AN: Hi! I know I know chuck rotten fruit at me. But I'm back! My sad excuses are written in my profile if you care to hear them, but know that I have slowly but surely been working on this final chapter for the last few weeks. I refused to let myself release a chapter that was rushed for the sake of releasing, so I didn't and I waited it out.

You may or may not like the ending, may think it's over dramatic, may think it's not dramatic enough. But the fact is it's my story and I ended it the way that I would feel satisfied leaving it. A sequel is in the works, but I'm unsure of how long it will take. I'm not going to lie, there isn't too much Rogan in this, I focused more on a full circle theme instead of the boyfriend girlfriend theme in this final chapter, more so friendship than romance.

A big thank you to everyone who stuck through this whole story, it's sad to see my first baby of a story grow up and come to a close, but it won't be the last you hear from me! Forget about me, on with the story

I don't own anything except the plot.
Italics are either flashbacks, lyrics, or thoughts, it's easy to tell which one, often the flashbacks don't rhyme and thoughts are short and not from previous chapters.

Four Months Later…

"We now invite our valedictorian, Lorelai Leigh Gilmore-Hayden the 2nd to make her student address. Lorelai is graduating with the highest marks and grade point average and continuing her educational endeavors in Harvard in pursuit of a degree in journalism," Headmaster Charleston announced with pride in his voice.

The crowd broke into applause and wolf whistles, as Rory, dressed in her black cap and gown adorned with her sash distinguishing her from the sea of black, strode confidently from her seat to the podium. Taking a deep breath, she began her speech.

"Someone once told me that these are the moments of our lives, the moments that will never be forgotten and never be regretted. Who was it that told me that? I don't know, I kind of forgot," she started with a playful gleam in her eyes. The crowd chuckled in response and Rory could already feel herself easing her way into the invocation, being comfortable with the situation.

"But I kind of wish I did know who told me that, because I would like to tell them how right they are and the truth that their words depict," Rory continued.

"Despite the fact that I only attended Chilton for the senior year of high school, I was able to truly experience what that person told me. Through the people of this school, I was able to experience something I wasn't offered in my old school, and probably any other school I would have tried to attend. I was offered a chance of something new, a chance of a change from my monotonous and sheltered life I didn't even realize I was living."

We'd like to say its over
We'd like just to forget
All of the words we've never said
And all the actions we regret

"I came to this school with my best friend Tristan," Rory said locking eyes with the blue eyed blonde in the crowd, smiling warmly at him. "To say were intimidated would be an understatement. Our intentions were to trust only each other and no one else, and just try and get through each day without losing our sanity. However, our intentions quickly changed with the appearance of a group of 6 very special people."

We'd like to send the message
To each and every friend
And thank them all for their support
Wouldn't have made it without them

Rory then dragged her eyes across the row in middle of the seated graduates. Austin, Matt, Tristan, Louis, Madeline, Finn, Colin, Stephanie and Logan; they were all there smiling back at Rory faces lit up with anticipation for the story as well as by the warmth of the June sun.

"They were eccentric, crazy, fun, and exactly what Tristan and I needed in our life. To everyone else they seemed heartless, but Tristan and I quickly learned that there was so much more to these people than met the eye."

We feel the time is coming
And we're trying to pretend
Like we're prepared, we're not prepared
But if it's destined we are in

Now listen very closely
And try not to be scared
Because were in this thing together
And together we won't fail

Rory's eyes first landed on Finn who winked at her and shot her his famous Aussie smile. "There of course was the charmer of the group," Rory started remembering Finn's first words to her and Tristan. "Hello love my name's Finnegan Rothschild, Finn for short and I don't think I've had the pleasure of ever meeting you before."

"To others he may have seemed like he was after only one thing, and I'm not going to lie, at first I saw the same idea. But after getting to know him, I came to find that really he was just a sweet guy who just was looking for the right girl he could treat like a princess. I also found out he's the life of the party, but when push came to shove, he would defend a lady in a heart beat," Rory said with a smile towards Finn who was currently wiping a tear away from under his sunglasses.

"I love you doll!" he exclaimed causing many in the congregation to chuckle and Headmaster Charleston to shake his head and just thank God he was no longer responsible for the crazy Aussie.

