Create Me
A Final Fantasy VII: Advent children fan fiction
By: Something Dysfunctional
The Fairytale Ending
Pairings: Cloud/Kadaj
Disclaimer: I just didn't have the HEART to leave you all behind when I finished "Create Me"! I wanted to put something else up to let you all know that Cloud and Kadaj was going strong. Like always, they belong to Tetsuya Nomura and SquareEnix. The plot line belongs to me and uhm... Gackt belongs to me too!!! -author grins- Okay, maybe not the Most Sexiest Man in the World belongs to me, but I own his music. Well, I hope you guys enjoy this very much! Review nicely and happy reading! Arigatou!
NOTE: to a very special reader... I dedicate this chapter SOLELY for you because, well... you picked me up!!! So, I give you this chapter, my dear friend. Here's to you
CloudxKadajLover. This is ALL yours. THANK YOU!

"Nya!!! C'mon back here, please?!! Kitty, kitty!," Kadaj whined, running around after his soft gray kitten. Respectfully, Cloud Strife watched this from the couch with a amused smile on his face as he read from a thick book. Since that fateful year of falling in love with the silver-haired boy and claiming him as a partner, the blonde artist couldn't have been more happier. Leaning back his head some, Cloud closed his eyes a moment, thanking whomever was listening and watching on him and Kadaj for many years to come. Soon, he felt a weight beside him. Opening his sapphire eyes, he met the intense jade ones of his lover, grinning toothily as he held his kitten against his chest. "I finally caught the little bastard after all this time!!!"

"It's a girl, Kadaj."

"Oh... I'll be damned. Well, that means instead of Squall being your name, let's try and find another name for you," the teen murmured against the soft fur of his playmate. The kitten pawed at her master's face and yawned cutely, wriggling to be free from his grasp. Kadaj stuck his tongue out and sighed, leaning on his lover's arm. "How long has it been since I came here?," he asked softly. Cloud turned his head towards his lover, surprised. "Almost a year. It's coming up pretty soon. Why?," the blonde inquired. Kadaj leaned his face up, the silver hair falling away. "Because it feels like forever. I haven't felt this happy and safe in awhile. Plus, I was just thinking about how I was lucky finding someone has hot as you. Old men aren't so attractive," Kadaj pouted, stating his matter-of-fact taste in his men. Cloud chuckled and pulled the teen fully into his arms, relishing at the heat he gave off and buried his nose in the moonlight hair, inhaling the scent that was Kadaj.

"But I'm kinda old."
"No, you're hot. There's a difference." Cloud smiled in Kadaj's hair and pulled the teen fully into his lap, blue eyes twinkling as they stared at each other. "So, I'm hot?" The boy pursed his lips in thought, crossing his arms over his chest. "Hmm... now that you think about it... you ARE getting old!" With that said, Kadaj laughed merrily as he was chased around the house.

Tifa Lockheart was finishing wiping down her counter and sighed, pushing back a loose strand of dark brown hair. Looking around, she was satisfied with the cafe and placed the rag away. Closing time was here and she was itching to get out. After she made her rounds around the cafe, she slipped on her light sweater and stepped out into the night air. Ever since Cloud found his place here in town, Tifa was determined to find someone for her, but also wanted to keep and obtain her friendship with him and Kadaj. Wrapping her arms around her, she proceeded down the empty sidewalk, noting how bright the stars were in the late-Fall sky. Then, she heard a merry voice behind her, "Tifa!!! Wait up!" Turning around, she smiled largely. "Hey, Yuffie." The teenager bounded up to her, bed-decked in a bright orange sweater that was bulky and stopped mid-thigh on her, engine-red leggings with neon pink high-tops. She wore a yellow clip-on bow in her hair and was hoisting her book bag over her shoulders. "Done with work?!"

"Yup. Done with tutoring?"
"Uh-huh. Dad wanted to know if you wanted to stop by for supper. He's making pot luck dinner," Yuffie Kisaragi hinted, linking an arms through Tifa's. "Sure, why not? I have nothing else to do and the company would be lovely!" The girls giggled and made their way to the two-story brick house were Cid and Yuffie resided. "Oh! I almost forgot to tell you!," Yuffie squealed, breaking away from Tifa and stopping in front of her. The bartender raised an eyebrow, red hazel eyes questioning. "Tell me what?"

"It's about Cloud and Kadaj."
Yuffie grinned like a Cheshire cat and yipped, flailing her arms and legs.


Cloud woke up from his nightmare silently, his eyes wide and his hand gripping at his chest. Taking a deep, steady breath, the blonde regained his composure and sat up slowly, not wanting to wake his young lover from his deep slumber. Running both hands through his messy, sunshine locks, the artist bit on his bottom lip, eyes narrowed in concentration as he recalled the terrible dream in his mind. Something about death... so many screams... blood, scattered on white... Tifa's shocked face, Yuffie sobbing openly, Cid grimacing, but looking scared... something happened. Someone was in his nightmare that wasn't allowed in. Who WAS it?

a flash of silver.
"... I will never be a mere memory-
burning eyes of the brightest sea...


His heart tightening again, the blonde broke through his dry lips a wretched gasp, sweat beginning to slide down his temples.



