Author's note: Here we go. The very last chapter of Changes. I hope you enjoy this last one and I have to thank you all for your great support! You really are the reason why this story here has so many chapters and why I went on writing. : ) Thank you guys so, so much for it! You're all my heroes! Have fun reading it and see ya soon!

Thanks a lot, Kavi for helping me out with the English wedding stuff: )

Read my short speech at the end. It contains slight spoiler for the Sequel and tells you briefly what it is about! PLEASE REVIEW!

Changes Epilogue

He looked into the mirror, right into the eyes of his unfamiliar opposite. He turned his head from one side to the other and back; not believing that he was actually looking at his mirror image… He had to remind himself that he did it for her, that it was a unique exception because he wanted her to be completely happy on this special day. Nevertheless, he really had to remind himself of it very, very hard. He did it for her. Only for her. Just to see her smiling even happier than she might would do anyway as he hoped. Sighing, he shook his head and plucked at his weird, short dark hair, which seemed to belong to someone else but him. Which, as he knew it, would look the same as usual on the next morning anyway, if not even earlier. Then his hand went lower, stroking over his smooth, stubble-free cheeks; also knowing that they would just last as long as his usual unruly hair. Again, he had to recall hard who he did this for… Shaking his head, he leant back again, standing straight in front of the large mirror now, while his eyes traced the rest of his unfamiliar features.

If it wasn't because of his adamantium which made his bones unbreakable, he was convinced that his heart would have broken his chest easily by now. He felt scared to death, was nervous like hell, wanted to get drunk or ran off as fast as possible… He wanted to be anywhere but here… And not because he was going to get married! No, it was this weird mirror-image which caused him to freak out. He glanced at his wrist-watch and wanted to vomit instantly. It really was about time… He had to go out there… A strong wish suddenly made its way to his mind. Maybe, just maybe he could grab his fiancée, take the next car or bike and head off to some other place, get married there and return when he looked like his old self again… Yes, that really was a good plan… He only had to sneak through the whole mansion, because she was on the other side of it. So, forget it!

He asked himself why he did it anyway? Sure, she'd wished for it, but since when did he as he was told! He came to the conclusion that she might wanted to punish him for something…but for what! He would never ever say he'd fulfill all her wishes, that he would do everything for her… Never! Well, it wouldn't work anyway. He just loved her too damn much…

Looking out of the window right into the garden, he felt his heart dying just in this very second. He saw them, everyone of them. Hoped to find a few chairs which were still empty, but there was none… Or maybe he could scare Ororo and cause her to let it rain! Nah, bad idea, too. She, too, was probably somewhere in the mansion and…he had to walk through it…

He really noticed how much on top of the world and down in the dumps sounded to him like the exact same thing just now. At least he could easily sum it up to a single word. Which, very strangely, looked exactly like his name… What did he feel like again? Vomiting, right. This explained his whole being perfectly, too. And if he added both together the result was…yeah, his situation. The perfect incarnation of his worst nightmares… Well, not exactly worst, but it came close to it. At least he couldn't recall feeling that bad in the past months. Okay, not included his second (…or already third!) near death experience last year…but this came as strangely as it was very close to it. He should have burned all cameras and any other devices which could possibly remind him of this misery in a few years. Yeah, he should have burned them…at least Jubilee's one…

Glancing at his watch once more, he suddenly felt his knees getting weak. He had to go. Or in fact, he could still just grab…nah, forget it! Slowly, he took his black jacket and put it on. Oh, how he missed his beloved leather jacket now with its holes and scratches and…yeah, he had to go… Walking over to the door, he looked into the mirror again, while his hand rested on the doorknob. He really looked so…ordinary human… Wolverine, roaring inside of him, wanted to kill him for it. That was for sure…

Heaving a more than deep breath, he glanced through the small fissure; making sure that there was no one in close proximity. He could still grab a bag and put it over his head…nah, bad idea, too. Closing the door calmly, he promised himself that she would pay. As soon as she was his wife she would pay for making him feel so miserable. Closing his eyes for a brief moment, he began to walk down the corridor. To his great relief and luck, no one else was left within the mansion; no one besides him and Jean…


…and someone he apparently had forgotten about. Freezing on the spot, he didn't turn around.

"Who are you? I've never seen you here before!"

He sighed. Thinking about it, he might not even be recognized by someone… Burying his hands in his pockets, he turned around; giving his opposite the most self-assured look he could come up with. At least he hoped so… Suddenly, he winced as a loud shattering sound echoed through the corridor, caused by some plate who had fallen down to the ground. Opening his eyes again, which he'd closed while his sensitive ears had hurt like hell, he cocked an eyebrow at her. "Great, 'Ro! We can still eat from the ground, can't we?" he growled at her, while she still stood there like a shocked looking living sculpture. Frowning, he waved a hand in front of her eyes. "You still there?"

Blinking for a second, she looked down his entire figure. "Oh…my…dear…God…," she gasped.

"Close ya mouth or ya might catch a fly," he grunted while he gave her a look; recalling how much he wanted to run. "What!" he suddenly asked annoyed since she still had this weird look on her face.

Storm shook her head. "Did you look into a mirror, today?"

"Yeah, for the past two hours." Stressed, he watched how she walked around him, scanning him from all sides and from head to toe.

Still with her mouth open in shock, she finally stopped in front of him again. "Good grief…" Letting her eyes curiously wander around his face, she met his eyes. "Do you want to shock her?"

Logan snorted and tilted his head a bit. He gave her a warning look. He knew it was bad but… "I'm not looking that bad, 'Ro!"

"That's the point!" she replied, raising an eyebrow at him.

Wrinkling his brows in confusion, he crossed his arms and looked down on her. "What do you mean? That's the point!"

She sighed. "I mean…the problem is that you're…" She looked for the right words while she drove him nuts by gesticulating nonstop right in front of his face with her hand during her search. "…that you're not not looking good, Logan."

"Eh!" he only made and now it was him who had to stare. Could this day even get worse?

Heaving a deep sigh, she began to tidy up the mess she'd caused because of him. "You'll see. At least as soon as you run into the next woman….or even man…" She smirked, despite her racing heart.

Frustrated Logan shook his head and fled. This was just too much for his anyhow overworking brain right now, which was still looking for possible escape routes. He only wanted this day to be over and over quickly. Or his healing factor to kick into high gear and make him look like before he'd fulfilled the puppy-dog-eyes-wish of his fiancée. Logan growled. He definitely had to stop being so soft and crazy about her that much… Okay, maybe only with the first one, since he actually loved the last one. Reaching the backdoor, which would led him to even more weird staring people, he paused. He could still grab her and make her erase the last five minutes from Ororo's memory… Shaking his head, he buried his right hand in his pocket and did the same with his free hand after he opened the door, before he stepped out into the decorated garden. As soon as he approached the red carper and white stools which were decorated with red and white roses, he really was in hell…

Logan was used to people staring at him, but they'd never done it with such weird looks on their faces. Maybe he should have checked the mirror image once more? Walking past them without looking at anyone, he stopped in front of the priest. At least one person smiled at him happily…or…what had Ororo said again about men! Never mind…, to him it seemed as if everyone was looking at him either shocked, confused or with cocked eyebrows while their mouths nearly touched the ground. Switching his head, he caught the sight of Jubilee, Kitty and Rogue who were staring at him as if he belonged to the Seven Wonders of the World. Logan narrowed his eyes when Jubilee whispered something to her friends. No matter how hard he tried, eavesdropping didn't work.

"Is that really him?" Jubilee asked her friends as silently as she could. Kitty could only nod without stopping to stare at the groom. "Who's for getting rid of Jean? We could kidnap her!" the girl, who was dressed in a yellow dress, added instantly.

Rogue couldn't help but stare, too. Whatsoever, her heart was beating strongly in her chest. She'd never noticed it… Even Mystique, who was sitting in the last row, looked at him curiously.

"How can a woman be so lucky?" Moira said dreamy all of a sudden and caused the girls and some men to look at her, while she had her eyes fixed to the front.

Logan turned towards the priest and gave him an annoyed look. "Do me a favor and get over it quickly, bub!" Turning around again, since he'd seen Hank and Scott approaching, he sent a mental note to Jean; telling her quiet clearly to tell her bridesmaids and witness not to stare at him like idiots. Instead of sending him some soothing words, he heard her giggle in his head and quickly changed the plans he'd made for his revenge on her to the worst.

"How about that?" Hank said stunned and exchanged glances with Scott while they walked down the red carpet in their black suits. "Wonders will never cease, huh?" he added and tried to smirk, but he was too excited to stare at the tensed looking bridegroom. "No offence, Scott, but I can clearly see why she picked him in the end. Who thought that our feral friend is that good looking…" He chuckled, while Scott glared at him.

"So I'm ugly or what?" he snapped and buried his hands in his pockets.

"No, but you're no match to him. Sorry, but even you should see that all woman do not even take notice of us. They are practically eating him up with their stares." He smirked. "And you've seen, 'Ro. All stuttering and blushed."

The other man had to grin slightly. It had definitely been fun to see Ororo not being quiet with it. They'd just came in time to stop her from putting pepper into the sugar dispenser. "Yeah, right," he replied, knowing that his friend still waited for an answer of him. "And yes, without all the hair in his face, he really looks…like an ordinary human being."

Hank laughed. "My friend, you're just incorrigible. Maybe I should shave and cut my hair, too. What do you think?"

Scott shook his head smirking. "Won't do!" He scanned Logan for a brief moment before he looked around a bit. Yeah, it was true. No one took notice of them only for the glimpse of a second… "And yes, I admit it. Judging from a man's point of view, he can be called good-looking. Satisfied?" They walked past Jubilee and the others as the girl suddenly shrieked aloud.

"Girls, we have to go! Hurry up, come on!" Pulling Kitty and Rogue with her, they stormed down the red carpet towards the mansion again, while Marie barely made it to hand over her little daughter to a surprised looking Bobby.

Scott took his seat in the first row next to Moira; giving her a cocked eyebrow as he noticed her look. He'd never been aware of woman becoming that crazy… Well, except with teenage girls in his classes. All this craving and drooling about boy groups was just too much for him sometimes. And now there was a grown up woman right next to him who admired his greatest adversary from afar… Gladly, he touched the handkerchief in his pocket. You never knew when the drooling or crying came…

"Dear boy," Hank said while spreading his arms and laying them on the shoulders of a suspicious looking Logan. "You're always up for a surprise, huh?" His opposite couldn't decide weather to snarl or cry. Why did everyone have to give him such a hard time today? "Nervous?" his best man asked with a huge grin on his face. He was glad that Kurt wanted to film the wedding. Not only because it was the twins first birthday. No, he wanted a copy to tease his friend a bit if he became all mean, grouchy and grumpy because of nothing again.

"Stop mocking me!" Logan growled through clenched teeth; asking himself if hell could even be worse. He looked at his watch for the at least tenth time in two minutes.

Hank had noticed him doing so. "Yeah, definitely nervous," he laughed and his opposite gave him a grim look while the low laugh of his opposite vibrated in his sensitive ears. "And I wasn't mocking you, Logan!" he added soothingly and earned a loud snort.