"Next in the group was the ice princess. She wasn't nice to anyone, even her own friends," Rory continued. "The first day I was here I asked her for directions to the office and she said to me 'You look like a smart girl I think you can figure it out yourself.' To say I was intimidated would be an understatement," she voiced hearing chuckles through the crowd and seeing Louise give her a playful bitchy look.

"However, I soon came to find that she loved her friends, but she chose to show it more in a way of tough love instead of the conventional affection. With time, I started to see who she really was instead of the person she was because that's what people expected her to be," she continued.

Rory looked at Louise with a warm smile, and to her surprise, Louise burst out in tears. She cried like no one had ever seen her cry before and was immediately taken into the arms of Tristan. Rory blinked back her surprise and her own tears and continued her speech.

"The group wouldn't be complete without the two opposite poles that seemed to be totally attracted to each other. There was the arrogant, holier than thou, nose in the air…"

"They get the point Hayden!" Colin yelled from the crowd prompting laughter.

Rory chuckled, "Sorry, but along with obviously Colin McRae, was his opposite that leveled him in so many aspects. She had the smile that lit up the room and the personality that made you love her for being everything you wish you were, but hate her because you weren't her. She never was judgmental of anyone and was always there for me in the times of need. She came and grew as my rock, and for that I can't be anymore grateful. Together the two are going to go far and I can honestly say that and know I'm right. And Colin, I know you're a softie at heart," Rory said with a wink and a smile remembering the story Stephanie told her about defending her name against Summer.

"Finally the whore gets what she deserves," a voice said breaking the confused silence that filled the hallway as soon as Rory had left.

Everyone's heads whipped around to face the direction of the voice and found their eyes landing on a smug looking Summer. That was simply crossing the line and everyone knew it. The first one to react was Colin, which stuck everyone by surprise.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?" he spat striding over to her. Her leer immediately disappeared to be replaced by a scowl.

"Of course there was the sweetheart of the group," Rory continued with a wink to Madeline. "Who's only true flaw was never seeing anything wrong with anyone she met. She was close minded to hatred and disdain, but open to the spur of the moment and a carefree way of living. Beneath her exterior, I know that she was aware of all the things being said about her… but she simply didn't care, she kept on being herself no matter what anyone else thought about it and for that I will always admire her."

Rory looked at Madeline who was bawling her eyes out along with Louise. "My first day here, she came up to me and my best friend Tristan Dugrey in homeroom and hugged us, as if she had known us for years, and I just want her to know that it meant the world to me, and you're someone I'll never forget because of that simple, yet meaningful gesture."

Lastly, Rory addressed, to her, the most important person of their tight knit clique. "And of course there was the leader of the group," she said locking eyes with Logan. "What is there to say about him?" she asked her eyes twinkling with intensity.

"My first impression of him wasn't necessarily a good one, but from him I learned more than I could ever hope to learn in a lifetime. He's shown me that people in life can change for the better; he has shown me that if you really try at something you'll end up with what you've always dreamed of. This man has taught me how to trust, taught me how to live my life to fullest, taught me to be strong, but most of all taught me to love." Rory said trying to stop the tears falling from her eyes, failing to notice that there were no dry eyes other than hers.

I can't describe to you quite everything
Just know that we are here for anything

Dear friend! Thanks for the best years of my life, I mean that
You have been there for every step of the way and I'm
So happy to have found someone like you
Cause without you I don't know what I would do

But alas, the tears flowed freely, and her voice cracked as she finished her speech. "You know before this school I thought my life was perfect with minimal drama, stress and only trusting one person at a time. But it's like as soon as stepped onto these grounds, and left the sheltered life I once lived I realized that I was really living my life, but instead stepping through it with caution. Before this school, my trust was devoted to only my three best friends, their parents, my parents, and my grandparents. But now, I feel enough courage to place my trust in 6 other people. Although it may be putting myself in risk, it doesn't matter because I'd rather live my life tripping on my feet than spend my life crawling on my knees."

