by Shadowesque13
Chapter: 1?
Rating: PG (currently)
Genre: Drama/Sci-Fi
Summary: However did you lose two years of your memories, Jack? What were they of? Perhaps a certain Time Lord holds the key...

He was going to leave. That had been his plan. Well, his plan as soon as he'd been rescued, something he hadn't counted on. Watching the Doctor and Rose dance, he wondered how long it would be before he could hop off this ship—this magnificent work of art—to the nearest inhabited planet. He could, perhaps, even swipe a few things from them before he left.

At least, that had been the plan.

Said plan changed a few hours later (he wasn't sure if it was hours; it was hard to tell any sort of Earthen increments of time in this spaceship/time machine) after having changed into something more comfortable and grabbing a bite to eat, as well as a little drink. It was about this time when he was in the console room with his rescuers, hanging back and observing—he had to observe, there was nothing much else he could do without understanding more about the alien ship. Occasionally, he would make a flirtatious quip that would get a grin and small blush from Rose and a laugh from the Doctor.

The Doctor. Time Lord. A creature of immense inner grace and outward eccentricity. A quirk in time and space (a mistake, perhaps), an enigma lying behind those eyes, as well as innumerable secrets of the universe. Watching him, him and his ship, him and Rose, it was like some play performed just for his entertainment. And it was at this point when plans began to change.

There wasn't anything particularly striking that made him want to stay. All right, perhaps that was a lie. While he had found himself in many odd, strange, and downright bizarre situations, being in a time machine with a Time Lord and a twenty-first century shopgirl had to rank highly on the list. But it wasn't the situation per se that made him suddenly want to stay. It was something about him, this Doctor. It wasn't just the fact that he seemed to hold everything inside of him or that there was probably nobody else in the universe quite like him or anything that was noticed in the here and now.

It was something familiar. He couldn't place it, which was the most irritating thing about it. A striking familiarity that didn't even make any sort of sense to him. It was this man, or something about him, or something about his situation, or something that reminded him of some past occurrence. And it wasn't even the same kind of familiarity that happened when he remembered something fuzzy after being drunk. Something in the very back, in some kind of depth, shrouded from view.

He had to know what it was. This was a completely normal impulse for him, for any Human. But there was something more to this. It was so compelling, and the mystery made him wonder if, perhaps, just maybe, it had to do with his missing life. Perhaps he was just being overly hopeful, a fool, even, as many claimed him to be (though a very charming, tricky fool). It wouldn't hurt, surely, to find out what this Doctor had to do with those two years of his life that were taken from him, right? And he still had the chance to meet other Time Agents, going through time here and there and anywhere. It wasn't much different than his tactic (if one could call it that) from beforehand.

Then again, Jack was quite used to making frequent changes of plan.