"'f course not," his opposite grunted and looked into the sunny blue sky. At least the weather still got along with it, thanks to Ororo. Rain or a thunderstorm would have made his day just perfect… But in his case he'd rather expected a snowstorm. Cold, wet and lasting for at least till night. Yeah, this mirrored his mood, too…

Hank had watched him closely. Checking his own dark blue tie, he turned his head and gave the guests a short look. "Why do you think I'm mocking you?" he wanted to know and frowned. "Because you're wearing a suit! I mean what about it? Besides that your fan club would rather like to see you in your leather uniform…"

"What!" Logan replied distracted with a slight trace of anger in his voice. "Are ya blind?" He nodded towards Moira and Scott, who looked at Hank pleadingly; hoping that he would help him to get away from the crazy woman next to him.

"What about them?" the blue mutant asked shrugging. He had no clue what was bothering his opposite so much, besides the fact that he was obviously very nervous.

"They are staring, Furball!" Logan replied in such a tone that it gave Hank the impression he thought the diplomat was brain-dead.

Still, he had to laugh. "Of course they are staring at you, my friend!" He shook his head in disbelief. He couldn't believe that the almighty Wolverine had no idea why everyone was doing it. Well, at least he finally knew what bothered him so much. Suddenly he froze. The look of the man in front of him really told him that he hadn't the slightest idea why… "You really don't know!" Logan coked an eyebrow at him. "Gosh, boy… I thought your ego was larger! Have you looked into a mirror today!"

Heaving a deep sigh, which contained all his despair, frustration and need to run, the groom shook his head, before he looked at the mansion. "Can you guys ask something else today?"

Hank's world was still shattered to pieces. He just had entered a state of shock which would keep him immobile for at least five minutes. This incarnation of manliness…this fine figure of a man really hadn't got the slightest clue. "Logan…you shock me! Honestly!" He watched how the Professor positioned himself at the end of the red carpet. It would begin soon. "I'll give you a hint, my friend." Logan coked an eyebrow at him; waiting for his best man to make his day even worse. "Or lets say two hints and an advice," Hank corrected himself. "First, no one will mock you. Definitely not! They are staring at you in a positive way." His opposite snorted. For him there was nothing positive about his situation. "Second hint! You made such a mess out of 'Ro that she was about to mix up pepper and sugar!"

Logan couldn't help but shake his head. First the plates, now the spices… Maybe he should bring the large wedding cake into safety. God knows what she would do with it. "The advice?" he asked uninterested and saw the back door being opened.

Hank bent forward so that only Logan would hear him. "You should use contraceptives during your wedding night!" He smirked by the threatening, but also confused appearing look the groom gave him. "It will answer your questions why everyone's staring at you, believe me!"

"The contraceptives!" Logan asked in total confusion now and Hank laughed. "No, boy! Your wedding night!" He shook his head in amusement. "Thank God the two of you stay in the room downstairs for it." He winked at him, but his opposite only growled.


Inside the mansion, someone else was very nervous and didn't even think about hiding it. The red head had already run to the toilet twice; believing that she'd to vomit because her vitals decided to give her a hard time. "Do I really look okay?" she asked her marriage witness and bridesmaids for at least the twentieth time.

"You look gorgeous, Jean," Ororo replied and gave her a warm smile. "Just perfect!"

"God, 'Ro… I'm going to fade," she went on while she walked down the stairs with them.

"No, you won't. And if, he'll catch you!"

Rogue, Kitty and Jubilee exchanged glances while the last two ones took care of the veil. "You sure you want to marry him?" Jubilee asked dryly and Jean could bet that she'd just heard a slight trace of jealousy in her voice.

"Jubes!" Ororo warned her.

The girl returned the look she received from her teacher. "I only mean, if she sees him she…"

"Of course she will marry him, girl!"

"Well, I wasn't the one who mixed up pepper and sugar after seeing him, right?"

Jean stopped abruptly, getting even paler than she already was. "What do you mean when I see him?" She looked at her witness and maid of honor for help. "He's not wearing jeans, a wife beater and his leather jacket, is he?"

The white heard woman had to laugh aloud. "Was this your nightmare this night because the two of you slept in separate rooms?" she asked her jokingly, but became serious when she noticed that her friend was really scared. "He doesn't! I swear!" she assured her honestly

"Then what did she mean?" the despaired bride asked and kept on walking down the stairs. She would have surely suffered from a heart attack if Logan had chosen to wear his casual clothes. Not that he looked bad in them, but not today… Her heart already ached in her chest while her breath couldn't keep up with its speed. She'd never felt so frightened and scared in her entire life… Swallowing hard, while she definitely felt cold sweat on her forehead, she fought against the upcoming sickness again. She could only hope that she wouldn't vomit in front of the priest.

"You alright?" Jean suddenly heard a familiar voice in her head which sounded as scared as she was, but also concerned for her. He was one reason why she felt so miserable since she's felt his chaos of emotions within her.

"Yeah, I'm fine," she soothed him, but of course her state was no secret to him anymore.

Reaching the backdoor, Jean stopped in front of it and closed her eyes for a brief moment, while Ororo used a handkerchief to dry her forehead. Plucking on some red strands, she smiled at her friend encouragingly.

"He won't disappoint you. Believe me!" she assured her and opened the door for her, while she held Lily in her arms. "In fact you'll be quiet surprised…"

Jean wrinkled her brows in confusion. "Tell me the truth, 'Ro!" she pleaded. "How bad is it?"

"So bad that Kitty and I will have a calm night," Jubilee stated and straightened the bridal veil on the ground, before she took her bouquet of colorful May flowers into both hands. Kitty did the same and followed her to the Professor, who smiled at them warmly all dressed up into a dark suit and white shirt with a dark blue tie.

Noticing the despaired look in the brides face, Rogue, who had carried Jack, shook her head, while the boy kept on playing with her hair. "She doesn't mean it!"

"Right," Ororo added. "In fact she meant that they are glad the two of you sleep downstairs."

Jean took another deep breath while she played with her phoenix necklace nervously. "God, I can't do this…"

"Don't say that," her marriage witness reprimanded her. "You can!"

Also Marie smiled at her warmly. "The two of you have waited so long for this day. And if you don't do this, there are enough women out there who would gladly call him their husband." Especially now, she added in her mind.

Jean sighed. "I know, it's just… I'm either going to fade or vomit. I've never been such a mess before…"

Ororo handed Lily over to Marie, who turned around with both kids in her arms to join Hank at the altar. Then, she laid a hand on her friend's shoulder. "You'll do fine, Jean! And afterwards you'll laugh about your nervousness, believe me!" She also turned around and walked towards her opposite, Logan's best man.

Nevertheless, Jean had to close her eyes for a brief moment. Her heart was pounding too strongly for her to walk right now. When she opened her eyes again, she looked down her white and shining wedding dress for which she had looked for weeks. She'd wanted a perfect one and this one was perfect for her. Tight on her chest and waist while it was long, silky and wide downwards. It was also sleeveless. Instead she wore white gloves, which reached up to her elbow and didn't cover her hands completely. They consisted like the upper part of her dress of beautiful embroidery patterns, but weren't completely made of silk like the rest of her dress. Ororo and Jubilee had taken care of her hair, which she wore playfully pinned up. Of course Kitty hadn't forgotten about the four important things: something blue, old, new and borrowed.

Heaving a deep breath once more, she turned her blue and white flowers in her hands. Instead of picking colorful spring flowers like her bridesmaids had, she'd stuck to Logan's favorite ones, which, to her great surprise, were really roses. They definitely had to thank Charles for paying for the wedding. It was his gift to them and she couldn't thank him enough for it. Especially, since he'd agreed to be the one to give her away. In fact he'd been very happy and moved when she's asked him to do it. Taking one last deep breath, Jean finally walked down the stairs towards a smiling Charles Xavier.

"Jean," he smiled and took her hand. "You really look more than beautiful!"

"Thank you," she replied touched and blushed. Smiling she looked down the red carpet. She didn't even hear the music or realized that she walked towards the altar after she'd met his eyes.

Now it was Logan who couldn't help but stare. For the first time today he didn't think about the others around him or their weird looks. He only had eyes for this beautiful woman who stared back at him with shocked eyes, while she came closer.

Also Jean didn't notice the guests who were looking at her in awe or the lovely decoration. She only had eyes for him. Her already racing heart it had even gained speed. She couldn't believe that the man in the black suit, white shirt and dark blue tie, with this short dark hair was really her fiancé…

Jean suddenly awoke out of her shock as the Professor stopped next to Logan. Still staring at each other in astonishment, they completely forgot about their surroundings.

Logan saw how she shook her head slightly and scanned his whole body. "You're shocked, aren't ya?" he asked her mentally, while his heart kicked into high gear.

"More than shocked," she honestly replied on the same way. "Look at you, Logan…"

Breaking eye-contact, he looked down on to the ground. "Ya asked for it, Red. So no complaints!"

Her eyes widened suddenly. "No, she replied and shook her head, stepping closer. "I'm definitely not complaining, Logan!"

"You're not?" he asked surprised and cocked and eyebrow at her.

"No!" she said softly and touched his stubble free cheeks. "Didn't you look into a mirror today?"

"Oh, not ya, too, Jeannie," he sighed frustrated and ran a hand through his still, for him, unfamiliar short hair. "I can't hear that question anymore!"

"Well, apparently you didn't," she smiled at him and stroked his cheek gently. "Otherwise you knew what you look like…"

He shrugged. "Tell me," Logan replied playfully through their mental link, hiding his insecurity behind a smirk.

"Good," Jean answered mentally and kept on eyeing him curiously. "More than that. If I wasn't already in love with you, I definitely would be now."

"So that's the answer to all that staring, huh?" he gave back smirking and glanced at the others briefly. Jean shook her head in disbelief but smiled while taking his hand. "Actually I thought you knew how good looking you are, mister…"

He chuckled. "Even that naked?" he asked flirtingly and wobbled his head while meeting her eyes again.

She laughed slightly. "Especially now! You're absolutely more than handsome, honey!"

He nodded playfully and his eyes began to shine. "How much now?" he challenged and gave her a wolfish grin; besides this teasing he still had plans for his revenge on her… Oh, yeah, he would definitely make her pay. No matter how much she kept on buttering him up…

"Now a ten out of ten."

"And before?"

"A 9.5 out of ten," she smiled shyly at him and he couldn't help but smile, too; suppressing his urge to kiss her.

Suddenly he became completely serious and looked at her lovingly, while stroking her hand. "Don't ask me to say somethin' about ya cause I can't sum it up," he told her mentally and it was the naked truth. He just couldn't find a word which could possibly suit her today. She looked more than simply beautiful to him. He'd just fallen in love with her again…and felt Wolverine wanting to show his possessiveness and pride towards his mate. At least he had managed to calm the raging beast within him down again, which had gotten furious because of his nervousness.

"But you like it?" she asked him insecurely.

"Nah, I don't like it," he replied and watched how she broke eye contact; feeling definitely disappointed and offended. "I love it! You just look more than…gorgeous, darlin'."

Jean pulled a face and slapped him gently against the chest. "Oh, don't scare me like that, Logan!" she cried. "I'm already feeling sick enough today."

He shrugged playfully. "It's you who gives me a hell of a day because of that." He pointed towards his head.

"Why? You look extremely handsome," Jean replied smiling lovingly at him. She still had to stare at his surprisingly soft features. "Jubilee even wanted to talk me into not marrying you because you look so damn hot…"

"Damn hot, eh?" he teased her with a wolfish grin. "So, that's why the Furball wants us to use contraceptives."

"What!" she asked and her eyes widened while she gave Hank a shocked look. This one only smirked at them.

