Ch. 1, Again With the Grievous Trouble

Charlie ran to the door as she heard the bell ringing. But if you forgot from the first story she has a butler. However at the moment she and he are racing to see who does the his job better.

"Give it up Niles!" she yelled to him.

"Never miss! Oh young master I've been doing this before you were born!" he laughed back to her.

They both reached it at the same time and opened it, Kathryn was standing there with a huge bag. It was packed with stuff, she was going to stay with Charlie for the week.

"Ha I beat you" Charlie pointed a finger at his chest.

"Did I interrupt something?" Kathryn asked raising an eyebrow.

"No, we were racing," said Charlie.

"You beat me I don't think so young master," said Niles.

Kathryn rolled her eyes, "Can I come in, or do I have to stay our here all week, cause I'll really can cause a scene Charlie."

"Oh sure, sorry" Charlie let her in, "Jamie kicked you out again."

"You think?" said Kathryn.

"I have a way to fix your problem Ms. Heart," said Niles.

"You do?" asked Kathryn.

"Get a sex change!" he walked off laughing.

Kathryn glared at him, "Can I murder your butler and the police never find out about it?"

"Yeah, but then I wouldn't have some one to fix me popcorn when I'm watching movies," said Charlie.

"Good point, but I really did not need that comment this week…" replied Kathryn.

Charlie knew it was Kathryn's 'time of the month' again, "Sorry about him"

"It's alright… he just doesn't need to say that to me, or something might happen," said Kathryn in a evil laugh. Charlie laughed at her as Niles returned.

"Young master," he looked at Charlie.

"Yes?" she asked.

"She is not a guy," said Kathryn.

"Kathryn women can be called masters," replied Charlie.

"Anyway… your doctor just called he says not to forget to take your medicine!" said Niles.

Charlie glared at him, "You couldn't have told me in private!"

"Medicine?" asked Kathryn.

"Talking in private is not part of job," he walked away again laughing evilly.

"Can I hurt him now?" asked Kathryn.

Charlie was still a little mad, "That's it! I can fix my own damn popcorn!" Niles ran away a little faster than normal, "oh well, I'll pay him back later."

Kathryn grinned, "Remind me to call home around 9:00 so that I can make sure Jamie's keeping his promise of no girls in my room."

"That's Nile's JOB TO REMIND PEOPLE!" she made sure that he could hear her, "but sure I'll try to remember myself."

"Thanks… cause I'd rather not go home and find… stuff all over my walls again," mumbled Kathryn.

"Ewww" replied Charlie looking slightly grossed out.

Kathryn nodded, "Think about what if you spent two nights in your room staring at the walls to realize your brother had sex in your room instead of adding more stars to your mural"

Charlie looked like she was going to gag, "Kathryn please lets not go there!"

Kathryn shuddered, "I never want to relive those two days again…" Kathryn suddenly remembers Charlie's deal with the medicine. "So what was the deal with the medicine?"

"Oh nothing, nothing to worry about," Niles popped his head in while she was talking.

"Don't forget your appointment tomorrow!" he yelled.

"What appointment?" asked Kathryn.

"Why, to see her shrink!" he grinned.

Charlie rounded on him, "YOU ARE DEAD!" she took off after him.

"A shrink?" asked Kathryn a little shocked.

Charlie stopped, "Yes a shrink, but it is no big deal" she lied.

Niles peeked back in again, "she has been seeing things, talking in her sleep, and sleep walking!"

"WILL YOU SHUT UP!" Charlie yelled at him as he ran off… again.

Kathryn raised an eyebrow, "Nothing huh."

"Lets not talk about it please, its rather embarrassing!" whined Charlie.

"Alright… so… what have you been up to?" asked Kathryn.

"Nothing really… just getting into races with Niles on who can do a job better." Charlie mumbled.

Niles walked by with a basket of laundry, "And I'm winning!"

Kathryn laughed, "That's funny, and you both get there at the same time? Oh and watch it Butler Boy or I'll have your head on my wall!"

"Not bad for an old man I must say!" laughed Charlie.

Kathryn laughed as Niles stopped and turned around, "Very good Charlie, to be honest I didn't think you had a brain in that head of yours!"

"Ohh…" Kathryn looked at Charlie.

"Really, I didn't know you could think!" smiled Charlie.

Kathryn laughed almost falling to the floor because of the weight of her bag. Niles nodded in defeat, "You win this round" he turned and walked off, but turned back, "but I'll be back!"

Charlie and Kathryn laughed, Kathryn finally fell over, "Get me up."

"That's another reason why I can't kill him," she helps Kathryn to her feet, "Anyway to the fun room!" where Charlie kept all her games and stuff.

"Alright! Can I leave my bag here, or do I have to carry it around with me?" asked Kathryn.

"No it's Niles job to get it," she looked around and to see him watching, she gave him an evil grin and lead Kathryn to the fun room.

"Don't go through that, or I'll have to kill you Niles!" said Kathryn following Charlie.

Please review and tell me what you think. And don't forget to check out and reveiw World Guardians and Forgotten Padawan.