He was back, invading Cloud's mind as he once did. He hadn't received these nightmares since Aerith's death. Wait a minute... the man tensed, his mind slowly working around what he just thought. 'Since Aerith's death? Wait, that can't be right? I knew of Sephiroth after I started dating her, but that can't be it. I'm pretty sure she died because of cancer. Or... did she? Was it a planned death? Murder?' Cloud got up from the bed, moonlight pouring over his naked form as he approached the window, staring down onto the lit front yard. 'Aerith was diagnosed with the disease, but I never saw a scrap of medical proof. She never did loose her hair like most victims. She never told me when she had chemotherapy. Was it all a lie? For her to protect me? Herself?' Cloud felt his stomach churn and his throat working over the bile that started to rise up. "Oh, God," he whimpered, reality starting to sink in. He could remember vividly how whenever Sephiroth saw Aerith with him, his intense aquamarine eyes would narrow and he became stoic, quiet around them. When fighting tournaments happened and Aerith came to support, Sephiroth's attacks became nearly fatal, brutal. It scared Cloud. It made Aerith worry.

Then, one day, the girl said she had to go out to buy art supplies. She didn't come home until late that night, two bags in each hand from the art store, but her eyes were vacant, her expression vague, but she smiled nonetheless, but walked around awkwardly for some time until three weeks later, Cloud forced her to tell him what had changed about her. Weakly and timidly, Aerith told him that she went to the doctor for a check-up that day and was told she was cancerous.

From then on, she placed herself in the hospital and never allowed anyone in.

Even Cloud.

The night she died, Sephiroth was there before Cloud was, holding a bouquet of bright yellow daffodils and daises, staring down at the body with no expression on his handsome features. He held Cloud when he broke down sobbing, crying out for her.

Why was he there first?

The man pressed his forehead against the window, tears coursing down his cheeks. "No... no, no, no, no...," he moaned piteously, his knees beginning to give away.

"Baby? You okay?," came a small, tiny voice. Cloud's body fell to the floor and instantly, he felt the rushing warmth of Kadaj's lithe body beside his own, wrapping his larger framer with his thin arms. "What's wrong?! Cloud!!!" The artist clung to the boy, his face in the crook of his neck. "He killed her! That's mother-fucker killed HER!," he howled. Kadaj was scared for his lover, confused by what was coming out of his mouth. "Who killed who, baby? Cloud, talk to me, stop crying! Please?!," he begged, grabbing the man's face in his hands, forcing him to look into his bright, jade-green eyes. Sapphire ones opened blearily, glittering with tears. "Sephiroth... Aerith...," he whispered, sniffling. Kadaj felt his body freeze at the mention of those two names. With what strength he had, the silver-haired boy lifted

Cloud and walked him back to the bed. His mind moved at such a slow pace. Time seemed to have stopped as he laid down the blonde and crawled beside him, covering them with blankets. As he held the man, Kadaj felt a pin-prick of anger blossom in his heart and soon, it spread throughout his entire being.


The next day was gray and bleak and a chilly wind blew through the town. A man dressed in a tasteful black trench coat walked along the sidewalk, his ebony hair flapping in the wind, held with a red rubber band. His bangs fell messily in front of his eyes that gleamed scarlet. He turned a corner into the local bookstore, opening the door as it jingled quietly. He prowled towards the back where a table sat, including a moonlight-colored haired boy with horrid features scrawled upon his lovely face. "What's with that look, Kadaj?," Vincent Valentine asked, sitting down softly. The boy narrowed his eyes. "What all do you know about Cloud and Sephiroth? Of Aerith Gainsborough? Somehow, I think it goes deeper than what we're allowed to see, even me," he growled, banging his fists on the table. Vincent stared at them and then raised a eyebrow coolly. "Is that a question or a command? May I presume both?," he inquired gently. Kadaj nodded. "Well... what do you wish to know?," the man asked, interlacing his fingers together. Kadaj took a deep breath and asked in a quiet voice, "Did he kill her?"

Silence stretched between them until the tall man spoke in a even tone. "There are... were rumors circulating that that might've happened, but there are medical files stating that she died of cancer. However, that's what the hospital says. Whether or not Sephiroth convinced them not to say anything in another rumor. It's possible because of his high jealously he had between the two. Sephiroth was always the kind to get what he wanted- it's how he was raised. And he wanted Cloud. But, seeing that he was taken, he more than likely decided to take measures into his own hands. Now... you know that no one really knows the story but Aerith herself... and, unfortunately...," Vincent trailed off, staring at Kadaj. The teen nodded some, his heart sinking.

"There might be someone who knows." Kadaj leapt from his chair, eyes wide. "Who?!!" Vincent sat back in his chair, scarlet eyes set on the boy. "Do you remember a young doctor named Lucrecia? She took care of Cloud and you back when Sephiroth did injustice to you both. She told me of Aerith because Cloud kept repeating her name in his grief-stricken moments. She looked up data backgrounds and told me she died of cancer, but "didn't tell anyone, she presumed". So, I asked her several weeks later to do more investigations and pulled up several medical files and even some security tapes for extra measures. Sephiroth kept visiting Aerith after Cloud did. The files indicate the strains of cancer within Aerith's body, but no signs of chemotherapy nor radiation treatments.

Strange, no?

Another person is Tseng Li, one of the men who worked for Sephiroth and a good friend of mine. If anything, Tseng disliked working for him and can pretty much tell me anything. But however...

