Disclaimer: I don't Maria-sama ga miteru, though I wish I did.

Note: Setting follows around a few weeks after the 'grandmother incident' in the anime, during the period of annual school festival preparations. This is Shoujou- Ai!

--text-- recollections of previous events, etc.

---------------------- equals change in scene/POV

(Yumi's POV)


I turned around and faced her.

"Yes? Onee-sama, do you have anything required of me?"

As I looked at her, my pain starts again. The lips were the same, the brows still furrowed in that manner and her chin still is as perfect as ever. The only difference was her eyes. Eyes that no longer smiled, eyes that no longer had that spark of life, eyes that reflect her, and only her.

I could never be near her, could only stand by and see her suffer, until someone like Youko stepped in and forced her to accept my help, just like how it was before. I was the only one who understood her, who wishes to and did understand her. But it was because of this that she pushed me away. Pushed me away so as not to implicate me.

"Yes, Yumi, could you look through this stack of data complied by the personnel regarding the annual school festival? I think it would be better if you were to do it together with Yoshino-chan."

"Sure thing, Onee-sama."



I knew that this meant that she wanted me to leave the room, leave her alone for her to think through some things.

I don't want to. I want to stay by her side forever, keeping her strong. Supporting her when she needs it, making her happy when she doesn't.

I want to stay.

But, before I could turn back and tell her that, Yoshino arrived. There was no excuse for me to stay longer now. Planting a smile on my face, I faced Yoshino.

"Let's go, Yoshino-chan. Onee-sama wants us to sort out some stuff regarding the festival. I think we can do this in the library."

"Ok, but wait a moment, Yumi. I got to put this file in the meeting room before going off. If not, Rei-chan is going to complain about me again. Poof!"

She went into the room, while I continued standing outside in the corridor. Pushing my back against the wall, I sighed within myself. Those two are like a couple who's been married for years, getting along so well, supporting each other and knowing how another feels. This could never happen between me and Onee-sama.

But I loved her.


A/N: Hi everyone, this is my first time attempting a fanfiction. Please be merciless with me. Do drop in a review, it gives me motivation to continue writing. Erm, i'll try to work harder to write up a longer chapter. pleasegive me more time.All kinds of comments other than pure flaming will be welcomed. Thank you very much.