Outside the door to his small apartment, Admiral Carth Onasi, hero of the Republic and ranking leader of the Starship Sojourn, absently ran a free hand through his thick hair. Strangely, he was almost afraid to enter. He'd had one to many nights of coming home to an empty one-bedroom apartment, cold food, and dark dreams to simply walk in and relax, as one normally would in their own home.

No one had told him his job would be easy, but after losing his wife so long ago when Telos was first destroyed and then learning that his son had survived as a Sith, Carth had been ready for a change. Coming back to Telos had been a bit difficult. He no longer dreamed about his wife, which almost bothered him. Sometimes, he would forget what she had looked like. He would try to remember her face, but all he would get was a fuzzy mental image of her long, blonde hair and her favorite blue sweater.

Carth had not seen his son in a long time either, but at least he no longer walked the path of a Sith. The boy, Dustil, was just turning 22-years-old, and after his brief stint with the dark side of the Force, he had thought about becoming a Jedi. The plan had not fallen through, and Dustil was now attending school to become an engineer on a planet closer to the heart of the Republic.

Dustil was a lucky boy. He had discovered the true evil of the Sith before he had been converted to their ways. It was ironic that a former Sith Lord had turned the boy back to the light. Alexis Starling, formerly known as Darth Revan, had shown Dustil where the path he was following would lead.

It was she, Revan, who haunted Carth's dreams of late, rather than his former wife. After Revan's redemption nearly five years before, he had been forced to travel with her while she searched for her former apprentice, Darth Malak, to stop him from taking control of the galaxy. During the course of their quest, Carth had fallen deeply in love with the young Jedi, and he missed her quite terribly now.

She had left him shortly after their mission, telling him that there were places in the galaxy where she must go where she dared not to take those that she cared for. Carth would have done anything for Revan, but that was the most difficult thing she could have asked him to do.

Now, as he stood outside of his apartment on the once again battle-torn Telos, Carth briefly thought of Revan and how different his life would be if she were still with him.

Thoughts of Revan had come more frequently lately, as one of her followers from the Mandalorian Wars had recently been rediscovered within the galaxy. The Jedi, a girl by the name of Kalen Valirra, was known as "the exile" for she had returned to the Jedi Council after the Mandalorian Wars to face their judgment for her defiance of their wishes and been cast from the Order. She had severed herself from the Force shortly before her exile and was only now reconnected with it.

Without the aid of the exile, Telos would have fallen once again during a recent battle with the Sith. Even now the exile was on her way to Malachor V, to "take care of some unfinished business" as she had put it to him.

Carth liked the girl. Despite the hardships life had handed her every step of the way, she had remained a devout servant of the light side of the Force. Even when she had defied the council and followed Revan to the Mandalorian Wars, Kalen Valirra had done it because her heart told her it was the right thing to do. She could not allow the Mandalorians to continue to needlessly slaughter the innocent.

Kalen was only a year or two younger than Revan, and the two had been what you might have considered friends, although they were not so close than Kalen had known where Revan was now. It had been four years since Carth had been in contact with Revan, and even longer than that for the exile, who had not seen her since the Mandalorian Wars nearly ten years before.

The exile had been in hiding during the Jedi Civil War from five years past and had accidentally been drawn back into the spotlight by Darth Traya. The exile was on her way to find Traya, who had been posing as someone else entirely, at that very moment. Carth was worried about Kalen. She was still so weak, so naïve, and so innocent, despite her experiences at Malachor during the Mandalorian Wars.

It comforted him somewhat to see a ragtag group of friends following her, each vowing to him that would give their lives to protect the life of the exile. They treated her as he had treated Revan, and he wondered if one or two of them were not in love with the exile. He hoped all turned out well for them, better than it had for him. Yet they still had one final challenge ahead of them, probably the greatest of their lives.

Carth felt old around them, for he was in his forties and they were all in their twenties. Even Revan was only 29. It hardly seemed possible that a girl so young could have experienced so much. She had single-handedly won the Mandalorian Wars at the tender age of 19 and converted half of the galaxy to the dark side only a few years later. The Jedi Council had then captured her and had her memory erased.

After the memory wipe, Revan had been retrained as a Jedi and redeemed in the light, all while he was watching her with suspicious eyes. She had saved the Republic once again during the Jedi Civil Wars by defeating her former apprentice, Darth Malak. Revan was an amazing woman.

Carth shook his head and silently wished the exile well. She was well on her way to becoming a hero, much as many considered Revan. As they say though, the greater you are, the harder you fall.

He shook away these dark thoughts and slowly opened the door to his apartment. The light flipped on automatically, and what he saw startled him beyond words.

