...i bet you guys werent expecting this huh? well, my cousin FINALLY got her internet back! so...as long as i stay on her good side, youll see more updates from me! so...lets start this!

Chapter16: She's back...?

Goku's POV

This weekend sure was weird! I'm in the car with Vegeta right now, on our way to school. Yeah, that's right. Vegeta got his car back from Ma. I have no idea why on Earth Ma gave it back, but she did. I guess I should start off with what happend once we got home. Well, not yet. Ma gave us an ear full on our way home. Every time there was a yellow light, she would stop instead of go for it. And for what? Just so she got more time to yell at us! Thank Kami I stayed in the back seat! That's the start of Vegeta acting weird. He usually tries to avoid Ma if he's in trouble, but this time he told me to get in back and he sat upfront. Ma asked me if I wanted to be upfront, and I kindly said that I would be fine in back! Ma's scary when she's pissed! I was never once comfortable during our ride home. You have no idea! When we got home, Ma made us wait outside. After about an hour she told us to go get some dinner. Me and Vegeta always have at least ten dollars on us, so we easily found a place to eat. Besides, there's no way Ma would try to stop us from eating if we get hungry! So we went to Mc. Donalds and got as much Mc. Chickens and Double Cheeze Burgers we could get. And I got a milkshake! It was vanilla, and it was good! Even though Vegeta drank 3/4 of it... Getting back on subject! When we went back home (we had to walk) Ma finally let us back in. The house was a MESS! Ma literally knocked down everything she could find! She got the leftovers and threw them on the carpet! She broke the glass table, spilt ketchup on the couches, and got a new dog, just so it could crap all over the house! That was only the living room too! I'm sure you have the right idea though. So me and Vegeta spent all friday cleaning up his room, so we had some where clean to sleep. That is...after we cleaned Ma's room. We managed to clean her room and Vegeta's room...with only two hours of sleep.

Ma woke us up right before she left for work. The sun wasn't even up yet! I worked on my room, Vegeta started on the living room. We had been working for about an hour when Vegeta called me. He sounded so pissed too. I ran out of my room and went to the screen door, where he was. Ma mustv'e had some kind of party...even the back yeard was a mess! I told Vegeta that I would start on that, I was almost finished with my room. He aggitadely nodded and started to work in the kitchen. I went back to my room, and I heard Vegeta's cell go off. I knew it wasn't Bulma because it was a different ring tone, and I knew it couldn't have been a girl because he doesn't like talking on the phone too much. I did know it was someone important, Vegeta ran out front after he answered it. It was almost as if he was trying to make sure that I didn't hear him. Still, I don't know why he did that. He was back inside, just as I came out from my clean room. He looked at me and told me to start on the back yard and to stop wasting time. I shrugged off the thought that Vegeta was up to something and began to work outside.

When I came back in, Vegeta had finished the kitchen and did half the living room. I started on the carpet and he started to make lunch. It was about 12:30 ish, and he could make some good fried chicken. That's when it happened again, he got a call on his cell phone. He answered it and said to call him back in five minutes. He finished the chicken and then went outside. Juts in time for him to talk privately on the phone again. By then I thought he was actually being nice and planning something with Bulma. But, he was just too secretive, I knew it couldn't exactly be that. He came back in, ate, and then took a shower. When he came out, Ma came home. She told us to make sure that we worked together to finish it. Vegeta seemed to be thinking about something the whole time. Like, when he was supposed to be cleaning a certain spot, his aim was completely off, he was cleaninn a spot that was already clean. Again, his cell rang. He told me to finish what he started, and then he would take what ever Ma told me to do later on. With out waiting for me to say yes or no, he went outside and answered his phone again. That's when the dog Ma 'got' us came out of her room. We named him Mac, and he's a pitbull. A good one at that. He listens to everything we tell him to, so I guess he only crapped in the house 'cause Ma told him too. Vegeta came back inside in time for Ma to tell me to give Mac a bath. When she went in her room again Vegeta stuck to his word and took Mac out back. This si when I can't get the thought out of my head that Vegeta is up to something.