Why don't we take this to the real source, Kadaj? Are you to taking the next big step to saving your relationship and to finally put Cloud's past behind him?," Vincent prodded, pointing a slim finger at Kadaj. The boy blinked and shifted his gaze down towards the floor, uncertainty flooding his veins. He wanted nothing more than for Cloud to finally be happy and to put Aerith's fate to rest. It was more than that as well- confronting the man who raped and nearly killed him. Vincent felt the fine hairs on his neck tingle as Kadaj turned his gaze back to him, set in such a determined yet fierce emotion, his jade eyes gleamed bright like a panthers, his silvery bangs falling over one eye. "Let's do it."
"You sure?"
"Couldn't be more."

Vincent nodded some and stood, his trench coat falling into place. "Well, let's go then." Both men walked out of the warm bookshop to the cold town, heading towards the prison encampment where Kadaj's greatest fear laid behind stone walls. "By the way... congratulations."

The man blinked, looking a bit taken back. "About you and Cloud tying the knot."
"Yuffie told you?"
"Of course."

Cloud sighed for the umpteenth-billion time that day since he woke up. It was his day off and Kadaj had had classes earlier that morning and wouldn't be home till later. He lounged on the couch, the kitten snoozing several feet away from him near the fireplace. The blonde laid his head back on the couch, staring at the merry hearth. He had made love to Kadaj there at one point. It was one of the most intense sex moments he had encountered with the teen. A familiar tightening in his groin made him shift in his seat and blush some at the scant memory. It was a good one, mind you.
TOO good.

Shaking his head, he grabbed the remote and turned on the T.V., only to groan and smack his forehead. 'Okay... never let Kadaj have the television last...' Sounds of passionate, romping sex emitted from the screen and speakers from a porno DVD the teenager left in there. Cloud could feel his right eye twitch slightly at the signs directing towards him of hormones and lust. "HEY! You better get back down!," he growled at his poking arousal in his dark jeans, staring at it with loathing. (1) Rubbing his eyes, the man stood and walked into the kitchen, trying to get his mind of the image of porcelain skin rubbing against his bronze, a willing mouth opened, screaming his name as they rocked together.
Cloud shook his head again, harder, and threw the fridge door open, eyes searching hurriedly for food. "Ah! Leftover spaghetti, not bad," he mused, pulling the pot of sauce out. As he carried it to the stove, he saw a plain apron laying across the marble countertop. Swallowing some, Cloud remembered the day he came home to find the moonlight-haired teen wearing "nothing" but that and cooking a stew, followed by pounding him on the kitchen table.

"... You... are seriously hating me, aren't you, God?," he moaned, hanging his head in defeat. No matter where he went, there were remnants of where and how Cloud and Kadaj made love. Now, he needed release. Bad. Looking around like a guilty little boy, trying not to get caught, the man leaned back against the counter, his right hand heading towards his zipper on his jeans. Trailing the zipper down slowly, he arched his back some, hissing as it ran over his sensitive organ. He unbuttoned the top and slid a shaking hand into his jeans, touching hot skin, brushing against the light dusting of hair leading to where he ached the most. He cupped himself, head leaning back and banging against the cabinet. He brought out his weeping cock into the light warm air of the kitchen, sliding his thumb over the slick head, smearing the precum that had gathered there. Slowly, he pumped his hand up and down, running light brushes with his fingertips over soft areas. Over the thick vein, around where his base touched his sac, fondling the heaviness of his balls with his free hand...

Cloud was in La-La Land, thinking of his jade-eyed lover with his wicked mouth and lithe, agile body like that of a cat's. The boy, in his mind's eye, was on all four, approaching him with his silver hair over that one eye, a feral grin on his face as he approached Cloud's sex, taking it all between his hot lips. The blonde moaned at the memory and worked his fist over himself quickly, rocking his hips with each pump. Hands found themselves tracing patterns over his body, encouraging more wordless noises from him, sweat mingling with the scent of arousals and musk. A dripping fantasy of carnal lust.

"I should definitely come home more often to this," sighed a soft voice from the doorway. Cloud stopped, face draining all of color and he jerked his head towards the sound, seeing his lover home and watching him hungrily. Kadaj licked his lips and gripped the doorframe tighter, his knuckles white. "Hmm... the thing now is to either go over there and help you or watch you for myself... what do you think-


Cloud then froze all together at the mention of the dark man's name, his cock glistening more with the act of being caught not only by his lover, but by a friend. A rather good-looking friend, that was. Vincent stood silently behind Kadaj, watching the blonde with unreadable scarlet-red eyes, his black hair pulled back, revealing a long, handsome face of pure white skin and high cheekbones, a strong, masculine jaw and thick, elegant neck peering from his trench coat and button-down shirt collar. Vincent was lean, with broad shoulders and endless legs. No one but Kadaj knew was laid underneath the elaborate and lavish name-brand clothing. Pale lips parted, a slight smirk playing on them as Vincent spoke:

"I believe you should watch." The low tone of his husky voice made Cloud shudder some, his cock springing to life more at the new noise that had affect on him. "I should... but..." The boy turned and whispered something in the tall man's ear, grinning behind his thin hand. "Are you sure?," Vincent asked, sincere. The boy nodded, eyes gleaming. "I've always wanted to do something like this, but I'm not sure Cloud even did. I think you should... persuade him," Kadaj said throatily, his gaze now turned to Cloud's, burning into his soul, making the blonde's blood race. "As you wish," the dark man said, bowing his head and swiftly approached the blonde, his eyes darkened to a garnet color. "Forgive me, Cloud, but allow me the pleasure," he purred deeply and leaned his head down, capturing the startled artist's lips in a fierce, hot kiss, his body enveloping over his own. A startled noise came from Cloud's throat as Vincent's tongue trusted in, entwining along his own. Large hands came up to tilt the blonde head back as he ravished the slick cavern. Vincent pressed his body along Cloud's, his own proof of desire poking against the blonde's sturdy thigh.