When times are hard, when things go bad
Regardless, I am here

When your whole world is crumbling
I promise to stay near

We bring a balance into each other's lives
We seek a challenge and hope not to collide

I cant describe to you quite everything
Just know that we are here for anything

"World watch out for me and this class, because I'm ready for anything… and I'm sure they are too," Rory exclaimed with a final smile before the audience broke out in a mixture of applause, tears, and hooting.

Dear friend, Thanks for the best years of my life, I mean that
You have been there for every step of the way and I'm
So happy to have found someone like you
Cause without you I don't know what I would do

"That was one hell of a speech Hayden," Colin said taking a big gulp of his scotch.

"Which is man code for 'you made me weep like a little baby'," Stephanie added with a smile from Colin's lap.

Rory simply smiled at the compliment and leaned into Logan as she looked to Finn gazing hungrily at the Grey Goose her parents had bought especially for Rory's graduation party.

"Finn staring at it isn't going to help you any," Logan said with a shake of his head and his usual smirk.

"Sweeting, my dear boyfriend is correct, staring at it won't do you any good. Why are you just staring at it?" Rory asked with a quirked eyebrow.

"I hate to say it kitten, but I cannot drink tonight!" Finn said with evident exasperation.

"What why?" Tristan asked obviously surprised.

"Because I want to actually remember this night mate," Finn replied with a sad boyish smile.

Tristan returned the sad smile and just gave Finn a pat on the back before going to fix himself a drink. Sure he wanted to remember the night, but he didn't want to remember the bittersweet taste in his mouth, so he replaced it with the taste of his alcoholic beverage.

Out of all in the group, Tristan hated goodbyes the most. There was something so utterly pointless in them; he believed they only caused unnecessary sadness to the ones you loved. He had been trying to avoid any talk or mention of the group's separation, at risk of bursting out into not so manly tears, but he knew their time was coming to a close; he hated knowing that with all his being.

Rory watched Tristan down his drink with a glum look in his eyes. She knew that look better than anyone in the world. Tristan's fear of goodbyes was no secret, whenever the two of them had to bid farewells to Austin and Matt, Tristan always seemed to have some lame excuse causing him to leave in a rush. Rory saw right through it though, she knew that Tristan was a big softie behind his tough masculine exterior.

She made her way over to her best friend and grabbed his hand. "Want to go for a walk Tristan?" Rory asked with a smile sent towards him. Tristan looked down at her and smiled, he loved knowing that Rory was there for him no matter what.

"Yeah, that'd be great," he said throwing his arm around her and leading her out of the house, followed 5 minutes later by Austin and Matt who wanted to talk on their own.

"So tell me how we ended up here, happy with our lives, and not drinking ourselves into oblivion the night of the beginning of the end," Louise said with a wistful smirk.

Logan laughed while shaking said. "I don't know but there's no denying we're some lucky bastards to have met Rory and Tristan."

"Can you imagine what this year would've been like if it wasn't for them?" Stephanie asked with an incredulous tone.

"We'd still think there's nothing more to senior year high school than conquests," Louise replied.

"If someone had told you the beginning of the year that you'd have a steady girlfriend that you loved what would you have told them?" Colin asked Logan.

Logan scoffed. "I would've socked them in the jaw and told them not to question my reign as Chilton's Playboy."

Madeline giggled, "Even I would've thought they're dumb," she put out causing laughter with the group.

"Mate, you've got a good one on your hands, screw it up and I'll be spewin' making sure you get what's yours," Finn said with a warning tone.

"I think we've been through enough of that for Logan to know he shouldn't mess this up," Colin affirmed with a smirk reminiscing about the crap Logan had gone through in the year.

"Glad to see you're sympathizing with me still," Logan replied dryly.

"Oh yeah, I felt especially bad for you when you were torn apart limb by limb with Austin's, Tristan's, and Matt's eyes," Stephanie said with a giggle.

Logan glared at her and threw a pillow at Stephanie's face causing her to glare right back.

"Glad to see we've gained maturity," Colin said with a roll of his eyes.

"Sorry Mister Rogers, we're still quite accustomed to the Land of Make Believe," Louise said with a leer sent his way.

"Mister Rogers?" Colin asked not understanding the joke. "That doesn't even make sense Louise."