Suddenly someone cleared his throat. Both of them turned their heads in surprise to the priest who looked at them and smiled warmly. He'd tried to talk to them at least for three times but the couple had completely forgotten about their surroundings, so he'd given up. "Shall we begin?" he asked them and looked to and fro the bride and groom.

Logan looked at her smirking. "You still have time to reconsider it, darlin'…"

"Forget it!" she teased him back and shook her head. "You're saddled with me now, mister!"

He shrugged playfully. "Can live with that." Nervously, Jean took Charles hand again, who had waited next to her. Once more they exchanged glances before the priest finally spoke up.

"Dearly beloved," he said and raised his hands a bit while looking at the wedding guests. "We are gathered here today to witness the holy matrimony of Logan and Jean." He smiled at the couple in front of him that exchanged loving glances again. "Who gives this woman to this man?" Father McCue asked.

"I do," Charles said and gave Jean a warm smile before he handed her hand over to Logan, who had to be mentally reminded by him that he had to take her hand, since the man was too lost in staring at the woman once more. Meeting the groom's eyes briefly, he gave him a cold look. "Don't you dare, Logan and mess this up!" he warned him mentally, sounding unusual menacingly, and saw the slight shocked expression in his opposite's hazel pools.

"And does this have your blessing?" the priest asked him, not knowing why Logan gave Jean a slight scared look all of a sudden.

Charles smiled at him. "Yes, it does!" With one last warning look at Logan, he turned around and took position next to Ororo who only smiled at him happily.

"Thank you. Take what comfort you may," Father McCue said and looked into his book.

"What's wrong?" Jean asked her opposite mentally and gave him a worried look. She knew that Charles must have said something to him.

"Nothin'," Logan replied on the same way and cleared his throat. "Never knew Chuck can be so…scary…" Smiling at her softly again, he held her hand in his. Drowning in each others eyes, both forgot completely about their surroundings once more. They didn't hear the blessings the priest said, not even the jokes and following laughter of her friends. As suddenly Hank cleared his throat and woke them up again. Blushing, Jean looked at Father McCue who obviously was quiet amused about them. Not knowing what he had said or if he had asked something and waited for their answer, she looked rather lost at Logan. But he hadn't got a clue, too.

"Before I go on, let me asked if there are any here who would object to this union. Let them speak now or forever hold their peace." He looked towards the guest and waited. No one moved and Logan turned relieved towards Jean, as she suddenly widened her eyes and he could hear the guests gasping. Turning his head once more, he immediately saw who the troublemaker was and narrowed his eyes threatening. Ororo, Hank and Charles had their eyes also fixed on the single standing person and exchanged confused glances. Father McCue on the contrary, was surprised. From the beginning to now he had thought that everyone agreed with it. Strengthening the grip on Logan's hand, Jean sent a pleading look to Scott who had his hands buried in his pockets, while he was glaring at Logan, who, of course, returned his look.

"Well," the priest said insecurely and made an inviting gesture to the standing man, who was watched by everyone.

"I just want to say one thing, don't worry," Scott said towards Jean and switched towards Logan again. "And I say this to you, Logan no matter if I already did before! It's just for you so that you remember it!" he added and gave him a look, while the Wolverine within Logan was begging to be allowed to eat him alive. "If you don't treat her right for the rest of your life and show her the respect she deserves…I'll kill you! And I mean this, you hear me? It only has to be the smallest possible indiscretion and I'm on your throat, pal!" Ignoring the looks the others gave him, he took his seat again; telling the priest that he was free to go on.

That one only saw how Logan shook his head snorting and linked glances with the bride again who smiled at him in embarrassment. As soon as Logan smiled, too, again, he knew that did not exist for them once more. Smirking he went on with the ceremony. "Well, as it seems there's no need to ask, but…," he smiled at them. "I'm sorry, I have to!" He winked at the couple and some guest had to laugh since they'd noticed, of course, that both mutants had been again, more or less, in their own dream world for a few moments. Father McCue smiled and looked into the book in his hands for a second before he turned his attention to the couple in front of him once more. "Logan," he addressed the groom who compulsory had to switch his eyes to the man while he still held Jean's hands tightly. "Do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, to love, honor and cherish, to have and to hold for richer and poorer, for sickness and in health, forsaking all others as long as you both shall live?"

"I do," Logan said and gave Jean his best smirk and winked at her, whereupon she looked down smiling in embarrassment, just to look up again when the priest finally addressed her.

"Jean, I ask you the same. Do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, to love, honor and cherish, to have and to hold for richer and poorer, for sickness and in health, forsaking all others a long as you both shall live?"

She nodded. "I do."

Scott sighed and reached over his handkerchief to Moira who had begun to sniff first and cry afterwards. Sobbing, she leant against his shoulder while he patted her back soothingly. With a raised eyebrow he turned around and narrowed his eyes when he looked into the smirking faces of Bobby and Peter. Shaking his head, he fixed his eyes to the front again; feeling the thick limp in his throat once more by watching Logan holding Jean's hand and turning towards her to make his vow. Looking down he swallowed hard. Even if he'd agreed, it still hurt him to see her marrying Logan. He still had to think about that probably he would be standing next to her now in front of the others, if some things had been different. Looking up, he noticed Moira handing him a new handkerchief. He hadn't even realized that he'd begun to cry…

Logan, in the meanwhile looked down on his hand; trying to remember the vow Jean had liked so much and picked for him. Meeting her emerald eyes again, his heart even gained speed.

"Please, don't tell me that you don't remember it…," Jean groaned mentally with a scared undertone. Well, he couldn't say yes, could he?

Smirking all of a sudden, he cleared his throat and met her worried eyes once more. Even if he heard Charles in his head who told him what he had to say, he would do this on his own now. "I, Logan, take you, Jean, to be my wife, my partner in life and my one true love," he began and held in for a brief moment, seeing the relief in her face, which immediately softened. Still, her racing heart wouldn't slow down…she knew he was up to something and this knowledge somehow scared her to death… It had been her stupid idea to agree to those additional vows and now Logan's smirk instantly changed into a completely serious face. She begged every existing higher being to stop him from doing anything stupid just now… Her green eyes drowned in his hazel pools, when he was obviously looking for the right words.

"What is he doing?" Hank asked Ororo nervously, but the crying woman only shrugged. "I thought you're helping him out?" he addressed Charles who had stopped his attempts to help Logan after he had noticed that this one wasn't reacting to it after repeating the first words correctly.

"I think he decided to change plans…," he replied and Hank's eyes grew wide.

"What do you mean…change plans!"

"Say something by himself," Charles shrugged and the two mutants next to him only gasped.

Giving in to the urge to start playing with his tie nervously, Hank felt cold sweat on his forehead. "That's not good… Logan and a speech on his own," he shook his head. This could only go very wrong. He knew how much his friend hated to hold speeches…"Tell him to stop! Tell him immediately to stop, Charles!"

"Too late," Ororo sniffed and blew her nose as she heard the groom speaking up.

"Simply saying the vow isn't enough. You know that. Besides the fact that I've forgotten the lines anyway," Logan said softly and had to swallow hard, while his closest friends only watched him in tension; still believing that this could only go very wrong.

Jean on the contrary was biting her lips and kept on looking at him. She could feel his nervousness and fear; felt her heart nearly breaking her chest.

"Jeannie," he went on and met her eyes again while he stroked her hands gently. "You mean far more to me than words could ever express. I… There are so many things I'd have to thank you for."

She swallowed hard while tears began to gather in her eyes. She couldn't stand to see his honest and deep love for her within his. Not now when her emotions where already running wild. He just overwhelmed her with it. Especially by expressing his feelings so openly in front of all others.

"I mean…look where we've started," he smirked at her briefly before breaking eye contact. He knew he couldn't go back. He had to finish it now. "I came to this place accidentally, thanks to Rogue. Woke up on a lab table just to see…you." She smiled and looked down, remembered how he had attacked her and nearly choked her. "And you haunted me from then on. Because of you I wanted to be more than I was. Become more than the thing everyone saw in me. And you did it. You always saw more in me than just a thing," he went on calmly. "You showed me what family means, what's really important in life… You showed me what life can be,…just to lose your own twice."

Swallowing hard, Jean took a deep breath while she tried to calm her racing heart. She desperately tried not to start crying. If she did, she would never be able to make her own vow properly. Blinking, she looked aside and of course right into Ororo's tear-stained face. Quickly, Jean broke eye-contact again, but it was already too late. She was just too moved by his honest words and had to sob.

Logan saw her tears and heaved a deep breath. "I want to thank you. Not only for making a better person out of me, also for just being my friend and partner. For saving me…and for giving me the opportunity to finally have a home and family…" Hearing her heavy sobs, he gently wiped away her tears, just to see new ones following instantly. He could also smell the salty liquid on Ororo's, Rogue's, Moira's and some other faces, which gave him an even harder time to hold back his own. Making her look at him, he swallowed hard before he smiled at her softly. "I love you, darlin'. You and the kids, more than anything else. And if I'll ever disappoint you," he nodded towards Scott who had trouble to calm the crying Moira. "Cyke can gladly kill me."

Smiling because of the honest love she saw in his eyes, Jean couldn't help but embrace him tightly. Sobbing she listened to his calming words, while he stroked over her back gently. Heaving another deep sigh, she gladly took the handkerchief he offered her since his attempts to dry her tears only made it worse. Pausing for a moment, Jean took his hands into hers again and cleared her throat. Still feeling the liquid wetting her cheeks, she looked up at him again, ready for her own vow. At least she hoped so. He had just surprised her too much by his honesty. Touched and moved her so much with his words that she had completely forgotten about her selected vow, too. Now it was her turn to come up with something.

Holding back another sob, she swallowed once more. "I, Jean, take you, Logan, to be my husband, my constant friend, my…faithful partner and love…from this day forward." She broke off and took another deep breath, while the lump in her throat became even thicker. She didn't know what to say; looked for the right words which could possible suit her feelings for him. Meeting his loving eyes, he smiled at her encouragingly and squeezed her hands a bit.

"I…," she shook her head and bit her lip. "I honestly don't know what to say." She felt his hand wiping away her tears again. "I have to thank you too," Jean began and was suddenly completely serious. "Because…without you I wouldn't be here today."

He looked down when he remembered how she had tried to kill herself after she had been back a few days. It still sent cold shivers down his spine if he only thought about it. If he had returned to his room only seconds later…he didn't even dare to imagine…

"You gave me so much strength back then. Without you I…wouldn't have been able to go through it." Blinking, she sent more tears down her cheeks. The look of him told her that he knew exactly what she was talking about. "Even after everything I have done…you were just there. On my side and helped me…without asking for anything in return." Her voice broke and she had to sob heavily.

Logan couldn't help that his eyes became steadily wetter. Gently he stroked her cheeks, while he heard single sniffles.

She sighed. "And this and every moment we share…show me how…mistaken others are to hastily judge you." Hearing her sob again, Logan looked down. "You always make me laugh again, when I'm lost. Give me hope and strength even if you have nothing left for yourself. And I have to thank you for this." She touched his cheek gently and looked into his wet eyes smiling; not caring that her voice was breaking constantly while she was talking. She knew instantly that she was giving him a hard time. A good and happy, but emotionally very hard time. "If I'm proud of anything in my life…then it is being on your side and of our children. And I know that you'll never disappoint me…," she added swallowing hard while it was her turn now to wipe away his tears. "I love you, too. You and the twins."