The blonde broke free, gasping for air, allowing Vincent to attack his bent neck. Sharp teeth grazed and nipped at taunt, sweet flesh, making the man whine and rock his body against the tall man as pleasure ripped through him. His eyes sought out Kadaj's and they nearly made him come right on the spot. Kadaj leaned against the doorframe on his right shoulder and arm, already stripped of his shirt, leaving only his black jeans and thick, black boots with a single studded belt across his thin hips. His pale, white skin glowed in the dim light of the kitchen, highlighting his small muscles and wiry body. His pants were halfway open, stroking himself as he watched his lover and best friend make-out. It wasn't the image of his young love that made Cloud yearn for him more, it was his presence... his...


They practically were black, smoldering to a fine, dark emerald-color like a panther hunting for his prey.

Kadaj licked his upper lip suggestively and tug hard and slow on his cock, mouthing his partner's name. The man whimpered and both arms reached up to grasp the top of the cabinet and Vincent proceeded to lick and suck on Cloud's neck, the same time ridding his coat and shirt so fast that the other two barely saw it. Vincent was built and large, but tapered to a slim waist, his skin beautiful. Instantly, both men then stood naked before Kadaj, kissing and exploring each other's bodies as their clothes laid in heaps on the linoleum floor. Hearing Cloud moan, Vincent felt the sound go straight to his groin and moved between the blonde's legs, his hands trailing down the bronze chest and then behind to grab his behind. Another moan escaped from Cloud and he moved closer, instinctively wrapped his legs around the tall man's own and groaned when Vincent began caressing his ass.Vincent smirked and brought the artist closer until his ass was just sitting on the ledge and then rolled his hips against Cloud's hard erection, enticing a loud cry from him. He deepened their kiss and began sucking on Cloud's tongue, rolling his hips again and began a slow, lazy rhythm, pushing their naked erections together. "Nnnngggg!," Cloud whined, trying to pull away, "I...need-oh! G-God", he moaned again when the black-haired man thrust a little harder and once more gave into the older man's pleasuring movements. Vincent moved his mouth down to Cloud's neck again, sucking at it, leaving a bright red, purple-hued mark. He began to speed his thrusts, making them more urgent and lust filled as he slowly moved his kisses downward to his collarbone.

"I think I wanna play now, boys. Lemme have my blondie, Vincent. You can take him from behind," Kadaj purred lowly, coming up behind the large back of the dark man, wrapping his arms around the sturdy torso, already naked, staring straight into Cloud's haze-covered eyes. Cloud was red and panting, sweaty, still not believing that his small lover was letting another be with them. Kadaj squeezed his way between the bodies and promptly set himself behind Cloud, turning the blonde towards him. "No one else comes inside of me. No one claims me but you and only you," he murmured, tilting his head back for a submissive kiss. The artist heard the statement run through him like a crack of a whip and growled, roughly pressed himself against the smaller boy, plundering his mouth with a searing kiss, lifting a creamy leg up to balance on the counter-top as he began to prepare Kadaj to enter him. Cloud gasped in the kiss as he felt Vincent wrap a arm around his waist to proceed to do the same to him. Trying to focus, the blonde kissed his young lover deeper, his tongue exploring and tasting as his lips and teeth pressed and bit at Kadaj's, his fingers working fast at the opening offered to him. He moaned into the kiss as Vincent pressed two inside of him, flicking something that made his back stiffen and his cock to strain. "Now," he hissed, spitting saliva into his palm, stroking it on his erection. "Yyyyyesssss...," Kadaj groaned, leaning against the cabinet, his body taunt, his own cock standing proudly in the air.

With a thrust, Cloud was enveloped by hot heat and from behind, he felt a large presence within him, stretching him, filling him. The entire kitchen was echoing with the pants, gasps, and small noises that all three men produced from dry mouths. Soon, a steady rocking and snapping of hips at the same time occurred and Kadaj wrapped his arms around Cloud, shouting at times and then others, crying out in pleasure, feeling his lover's cock inside of him, stroking him to pleasure. Cloud was wanting to cry, he felt so whole. Vincent was thrusting into him quick and powerfully, his dark head bent as he bit and lapped at Cloud's neck, growls and panting coming from him. Soon, the bodies were glistening with sweat and hands began to wander, marking and scratching as they fucked each other senselessly with nothing but lust and carnal desire ripped through them. Kadaj screamed as he felt Vincent's large hand wrap around his cock tightly and began pumping to the same tempo as them, coming on the spot as ribbons of white splashed on his abdomen and Cloud's chest. He clamped his mouth on Cloud's, whose bruising grip on his hips tightened and his hips snapped against Kadaj, the smacking and slapping of flesh their music. "Almost... there...," Cloud panted. Then, Vincent drew Cloud's body to him, his cock slipping out of Kadaj's dripping entrance and pounded into him harshly, both men crying out as they came abruptly.