"Yes, and I'm sure it doesn't have anything to do with your vast array of sweaters, sweater vests, and utterly attractive tap inspired shoes mate," Finn remarked causing the group to laugh at Colin's expense.

"Alright children let's stop," Logan said, getting a handle on everyone just like he had in the beginning of the year in the parking lot.

"Alright children that's enough with the sexual innuendos and inadvertent flirting. Save it for the crazy senior year conquests we're going to have. Louise, what's the dish gossip queen, any new potential?"

"Well I hear Rebecca Summers isn't fat anymore…" Louise started with a nostalgic sneer also remembering the beginning of the year.

"Tell us about those hicks that are going to be joining us this year again?" Logan asked with a similar smirk.

Louise sighed. Every now and then Logan would still give her a hard time for informing them in the opposite direction of the new arrivals. "I hear they're amazing," Louise replied honestly.

"Yeah, they pretty much are kitten," Finn replied looking around at one of the two only houses that they actually felt comfortable in.

"Who are they?" Madeline whispered to Stephanie.

Stephanie sighed and rolled her eyes, "Sweetie how about we stay quiet and not ruin the moment."

Madeline shrugged and looked around the room with the others, a small smile playing on all of their lips.

Rory and Tristan made their way down their street and to the town square. The only sound in Stars Hollow this late was their footsteps and crickets chirping a tune for the two.

"What a year," Tristan remarked leading Rory with an arm around her shoulder to the town gazebo.

"Tell me about it," Rory said slipping her hand into Tristan's back pocket, "But you know what the great thing about it was?"

"What's that Pinky?" Tristan said taking a seat on the gazebo bench and pulling Rory into his lap.

"I managed to gain so much without losing you," Rory said looking Tristan in the eye with her eyes sparkling.

"You could never lose me babe," Tristan replied running a hand down her cheek with affection. "It doesn't matter who you're with or who I'm with, I'll always have such a special place in my heart for you that no one can replace. You'll always be number one in my book."

"And you'll always be number one in mine," Rory said hesitantly after a slight pause.

Immediately Tristan knew what the problem was. "Rory it's ok if I'm not your first priority, you have a boyfriend now. I just want you to know that with me there's no match, and part of my criteria for that next girlfriend is that she'd have to understand that you're always going to be first for me, even if I'm not first for you."

Rory smiled at him and spoke softly. "You are my number one Tristan, it's just now you might have to be sharing that spot with someone. But I want you to know that what ever shit college brings our way, I'm going to be there flushing the toilet with you."

"Wow that was corny," Tristan said with his familiar smirk. Rory smacked him playfully before chuckling along with Tristan. The two sat in silence a few more moments before Rory spoke.

"Tristan, I love you so much," Rory said her eyes closed with her head against her chest.

Tristan inhaled her scent as he ran a hand through her brunette locks. "I love you too Rory. Sometimes it feels like you're the only thing constant in my life."

"Tristan, I saw that look inside," Rory mentioned, noticing the somewhat frightened tone in his voice. "Before I took you out here you were ready to drink this night into oblivion."

Tristan sighed not bothering to deny it. "I hate shit like this Rory. What's the point of saying goodbye to people who are always supposed to be there for you? I don't get it," he said running his hands through his hair as he got up and began pacing.

"Tris, calm down," Rory soothed getting up to face him.

"I mean seriously, these people are our friends right? Goodbye's are only for people like going off to war or like leaving you forever. Not for people going to a different school or going on a business trip or trivial crap like that."

"Babe," Rory said wrapping her arms around his waist and rubbing his back to keep him from pacing back and forth once more. "Goodbye's are to wish the ones you love well. They're to make sure that even though they're not going to be in your life for a little, that you still care for them. They're just protocols in friendship."

"I guess that's a good way of putting it," Tristan replied closing his eyes and resting his chin on Rory's head with his arms enveloping her.

"I knew you'd see my way," Rory whispered with a smirk.

"Whatever loser," Tristan mumbled back with a glare shaded by his eyelids.

Tristan slipped his hand into Rory's back pocket as he put his arms around her and felt a piece of paper; pulling it out after giving her a pinch to replace his unseen glare, he asked, "What's this?"

