A/N: This is based on the song Scotty Doesn't Know from Euro Trip. It's a oneshot but in time I might actually add more chapters with different pairings. First off, BBRae but mostly RobRae! Read and enjoy. If you want a specific pairing I'd be glad to accomodate you, just leave a review.

Disclaimer: I don't own the Teen Titans. Nor do I own the song "Scotty Doesn't Know".

Beast Boy walked down the hall grinning madly. He had won Raven's heart over. He was sure Robin would have, since he and Raven had been through so much together in the Trigon ordeal. However the green machine had swept her off her feet. His grin only got bigger when he thought of Starfire. The sweet alien was also convinced that Robin and Raven had started a relationship. So she went out with Speedy. He was the closest thing to her leader that there was to offer.

She and Speedy hit it off on their date and were now a happy couple. It was good to be Beast Boy. Robin had always acted like a superior to all of them. Sure, he was the leader but that didn't make him better. That simply made him..a leader..At least that's the impression the changeling got from him. But nothing mattered anymore. Because for a while now, Robin had been mopping around the Tower like a dirty, smelly dog. Beast Boy had Raven, Cyborg had Bee, Speedy had Starfire, Aqualad had some random chick, and Robin you ask? He the second in line for the 'most likely to get laid first' tittle was the last to find himself a honey. He was all alone.

Well that's what he thought anyway. Even now, as he passed by the Boy Wonder he smirked satisfied. Odd thing was, bird boy was all smiles today. Beast Boy tried to ignore it, but he had been for a while now. Was he using sex toys to relieve himself? Was that why he was so happy all of a sudden? Nobody had seen him with any girls yet. Or guys for that matter. They didn't seem to see him much at all these days. The city didn't ever really need their help much lately. But they figured he just trained a lot. It's what he does with most his time. And who could blame him? He didn't have a woman, he didn't have a man, he didn't have a pet.. What could he possibly do with his time but train?

Ah who cares? Beast Boy sure didn't. He had Raven. He had her all day and all night. Well all night. For a few weeks now she was mia. She of course had her reasons. Perfectly understandable reasons. She needed time to herself. To meditate and learn all she could from her spell books. She was a busy Titan. As one of the most powerfull of them she had many responsibilities she had to take care of. Especially after defeating her father, she was more dedicated to her duties as a hero. Making sure she had as much control over her powers and emotions as she possibly could.

As he entered the main room, he made himself comfortable on the sofa. Not really taking notice to the fact that the Tower was pretty much deserted. Nobody to be heard or seen anywhere near him. Even straining his sharpened animilistic senses he still couldn't sense anything around him. So he shrugged and opened the TV casually. Yawning a little tiredly, his half closed eyes shot wide open when the Screen just fizzled out and came back on to entertain him with a random video. Robin was on the screen. He was just standing there without really saying anything. Finally, he cleared his throat and began to talk.

Hey BB. If you're watching this, I just want you to know there's nothing wrong. So don't panic. Star's out with Speedy, Cy's out with Bee and Raven's here with me. We're all okay. Just sit back and relax, because Rae and I made a little something for you. It's kinda like a late birthday present. We weren't around much that day. We felt guilty and decided we should give you something extra special.

Remember Euro Trip? You loved that movie. You watched it like a houndred times. And remember that song? "Scotty Doesn't Know"? You liked that even better. So guess what we did? We sang it for you! Well I did. Don't worry, I got a great voice.

Beast Boy snorted at that. Robin was always just so full of himself.

And no, I'm not just saying that to show off or anything. It's true. I was in a choir a long time ago. But anyway, this isn't about me, it's about you. So here it is...

Robin disspeared from sight and suddenly the supposed song started. Just like he remembered it. It totally rocked. He kicked back, with his hands supporting his head and whistled the tune before the actual lyrics began.

Garfield Doesn't know that Raven and me

Do it in the T-car every Sunday.

She tells him she's on the roof but she doesn't go

Still she's on her knees and Garfield doesn't know!

Beast Boy arched an eyebrow. That certaintly was the song but not the real lyrics. And the voice was deffinitely that of Robin. As soon as Robin had paused, a strange clip of the T-car was shown and two figures could be seen in it. There were strange movements and Beast Boy suspected this was "Robin and Raven gettin' it on". He snorted again. What a pathetic attempt to get Beast Boy to believe Robin was banging Raven behind his back. And what's with "Garfield"? How did he know the changeling's real name anyway?