Logan smiled slightly and got lost in her eyes again, while she had to sob hard again. Father McCue handed him another handkerchief, which he gladly accepted. Using it to dry her tears again, he suppressed his urge to just grab and kiss her. Inner, Jean already cursed the priest for wanting them to make a vow together at the end of their own ones. She would definitely not survive this without losing it again.

Watching how Father McCue turned his book towards them, she took notice of the marked lines in it. Exchanging glances with Logan, who only nodded, while he, too, was fighting with his inner turmoil again, both began to read the lines aloud. "Entreat me not to leave you, or to return from following after you. For where you go, I will go and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people, and your God will be my God. And where you die, I will die and there I will be buried. May the Lord do with me and more if anything but death parts you from me," they finished their vows and looked at each other again. Sighing, he had to smirk since he had to wipe away some more tears from her cheeks again.

"May I have the rings, please?" the priest asked and looked towards the witnesses.

Ororo quickly ran a hand through her tears-strained face and got up. Stopping a few meters from the smiling couple, she helped Jack and Lily to their feet. "Come on," she said invitingly and pushed them gently. "Go to your mommy and daddy." Looking at her with big dark eyes, Jack still stood on the same spot while his sister slowly stumbled to the front. "Come on, we practiced this," the woman said and pointed to the priest.

Seeing that his daddy sank to his knees, Jack finally began to move, just to feel down on his knees in the next second. While a loud, touched sounding oh echoed through the benches; mainly said by smiling girls who bent forward to watch the little boy getting up to his feet again and stumbling towards his parents; holding up a small cushion with his mommy's ring attached to it.

Sobbing, while laughing happily, Jean bent down after Lily had finally reached her and took the counterpart of what her brothers was carrying out of her hands. After kissing her girl tenderly, she watched how Lily took hold of her father's legs, who just took the cushion out of Jack's hands. Hearing his son's loud protest, who clung to his other leg and already began to made a face, Logan quickly took the ring from it. He handed the small cushion back to the boy and watched him smiling again. Logan shook his head smirking, finally paying attention to the priest once more, who smiled down on the twins before taking the rings of the couple.

"Gosh, I wish I was one of the kids now," Jubilee sobbed and stole Kitty's last handkerchief to blow her nose in it. Her friend could only shake her head. Nevertheless, she, too, had to wipe away some tears. Logan's and Jean's vows had nearly made everyone cry in their surrounding and especially her two friends had been affected by it. "Life's so unfair!" the girl in the yellow dress protested and pouted.

"He's too old for you anyway," Kitty told her bluntly and straightened her blue dress.

"The coolest and sexiest teacher in this place and who gets him!" Shaking her head, she glared at Jean briefly while she heard Kitty snorting. "What do you think?" Jubilee asked and turned towards the girl in the green dress next to her, who was even more crying than she already did.

"I'm happy if he's happy," Rogue only said and gave her a sad smile.

"Ah, come on! You're lying!" her friend said and crossed her arms in front of her chest. "You held me back otherwise I would have objected to it, too! Scott's a softie. He should have just pulled her away from him! Or we should have kidnapped her! I bet Mrs. McTaggert would have gladly helped us…"

"Yeah," Kitty nodded and watched how the priest blessed the rings. "And a furious Wolverine would have bitten your heads off!"

"Whatever…", Jubilee only said and fixed her eyes to the front again.

"Rings are a symbol of love never ending, for there is no end and no beginning on a ring, or of true love. May God bless these rings, that they who wear them may live in your peace and continue in your favor," Father McCue said and turned towards Logan giving him the ring for Jean and told him what he had to say. Taking her left hand, this one smiled at her softly. "With this ring, I thee wed. This ring is a sign of my vow, and with all that I have, I honor you," he said and slipped on the ring above her engagement ring on her finger. Jean did the same and smiled at him softly, before they turned towards the priest again who had spoken up once more.

"Now that Logan and Jean have given themselves to each other by solemn vows and by giving and receiving the rings, I announce to you that they are husband and wife. Those, whom the gods have joined together, let no one put asunder." He looked at the groom smiling who was clearly in his own world again. "You may now kiss…," Father McCue began, but Logan had already pulled his wife close and kissed her tenderly. "…the bride," the priest finished his sentence and shook his head smirking. He knew the couple had already forgotten about him and that he was nothing more that just air right now. They probably didn't even notice the cheers of their friends who had gotten up from their stools…

Wrapping her arms around his neck, while he pulled her closer, Jean deepened the kiss before she felt how he gently wiped away her tears again. Stroking her cheek, Logan looked at her lovingly while she leant into his touch. "I love you," he whispered softly and made her smile even wider.

"I love you, too," Jean replied honestly and he kissed her once more before looking at his children who had already joined their godmother again, who was sobbing unstoppable. Turning around, Jean took the arm he offered her and walked down the carpet on his side smiling.

After receiving the congratulations from their friends, of whom most shed even more tears while hugging them, they'd finally walked over to another part of the garden. This was also lovely decorated with flowers and other festive things. Round white tables with red and white roses and stool of the same color were all over the place, while a huge buffet had been put up on the left side. The picture was rounded down by the head which consisted of a longish table, decorated in the same color than the rest, which was for the newly-weds, the best man, witness and Charles only.

"Ororo," Hank said and looked at the scenery next to the pool. "You and the girls really did a good job. This is just fantastic!"

Jokingly, she made a curtsey in her silky, light-grayish shining dress, which suited her well. "Thanks."

"This really looks great," Jean nodded and couldn't get enough from looking around. "Thank you so much for it!" She hugged her friend tightly and smiled at her happily.

"So, where's your husband?" Hank asked and looked for the groom who was nowhere to be seen. "Just married and already gone? Does this mean I can take my chances?" he asked Jean jokingly and smirked at her while she could only laugh.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you, Hank, but he'd doing his father duties and changes Jack's diaper." She smiled at him and shrugged playfully.

"Too bad," he replied. "But I must admit, it was a great surprise to see him today. You really tamed him!"

"No, I didn't." Jean shook her head.

Hank could only shrug. "Well, I hear a lot about him before I came here, Jean. That's why I wasn't so fond of him first."

"You weren't only not fond of him! The two of you nearly bit your heads off," Ororo corrected him. "It was the first time I heard you snarling at someone again after a very long time!"

"Well, what I mean is," the man went on. "Since he's with you, he completely changed. That's why I think you tamed him. You pushed the animal back and brought the man to the surface. And you have to admit that he would have never voluntarily held a speech like that two year ago!"

Ororo nodded and looked into distance. "Yeah, he quiet surprised me, too. The two of you are the reason why I ran out of handkerchiefs!" She winked at Jean who smiled and looked at the scenery again.

"He quiet surprised me, too…," she said lost in thoughts while her heart began to race again.

"But I knew Scott would do it!" the other woman added. "Somehow I really knew it…"

Hank laughed and laid a hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry," he winked. "My speech will be better!"

"I hope so," someone suddenly grunted behind them and turned in surprise just to see Logan walking past him with Jack on his arm. Kissing his wife tenderly, his eyes scanned the area briefly, before he saw Jean stroking over her sons unruly hair. "Forget it! I already tried." Logan smiled and pulled her close with his free hand. "Where's Lily?"

Ororo nodded over to Charles who had the girl on his lap and was talking to Scott and Moira. "Come on, let's sit down!" she suggested and began to walk over to the table.

It didn't take long until everyone finally had sat down and a chatting noise took over. The couple of the day had eyes only for themselves again, while Hank and Ororo could only smirk about it. Her eyes briefly switched over to Kurt who had given the camera to Jubilee and Kitty, since both girls had kept in begging for it. The weather witch instantly knew that both girls would probably comment on nearly everything the camera caught. Shaking her head, she looked at Hank who had bumped her gently into the side, trying to get her attention.

"If you don't mind, you could lend me a helping hand. Our friend here has to do a speech and he doesn't react to my attempts…"

Ororo briefly bent forwards and giggled. "I'll try!" she assured him and cleared her throat loudly. "Ehm, Logan?" she asked but he didn't react and kissed Jean instead. "Would you stop your mental flirting thingy and give me, let's say, a second of your attention, please?"

Hank smirked and crossed his arms. "What do you think I tried before! I already said his jacket was on fire… And nothing!"

Ororo bit her lip as her eyes caught Jubilee. She grinned. "Jubes? Give Kitty the camera for a second and come over here, girl!"

Frowning, the young woman obeyed and came closer. "What is it? We were just about to interview Scott…"

"Could you try to get his attention?"

"We practically feel lost here," Hank added.

Jubilee rolled up her imaginery sleeves and grinned. "No problem! Let the master handle this!" With her best innocent look, she walked over to the groom who was occupied with smirking at Jean. "Wolvie…?" she purred and waited. Cocking an eyebrow, she looked at Ororo and Hank who could only grin. "Hey, mister, I'm talking to ya," the girl tried once more and nudged him. She could have sworn that Jean had looked at her very briefly. "Scott is about to set your leather jacket on fire. He already drowned your bike in the pool." Crossing her arms in front of her chest, she sighed. "The Professor wants ya to sing and dance on a table…? Hello! Someone there!" Hearing Ororo giggle even louder, she pouted. "You're suddenly brain-dead or something!" All of a sudden, Lily, who had played with her brother in front of the table with her soft toy wolf, began to cry heavily. Breaking eye contact with Jean immediately, Logan got up and kneeled down beside her. "Hey sweetheart," he said softly and pulled her up.

"What's wrong?" Jean asked worriedly and got up, since the girl was nearly shouting at the top of her voice.

"Dunno…," he replied and checked if the girl, who clung to him, had any injuries. "Did he step on your hand, honey?"

"Oh I don't believe that!" Jubilee cried. "We're talking to ya for hours and nothing happens. And she starts crying and you're suddenly alive again…" Shaking her head, she crossed her arms.

Giving her a deadly look, Logan sat down on the stool again. "I heard ya, Jubes!"

"Yeah, sure!" The girl nodded cynically. "I noticed it! Never had such a good conversation!"

"Calm down, will ya!" he shot back after he'd finally managed to soothe his girl and heard only single sobs following. "I'll do this damn speech in a second, okay?" Kissing Lily's cheek, he wiped away her tears gently. "You okay, pumpkin?"

"Softie," Jubilee teased him and joined Kitty again who had already begun to interview an annoyed looking Scott.

"I should probably drown her, what do you think?" Logan asked Jean and she giggled before she took her daughter into her arms. "So, Furball, what do you want me to say?"

Hank smirked. "It's not nice to ignore us that much, my friend," he said and shook his head grinning. "But with her on your side…I think I can forgive you your daydreams!"

"Thanks," his opposite said jokingly.

"Just say something nice to your guest, okay?"

Groaning, Logan looked at Jean who had just put Lily down to the ground again. "Can't you do it?" he pleaded.

"Ah, ah!" Ororo made and shook her head. "Husband duties, Logan! You've got to do it." She heard him sigh in frustration. "Come on, you've already proven that you can do it…"

"Yeah…right," he grunted and gave Jean a look, whereupon she grinned. "Oh, you ain't making that face later anymore, darlin'," he warned her. "I don't have to remind ya that you have t'dance, right?" Smirking, he watched his wife getting paler. "I'll be nice and promise ya t'give ya my best grin by then, 'kay?"