There, seated on the floor of his apartment facing the wall, was some sort of Jedi. He could tell by the way the person was floating above the floor in a cross-legged position, apparently meditating.

Clearly the light had startled the somewhat tiny Jedi-like character, however, for it rose to its feet rapidly and he heard the sound of a lightsaber switching on.

The Jedi was covered in a traditional Jedi robe, but the thing was torn and bloody. It hung loosely about one of the smallest figures he had ever seen… He only knew one other person that tiny and she couldn't be…

The Jedi turned sharply, wielding a dual-bladed laser-sword, silver in color, and Carth nearly fell to the floor. He was unaware that he had drawn his blaster and he stood there, staring dumbly and pointing it towards the Jedi.

With a sharp gasp, Alexis Starling, formerly Darth Revan, dropped her lightsaber with a clatter and stared back at Carth, her green eyes wide with wonder.

Carth continued to hold his blaster, unable to move or speak. Was he dreaming? Was this some sort of sick joke? Perhaps he was looking at some sort of Sith in disguise?

"Revan?" He croaked, waving his blaster pistol at her slowly. He blinked a few times, trying to focus, and then rubbed his free hand over his face.

Alexis stared back at him, startled to see him. She had waited here, in his apartment, for hours, expecting him to come home from work. When he had not, and the evening had become very late, Alexis had given up and chosen to meditate for a bit to rest her weakened body.

She had been aware that he might have somewhere else to go, like on a date or to a girlfriend's house, and she'd thought about leaving the apartment and approaching him at a more neutral location, but she'd eventually convinced herself not to. It had never even occurred to her that he might stay at work this late.

Alexis was aware Carth had spoken, and when his words finally registered, she'd nearly recoiled. He'd called her Alexis for almost all of the time they had known one another and when he called her Revan, it reminded her that all was not well in the world to which she had finally returned.

"Carth." Alexis finally acknowledged, lowering her head in a typical Jedi greeting. She then bent down and retrieved her lightsaber and reclipped it to her belt. It was amazing that she, who almost never lost her cool, could be caused to drop her weapon by one look from Carth Onasi.

When he did not respond, and did not put away his blaster, Alexis sighed softly and settled back into a seated position on the floor. She was far too weak to continue to stand. Besides, maybe sitting would seem less threatening, as he seemed inclined to view her as such. She hardly considered herself a threat to anyone at the moment, however.

Malnourished, dehydrated, bruised, battered, and covered in the blood of others, Alexis was not much to look at in her current state. She'd been hounded relentlessly by Sith assassins for the last six-months and if it were not for the Force sustaining her, she would have died long ago from utter exhaustion.

Alexis rested her hands upon her knees, palms up, and sat up as straight as her weak form would allow. She lowered her head to Carth once again and shut her eyes. Perhaps she could meditate for a little bit while he stared at her and waved his blaster.

As soon as she shut her eyes, Carth awoke from his stupor. He put his blaster back in its holster and looked at Revan, trying to reconcile his previous memories of her with the way she looked now.

Revan had always been a tiny girl, but now even her own robes hung loosely upon her. She was bone thin and pale. She looked practically dead. Her once lustrous black hair was tied back into a dull plait, her once proud shoulders slumped slightly, and her once bright green eyes had lost their shimmer. Her cheeks were hollow and her fingernails were ragged. Carth could hardly believe his eyes. Revan had always been beautiful, and even now, appearing near death, she was lovely to Carth.

He reached out, as if to touch her, but pulled back slightly. He was still several feet from her and was not yet prepared to take those last few steps. He continued to look at her instead, eyeing the blood on her robes. The blood was mostly dried, but some of it, near her side, was still fresh and looked wet.

"Whose blood is it, Revan?" Carth asked slowly, and nearly cursed himself as soon as the words were out. How accusatory he sounded when he'd merely meant to ask if she herself were bleeding.

"Sith assassins." Revan replied, without opening her eyes. "Did you think I'd been slaughtering innocents, Carth?" She added softly.

"No, I-" He began, but he stopped before he finished. Maybe he had believed that, if only for a split second. "What about the fresh blood at your side?"

Revan opened her eyes and looked down at her side. He watched as she twisted painfully until she could see the blood and probed at the area with her fingers. "That appears to be mine." She told him evenly.

"May I take a look?" He asked, taking a single step forward.

Revan immediately held out her hand, forestalling him. "No, I'm fine. I'm the one with the healing skills anyway, remember?" Revan stood slowly, each movement stiff and painful.

Carth watched with a grimace, wishing he could help her. "Please, Revan. Let me take a look." He said, watching her continue to stare at the wound.