Rory opened her eyes and looked at the piece of pink stationary Tristan held in his hand. She shrugged and tried to take it from him but Tristan quickly pulled it out of her reach and opened it himself.

In his mom's hand writing written across the top it read, "5 Things to Do to Enjoy Your 17th Year of Life."

"Oh! I totally forgot about that. She gave that to me for my birthday, remember?" Rory asked taking the paper as she sat up in Tristan's lap with him wrapping his arms around her waist.

"Yeah, I'm almost scared to see what she came up with," Tristan joked as he and Rory began reading the list.

1. Try the impossible; I'm sure you'll come to find that it actually is possible and a hell of a lot of fun too.

"Sounds like advice from your mom," Tristan joked. Rory laughed and nodded thinking the exact same thing.

2. Play the game fair, no one likes a two face, unless it's the shade of your lip gloss.

"What game?" Rory asked with an eyebrow up.

"Game of life smart ass," Tristan shot back. Rory just glared in response.

3. Bend the rules, break the barriers, lean with it, and rock with it.

"Typical," Rory said rolling her eyes as Tristan chuckled.

4. At risk of sounding like an American Eagle advertisement, Live Your life.

Rory and Tristan were about to read the final piece of guidance on the list, but their attention was dominated by a voice calling out to them.

"Hey guys! We've been looking all over for you! Let's get back to the house now!" Austin said coming up to the two.

"What do you mean you've been looking all over for us? It's midnight in Stars Hollow how hard could it have been to find us?" Rory asked striding over to the other two of the quartet.

"Shut it Hayden and let's go," Matt said throwing her over his shoulder and running down the street with her.

"Where you been Tris?" Austin asked throwing a friendly arm around his shoulder.

"Talking to Rory," Tristan replied in a 'duh' tone.

"Mhm, what's going on with you two?" Austin asked his eyes brows raised condescendingly.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Tristan replied, annoyed at the accusation.

"I mean are you still hung up on her or something from like Sophomore year?" Austin shot back.

"Man you're crazy, sounds like you're still hung up on her," Tristan replied with a look that advised Austin to say no.

Austin opened his mouth to answer but was interrupted. "Would you guys like some privacy for your romantic walk or are you gonna hurry your fat asses up?!" Matt called from the door of the house.

"Coming, damn put your panties back on!" Austin called back leaving Tristan glaring at his back. Not the answer he was looking for.

"Hey doll, how was your midnight stroll with mate?" Finn asked pulling Rory to sit with him.

"Good, what you guys do while we were gone?" Rory replied stealing some of the chips out of the bag in Finn's lap.

"Talk about the year," Colin answered.

"I can't believe how fast it went," Rory said shaking her head in disbelief.

Just as the other were about to agree, the help hired for the times Lorelai and Chris had to go on trips entered the room bearing a case on a silver platter. "Miss Hayden, I have something here that I was instructed to give you by your and Mr. Dugrey's parents, would you like me to put it on in the theater room?"

Rory looked at Tristan confused but just shrugged and led the group to the home theater room. They all situated themselves on the cushioned floor in front of the theater style seats. Rory sat next to Logan with his arm behind her and her head on his shoulder while Stephanie and Colin sat cuddled up under a blanket. Finn sat next to Stephanie while Madeline sat in between and Louise and Matt and Tristan sat next to Rory leaving Austin between Tristan and Stephanie. Rory noticed Tristan and Austin kept shooting each other glares but she brushed it off as one of their friendly fights.

The maid pressed play and a quote in white, with a black background read, "Truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget."

As that frame faded to black a song began playing in the background; a picture of Tristan, Austin, Matt, and Rory came onto the screen, all of them with their arms around each other in what looked like freshman year.

Another turning point; a fork stuck in the road.
Time grabs you by the wrist; directs you where to go.
So make the best of this test and don't ask why.
It's not a question but a lesson learned in time.

It's something unpredictable but in the end it's right.
I hope you had the time of your life.

"Aw look how young you guys look," Madeline said with a smile as the picture faded away showing another picture of the quartet at the beach, the guys holding up Rory on a surf board as Rory lay on her stomach with her head propped on her hand.

