I am a question to the world
Not an answer to be heard
Or a moment that's held in your arms

Danny gently dabbed at the large scrape across his chest. He winced every time the damp towel touched it, but he had to wipe away the blood before his parents saw him.

"Why do I even do this?" Danny started to talk to himself, "It's not like anyone is grateful, that I risk my life everyday." He threw down the towel, finally tired of the pain that resulted in wiping off the blood. He grabbed a role of Bandages and began wrapping them around his torso.

"Danny," his mother's voice caused sweat to run down his face. He immediately secured the half way done bandages and slipped on a clean shirt. He had just grabbed a magazine and sat on his bed as his mother walked in.

"Danny, I need you to help your father and I in the lab. Are you alright with that dear?" Maddie cupped her hands and looked at her son with hopeful eyes.

"Sure Mom," Danny put down his magazine and stood up.

"Thanks sweetie," Maddie hugged him. Danny cringed as his chest burned as his mother squeezed him. He, soon, pried himself away from her death grasp and followed her into the lab.

"Hey, Son!" His Dad greeted him. He was working on some kind of ghost weapon. It was in the shape of a large box, almost the size of a television, but it had no screen. It was made entirely of metal and had multiple metal arms sticking out of every side.

"Uh what's that," Danny pointed to the contraption Jack was working on.

"Why this is the Fenton Analyzer. It will zap a ghost and make it so it can't move or get away. While, it's in our captivity, the Analyzer will constantly send shocks through the ghosts body, painfully making it unable to react to anything we do to it," Jack beamed and lightly patted his machine.

"Yes, but we have a few problems," Maddie added, as she put a hand on Danny's shoulder, "First, if a ghost gets caught in it, there's basically no way of getting it out. They have no choice but to cooperate with what we do to them. Second, we built weapons into the machine. The bad thing is that, it seems to have a mind of its own. It goes crazy and starts to move and use its weapons at its own will. We have no idea of what it may do if a ghost was actually put in it. Third, when the ghost is inside it will eventually be electrocuted to death, since we won't be able to get it out. That gives us a shorter amount of time to test on it," Maddie summed it all up, and looked at Danny.

He had a frightened look on, and kept twisting his hands around. He never once looked away from the machine, and his frown never faltered.

"Danny?" Maddie nudged him a little, "You okay?"

He immediately snapped back to attention, "Yeah. Umm, what did you and Dad need me to help with?"

"We need you to try it out!" Jack stood up and grabbed him by the shoulders.

"What? No…I can't…I mean, how do you know if it's safe?" Danny tried to pull away from his Dad, but his powerful grip was dragging him towards the machine.

"Oh, don't worry, it won't hurt humans," Maddie blocked Danny's only way out.

"B-But I thought you said that you wouldn't be able to get whatever was in it out after it was inside," Danny started to sweat bullets. He couldn't be put in that machine. It would kill him.

"Oh, that's only for ghosts. Humans, we can get out easy,' Maddie laughed and began to push Danny from behind.

"No, No, they're going to kill me. I have to get out… Jazz! But she's upstairs. I have to get out of here," Danny started to panic.

"But I-I uh… I need to get some homework done," Danny tried to persuade them with educational references.

"Oh this won't take but a minute," Maddie pushed him in front of the machine, and Jack started to attach all of the arms unto him, with the small suction cup ends; several were latched onto his chest, a few on his legs and arms, and few on his face and neck. Danny tried to get out, but him mother slapped a large metal sheet to his back; a large cord attaching him to the analyzer.

"Mom, Dad, I don't …think this is-"

"Nonsense Danny, it'll only take a minute," Jack and Maddie stood behind the box, staring at Danny like he was in some sort of show.

Danny unconsciously started shaking. He knew what this thing could do to him, and he didn't want to learn the entire extent of it. He pulled off one of the arms, but it immediately reattached itself.

"Oh no, no, this can't be happening. My parents are going to kill me!" his eyes scanned the room, looking for some way to escape. He tried to run, but the arms held him back.

"Sweetie, it'll be fine. Relax," Maddie helped Jack get the machine in order.

"Get me out of here! Mom, Dad, I really don't think this is a good idea," Danny's voice was a bit shaky, although he wanted to sound unafraid, he was scared to death. He swallowed, and stared at the machine as they continued to press buttons.

"Of course it's a good idea, son," Jack unconsciously continued to press buttons, "Done, now, to turn this baby on." Jack glanced at his wife for the okay. She nodded, but then looked at Danny's frightened eyes. He looked scared, and she was the reason for it.

"Jack maybe we-"

"Banzai!" Jack pressed down on the large green button, causing electricity to shoot through the arms and into Danny's body.

"It works!" Jack thrust his arms into the air in triumph.

"Jack! No!" Maddie yelled as her son started screaming, "It's not working! It was only supposed to effect ghosts!"

Danny continued to scream. The electricity shot up and down his body, causing his body to shake. The thing was, this electricity was specially meant for ghosts, so it hurt a whole lot more.

"Jack its hurting Danny! We have to get him out!" Maddie hit the release button, but nothing happened. It continued to zap her son, "Jack we have to do something!"

Danny's world started to fade, but he fought to stay conscious. He wasn't going to let a machine take over him. Breathing was getting a little harder for him, but he managed to overpower that.

Finally, the machine quit its electric vengeance, and Danny fell to the ground, still attached to the arms, but completely worn out.

"Good…I didn't pass out," Danny thought. He tried to get up but couldn't. The machine wasn't finished with him yet.

"I don't understand, it only should've hurt him if he was a ghost. It wasn't supposed to hurt humans, unless Danny's… No. Maddie, you're just overreacting because your son is attached to a death trap," Maddie brushed back her hair in thought. She had to do something…fast.

Danny took in deep breathes and tried to get his mind in order. There was no knowing what this machine could do, and his parents would definitely get suspicious. They would try stuff and eventually figure out he was a ghost. What then? They may have accepted him once, but now…now is an entirely different situation. They may not be as accepting now. They hated ghosts, and he was one; in this lab, and perfectly vulnerable. This was their moment to catch the ghost boy.

Danny's eyes snapped open as a whirring sound was heard above him. A huge razor had emerged from the box and was lowering towards his neck, and he couldn't move.

And what do you think you'd ever say
I won't listen anyway
You don't know me
And I'll never be what you want
Me to be

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I'm sorry if it's bad. It's my first songfic. I really don't think I'm very good at these. Tragedy and songs…yeah they don't mix well. I'll try to update, but I have seven other stories, guys, please give me a break, I'm not good at multitasking.