Hewwo! Yay! I updated, it's only been like…forever! Lol…Anyways, sorry about that, and for those who haven't read my profile, it's changed by now, everything with that guy is fine. He's not mean at all, but anyways, enough about that. Here's the chapter you've been waiting for… X . x

Key: "Convo" thought flashback

Warnings: OOC (maybe)

Disclaimer: "I obviously do not own anything of which I am writing and am actually using this text to further my progress in gaining better skills for being the author of which I dream of soon becoming." -Me



CHAPTER FOUR: The Misfortune of Trust

When Kagome woke up she found herself in the bed of the hotel room. She sat up slowly and as she bent her legs, discovered they were incredibly sore from the marathon she'd run the previous night. She touched her forehead, finding that she had a slight fever and fell back into the pillow again. She was trapped with the inconsiderate jerk who had tricked her into joining him, using her naïve behavior against her. Last night he had seemed somewhat angry that she had run away from him. She wondered what his ulterior motives were, what he planned to do with her and why he needed to protect her.

"This sucks," she moaned to herself, rolling onto her stomach and staring at the white pillow which she laid on. He knew she didn't trust him anymore and she really did wonder how his behavior would change. "I'm so stupid…" She covered her head with her hands as water began to flow from her eyes, soaking the pillow with her tears. "I'm such a fool." She was scared and there was nothing she could do.

"Are you awake?" a gentle voice asked as the door opened. Bankotsu stepped inside slowly, shutting the door behind him, his eyes on the crying figure. "Are you crying?" His voice was suddenly so gentle and soothing, like he meant to be kind to her. Kagome refused to respond, she knew it was just another one of his mind games. She wasn't going to trust him ever again. He needed to die and at that moment she wished she could be the one to do it.

"Go away," she mumbled; managing to hold her tears in long enough to speak.

With a sullen expression, Bankotsu walked toward the bed. "Are you upset with me?" he asked with a tender and somewhat hurt tone.

"I said leave me alone," she sobbed angrily, pressing her face deeper into the pillow. "I hate you."

Ignoring her last comment, he sat on the bed beside her and brushed his hand through her long dark hair. "I saved your life, was that wrong?"

"Why are you doing this to me?" she asked angrily, sitting up a looking into his gentle eyes. "What do you want? Why are you suddenly acting so kind?"

"Hurry up and get your things, I'll be waiting outside." Without another word, Bankotsu stood up and left the room, leaving Kagome hurt and confused.


When Kagome did leave the hotel, she found Bankotsu outside waiting like he had promised; however, he didn't seem as laid back as before. He had his bright eyes locked on the girl before him and his expression was somewhat cold. "Do you have everything?" he asked, his voice dark and mysterious. Kagome gave a small nod as she walked toward him. "Good." Quickly and swiftly, he reached out and grabbed her by the arm roughly. "We're going now."

The direction they were heading wasn't back out the way they had come. Instead, they were climbing up the mountain, their destination unknown to the priestess. They had left the path and were now making their way through rocky territory and if it hadn't been for Bankotsu, Kagome would have fallen more than once. "Where are we going?" she asked, wondering if he would tell her.

"Don't worry about it," he replied casually, still holding her by the arm.

"Are you afraid I'll run from you?" she asked, glancing at his hand.

"I could care less if you ran," he laughed cockily, "I'd catch you. I just don't want you getting yourself harmed."

She frowned again but knew she had worse things to be worrying about. The sky was becoming dark and she could hardly see in front of her. Her vision was being blurred by a strange white fog surrounding the area. Where were they going? She couldn't shake the strong feeling of evil and fear that was filling her mind. Bankotsu didn't look very friendly anymore, which didn't help with her frantic nerves.

"I can't," she mumbled, suddenly out a breath. She nearly stumbled but was caught by the Shichinintai leader. Her legs hurt so badly and she didn't think she could walk any longer.

"Let me carry you," Bankotsu said as he scooped her into his arms and began walking again.

An idea struck the priestess as the Shichinintai leader carried her; a possible way to escape, but whether or not see had the guts to do it was another thing. It was hard for her to rest while in his arms, not knowing we're he was taking her. They continued to climb the dark mountain, each step making the world around them darker than the last.

"Where are we going?" she asked softly, hoping he would answer her.

Without looking at her, a smile appeared on his face; a cold and disturbing grin. "I think you already know," he answered in a dark voice. "You can stop playing dumb."

What? Kagome thought, having no clue what he was talking about. I already…know where? Her body suddenly stiffened as a possible destination flashed into her mind. Naraku.

"Ah, so you've figured it out."

"W-why would you…?" She stopped, realizing it was a stupid question. "No!" she screamed, suddenly trying to force her way out of his arms. In response to her outburst, Bankotsu casually dropped her to the ground.

"If that's how you're going to act, you're going to walk," he said angrily, taking hold of her hand and roughly pulling her to her feet. "So walk." He took the school uniform she'd been clutching so tightly and threw it to the side. "You won't be needing this anymore." Bankotsu dragged Kagome up the mountain a little more before stopping and letting her fall to her knees in exhaustion. "Run and I'll make your body hurt so badly you'll wish you were dead."

Kagome looked up at him in horror, wishing she was with Inuyasha. "Ouch…" she moaned, finding it difficult to move.

"We're here," Bankotsu yelled into the darkness. Suddenly the black fog vanished and standing before them was Kagura, looking as evil as ever.

"I'm glad you could make it, Bankotsu," she said in an eerie voice. "Naraku will be pleased."

"My payment?" inquired the Shichinintai leader.

"Naraku wants to check the girl out for himself, before paying you."

"So you'll be taking both of us?"

"Indeed I will."

Kagome listened to them talking, understanding everything. Bankotsu hadn't been using her to get information on Inuyasha. His whole plan from the start had been to bring her to Naraku.

"Come along," he said, taking hold of Kagome's hand again and pulling her to her feet. This time however, he picked her up and carried her onto the large feather which Kagura was standing. As the feather rose into the air, the modern priestess contemplated jumping out of Bankotsu's arms and plunging to her death, something that sounded like a good idea at the moment.

She watched the ground below, watching as they flew across rivers and forests, watching all the interesting things going on beneath them. Bankotsu held her tightly in his arms, as if he had an idea of what she was thinking. His Banryuu was lying beside him and Kagome was surprised that it wasn't too heavy for the feather.

After a while, they came upon a large dark castle where Kagura landed in front of. "Naraku is waiting for you inside," said the demon as soon as Bankotsu stepped off of her feather. "Please, feel free to let yourself in."

"I plan to do so."

Kagome's body tensed up as Bankotsu carried her toward the castle doors. As he came upon them, they suddenly opened and standing before them was Naraku.

"Hello Bankotsu…Kagome. I'm pleased you could make it," said the demon in front of them. "Bankotsu, I expect the priestess is not harmed."

"Not too badly. She's more tired than hurt."


"My payment?"

"All in good time."

Kagome stared at Naraku in horror. She didn't know why Naraku wanted her unharmed, but she knew it couldn't be good.



Yes, I realize it was very short. Only a little over a thousand words…But, with school and life, inspiration is a tricky thing to come by, and it's been so different for me. I do hope that next chapter will be longer. Much longer…hopefully, but I'm not sure when I'll update. As soon as I can of course, but that might not be for awhile…Until then, leave nice reviews! Thankies for reading!