Swallowing, Jean looked at Hank and Ororo for help. She'd really tried to learn how to dance, but it hadn't helped a lot. Not even with Scott's, Hank's and Kurt's help. Still, she had doubts that he was a good dancer. At least, she hoped so…

Getting up, Logan waited for Hank to get the attention of the guest. After taking a spoon and beating it against a glass, one after the next turned their head to look at the groom, who had one hand buried in his pocket while the other scratched the back of his head. "Right…," he said and lowered his gaze. He made a mental note that this was definitely the last time he would do it. At least for today. He really began to hate being the main attraction. "Ehm…thank you all for coming," Logan said after a while and hoped that Jean would help him out mentally, but she didn't. Cocking an eyebrow at her, she only shrugged while he had no idea what to say. Clearing his throat, he caught the sight of Charles. "Well, thanks to Chuck for making this possible…and to 'Ro and the others for their help." He paused briefly and thought about what else he could possibly say. "Just enjoy yourself, guys!" Quickly, he sat down again, while Hank got up to hold his speech since it was tradition that someone else said something about the couple. And both knew instantly that most of it would become very embarrassing for them… Therefore, Jean quickly took Logan's hand and gave him a frightened look. Thinking about the jokes Hank and Scott loved to do about them, she didn't even dare to imagine what his speech contained.

"Well, what can I say about this lovely couple over there?" Hank said and gave them a wide grin. Yeah, it would definitely become very embarrassing… "First of all, I was totally shocked earlier. I bet you all were! Going down the red carpet and thinking of nothing special…and what had my eyes to see?" he asked and gave Logan, who was watching him closely but also warningly, an amused look. "Him! Wonders really never cease, I thought. I bet his fan club just got a few new members, eh?" He smirked towards Jubilee who instantly gave Moira a grim look. Shaking his head, Hank looked briefly down. "But what I actually wanted to say, and what we all have seen today, is how much the two here truly love each other. Funny thing only is," he added and had to smirk. "…how easily they can also bite each others heads off, which is always a fun to watch, believe me!" Jean gave Logan a shy smile who heard the giggles of some people. "Nevertheless, as this beautiful bride here has already said before, I have to admit that I was one of those who judged her husband hastily and I am deeply sorry for that, Logan." He looked at the groom but this one only waved off. "And even if we would have loved to tear each others heads off when we first met, I got to know you and I can say that I have never met someone I'd call more proudly my friend than you. The things you did for your wife when she surprisingly came back, the strength and love you have given her voluntarily and how much you have fought against every one of us, who had met her with hostility back then… All this proves how mistaken others are." Jean smiled at him thankfully before she gave Logan a loving look and bent forward to kiss him softly. "Before you guys drift off into your own world again," Hank continued and some had to giggle and laugh again. "…just let me finish, okay?" He winked at them.

"Depends on if you hurry up, Furball," Logan replied and pulled Jean closer.

"My friend, you have your girl for the whole night, so…jus be patient and have fun later!"

The groom gave his wife a wolfish grin. "You bet," he said huskily more to himself and sent a chill down her spine.

Hank could only shake his head laughing. "Yeah, I believe that. We know the two of you can't keep away from each other. Speaking of which," he said and bent a bit forward to look at the playing children, while Jean cheeks had become more than red and Logan only chuckled because of it. "…of course it is not only a big day for our love-crazed couple, but also for those two cuties here." He smiled at them. "We haven't come together to celebrate a wedding, only, but also the twins first birthday. Jean really did a good job in picking the day. So, Logan…there's no way you can talk yourself out of it if you ever forget your wedding anniversary! Mark my words, boy!"

Logan shook his head self-assured. "Won't happen, Furball!"

His opposite raised a hand and shook his head. "We've seen it during the ceremony, haven't we?"

The groom shrugged and winked at Jean. "She can slap me if I'll ever forget it."

"I'll remind you of it!" she replied and smirked at him.

"Well, whatever," Hank said and raised his glass, while the other guests got up and did the same. "We all wish only the best for the two of you and your kids. That you'll always be happy with each other and have many, many years together!" he said towards Logan and Jean who looked at each other lovingly again. Because of that, they didn't see Hank's big grin, which he gave the guests. "And since the groom had already announced it and of course because we know these crazy love-birds over here," he winked at them while Jean gave him a blank look. She knew he was up to something. "I bet we can expect a few more little Wolverine's in the future, huh?"

"A few more!" Logan asked aloud and gave his wife a look, while his glass slowly sank down. "Are you nuts!" Hank only winked at him and sat down again as the Professor spoke up.

"I also want to wish you all the best of the world and that you'll always be as happy as you are now!" he smiled at them. "I am really proud of you… Of both of you!"

Jean looked onto her hands smiling and played with her two rings as suddenly Ororo reached over a large knife. "Come on, it's your turn to cut the wedding cake first!"

Later the day, while everyone stood in small groups and talked, Scott took Jean away from the others towards the pond and kept on checking if anyone was following them. Frowning, she gave him a suspicious look. "What is this?" she finally asked after they'd arrived at their target.

"Nothing," he smiled. "Just wanted to talk to you alone."

She returned the smile and sat down on the edge while looking into the water. "You really scared me during the ceremony, do you know that?"

Scott laughed and buried his hands in his pockets. "I rather hope that I scared him. Because I mean it."

"I know." In thoughts she turned her head.

"As long as you're happy, I am happy, too," he said softly and sat down next to her.

Jean smiled at him a bit sadly and squeezed his hand. "Thank you…" He returned the gesture as suddenly Hank appeared. Giving them a questioning look, Jean suddenly noticed that Scott was smirking at her. "Oh no…, you're not doing this…"

He shrugged, while he grabbed her left and Hank her right arm. "Yep, I think we do!"

Smirking at Charles, Logan waited until the man had reached him. "You know, Chuck," he said and sipped on his drink. "…you can't hide this evil side behind this nice smile of yours!"

The Professor stopped next to him and folded his hands. "I just wanted to make myself clear, Logan."

The groom chuckled. "Yeah, you were successful with that."

Still smiling, Charles took a look around, watching the students having fun at the pool while the grown-ups were talking to each other. "I know that she and your children are the most important things in your life, Logan," he continued and noticed that he was looking down on him; paying attention to every word. "Still,…you have to understand that Jean is like a daughter for me. So, you might understand that a father can become over-protective sometimes." He winked at him while Logan smirked and nodded.


"I am really happy for the two of you. After everything that happens, you deserve to be happy together."

Sipping on his drink again, the groom watched Kitty and Jubilee giggling. "Thank you," he suddenly said completely seriously and Charles looked up at him. "Not only for this. For everything."

The Professor shook his head and smiled at him. "I have to thank you," he replied honestly and looked for the right words. "You saved her. You gave her a reason to live again and… I am really happy and lucky, I suppose, to have you here, Logan. And I am very proud of you for everything you have achieved during your time here." The addressed looked down smirking. "You were a loner and lonely when you came here. Now you are a husband and father with many friends who look up at you. You can be truly proud of you!"

He chuckled. "But I don't have to call ya dad now, Chuck, do I?"

Charles laughed. "Feel free to use your nicknames for me, Logan."

"Where is she by the way?" The groom asked all of a sudden, since he couldn't see his wife anywhere and felt that Wolverine was pretty pissed because of it. "Have you seen her?"

"No, but I think you should probably ask your best man," Charles replied smiling and moved towards Ororo. "Good luck!"

Cocking an eyebrow, Logan watched him leaving. He had no clue what the Professor had just meant. Scanning the area, he suddenly noticed that Hank and Scott had also disappeared from the scenery. It was then that it hit him. "No…," he growled and put his glass away, before he walked over to Ororo. "Hey, this ain't what I think it is, right?" he asked her and she grinned. "'Ro! Your not going to tell me that those two figures of fun have kidnapped her, do you!"

Giggling she handed him an envelope and watched amused when he cocked an eyebrow at her. "You've got to be kidding!" he growled and pulled it out of her hands snorting. Opening it, he glared at her, while she could only grin wider. Shaking his head, he walked over to the table and emptied the content on it. Lucky for it, it only consisted of many small pieces of paper. "A puzzle!" he asked her growling and she raised a challenging eyebrow at her.

"Well, you've got to do a bit more than growling and cursing, mister!" she smirked. "So, hurry up. "You only have 15 minutes to get her back!"

He crossed his arms in front of his chest and gave her the same look. "And what if I don't make it?"

She shrugged playfully. "You'll see! But if I were you, you better hurry!" She winked at him, just to sit down on a stool to watch him putting the puzzle together. "Come on, only 14 minutes left!"

Snorting, he took the pieces into his hand and quickly tried to solve it. After three minutes, he finally had made it and read through the printed verse. Just to cock an eyebrow at her again. "If you want to get her back, just go to the place where the two of you first met! Which rhyme genius had written this crap!"

Ororo giggled. "Come on, run off! 10 minutes left and you still have a lot of work to you!"

Groaning, he turned around and headed for the infirmary. Reaching it panting, Logan quickly looked around. He had awoken on the table on the right as far as he remembered. Walking over to it, there was nothing to be seen. Frowning, his eyes scanned the area, but couldn't find another hint which had been left for him. When his eyes reached the table again, he smirked. Sinking down on his knees, he saw that another envelope was hidden underneath it. Opening it quickly, he thanked God that it wasn't a puzzle again. Nevertheless, he had to wrinkle his brows. Find the colorful dead mammals… If he would get the mastermind behind this, he would definitely punish him…or her…

Reading again through the lines he leant against the table thinking. He had no clue what they wanted him to look for… Walking out of the infirmary, while his eyes stared at the lines, he pushed the button to the elevator. Stepping into it, his hands rested on the wall. Colorful dead mammals… He could almost feel his brain going into high gear. He had seen many things, but never a… Snorting, Logan pushed the button for the second floor. It didn't take long and he stood in the twins' room; looking around until his eyes had found the blue and green carebears he had bought for them before they were born. Turning them around, he found another note attached to it. He briefly checked his watch. He still had enough time. To be or not to be…or rather: to let something burn or to not hesitate! Yeah, he would definitely punish the genius behind all this! Shaking his head, he could only smirk. He still remembered when Jean had cooked something for him and they had spent the time waiting for the dinner to get ready with some…joyful things… Heading down to the kitchen, Logan's eyes quickly scanned the area. There was no other hint on the counter, on the fridge, on the stools… Turning his head constantly, while his eyes kept on looking for another hint, he even looked into the fridge and oven. Sighing, he leant against the counter. Why did he do this anyway? He wasn't afraid of what they might do to him if he wouldn't make it… Or would they do something funny to her! Shaking his head, Logan rested his eyes on the door while his brain was thinking… Jubilee had caught him kissing Jean on the counter… After this, he had been too heated up to act as if nothing had happened before, he had grabbed her and… Where had they gone, too? Narrowing his eyes, he stepped out of the room and looked down the corridor to the left. No, they hadn't used any office or the toilet. Turning his head, his eyes caught the store-room. Grinning, he opened the door and put the light on. Just to be greeted by a painted sign. "Jubes…," he grunted and shook his head. He knew she was part of this plot. Still, he cursed himself that he hadn't paid attention on if she had really left back then. Ignoring her protest that she had eaten some stuff which had been stored in the room back then after the couple had misused it, he quickly turned his eyes towards the important message and sighed once more. He only had 4 minutes left and this one was a true riddle for him… Crossing his arms, he coked an eyebrow at it, while his mind kicked into high gear once more.