All three fell to the ground, spent and sticky. Hot and exhausted. Filled and sleepy.

"... what... happened?"
"I believe Kadaj... gave you a early wedding gift."
A snicker.
"Damn right, I did."

Kadaj and Vincent didn't see Sephiroth as planned. The boy wanted to take Cloud with him and only him. It wasn't Vincent's cross to bear- it was only him and his beautiful partner. However... to bring up such a subject was tender. And not easy. Kadaj knew that Cloud hated the swordsman with every fiber of his being, but absolution was to be made for both of them to live no longer in shadows and darkness. The boy looked over at his lover from his spot in the recliner, watching him read something in the newspaper. It was late already, their romp with Vincent had ended hours ago, leaving the three men sated and quite happy. Cloud shyly agreed later with Kadaj that it was nice to have someone they trusted do something like that with them. Secretly, the boy had asked his friend to help him get Cloud comfortable before asking him to come to the prison to confront Sephiroth- he just didn't know the blonde would already be two-steps ahead of him when they got home. Sex heals wounds, but not all of them.
However, that wasn't the case right now.

Kadaj needed Cloud to make his peace.

"Uhm... babe?," he called softly, bringing his knees up, wrapping his long arms around them. "Hmm?," the blonde said, azure eyes still scanning over the printed paper. "I, uh, need your help with... something."
"Well, what is it?"
Kadaj tightened his grip around his legs, squeezing his eyes shut tightly and braced himself.

"I need you to come with me to ask Sephiroth how he killed her."

A formidable silence stretched across them in the most uncomfortable settling that it made Kadaj want to scream, to cry, to yell... it was so quiet. Like death hung over them in a wet, sodden blanket of bad news. The boy felt his heart pounding loudly in his ear, he vaguely wondered if Cloud could hear it in the thick silence. Then, a small voice: "Why?" Kadaj lifted his head up, eyes opening to the white ceiling, feeling a wave of fear and tears overcome him. "So that we both can live without regrets... to avenge her... to make you normal again," the teen whispered thickly, feeling wetness cascade down his thin cheeks. Nothing was said. It seemed as though everything had slowed down, frozen time. Then, suddenly, Kadaj found himself hauled up into strong arms, clinging to him. "How did you know?," Cloud asked hoarsely in his moonlight hair, gripping Kadaj's body to him. "Your... dreams... the nightmares. You've been having them a lot. I figured... it was because of her death..."

"You're a brave one to try and do something like this to help me, kitten. I... don't think I'm strong yet..." Kadaj pulled away some, sniffling, though glaring at his lover a bit. "Like hell you are! You're going with me tomorrow to bring that man and to save her soul! And then, we're GOING to get married and LIVE happily ever after with a lot of cats, good-hotter-than-HELL-sticky-sweet-man-TO-man-illegal-sex, and paint pictures and go to ROCK concerts!!!," the teen rambled, his face growing hot at his declarations. Cloud blinked, his eyes gleaming with unshed tears and mouth slack. "You've thought this out a lot, haven't you?," the blonde stated slowly. "You DAMN right I did! No one is going to stop ME from marrying you, Cloud Strife, and I'm sure Aerith doesn't want nothing more than for YOU to be happy. Ya got that?!!," Kadaj screeched, pointing a trembling finger in the man's face. He then was crushed against his lover, lips capturing his mouth in a sweet, burning kiss that left him breathless and shocked.

"I don't mind doing this, really, but, uh... if I get the urge to punch him through the glass, hold me back," Tifa muttered, glaring into the glass wall where inmates were to be behind for their talks with people from the outside world. Cid nodded at Cloud. "Same 'ere. I don' wanna go home explaining to Yuff why her Daddy's fists are bandaged and he's got silver hair wrapped 'round a stick of victory," he grumbled around his toothpick in his mouth. Kadaj snickered some and poked his partner in the ribs. "See? It was good to bring moral support!," he grinned. The artist rolled his eyes, only to stop half-way when the alarm went off, signaling that the inmates were coming in. The group stilled and waited with baited breath as they piled in, looking for loved ones or friends. Cloud kept a sharp eye out for that familiar gleaming hair of silver snow and then found his hands shaking when he met a pair of aquamarine eyes. "There he is," he breathed. Kadaj noticed his nervousness and reached under the table, grasping a hand and holding it. "Be strong. Remember, this is for you and her," he murmured gently, squeezing Cloud's hand assuredly. Cloud nodded and squared his shoulders, ready to talk.

Sephiroth sat down before them, still regal in his prison uniform, flicking back his long hair, a steady gaze upon Cloud and no one else. "Well, well... it's good to see you again, Cloud," he said lowly, rolling the man's name off his tongue as if it were a fine wine to be tasted and savored. The blonde shuddered inwardly and narrowed his eyes, frowning.

"We've got questions."
"I might have answers. It depends if you asked the right ones."

"Like Hell! You're gonna answer every single damn one of them!," Cloud barked, banging his fist on the small table. Everyone jumped at the noise and nervously watched Sephiroth's reaction. "Since you're asking me so... nicely... I guess I don't have much of a choice," the man smirked, leaning back in his chair. Cloud gritted his teeth and took a deep breath, ready to ask the first and most important question of all:

"Did you kill Aerith Gainsborough?"