The next time Ma came out of her room, the house was clean again. It was also about 2:20 pm. Vegeta came inside and a wet Mac followed. Everyone knows a wet dog is a hyper one as well...so Mac didn't listen to us at all. He ran all over the clean couches, knocked over some cleaning supplies that were on the tables, and jumped all over me! When Ma was done laughing at us, she told one of us to clean the new mess while the other one takes Mac outside. Vegeta's cell rang again. He looked at me, and quickly got Mac's leash. Again, he was outside and talking on his phone. Now I knew he was up to something. I just wished I knew what. When he got back Ma announced we would have to get her a new table tomorrow.

That day, yesterday, was uneventful. Just Vegeta was always outside when he talked on his cell. That's so annoying! He keeps doing something, and I don't know why! Gosh! Well, we're at school now. He hasn't spoken a word to me...strange...

Regular POV

Vegeta slammed his door shut and headed for the table, Goku behind him. Stef and Bre told Bulma that Vegeta was now here. When she blushed they laughed at her. When their eyes met he nodded to a different table.

"Ooooooh. Vegeta wants to talk to you alone!" Stef teased. Bulma rolled her eyes as she got up, Bre and Stef laughed. Goku curiously looked at Vegeta as he took his seat. "I wonder what that's about." Stef addmitted.

"Same here. Vegeta was so strange this weekend. You have no idea." Bre gave him a questioning look. "He was always on his cell, and always alone too. Or at least, he wasn't near me." Bre and Stef looked at eachother.

"Well, then we know he wasn't planning to do something for Bulma. What is he up to!?" Bre was seriously lost. Everyone looked at the couple. They saw Bulma blush as she came back to them, and Vegeta go back to his car. "What the?" Bre asked. Bulma's blush lightened as she looked at all of them.

"Vegeta said he has a gift for me, and to show me that he's not selfish or something like that, it's a gift that we all will like." Everyone's eyes went wide. "Yea...I know. Weird, huh?"

"Yeah it's weird! Goku, you should fill her in!" Stef yelled.

"Ok, ok. Listen Bulma, this whole weekend Vegeta was on his cell talking to someone. I don't know who, but whoever it was, he made sure that I didn't hear anything. And now he has a gift for all of us? I don't know about you, but that's just too weird for me."

"Wow...maybe-" The bell rang.

"Maybe what?" Stef asked. Bulma shook her head and went to class. Stef sighed and went to class as well. Bre and Goku shrugged.

"We need to talk about this more at lunch, k?" Bre asked. Goku nodded and headed for his class. "This really is too weird. If only Goku would have gotten more info..."

Goku was seated at lunch with Bre and Stef. Bulma came from the lunch line and they all took their seat outside. They all sat there for ten minutes looking for Vegeta, but he was no where to be seen. They all shrugged and started eating their lunch. Goku was the first to finish, so he got up and threw out his tray. When he looked up the person he least expected to see then was there. She smiled at him...and he rolled his eyes. "What do you want Angel?" She walked up to him, swaying her hips sexily, and then gave him a hug. One he didn't return.

"Don't play like that Goku. I know you still have feelings for me, so just stop playing and ask me out." He rolled his eyes again and pushed her off of him.

"I don't have time for you and your crap. Leave me alone." Angel glared at him and placed her hands on her hips. By now, Bre had spotted this and told Bulma and Stef. They all watched as Angel pushed Goku this time.

"Stop playin' like that! I'll give you one more chance...go ahead. Ask me out." She smiled at him, expecting him to say what she wanted, or to just kiss her. Instead he sighed and turned around. He managed to take half a step when Angel grabbed his arm and turned him around. She was about to slap him, when someone got in the way. The girl grabbed her wrist, twisted, and punched her in the face. The punch made Angel fall backwards, to the floor. Bulma, Bre, Stef, and Goku all gasped.

"YOU BITCH! DON'T YOU EVER TRY TO TOUCH HIM LIKE THAT AGAIN!" The girl went to punch Angel again, but another girl ran up and held her back.

"ChiChi! Stop it! I didn't teach you all of this so you could kill someone!" Bulma's face had grown a small smile, along with Stef and Bre. Goku, he was still fozen in the same posistion. 'Can it be? No way...'