If four eyes saw what the rest didn't, and two times two did, too, by doing something forbidden… Where would you go if you had been part of the two times two? Just a hint: A bird saw it, too!

Looking at his watch, he noticed that he was running out of time. Frowning, he ran a hand through his hair. He really was lost here. "Bird?" he mumbled and couldn't remember that he had ever been somewhere where a bird was. Of course in Canada or in the wood, but this couldn't be the solution. Narrowing his eyes, he mentally cut the sentences into pieces. He got the part that he had been with someone somewhere and that the two of them had did something which was forbidden…but he the rest wasn't good at all to him… Closing his eyes, Logan thought hard about it. Had he ever been somewhere with Jean and there was a bird? Cocking an eyebrow all of a sudden, he groaned. Of course he had! Turning around, he briefly glanced at his watch and ran for the elevator first, then for the hangar. Looking at the Blackbird he saw that the hatch was opened. Not thinking twice, he walked up the ramp.

"Boy, that really was in the last second," Hank smirked and took the headset into his hand. "Scott, he made it! Just get her back on dry ground." Crossing his arms in front of his chest, Logan gave him his best pissed look. "What?" his opposite asked innocently. "That was fun, wasn't it?" Grinning, he laid a hand on the groom's shoulder and walked back with him towards the elevator. "To be honest, I didn't believe that you would make it. Especially with the last one!"

"What where you about to do, eh?" Logan asked him instead and stepped out of the elevator.

"Oh, five seconds later and your beautiful wife would have landed in the pool," Hank shrugged playfully. "So, good for you to save her!"

"I thought you would do something to me," Logan grunted and buried his hands in his pockets.

"Nah," Hank waved off. "That wouldn't be of any fun. First, the girls would have killed us, except we would have gotten your shirt off, of course. And second, we knew that we couldn't scare you. So, doing something to Jean was the better opportunity!" He winked.

Shaking his head, Logan approached the party again and saw Jean standing next to the pool. "What did you plan next? Hide and Seek?"

The blue mutant laughed. "Nope, now you can scare her again, because it's time to dance. Make sure you grab her first!"

Smirking, Logan gave him a short look. "You can be sure of it."

"What I actually meant was, besides that Jean already saved a dance for Scott and me, that there are plenty of girls who want to dance with you, my friend. Jubilee included!"

"Thank God my bones can't break, eh?" Chuckling, both men stopped next to the others, while Jean already stood in the middle of an empty dance floor; looking rather frightened at her husband. Smirking, Logan stepped closer and kissed her.

"Thank God you made it," she gasped and gave Scott a look. "He kept on scaring me by counting from ten backwards several times…" Wrapping her arms around his neck, he pulled her close, before he watched hoe Hank said something to Scott and both men grinned. Still looking at him scared, she looked at him pleadingly. "I can't do this… I tried, but I couldn't learn it…"

Logan shrugged smiling. "You hadn't had good teachers then, darlin'."

"Well, it's no time left to practice it, is it?" she gave back and let go off him while he heard her heart racing in her chest; being completely aware that everyone was watching them.

"I'll do something and you just read my mind, okay?" he suddenly said, grabbed her and pulled her into a deep kiss. Being completely surprised first, Jean closed her eyes and concentrated hard on his thoughts.

"Hey, I thought they were supposed to dance? Not to smootch," Jubilee protested and crossed her arms in front of her chest.

Bobby touched Rogue's hand briefly. "Can you dance?" he asked her calmly and met her eyes.

She shrugged. "Not really."

"Me neither," he replied before he smiled. "Wanna try it still?"

She smiled at him. "Sure!"

Letting go of Jean, Logan smirked at her. "Got it?"

She looked down briefly. "I think so," she replied insecurely while he got into position and put one hand on her back while he held the other in his.

"Just read my mind. I'll start slow, okay?" he winked at her and heard how slow music suddenly echoed through the garden. "Ready?" Jean nodded despite her still racing heard and put her free hand to his arm. Smiling at her encouragingly, Logan slowly began to dance; waited for her to adjust to his movements. Having trouble first, she concentrated on his advises which he sent her mentally. Smiling, Jean soon switched her eyes from the ground to his and gave him another loving look.

"Hey," Hank said and bent forward a bit. "How come she can dance all of a sudden?"

"Don't ask me?" Scott shrugged, being surprised, too. "Kurt didn't practice with her before that either…"

"Oh, this cunning old devil!" the diplomat suddenly cursed smiling and shook his head.

"What?" the man with the glasses demanded to know.

"He tricked us!" Hank said and nodded towards Logan who smirked down on his wife happily.


"The kiss was only show. He told her mentally what to do and I bet he still does."

Scott raised an eyebrow. "Damn. And I hoped that she would step on his feet…"

Finishing the dance, Logan pulled Jean close once more and kissed her tenderly. "Was it so bad?" he asked her playfully and wobbled his head.

She smiled blushing and played with his collar. "No," she admitted barely audible. "Never thought that you're such a good dancer."

He grinned. "Must have been earlier in my life."

She kissed him once more, before Scott nudged her gently. "My turn now," he said and offered her his hand, while Ororo wanted to dance with Logan.

"You told her mentally, didn't you?" she asked him while they moved over the dance floor and he only smirked. "I knew it! Hank and Scott were pretty stunned."

Logan shrugged jokingly. "Cyke wanted her to step on my foot. Couldn't let that happen."

She giggled before she smiled at him. "I'm happy for you."

"And I'm happy that you didn't touch the cake, he replied playfully.

"Oh, they told you, didn't they?" she cried and shot a deadly look at Hank who was dancing with Jean now. "It was your fault, Logan. You shocked everyone here today!"

He suddenly stopped and reached her hand over to someone. Kissing her cheek briefly, he winked at her and watched amused when she blushed as Kurt took her hand to dance with her.

Looking at Rogue and Bobby who more or less tried to dance with each other, while they stepped on each others feet, someone suddenly tapped on his shoulder. Turning around, he looked right into Moira's blushed face.

"Ehm,…I wondered if you. Well, if you would dance with me," she asked stuttering and he had to smirk. Offering her his hand, he led her to the dance floor where many couples were dancing with each other by now. Laying a hand on her back he began to move, while she gave him a rather weird look. "You know," Moira began and looked quickly away when their eyes met. "You really look good."

He chuckled. "Yeah, my wife said so…" He smiled at Jean who was watching him right now, while Kitty was filming with Jubes next to her to comment on it. He really didn't want to know what they had made of the film…

The woman in his arms looked at him briefly while they kept on dancing with each other. "The things you said, Logan…" He looked down on her, while she held his gaze this time. "Well…they were really touching. I ran out of handkerchiefs because of you." He smirked. "But what I wanted to say is… I wished those who did this to you," she stuttered and he looked at her seriously. "I wished they would have heard it."

"Why?" he asked her frowning and stopped when the song ended.

She kissed his cheek quickly while she held back tears, which only caused him to frown even more in confusion. "Because they've proven that you're far away from being what they think you are," she said and turned around, while he watched her with a cocked eyebrow.

"What's wrong?" Jean asked and leant against him. "Did you step on her foot?"

Pausing for a moment, he finally turned towards her. "No,'s nothing."

After he also had to dance with Jubilee, who had begged him to give in while he had managed to make her admit that she was responsible for the riddles, Ororo came up with a small cake for the twins. Some had even bought small presents for the now one year old children, while Jean told him that if they got more stuff, they definitely needed a bigger room. By now, they already had trouble to put their things somewhere. And with the gifts to their wedding, which were mostly lots of flowers, money, and stuff for their children but also a book of pictures from moments together, it would even become harder. Logan on the contrary, as Jean knew, wasn't someone who needed lots of space for his clothes. Instead he still needed sometimes space for himself, which he had in the wood. Nevertheless, he too had to agree that with the new things, it would become pretty cramped and Wolverine within him would probably become stressed because of it. Maybe he could talk Charles into giving them a bigger room or adding another one two their two ones.

As if the Professor had heard his thoughts, which of course wasn't possible, he asked Logan to follow him to the newly rebuild west wing of the mansion, which had been finished currently after a long winter break. No one of them had seen it before, since Charles had done a good job to hide it from everyone. Looking at it, Logan noticed that there had been made quiet a lot of changes. There were far more windows, a balcony and it contained at least three rooms on the upper and two on the lower level. "What are we doing here?" he asked the man next to him and looked down on Charles smiling face.

"This is my gift to you and Jean," the Professor simply replied and watched how Logan cocked an eyebrow at him.

"What?" he asked him confused and turned towards him completely.

Charles folded his hands in front of his face while his elbows were in the armrests of his wheelchair. "The west wing was redesigned, Logan. It contains a larger bathroom, a living room, a balcony as you can see and empty rooms, which can be used a bedrooms. The kitchen is on the lower level right next to it. There is also a new staircase and elevator now."

"And?" Logan asked him, still completely not sure what to think.

The Professor smiled. "It's yours."

Looking at the west wing in shock, he couldn't believe his eyes. This whole thing was more like an own house. Thinking about it, he suddenly shook his head. "I can't accept this, Chuck."

"Yes, you can, Logan. You have a family now and the kids sooner or later need their own rooms, too," he explained straight ahead. "I know that you don't want to move out. That this is your home. And it's nothing, really!"

"It's too much," Logan protested and still shook his head. "I really can't accept this. It's like…as if you have built complete house for us."

"Then let's make a deal," Charles suggested since he knew how stubborn Logan could be.

Thinking about it, the mutant crossed his arms in front of his chest. "What kind of deal?"

"I wanted to ask this before, Logan. So, let's say you agree and you move into the west wing with your family."

"Ask what?"

Not knowing how the man in front of him would react, Charles smiled briefly. "I watched you teaching the X-Men in self-defense. You did a great job, as I have already told you, and they are really thankful to have you as a leader." He paused briefly and noticed the cocked eyebrow of his opposite. He knew that the man already figured out what he was up to.

"What do you want me to teach, Chuck?" Logan immediately asked since he had smelled a rat when the Professor had first used the word teaching.

Smiling, Charles met his eyes. "I thought because of your skills you could additionally teach Physical Education and Foreign Languages next to the X-Men courses."

Turning around with arms crossed, Logan looked at the west wing. Thinking about it, he had to admit that Jean would be happy about it, but he knew that she would have also reacted in the same way he did. The gift was just too much. They already had an own car. Sighing, he thought it through once more. "Agreed."

The Professor nodded and smiled satisfied. "I'm glad you'll do it."

Smirking, Logan looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "I have to thank. This is just…awesome." Switching his eyes to the part of the mansion which was his own now, he still couldn't believe his luck.

After the party was over at 1:30 a.m. the only ones left on the dark outside were the X-Men. Even Moira and Charles had already gone to bed, while the others were gathered at the front door. Opening it wide, Hank made an inviting gesture. "Come on. You know what you've got to do!"

Logan smirked and pulled the shrieking Jean up who wrapped her arms tightly around his neck, while he kissed her. Carrying her over the threshold he let her down again gently, just to pull her close and seal her lips tenderly with his again. Jean smiled at him and wrapped her arms around him once more.

"So, good night no you then," Ororo winked smiling and hugged the couple tightly.

"Thanks for the weather, 'Ro!" Logan said jokingly and she nodded before she turned around.

"Behave!" she added and took Kurt, who also nodded towards the newly-weds briefly, with her.

"Behave yourself!" Logan called smirking and Jean giggled when she watched how her friend blushed. Ororo could only smile at Kurt shyly.