The pictures continued to progress, creating the effect that the four were growing up on screen before all of their eyes.

Then, a picture of Rory and Tristan in their Chilton uniforms appeared. Rory wore a glare on her face as Tristan smirked down to her looking like he was about to say something.

"I'll take care of your baby Lorelai; after all she's my baby too!" Tristan yelled jokingly as they walked out the door.

"Hey I'm not a baby! I am a grown young woman; I mean look at me there is no way you can call me a baby!" Rory said with bitterness in her voice.

"Calm down babe you know I'm just kidding," Tristan said smirking at her, "and no I can definitely say that you do not look like a baby, did I mention you look gorgeous today Pinky?" Tristan asked, using her childhood given nickname.

Tristan smiled at the visual memory, like or not Rory would always be his baby in his eyes, someone he had to watch over and protect.

Next was a picture of Tristan and Rory making their grand entrance into their 'Welcome to Adulthood' party. Several of the following pictures were those of Rory and Tristan dancing, and Rory and Tristan talking to their friends.

A picture in the Hollenzallen hallway where Chris, Lorelai, Eric, and Liz played their first prank on the kids followed.

After their eyes had adjusted to the light, all the teens found themselves in compromising positions. Tristan was holding on to Louise and rubbing circles in her back and Rory and Logan were wrapped around each other looking very comfortable. Stephanie had one arm around Colin's waist and another around Madeline, who had her arms around Steph's neck. Colin had his arm around Stephanie's shoulders and his hand placed on top of Madeline's head. The best sight however, was Finn clutching onto a suit of armor on the side of the hallway with his head buried in the shoulder of the statue.

"Oh my god!" the group yelled as if they were an organized choir.

"I hope this is the last place we see that picture," Logan joked.

"With it in my parents' hands, don't be surprised if it's released to public suddenly when you're running for office or something," Rory replied in all seriousness.

So take the photographs and still frames in your mind.
Hang it on a shelf in good health and good time.
Tattoos of memories and dead skin on trial.
For what it's worth, it was worth all the while.

The pictures flashed before their eyes, reminding them of the memories that they had formed together, the moments that would be etched in their mind for all time. The slideshow was perfect, it highlighted the memorable moments such as Homecoming, the day after, Halloween, the numerous Stars Hallow festivals they attended, and other random moments when they were feeling photogenic.

There were several pictures that the group had posed for, or knew were being taken such as the one in the bed where all of them were just a mess of arms, legs, and heads. But many of the pictures were candid, and the photos of the hardships the group faced were all candid.

A picture of Logan throwing a punch at Tristan was shown, and the group could only wonder where and who was the source of the picture, but Rory winced at the memory and threw a worried glance to Logan and Tristan. The two however, just turned and smiled at each other.

"Got a hell of an arm Huntz," Tristan said with a smirk.

"Yea so do you, as you proved on New Years," Logan replied with a similar smirk. Rory just shook her head and laughed.

Also present was a picture of Stephanie holding on to a devastated Rory, both of them in the arms of a concerned Tristan, looking down at his best friend with a look of heartbreak.

Rory looked at Stephanie with a smile. "Sorry about soaking that shirt," she joked.

"Sorry about my jackass of a best friend," Stephanie said.

"Hey I'm still here you know!" Logan said with a glare to Stephanie who just stuck her tongue out at him.

Numerous pictures from tabloids were in the slideshow, counting Tristan's hospitalization, Rory's bar dance, their trip to New York, and their public affairs they partook in. The song came to a close, and the final picture popped into the screen. It was a picture of the entire group dressed in their caps and gowns, none of them paying attention to the camera. They were all in their little world looking at each other as the sun streamed down on their gleaming garments.

Rory had an arm around Tristan's waist, while he had an arm resting on her shoulders. Both of them were laughing and looking towards Finn who was in the center, his gown open revealing his pants and his bare chest inscribed with the words, "I made it," as he looked up at the sky with words appearing to be escaping his open mouth. Austin and Matt were next to Rory, looking at each other and pounding fists, grinning from ear to ear. Stephanie was in an embrace with Colin, as he looked down at her with adoring eyes, while Madeline and Louise held each other with joyful tears. Finally, there was Logan who was looking over at Rory with a warm gaze, a soft smile gracing his handsome features.