No emotion flickered upon the swordsman's face, nor did he flinch or move at the question asked to him. "Why would you think that, Cloud?," Sephiroth asked gently, tilting his head some to the side. "Because we have people to back us up: Lucrecia Hojo, Tseng Li, nearly the entire hospital and those who worked on Aerith, and some very nice people at your company. You honestly couldn't stand the fact that Cloud was taken and you couldn't have him, could you? So, in order for you to obtain what YOU wanted, the glitch in the problem was to be taken away and it was Aerith. You killed her for your own sake but all the while, you killed a part of Cloud in the process. Even after you two dated and then ended the relationship, it wasn't enough. You had to come after me but Cloud never yielded to you. Isn't it OBVIOUS that he doesn't want you?!! That he doesn't NEED you!!!," Kadaj screamed, standing fast from his chair, hands clenched at his sides and body rigid. Tifa gasped at the out-cry and felt her heart go out to the boy.

Apparently... things ran deeper than on the surface...

Sephiroth then leaned forward, pressing the tips of his fingers together and leaned on his elbows, staring down Kadaj with his cool eyes that seemed to glow. "Why did you do it?," Kadaj asked, fearing the reply. "He will always need me. Even now, I know I haunt his dreams at night... I know that he will weaken and buckle underneath me... Cloud can not survive without me," he said evenly, lowly, almost like casting a spell or a threat. "That bitch knew it was coming to her. So, in order to protect him, she made Cloud believe she was ill with a incurable virus. She wanted nothing more than Cloud's happiness. Oh, it took me awhile to break her spirit, so, she needed a little..." Sephiroth chuckled. "Persuasion, if you will. And it was breath-taking, to see someone so gifted, so full of life, so... beautiful... crumble under my hands. Finally, she wouldn't give up, so I had to deliver the sweet release of Death on her. I injected a little something that was made in my labs at the company to have her die in her sleep peacefully without a trace to be made back to me nor my workers. It was astounding how she then didn't give up so easily. Those big, gorgeous green eyes, Cloud... looking at me... that looked at you... staring me down with so much anger. It was more beautiful than words could describe," Sephiroth whispered so lovingly, so evilly that it made Kadaj's stomach churn and his hatred for the man sky-rocketing.

Everyone stared in shock at the statement he just said. Cloud looked on, white as a ghost, his body still. Kadaj looked over and saw how steadily the man stood, staring down his counterpart.

"Well... I believe the court and judge will have a fine time listening to this," he said in a even tone, lifting up a small tape-recorder, stopping the tape inside. Sephiroth's face fell like fine china, standing fast from his chair. "What the- those aren't allowed in here!," he yelled, eyes wide. "I had to do some talking in order to get what I need. What Aerith needed to rest in peace. For all of us," Cloud said, his azure eyes dark. He leaned forward to the glass, snarling then.

"You will become a memory. I am not yours. I am not a puppet. I am me." (2)

Three weeks passed since Sephiroth was sentenced to life for the murder and incarciration of Aerith and then shortly, on February 22nd, respectively, Kadaj and Cloud finally tied the knot. Well.. the only way two men know how to. Secret marrige, lawfull joining of two partners by the city, and the best reception party in Midgar that it had to offer. Kadaj laid back on his hotel bed, hand reaching for the ceiling as he admired the white and gold marrige band on his wedding finger. He blushed some and brought it back down, cradling it close to his chest. "I'm Kadaj Strife now," he murmured happily, turning over on his side. Their honeymoon carried them to the flavored Costa De Sol near the beaches. Kadaj could smell the salty-breeze that floated through the large bay windows that were open, revealing a nightsky littered with sparkling stars. The moon hung low near the ocean, a large orb that was orange, its transformation to that familiar silvery-white in mere hours. Kadaj sighed and buried his face in the fluffy pillow. "This is too good to be true," he said to himself.

"It's good. And believe me, it's true," came a soft chuckle as he was lifted into sturdy arms, a face nuzzling in the crook of his neck. Kadaj giggled and turned over, meeting the sweet gaze of his husband. "I think it's still a dream though. Are we, like... really married? Are we finally tied to each other? Can we find happiness that we've been looking for all this time?," the teen asked, fearing that reality wasn't going to be as kind to them. The blonde smiled, kissing Kadaj on the nose. "Yes, of course we are, and it is possible," Cloud answered to the three questions. The boy sighed, embracing his lover. "I hope so. Now that Sephiroth is mos' def' (3) in the doghouse forever, do you think Aerith is finally at peace? That she won't be bothered again"
"I like to think so. She was never the one to hate anyone. She saw good in some people. For Sephiroth, she probably saw some that no one else could..."
"How and why, I dunno," Kadaj muttered. "Oh! Did you go visit-"

"I did. And I left her some flowers."

They were silent for awhile, just enjoying their company with each other. Kadaj lifted his eyes to Cloud's, finding that they stared back. The boy felt his heart swell for the love of this man. He thought he was going to burst. After a year and some odd months, he was taken in and loved by a mere artist that just wanted to draw him, a spoiled little punk with no future. They nurtured each other, loved one another, and fought to be together when it seemed impossible. Kadaj wanted to give everything he had to Cloud for saving him and he knew Cloud felt the same way. After failed relationships and unkind deaths, both men found each other perhaps not by choice, but by Fate.
And a little extra help on the side from her.
Kadaj secretly thought that always to himself.