Shaking his head, Scott kissed Jean briefly on the cheek before he patted Logan on the shoulder. "Night!"

"Well," Hank said and came closer. "…the kids did their best to decorate your room for the night, so…be kind to it, okay?" He winked. "Don't be too loud and think about my advice! Oh, and no complaints on aching muscles in the morning, okay?"

"Furball…," Logan grunted and gave him a look that told volumes. "…just go to bed!"

"Have fun!" his opposite grinned and disappeared.

The groom watched him leave before he looked down on Jean again. Kissing her, he wrapped his arm around her waist and they walked down the corridor to their left. Heading towards the room which Logan had occupied while Ororo had watched the twins upstairs. "Oh, Jubes…," he suddenly cried and groaned. Shaking his head, he looked at the small lit candles and rose leaves on the ground. "Tell me that this isn't true…" Jean only giggled and he stopped in front of the door. Logan cocked an eyebrow at the Beware of the Wolverine sign on it, which included a drawing of an exaggerated pissed looking anime version of him. He knew instantly that this was Peter's doing. Hearing his wife still giggling, he cocked an eyebrow at her. "So, you think that's funny, darlin'?" he pulled her up while she laughed. Logan opened the door and closed it with his foot behind them as he suddenly groaned again. "Oh no…" His eyes scanned the room, which was also lit up by candles while rose leaves were on the ground and bed. "Can we go into a motel!" he asked her pleadingly and gave her a stressed look. This was just too much…

"Why? It's romantic…," Jean replied and kissed him gently.

"'f course that ya like it," he grunted and kissed her back hungrily, while he dropped her gently to the ground. With his hands on her hips, he gave her a wolfish smirk, while his eyes began to shine. "So,…what's my wife wearing underneath her grown, huh?" he asked her playfully and saw her smiling at him seductively. Jean laid a hand on his chest and made him walk backwards slowly, before she pushed him down on the bed. Still, smirking, he watched how she stepped back a bit and got slowly rid off her gloves and shoes. Using her best seductive smile, while she kept her eyes on his shining ones, Jean pulled the barrettes out of her hair and it soon fell loosely down on her shoulders. Her hands had already found the zipper on her back and began to open it. With an easy movement of her hip, the grown fell down to the ground and she heard him immediately breathing in sharply. "Jesus…," Logan gasped and Jean watched how his dark eyes ran over her whole body and sexy white underwear, which she had bought with the grown; scanning her from head to toe. She blushed slightly, while her heart was racing. "You want to kill me, don't ya?" Logan asked hoarsely and sat up and bit, while she came slowly closer; stopping right in front of him, while he looked at her string and corset. "Go on like that, darlin' and we're not married for long…"

"You like it?" she asked and pulled a strand out of her face.

As an answer he grabbed her quickly and pulled her down onto his lap, kissing her hungrily while his hands stroke over her curves.

"Playing the innocent girl won't do anymore, darlin'," he replied and licked on her neck, whereas Jean already felt his arousal. "I know what you're up to, gorgeous…"

She smiled and bit her lips in the next moment, ready to flirt with him. "Do you?" she asked playfully and wrapped her arms around his neck.

Logan chuckled and looked at her with already dazed eyes. "You knew that I'd like it!"

"Yeah, I did…"

"Vixen!" he growled, rolled her over and pinned her to the bed, kissing her hungrily. His hands stroked down her legs and Jean immediately had to arch up by the feeling of his warm hands. Suddenly she pushed him back telekinetically. Cocking an eyebrow at her, Logan watched how she began to pull off his jacket and quickly got rid off his shirt. "Still can't wait to get my shirt off, eh?" he teased her and smirked before he pulled her into another kiss while her hands already worked on his pants and pulled them down. Since she directly touched his skin, Jean could only shake her head in amusement.

"I knew it!" she said and grinned at him.

Logan only shrugged. "Well, I thought I was already wearing enough…"

"Right…" She pulled him down again and it didn't take long and she, too, were rid off her close, thanks to his quick hands. Laying on to of her, Logan kept on kissing and caressing her everywhere until Jean began to moan softly under his touching. Looking up he took notice of the contraceptives Hank had really left for them on the bedside table. Smirking, while Jean softly bit into his neck, he reached out, as he suddenly felt her hand grabbing his.


Cocking and eyebrow at her, Logan studies her face closely. "You sure?"

She pulled him down into another kiss and rolled them over, saddling him. Giving him a lascivious smile, Jean began to move her hip into position. "Yeah," she only replied softly and entwined her hands with his, before she lowered her hip on Logan's…


"Hey, Scott greeted Hank and Moira sleepily who were already sitting in the kitchen drinking coffee.

"Morning!" hank greeted back and went on reading the newspaper hearing Scott yawn. "Haven't slept well?"

"No," he replied and rested his head in his hand.

"How come?" Moira asked him and poured him some coffee.

"Thanks! Don't ask me. Couldn't sleep."

Hank smirked devilishly. "Has nothing to do with our newly weds, has it?"

"No!" Scott waved off quickly. "I'm over it, okay?"


"And besides," Scott added quickly. "I don't want to know what they've done!"


In the meanwhile, Jean slowly opened her eyes and blinked against the bright sunlight. Moving a bit, she smiled softly as she heard a snorting protest behind her and felt how Logan cuddled up to her closer. Burying his face on her neck, he kissed her softly.

"Morning," she said calmly and turned around.

"Mornin'," he only grunted half asleep and closed his eyes again. He was too tired.

Jean had to smirk, nevertheless, she, too, had trouble keeping her eyes open. The night had been long, but their sleep was rather short.

Suddenly, he rolled onto his back and ran a hand through his face groaning. "Gosh, I need to eat…"

Resting her head in his chest, while Logan stroked her belly gently, she heaved a deep sigh. "And I need a coffee," she mumbled and snuggled closer. "What time is it?"

Opening his eyes briefly he glanced at his watch. "10:35 a.m.," he grunted and sighed. "Do you have any idea how much I've t'eat because of ya?"

She giggled and moved a bit to lie on top of him again. "So, no power left, huh?" she teased him and kissed his neck while her hand wandered down his belly.

He chuckled and bit his lip. "Sorry, even if I wanted to, darlin', but my tank's empty…"

Giving him a lascivious grin she moved a bit on him, before she bent down to nibble on his ear tenderly. "Doesn't feel like empty…," she whispered and he opened his eyes.

"Okay,…maybe it's still enough fuel for one more ride," he shrugged playfully and rolled her shrieking form over.


"Morning!" Ororo entered together with Kurt and sat down next to each other, while the others gave them amused looks.

"So, are they still sleeping?" Moira asked and looked at the clock which showed nearly 11 a.m. "I mean, we are already very late…"

"No, they were just on their way upstairs," Ororo answered and handed Kurt the breadbasket.

"And?" Hank asked curiously.

She shrugged. "He's his old self again…"

"Too bad for you girls, huh?" Scott teased the two women grinning. "No more drooling and staring…"

"Shut up!" the white haired woman shot back and gave him a look. "I didn't drool!"

"No, you did far worse!" Hank smirked and went on reading as suddenly Jean and Logan entered the kitchen. "Oh dear…which truck hit the two of you? The shower didn't help, huh?"

"Yeah, mornin' t'ya, too," Logan growled and sat down, while Jean handed hip a cup. The others exchanged amused looks since both mutants couldn't hide it.

"How long did you sleep?" Moira asked them a bit worriedly since they looked more asleep than awake. "Not much if you ask me…" Logan looked at the food on the table and finally turned towards the fridge. Thanks to his wife, he needed far more than that. Jean on the contrary only sipped on her coffee. "Do I get an answer?" Moira asked and waited.

Logan closed the fridge with his hip and turned towards the range. Jean watched him frowning, but also curiously.

"Well, I bet not much if he begins to cook on his own," Hank commented and watched Logan closely, but amused. "Right?"

Logan rolled his eyes. "Somethin' around two or three hours, okay?"

The blue mutant lowers the newspaper and looked at him with widened eyes. "I really want to have your stamina…"

"Really? Even if you have to eat as much as a caveman afterwards?" Scott teased him and ignored Logan's low growl.

"And then he bellyaches about his too tight uniform again," Ororo added and smirked at her blue friend.

Jean put her cup down and poured some more hot coffee. "Where are the twins?"

"Still sleeping," Kurt replied smiling. "Jubilee and Kitty are close by."

Looking up again, she watched Logan putting a plate with dozen omelets, ham and eggs down.

"As I said," Scott commented it and shook his head at the amount of food. "Caveman! You're not going to eat all this by yourself, do you?"

"Nope, only the rest," Logan grunted and handed Jean a fork who began to eat the eggs slowly. "What?" he asked her since he had noticed her reserve.

She waved off. "Didn't know you could cook."

"Canadian, remember?" he replied and began to eat, too.

"So," Hank began and laid away his newspaper just to watch the couple eating in the next second. "You had a good night, then?"

"Hm," Logan made without looking up.

"What about your honeymoon by the way?" Ororo asked and made him finally look up from his breakfast.

He shrugged. "Girl's stuff."

Scott gave a short derisive laugh. "Married for not even 24 hours and you're all your old grumpy self again, huh?" Logan only gave him a look.

"No, honestly," Storm continued and looked to and fro the newly-weds. "You have to do it. I mean…it belongs to a wedding. So where do you wanna go?" She looked at them curiously, since she knew that the couple had different ideas, if they had some.

"Dunno," he grunted and turned to Jean. "Where do you wanna go?"

"Actually…I thought you could show me your home… You promised it, at least."

"He's home. So you want him to make a tour through the mansion?" Hank said jokingly.

"Campfire in the library? Sleeping in the gym?" Scott added grinning and quickly began to eat again when he heard his opposite's low growl.

"You want to go to Canada!" Logan replied surprised. He had believed she would drag him to the Caribbean's or even worse to an even more crowded family resort. He had already seen himself sitting in the middle of many love-sick couples…

"Yeah…," she said calmly and nodded.

He cocked an eyebrow at her; still not convinced that she really meant it. "A honeymoon in the cold snow!" Again she nodded so he could only shrug. "Your decision. But don't even think about complaining later. It's freezing cold up in the Rocky's…"

Jean smirked and moved a bit closer. "You're there to keep my warm…," she told him mentally and he gave her instantly a wolfish grin, while his eyes began to sparkle once more. All of a sudden he didn't feel half comatose because of his pretty busy, but beautiful, night anymore. He definitely was in flirting-mode again. The others could only look at each other in confusion, since they had noticed the immediate change.

"You bet," he gave back the same way and smirked.

"Hey!" Ororo protested and waved to get their attention again. "It's not nice to talk without us being able to hear you…"

"Ain't for ya ears anyway, 'Ro!" he grinned at her. "Only makes ya blush!"

"Then it's better you'll go on talking on your private line," Hank waved off.

"Yeah, we don't want to hear your dirty thoughts…," Scott added nodding.

Logan only smirked, before he took Jean's hand and pulled her off the chair. Shrieking and giggling, she suddenly sat on his lap and he wrapped his arms around her tightly.

"Gosh, those crazy love-birds so early this morning…," Scott protested and shook his head. He still had a headache because of his lack of sleep and the two of them obviously didn't help a bit to make him feel better. It was rather the opposite…

"You're jealous!" Hank told him bluntly and gave him a grin.

