DBZ High School by Hypr girl

Have you ever wondered what would happen if Goku, Vegeta, Bulma and ChiChi went to high school together? I'll do this

story by chapter. I had a dream about this for some reason and I thought why not share it with you guys? Anayway, I

hope you guys like my debut DBZ fan fiction story!

Fiction Rated T -English Romance

Chapter 1: The characters (backround)

This will tell you all the backround stuff my imagination came up with. And in case you're wondering, I really

did come up with this in my dream! Man oh man! Was I lucky that I remembered this dream or what?

Desclaimer: I don't own DBZ, I only own my dog...

It all starts at the edge of town. A women, named Izume, was going on her daily walk. She was sad, for just three days

ago, her parents' house burnt down. Her, her husband, her 4-month old child, and her parents burned along side with the

house. This "peaceful" walk was the closest thing to her lost family, for her in-laws did not like her much. While on her

walk, she heard a faint cry. She ran toward that sound. She looked and gasped! There was a baby boy! Poor thing was

so small, and abandoned nonetheless! Izume saw this child as a blessing, and named him Goku. He was so bad, but

Izume kept him anyway. A few years later, Goku was a small boy. Everyone heard how Izume had such an aweful child!

Izume shocked them all, raising a pure of heart little boy. He would not curse, would not lie, kept all of his promises,

and most of all, he would never hit a girl.

Izume got a call one day from an adoption home. They found a boy, about the age of 9. This child was said to be just as

bad as Goku, but older, and much meanier. Izume immediantly picked up Goku from school to meet his "new brother."

Izume wondered as she drove what this little boy could do to be considered worse than Goku? Goku's body tensed as

they neared the adoption place. It was obvious that Goku could sense his "big brother." The little boy went to attck Goku,

but stopped out of no where. For some reason he could not bring him self to attack the little boy. He noticed Goku also

had a tail, like he did, so maybe this new life would'nt be so bad... as he thought. Izume broke him very easily, she had

much practice with Goku. Before she new it, Goku and Vegeta (as he was later called) were unseperatable. They still had

fights from time to time, but they never got all that bad.

ChiChi was the proud princess of the Oxen tribe. Her grandpa had started a war with Japan. Back then, women were NOT

treated equally, while females in the Oxen tribe had just as much "power" as the men. When the Japanese warned them

to stop, ChiChi's grandpa trained more oxen to do battle. An aweful sneak attack was done, in which the great Oxen leader

was killeed. ChiChi's father swore revenge. Ox, as his people called him, made peace with Japan, stating that anyone who

lived on Oxen land followed the Oxen way. When ChiChi was 3, Japan had enough of this "peace" thing. They did a suprise

attack that was extremely fatal. ChiChi witnessed the death of her mom, who got shot in the heart. Also, her closest friend,

and body gaurd, got in the way of a bullit headed for Chichi. She watched him die as well. The last thing she could remember

was how her dad got her away. She watched late at night from her dads shoulder and could see the flames from her once

magnificant village. Ever since her mom's death, Bulma, ChiChi's closest girl friend, became her "mom." Bulma raised ChiChi

to continue being pure of heart, and to not be angry with the Japanese because of what happened.

Bulma spent most of her life in the books. Since her mom and dad made so much money with their good experiments, Bulma had

her own library. When bulma found out ChiChi was having problems at school, Bulma thought spending a few extra years at school

to look out for ChiChi wouldn't be such a bad idea. Her mom and dad approved of it, though her father worried that Bulma would fall

in love with someone who went to her school. Bulma ignored it, and stayed in school anyway.


It was everyones last year at high school. Because Vegeta had to start school so late, he was around18 years old. Goku, who did

not learn very well, was around 16 years old. Bulma would have been done with school well around the age of 11, if she had not waited

for ChiChi. Bulma was around 17 years old. ChiChi, being the youngest one, was 14, going on to 15. Spending all that time studing

with Bulma really paid off! She was already almost out of school!

The next day, Vegeta thought he should do something nice for a change, and buy his own school supplies. Little did he know something

would happen while he was out. Izume decided to keep Goku and Vegeta's tails, and not a single soul in Japan was quite used to seeing

a tail on a human. He got alot of stares. 'What the hell are you starin' at?' he would usually say in his mind. While getting some extra

pencils for school, he bumped right into a young woman. "Watch where you're..." he almost foregot, women's ears were'nt worthy

enough to hear a "bad" word come out of a guys mouth. "What the hell is your problem? How hard could it be to just fucking walk with

out bumping into someone!" He was amazed! This girl obviously believed in equal rights, and said "bad" words all she wanted. He just

walked away... today Ma (Izume) promised more training for Goku and him. That girl was not worth being late for. Little did he know

that girl was Bulma...


Well, I hope you liked it! I need to remember some of my other dreams before I can post more... so sorry that you'll have to wait! All I can say is

some really crazy crap will happen, I remember giving ChiChi and Bulma some enemies... same with Goku and Vegeta... Please be patient...

I will most likely make more as the memories come back! Please Review this for me!