"Baby... I don't want to be with anyone else in this lifetime or the next. All I want is you," Kadaj blurted out, his face blushing, eyes wide. Cloud smiled sweetly and ran a hand through Kadaj's silver hair, feeling the softness and texture of the strands flowing between his fingers. "Quit reading my mind. Well... let's make it that way," he stated. "I don't think I never wanted someone so much as you. You make everything so much brighter, Kadaj, you'd think I'd be blinded by now, but I'm not. Instead, each day...

I fall more and more in love with you. And that, my kitten, is not a lie," Cloud said firmly, almost passionately. The boy blinked at this proclamation, tears smarting his jade eyes. "Gah, you romantic, you!," he half-giggled, half-sobbed, pouncing on the blonde with kisses on his face. They laughed at this and parted some, staring into each other's eyes. Kadaj leaned down some, brushing his lips over Cloud's mouth. "Tonight, I'm no one elses but yours. Tomorrow, you will fill my thoughts. Forever, you will be mine," he stated so quietly, claiming his lover's own lips in a long, probing kiss that engulfed them with intense heat, fire, and love. There would be no hardcore sex tonight.

Only deep, exploring, love-making.

Cloud rolled them over onto the middle of the cool bed, not breaking contact with the kiss. Kadaj weaved his hands into the sunlight, golden locks and moved Cloud's head some, deepening the kiss more, wrapping a leg around the blonde's slim waist. Their clothed erections rubbed against each other, making the teen beneath Cloud mewl in the back of his throat. Tonuges battled slowly, but hard, caressing each other in a slick dance. Kadaj broke away some, nibbling on Cloud's bottom lip, feeling his partner's hands dive underneath his back to hold him closer to his own heated body. "I believe... that we are wearing... too much clothes...," the boy stated, with a bite going down Cloud's neck. The artist moaned appreciatively and nodded numbly. "You're right." The man leaned up, stripping off his already opened button-down and reached forward to undo Kadaj's buttons on his shirt. "Whoever in the seven Hells made buttons are idiots," he mumbled, making the teen laugh heartly. "Impatient, much?," Kadaj teased, feeling the cool air touch his now bare chest and he arched up some, flexing his pale torso. Cloud paused, watching his little lover. "Yeah... a little," he said, licking his lips and bent down, drawing a nipple in his mouth, making the teen cry out some, hands finding their way back in Cloud's spiky hair.

He feasted on the little nub, coaxing out more sweet noises from his love, pulling at it with his teeth gently and bathing it with quick swipes of his tonuge. His free hand found its mate, tweaking and rubbing it. Kadaj flung his head back on the pillows, panting and moaning, feeling each lick go down to his groin. "Cloud...!," he whined, pushing down on the head, urging him to go down further to source of his aching. The blonde sat up, his mouth glistening with saliva. "What?," he asked teasingly, smiling a bit. Kadaj pouted at his partner. "Don't you "dare" do that to me. Unzip those pants and get busy, mister. I'm hard and it hurts."

Cloud sat up and took Kadaj by the hips, pulling him down and sat upon his pelvis, grinding himself against the boy slowly, making a noise of approval as he felt the trapped erection slide against his own. "You're right... you are hard... but I want to play with you, Kadaj... just like you did with me. Only, it's a two-way street tonight," he rumbled lowly in his chest, rocking against the teen a little harder, a little more sweeter. Kadaj could only groan and meet Cloud with each grind, rubbing his encased cock against Cloud's. He writhed on the bed, gripping the sheets. "Please... please... Cloud... give me more," he panted, a dark flush across his cheeks, silver hair splayed on the sheer white pillows, his body taunt.

Cloud growled seductively in his throat and leaned forward, his naked chest brushing against the boy's, kissing him deeply. Hands unbuckled Kadaj's pants quickly and shucked them down, his erection bobbing in the air freely. Kadaj sighed happily and then his breathing hitched, a small wail escaping his mouth as he was engulfed by Cloud, his tonuge working over the hard ridges, bathing the flared head, tasting the precum that flowed from the slit. He gripped the base of the straining member and started pumping it slowly, leisurely. Above his golden head, he heard the mewling and gasping from his young lover and it encouraged him to go quicker, wrapping his lips firmly around his cock and bob his head up and down, sucking the length fully, the tip hitting the back of his throat.

Kadaj felt his abdomen tighten and he leaned forward, crying out. He pushed Cloud's head away and crawled into his lap, grabbing the artist's own arousal and starting jerking him off as well, causing both of them to moan out in pleasure. Cloud stroked him harder and faster, leaning his head up to catch flesh in his teeth from Kadaj's neck, enjoying the salty taste of the skin between his lips. Kadaj started to rub his bottom against the blonde's cock, aligning the arousal within the crack of his ass.

"Oh, Cloud..."