"No! I want to eat but not with all those smacks and this smooching around me," the man went on and shook his head. Ororo only giggled and smiled at Kurt, while Moira had to grin, too.

Logan let go off Jean's mouth, still holding her tight and gave him a look. "Be glad that you slept upstairs, then!" he teased him and Scott immediately looked up.

"Believe me, I am!" he waved off emphasizing it with a gesture.

"But I had to get up at night and met a smirking Bobby on my way," Hank teased the couple back and enjoyed seeing how Logan cocked a warning eyebrow at him, while Jean obviously blushed. "I held my hands over my ears! Don't worry!" he grinned and the red head cheek's only got redder. Embarrassed, she buried her head on her husband's neck. This one, on the contrary, was still looking at the two men opposite him suspiciously.

"Did it help?" Scott instantly asked Hank, ready to tease them a bit, too.

"No really! As I said…I really want to have his stamina!" Both men laughed and Jean felt even worse than before.

"Be glad that we're almost alone in the Rocky's," Logan told her calmly and stroked over her back when she looked up; looking like a schoolgirl who had been caught by doing something forbidden.

"I'm sure I am…," she answered barely audible and didn't dare to look at the two men on the other side, who still enjoyed themselves by grinning at the couple.

"So, when do you want to leave? We can take care of the kids while you're gone," Ororo said to change the subject again.

"You decide!" Logan pulled her close to kiss his favorite spot on her neck again.

Jean thought about it for a brief moment. "Well, the kids are off for two weeks in three weeks. In that way she wouldn't have to watch over our twins and teach at the same time," she suggested and he nodded.

"Fine with me."


3 weeks later

Logan and Jean are upstairs in their old room and occupied with packing their stuff. Boxes and other bags surrounded them, including their clothes and personal things, which still had to be brought to their new home in the west wing. They still had to paint the walls and buy furniture for their own rooms, but couldn't make it until today. Therefore, they had changed plans and decided to go on honeymoon first, before dealing with moving out of their two rooms.

While packing his stuff into his kit-bag, Logan kept on looking up from it and watched her frowning. Being aware of him doing so for minutes, she finally stopped in her movements. Somehow it made her feel uncomfortable. Not him looking at her in general. It was more the look he gave her all of a sudden. She had noticed that he behaved a bit strangely for nearly three weeks now. "What's wrong?"

He shrugged. "I don't know…"

Raising an eyebrow at him, Jean gave him a strange look. "You're watching me the whole time through with this weird look on your face and don't know?" Logan closed his bag and stepped around the bed; stopping right behind her. He lowered his head and sniffed. "Do I stink?" she asked him frightened and began to sniff on her shirt panicky.

"No," he replied soothingly and crossed his arms in front of his chest, while he tried to remember where he'd caught the smell the last time. Usually he categorized smells instantly after catching one. Put each one into a place in his mind, so that he remembered one forever. Still, this one was somehow special. He knew it but it wasn't an everyday smell…

"I didn't touch Scott!" Jean immediately said and shook his head, being afraid that they would start arguing now.

"I know!"

Sighing relieved she still looked at him in confusion. "Do I smell bad, then?"

He only shook his head still thinking. "No,…but different…"

Jean frowned in total confusion now. "Different! In what way? I still use the same stuff for showering."

Logan shrugged. "Dunno, but I know this smell… I noticed this already nearly three weeks ago. But now it's even stronger…"

"Is it good or bad?" That was the only thing that interested her. She didn't want to drive to the airport and sitting in a plane when she smelled bad.

He finally gave her a soothing smile to calm her down again. "Good. Very good even… But different…"

She still didn't know what he meant and went on packing while shaking her head. As long as she didn't smell bad it was fine for her. They wouldn't make it to the airport in time if she had to shower once more. Walking over to the bathroom to the last things together, she opened the small cupboard on the wall and immediately paused as her eyes caught something. "Can you already take the bags down? I'll be right there!"

"Yeah," he replied and she waited until he was gone, before she took a package out of the cupboard; thinking about what he had said before…


Packing the last bag into the black SUV, Logan turned towards his kids who were on the arms of Ororo and Kurt. "Behave!" he told them softly and gave each of them a kiss, before he turned to the two grown ups. "If something happens…"

"We call," Ororo nodded and cut him off. "Don't worry, they'll be fine!" She smiled at the twins and him briefly.

Logan sighed and looked up to a window, waiting for his wife to come down. "What's taking her so long?" he grunted and crossed his arms in front of his chest.

"You know women," Scott replied with his hands in his pockets. "They even need an hours before they show up for breakfast." He looked up to the window, too, before he watched Logan again. "Behave yourself, Logan!"

The addressed only shrugged playfully, ready to tease him a bit, too. "We'll see…"

"Well, at least we can't hear you…," hank shot back grinning.

The Professor shook his head, but still he had to smile. "Enjoy your honeymoon and forget about us for a few days!" he told Logan who had met his eyes. "Those two weeks are all yours."

"Enjoying is the keyword, Chuck!"

Scott groaned. "Can you think about something else, lately?" he asked the smirking man in front of him who only chuckled.

"With such a woman next to ya? Nope!"

The front door was finally being opened and Jean appeared with another small bag in her hand. "Can you take this to the car? I'll be right there!"

"Yeah, have heard this before," he teased her and took the bag out of her hand.

"Husband duties, Logan! Get used to it!" Hank said laughing.

"Yeah, yeah," this one waved off and turned around. "See ya in two weeks!"

Jean waited for him to reach the car, before she turned around. Ororo looked at her suspiciously. "Why are you smiling so brightly?" she asked her and earned an even wider smile from the red head.

"Nothing!" she waved off and kissed her two kids gently. "Be nice to your aunts and uncles, okay?" She said and stroked over their heads briefly.

"I already said to Logan that I hope you'll enjoy those two weeks. Have fun!" Charles told her and she nodded.

"They will!" Hank said and crossed his arms while he exchanged a look with Scott; noticing that Jean gave her one of her own.

"What? He's right," Scott protested. "Your husband over there already confirmed it!"

Blushing, Jean turned around and saw Logan, who was leaning against their car, grinning provocatively. Shaking her head, she knew that he'd heard what the men had said.

"Thank you guys," she gives them a last smile and turned around, but Ororo followed her a bit.

"Hey, come one, what is it?" she demanded to know curiously. Jean bent forward and whispered something into her ear, which caused Storm to smile widely. "I understand!" she smiled and winked at her. "Have fun!"

Jean finally joined Logan, who looked at her suspiciously, at the car. "What was that?" he asked her and nodded towards Ororo who had stopped next to Kurt again. "Girly plans of how to get rid off your husband in the mountains?"

She giggled. "No…" Turning around, she looked at their kids a bit sadly. "Strange that we won't see them for two whole weeks…"

He followed her look and she watched him closely. "Yeah," he replied trying to hide his worries since he had to leave his kids alone. "But they'll be fine." He kissed her briefly before walking around the car.


"Hm?" He looked up while opening the driver's seat door.

"How many kids do you want to have by the way?" she asked him straight ahead and watched him shrugging first, before he opened her door, too.

"Dunno. Never thought about having some at all," he said honestly and looked at her frowning. "Why?" Jean only shrugged and walked over to her passenger seat, while he cocked an eyebrow at her in confusion. "Why!" he asked again and leant against the car door waiting for her to reply. After taking her seat, Jean looked up and smiled at him; looking right into his eyes without saying or thinking anything.

"What are they waiting for!" Scott asked and turned towards the others while he wrinkled his brows. They had watched the couple the whole time through and now they were staring at each other without talking at all.

"Maybe they are just changing plans?" Hank suggested and shrugged.

Suddenly, they heard Jean shrieking loudly and watched how Logan pulled her out of the car, kissing her hungrily. Surprised, the men exchanged glances.

"And what is that about!" Scott asked and felt completely lost.

"Good question…" the blue mutant replied.

Ororo groaned. "You guys are really brain-dead sometimes, you know that!"

Leaning a bit forward to have a better look at her, Scott crossed his arms in front of his chest. "Then tell us, Mrs. Know-it-all!"

"Use your eyes," she said and nodded towards the blue mutant on her left. "Kurt got it, right?"

Giving her a half-confused look, he nodded hesitantly. "Yeah,…I think so…"

"See?" she said proudly and grinned at the other men who only shook their heads.

"I'm brain dead, Ororo, so please explain," Hank finally pleaded after watching the couple hugging each other tightly.

Ororo sighed once more, since also the Professor was waiting for an explanation. "I'm really disappointed!" she mocked.

"'Ro!" Scott warned her and waited impatiently.

"Well, let's say they didn't listen to your advice, Hank!"

"Advice?" the diplomat asked her confused.

"Do I have to be that bluntly?" the woman asked despaired and couldn't believe that the men just didn't understand her if the answer was so simple.

Kurt nodded. "So it seems…"

"Okay," she sighed and thought about the right words, while Lily was playing with her collar. "Parts of Logan reached their target in their wedding night! Got it now!" she asked hopefully. First the men exchanged looks, before they switched to the happy couple again, that finally had gotten into the car. Xavier could only smile, while Hank and Scott still looked at each other. The others could really see how their brains kicked into high gear to solve this simple puzzle.

"You're really brain-dead! Ororo mocked and shook her head in disbelief. Finally both men gave her a shocked look in realization.

"Oh!" they said at the same time and watched how the car disappeared through the front gate.

The End

Okay, that was it. The final chapter of Changes. It was really strange to write it, but I enjoyed doing it and added some additional stuff while typing it up. I hope you guys enjoyed reading it, too.

First of all, I have to thank you guys, and I mean all of you, for staying with me so long. I can't believe that this story has a total amount of 42 Chapters. I never planned to write so much. When I started I planned 10 chapters maximum and now look at it. I really, really have to thank all of you for reading and reviewing it. I always loved to read your comments. Actually I wanted to thank each one of you separately, but I think I can't do it just like that. I have to thank ALL of you and with it I really mean each single one of you. : ) Thank you so, so much! It's really been an honor to write it. : )

Also I want to thank those who have given me tips how to write and allowed me to cite something from their own stories, like Kavi and Janetdu. I have to thank Tamara for doing the beta's, too. Especially because the last chapters have so many pages!

But in total, I thank all of you equally for helping here. : )

Changes has a total of 540 pages in WORD, the longest are Chapter 40 and the Epilogue here. That's more than I've ever imagined…

Well, what can I say about the Sequel? I already wrote some scenes for it while I was working on chapter 37 or 38. I decided to split the Sequel into two parts. Each tell a story on its own, but they are connected with each other. Since I started to read some X-Men comics after the third movie, I can say that the sequel has some influence of some storylines from the comics, but only when it comes to the idea. The story of the sequel was made up by me. So don't simply expect a copied story of a comic! ; ) I already wrote the beginning and ending, but also some middle parts and you will get your beloved twists in the plots and evil cliffies. I can promise that! Still, I don't know how many chapters it will be in the end. While writing Changes I never thought about what the story was over. I hadn't had a master plan for the beginning or ending. I just wrote it. So, you can expect the Sequel being completely different from Changes. It's more dark and dramatic than this one here. Of course it also has some happy and sappy moments, but all I can tell you: Jean and Logan will have a tough time and they have to fight a lot for their relationship! ; ) But I won't tell you more: D

Thanks again for your support! I hope that you will like the Sequel, too. : ) I try to post it as soon as possible, but I have to learn for another exam, too. So it can take some time until I upload it. See ya!