "Alex, get out here." Alex walked out her room.

"Hey. You're home. I didn't expect you back for a while." Alex said.

"Yeah, well, Darcy had to go home."

"That's the problem with dating a high schooler secretly. You know what happened to Paige and Matt."

"Haha. Shut up."