Desperate little cries poured out of the teen's mouth. Cloud felt himself harden further and slipped a hand down the back of his lithe lover. A shiver passed through him when he brushed an index finger across his entrance, massaging the wrinkled skin before slipping into its warm depths. Kadaj gasped and pushed his hips down to meet the thrusting finger. He placed his hands on the large shoulders and squeezed hard, using it for leverage as he impaled himself, again and again. Kadaj moaned, "Harder... more, Cloud! I. . . I'm gonna. . .", and instead, Cloud added two more fingers, fucking him hard and aiming for his prostate. A scream exploded from the silver-haired youth's mouth, echoing in the hotel room. The blonde groaned when the boy dropped a hand towards his lower regions, wrapping it around his own throbbing length. Cloud continued to stroke me and ride the intruding fingers. "Harder, Cloud, please, harder!!!," he begged as he slammed his hips down hard, trying to swallow more and more of his lover's fingers. "Not yet," the man growled sweetly low and released them, pushing Kadaj back down on the bed gently and reached towards the nightstand, pulling out a tube from his travel bag.

Smiling some, he inclined his head down to kiss Kadaj once more, pinning his wrists above him with a free hand, the other lubing his erection. "I love you, so much," he murmured over the boy's lips and thrust inside of him with one, swift motion, making Kadaj cry out in rapture. "Fuck!" he cried out in pleasure. He wrapped his shapely legs around Cloud's waist, urging me closer, trying to push in deeper. Cloud gripped the boy's narrow hips with his large hands and began to thrust into him, slowly and steadily, squeezing his hips. "Cloud...!," he moaned, over and over as the artist increased his speed and changed the angle of his hips. The rocking increased as Kadaj cried out into the night, Cloud moaning at the velvet-tightness around his cock, urging him to go faster, the bed rocking. Suddenly, Kadaj let out a piercing wail as he arched his body off the bed- Cloud had found his prostate. "Nnnn, oh, please, baby... go faster!," he pleaded, eyes half-lidded, his body sweating and his mouth opened, stained cherry-red from biting on it.The blonde complied and lifted the teen's legs so that they draped over his shoulders. The changed position caused him to go deeper, and fuck him harder.

"God, Kadaj," Cloud moaned as he gazed down at him, meeting the near-dark green eyes. Kadaj's head was thrown back from each thrust pounded into him, his hair flying everywhere, his wiry body whithering and moving, his insides clenching around his lover. Cloud moaned and slammed into him, harder. In return, Kadaj cried out and his body trembled in pleasure. The artist wrapped an arm around his lover's smooth thighs, holding them to his chest, while the other hand wrapped around the hard cock trapped between the hot bodies. Kadaj mewled and Cloud could feel wetness drip down his hand as he jerked him off. His body twisted and writhed to the double pleasure, unable to hold back release for much longer. "Oh, god, Cloud, make me cum," he begged, unable to open his beautiful eyes as the man pounded into him. Cloud stroked his arousal harder and faster, while ramming in and out of his channel faster than before. A few seconds later, Kadaj screamed Cloud's name as hot liquid burst from his cock and rained down onto his smooth chest. The blonde gasped as Kadaj's inner muscles clamped down on his arousal, squeezing tight as the silver-haired boy released his passion.

Cloud was still pounding into him when Kadaj came down from his high. He sighed in pleasure and gazed at him through his thick eyelashes, his jade eyes shinning. His pink tongue emerged from his swollen lips, and he began tracing his plump mouth with the tip of his tongue. Cloud growled low in his throat and Kadaj smiled. Then, he started squeezing his inner muscles hard, creating a vice-like grip around his partner's throbbing cock. He could no longer hold back his release as he came hard, shooting into him, releasing himself as pleasure clouded over my mind in a thick haze. Cloud groaned his lover's name as his cock twitched inside him, still feeling pleasure as he emptied himself in the hot, searing body. Both men collasped on the sweat-soaked sheets, breathing heavily, sleeping already wanting to claim them.

Kadaj leaned over some, ghosting his lips over his lover's, content and warm. "Thank you, baby... thank you," he said quietly, wrapping his arms around Cloud. The blonde murmured something in reply and nuzzled his face in Kadaj's moonlight hair. "What was that?," the boy asked, smiling a bit.

"I love you".
"I do too..."

Soon, the sounds of deep, even breathing filled the room along with the sound of the ocean, lulling the two into a more deep slumber. The moon now hung high in the dark sky, shinning a light so bright, you would have thought it was day time. The windows were opened, the fine, white silk curtains flowing in the wind. Silently, knowingly, a shadow loomed near the corner of the window, faint traces of moonlight touching it. A small giggle came from it and the shadow turned, facing the sky. Emerald eyes twinkled and a soft voice spoke to no one:
"A fairy-tale ending."

... okay, seriously... who LOVES me right now??? -author awaits glomps, hugs, cookies, and kisses and slaps to the face for not finishing this sooner- I know the whole situation with Vincent seemed dirty, but hey- THAT was hot, no? I hope everyone enjoyed "Create Me" very much. I know I will miss writing it, but hey, there's more bishounen to harrass. Thank you all for reviewing, favoriting, and reading this fanfiction. CloudxKadajLover, I hope this was good for you. XD

(1)That was hysterical, okay!
(2) It was about time Cloud stood up for himself like he did in FF7 (the game). No mo' Sephy to corrupt him. Buahaha.
(3) "Mos' def'" I got from the manga "NANA". I thought it was cool.

---the moonlight carries the message of Love---

"Later Days...!"