"CHICHI!!!" Bulma yelled. ChiChi got free from the other girl's grip, and smiled at her friends. She was tackled to the ground. "Ohmygoshwemissedyou!" Bulma yelled out for herself and her friends.

"Ok! I...can't-breathe!" ChiChi barely managed. Bulma and Stef got up and then worked together to get Bre off of ChiChi.

"...Who is this?" Stef asked.

"You don't remember her? All of us barely got to hangout because she had to babysit her brother and sister." The other girl made a shocked face when Bre, Stef, and Bulma didn't remember her.

"You don't remember me? Fine, I see how it is." The three still looked at her. "(sigh) Alexa. My name is Alexa. Remember now?" Bulma gasped while Bre and Stef still looked confused.

"Oh my gosh!" Bulma gave Alexa a hug. "I do remember you!" Then Stef gave them both a hug, she remembered as well.

"Yay! I'm loved!" Bre then ran to Alexa and gave her a hug as well.

"DEATH HUG!" ChiChi cheered happily.

"No!" Bre yelled. But it was too late. Stef, Bulma, and ChiChi had already joined in. "You guys suck!" Bre yelled once she was let free. Everyone else laughed. That's when Vegeta showed up. Angel cried and ran past him. He looked at ChiChi and smirked.

"'Bout damn time you put that bitch in her place." he stated. Bulma ran up to him, no longer embarrassed, and gave him a hug.

"Thank-you!" He chuckled and hugged her back. Then there was that familiar camera noise. Bulma looked behind her and saw that ChiChi took the picture.

"What? I need something worthy of my photo album." Bulma caught ChiChi's drift, and decided to give her a taste of her own medicine. She made that 'clear your voice' noise and nodded at Goku. ChiChi blushed a little at Bulma, and vanished in time for her to come face-to-face with Goku.

"I can't...is this...I don't-" He gave up. He couldn't pick the right words. ChiChi helped him out, she gave him a hug.

"I can't believe I'm back either, this is real, and what you don't understand is Vegeta planned this for me." Goku looked at Vegeta and got a smirk in return. He smiled, and then focused on the short beauty hugging him. He hugged her close. After Alexa busted out laughing and a few moments, the hug ended. Goku was smiling wide at ChiChi, and she was to him too. Then, out of no where, she slapped his arm really hard.

"What was that for!?"

"What's this I hear about you not eating because I left!?" He gulped and took a few steps back. "I swear Goku, if you ever do something so stupid like that again-"

"-ChiChi!" Alexa yelled. "Give the guy a break. He just loves you!" ChiChi gave her a slight glare and then allowed her gaze to venture to Goku.

"Just...don't do anything that stupid ever again. Are we clear!?" He gulped again and jumped.

"Yeah! We are, I already ate lunch!" ChiChi's glare lingered for a while before she smiled again.

"Good." she gave him a slight smile. "At least you tried to do something about it before I got here."

"Yea. I figured it'd be better if I tried to fix myself soon than later."

"Alright love birds, I want my hug before the bell rings." Stef says. ChiChi rolls her eyes and gives her the demanded hug.

"Anyone else?" she offers. Bre and Bulma manage to get a huig before the bell rings.

"What's the soonest you'll be with us?" Goku asks.

"well...lunch. I'm trying to get my old schedule back. And I'm going to help Alexa get good classes too." Goku siged.


"Aww! ChiChi, go give your man another hug before we leave!" Alexa teased. ChiChi rolled her eyes and gave Goku another hug. While this was going on, Vegeta aks Alexa if she wants the two to be a couple.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS!?" Alexa yells. "Look at 'em! They were meant for eachother!" Vegeta smirked and nodded in approval. Goku was one step closer to being happy, just like Vegeta wants him to be. Alexa and ChiChi left then.

"Happy now?" Vegeta asks Goku.

"You have no idea." Goku answers. "No idea." Then they both leave for their class...


there ya have it! i bet most of you guys are like "omg im frekin dreaming!" well, YOU RNT! SO GET OVER IT!!! lol. well, ill see what i can do about updating more, but that depends. i really dont feel like updating this anymore... for now. so yea... review if you guys wanna!