Oh Garfield doesn't know!

So Don't Tell Garfield!

Garfield doesn't know!

Garfield doesn't know!

So Don't Tell Garfield!

Raven says she's out shopping,

But she's under me and I'm not stopping...

Because Garfield doesn't know!

Garfield doesn't know!

Garfield doesn't know!

Garfield doesn't know!

So don't tell Garfield!

Garfield doesn't know!

Don't tell Garfield!

I can't believe he's so trusting,

While I'm right behind you thrusting.

Raven's got him on the phone,

And she's trying not to moan.

It's a three-way call and he knows nothing!

Cut to a clip of Raven talking on her communicator. While a blur of red, yellow and green was seen behind her. He remembered that time! Raven said she accidently fell out of the air while meditating and hurt her behind. One of the strangest trasnmissions he's ever had.

Garfield doesn't know!

Garfield doesn't know!

Garfield doesn't know!

So don't tell Garfield!

Garfield doesn't know!

Garfield doesn't know!

Garfield doesn't know!

We'll put on a show!

Everyone will go!

Garfield doesn't know!

Garfield doesn't know!

Garfield doesn't know!

The parkin lot

Why not?

It's so cool when you're on top!

His front lawn in the snow

Life is so hard because Garfield doesn't know!

Holy crap! That time he went to the arcade. He had brought Raven with him and after a while she told him she'd be waiting outside when he finished. She couldn't stand all the flashing lights and stupid jingles the games made. So she went out. And when he went out to find her she had infact been waiting with Robin... And one morning he had been sleeping, but woke up when he heard strange noises outside his door. He was too lazy to get up and investigate but he was well aware of the sounds out there. And the snow! Oh god the snow! Starfire had carried a whole bunch of snow into the tower for whatever reason and had dropped a lot of it infront of his door. Raven and Robin had... and then they had caught a bad cold because of it! He gasped as he came to the wild realization.

We did it on his birthday...

Garfield doesn't know!

Garfield doesn't know!

Garfield doesn't know!

Garfield doesn't know!

His birthday! No wonder they weren't even there half the time! With all the partying going on he didn't pay any attention to their presance. But now he did! Now that he knew what was going on behind his back!

Garfield doesn't know!

Garfield won't know!

Garfield doesn't know!

Garfield's gotta know!

Gotta tell Garfield!

Gotta tell him myself!

Garfield doesn't know!

Garfield doesn't know!

Garfield doesn't know!

Garfield doesn't know!

Garfield doesn't know!

Garfield doesn't know!

Garfield doesn't know!

Garfield doesn't know!

Garfield doesn't know!

Garfield doesn't know!

Garfield doesn't know!

Garfield doesn't know!

Garfield doesn't know!

Garfield doesn't know!

Garfield doesn't know!

Garfield doesn't know!

Garfield doesn't know!

Garfield's gotta go!

Beast Boy's jaw dropped open as he watched all the captures of his girlfriend and his leader together. So? Robin had been screwing his woman all this time? He had been sticking his bo-staff where it didn't belong! Robin appeared back on screen with Raven. His arms around her waist.

Sorry Beast Boy, but it wasn't working out between us. I mean, you're more interested in comic book babes then you are in me. You spend more time fucking that stupid Tomb Raider doll then you do screwing me! Don't get me wrong, sex isn't everything to me. But I bearly get any from you at all. You don't even spend much time with me. It's all about playing those stupid games. You know I don't like playing them! So just quit glueing the freakin' controller to my damn hands!

Okay sorry, I got a little carried away there. The point is, you really do belong with Terra. So it's best you find a way to get her back. Because it's over between us.

Robin spoke up again...

Hope you liked our gift. I think it came out pretty good. Listen, we gotta go! You can immagine why... See ya in a while "dude".

The screen went off once again. A seething, now red and hot to the touch Beast Boy sitting there with steam billowing out of his pointy ears and nostrils. He jumped from the couch and ran for the door.


A/N: Well that was refreshing, wouldn't you agree? Well, you all know what to do now. Drop me a review. You can even flame if you'd like. I think I made it clear that they don't affect me. They just show me that even haters have been reading my fic. Which means I've got some good stuff here. I really don't want to drag this on. So I'll leave you with one final thought: for those of you who have read Ulterior Motives, I can personally assure you that I will be updating it asap. So fear not! The end of that story is quickly approaching.