She glanced up at him and looked into his eyes for several seconds. Carth was tempted to look away, her gaze was so penetrating. He never did however, and she turned away from him to pull away some of the material covering her side.

"Revan." He said again.

She ignored him for several seconds, but finally appeared to give up. Her shoulders dropped again and she reached up and tugged off the robe over her garments. Next she unhooked her belt and lifted the edge of her tunic to expose the wound. She looked back at him expectantly.

Carth rushed over to her side before she had the chance to change her mind. He carefully prodded the wound that was just under her rib cage. It was long and thin, but it was not deep. The blood had been flowing freely down her side for a little while, it appeared, but not so much that she was in danger of dying from blood loss. As a matter of fact, it didn't even look like the wound needed stitches.

Just above the wound, however, was something far more concerning. Revan's ribs: every single one of them, jutting from her chest and easily countable with the naked eye. She was borderline emaciated, and Carth could not resist touching one of them with the tip of his finger.

Revan jerked slightly and looked down at his hand. "What are you doing down there?"

"When was the last time you ate anything?" He asked her, careful not to sound accusatory once again.

"I haven't the faintest idea. The last time I ate something would have been the last time I had a moment to do so. It's hard to fit in eating when you're avoiding assassins." Revan said, absently resting her hand on her bare stomach.

Carth glanced up into her eyes and watched her for several seconds. "Can I fix you anything to eat?" He offered quietly.

"I don't think so. The minute I let down my guard, swarms of assassins wearing stealth field generators will probably pop out of the shadows and kill us both. I can't afford to cause the loss of any more life, Carth. The only life I can afford to lose is my own." Revan told him, perhaps a bit sarcastically.

"I'm not going to die, Revan. And I'm certainly not going to let anyone kill you. Besides, you'll have a hard time protecting anything when you die from starvation." He replied.

Revan shifted positions slowly, lowering her shirt and then easing her arms into a folded position over her chest. "I'd rather have a change of clothes and a bath. But those are luxuries I can't afford."

"Well, when you showed up here, you stepped into line for all of the above. When was the last time you slept, Revan?" Carth asked.

"I meditate as often as I am able." She replied.

"No Revan, sleeping. You know, closing your eyes, stopping your mind, letting your body relax?" He asked.

"I haven't slept in years. I don't have that option. I don't travel with others. My skill is the only thing keeping me alive. I can't let down my guard." She repeated, biting her lip.

Carth smiled grimly. "Well, you're not alone now. You can let your guard down around me. Let me take care of you for just a little while, Revan."

"I can't."

"Yes you can! I can take care of you long enough for you to get something to eat, take a bath and change your clothes, and sleep for a little while. I am perfectly capable of taking care of you, Revan." Carth told her

In truth, Revan had always been more capable than Carth. Even at her weakest, Revan was stronger mentally, physically, and emotionally. She was a tough girl, and Carth respected that. He knew, however, that without some rest sometime soon, she was going to burn out.

"Carth, I'm only a danger to you. I didn't come here to stay… I can't." Revan said, looking down at the floor. She idly fingered her lightsaber, as if drawing strength from its touch.

"I'm not asking you to move in. I'm telling you that without this break, you're going to kill yourself. If you don't let me help you, you won't be in a condition to help yourself." Carth told her. "Now, get a bath. You stink."

Revan looked back up at him, and she was smiling faintly. "I hate to burst your bubble, Carth, but I don't have a change of clothes. If I put these back on, I'll just stink again." She said, lifting her robe from the floor where she had thrown it.

"That could be a problem. And I'm not entirely comfortable with you running around naked. I guess you could wait here for a bit while I run to one of the local merchants and pick you up something to wear." He said, smiling at her. "I hate to leave you alone, though," he added as an afterthought.

"I'll be fine, Carth. I've been alone for the past four years. I can handle half an hour." She replied.

Carth nodded and turned back towards the door. "Um… What size clothes do you need? And what exactly do you want?" He asked warily. The whole conversation made him just a bit nervous.

"I don't know what size, Carth. All I have ever worn were Jedi robes, and they've always been made to fit me. Something small. And get me- a blouse, some pants, socks, boots, undergarments, and I guess a belt. I'll pay you for them when you get back." She answered.

"You don't have to do that, Revan. I want to help you." Carth said. He started to walk away but he stopped himself, turning back to Revan for just a second. He reached out and touched her face gently, running his thumb across her cheek. He smiled at her and started to leave again.

"Carth." Revan said.

Carth turned back, looking to her expectantly.

She looked like she wanted to say something, but she stopped. She appeared to think for a few seconds, and then she smiled at him. "Thank you."