It's something unpredictable but in the end it's right.
I hope you had the time of your life.

With those last lyrics, the set was left in silence, tears of joy, nostalgia, and bittersweet goodbyes glistening in each of their eyes. For a good 15 minutes, nothing was said, as if there was a fear of breaking an unspoken moment. They didn't even know how that picture had been put into a slideshow so quickly when Rory's parents were halfway across the Atlantic having to leave directly after the ceremony. But they weren't thinking about that.

"Things won't change," Madeline stated simply shattering the silence. "We'll be friends forever, I can just feel it."

The group looked at her and saw the faith in her eyes, and none of them had to heart to deny it. The fact though, was that they'd all be going to 3 different colleges with everything going against them. They wanted to have that innocent conviction that Maddy had, but in their minds were reason why it wouldn't work formulating.

Rory shook her head, "No, faith has nothing to do with this. Neither does trust or how much we love each other. It's not practical; long distance relationships are not practical. We'll never have time for each other, I intend to join the paper engulfing much of my free time, adding to the classes I want to take. The time doesn't work out. It's not practical," she said seriously.

"Since when is love practical?" Tristan asked just as solemn. "Things don't always go by the rules Rory; things don't make sense ever. You should've realized that when you roped in the school playboy. You should've realized that when us, the opposite of Socialites suddenly are on the covers of all the tabloids."

"Right?" Madeline asked uneasily, the lack of response causing her assurance to waver.

"Of course love," Finn replied with a matter of fact tone nudging Stephanie.

"Right," Stephanie agreed followed by everyone else except for Louise who just kept quiet, shaking her head at the false hope they were giving her best friend.

"How's about a toast then?" Austin suggested raising his red cup in his hand.

"Let's have the valedictorian do it, what do you say Ace?" Logan asked with a smile sent to his girlfriend.

"Alright," Rory said nervously fidgeting with the bottom of her camisole as she bit her lip.

"Oh come on Ace this is cake," Logan mumbled rubbing soothing circles on her back.

Rory smiled at him and planted a kiss on his lips before raising her own glass. "Here's to each other. Through the tear falls, the laughter, the drama, the fun, we stuck out and sure as hell made it look good," she said with a smile raising her glass.

"Your friends are more important, and your boyfriend is more important. At the end of this year, we're all going separate ways and despite the fact that we say we're going to keep in touch, we won't know that for a fact until the time comes around. Rory I know you take school seriously, but you're looking only the academic portion of school. You're not looking at the monumental portions of school. When you leave this school do you really want to look back at high school and have memories of the process of alcoholic fermentation or the causes of World War II or do you want to remember the great times you had with all your friends that you might never see again?" Tristan whispered looking her in the eye.

"And to the moments that made us who we are," Rory finished.

"Ahoy!" Everyone exclaimed remembering Finn's illogical yet memorable words said the day Rory and Logan had reunited as they tapped glasses with each other.

"Ahoy!" he yelled raising his flask and taking a swig.

"Finn don't you mean Cheers?" Logan asked shaking his head.

"No mate, Cheers is only for congratulations for a special occasion or goodbyes. Ahoy is less serious!" Finn exclaimed.

"Ahoy Ace," Logan said tapping his red cup with her glass before turning to Colin to do the same.

"Ahoy mate," Finn said with a tip of his cup to Matt.

"Ahoy Maddy," Stephanie yelled to Madeline with a smile.

"Ahoy Pinky," Tristan said with a smirk sent to his best friend.

Rory listened to the echoes of all her friends saying Ahoy, avoiding the goodbyes. She smiled ruefully and lifted her cup up to no one and as she brought the cup up to her lips she whispered softly, "Cheers," just as a paper felt from her back pocket due to her abrupt standing.

The paper fluttered to the floor and fell folding revealing the final rule on Liz's seventeenth birthday survival guide.

5. Always give three cheers for the teenage years, and hope sometime in the future you'll be granted an encore.

"Cheers," Rory repeated quietly. Cheers.

The End.