Ok, so I'm aweful at keeping promises. I'm sorry 3; I tried. Since it's gotten to the part I've been waiting to write about for a long time a new update should be coming real soon. Sorry about it being short too. I appeciate reviews.

Disclaimer: I do not own Sky High, just my OC and this plot.

Chapter Thirteen
From Yesterday to Tonight

----- Magenta -----

I hurried towards the door once the final bell rang. I couldn't stand everyone talking about the dance tonight. It was stupid. They talked about the same damn thing over and over again! It was like they didn't realize they'd told every single damn person in the school.

I mumbled to myself about the dance as I head towards the buses. I wasn't going. It didn't want to get caught up in all that trouble again like the homecoming…and maybe it was because I didn't have a date. But it wasn't like people hadn't asked me! It was just…I didn't want to go with them.

Startling me, a hand reached out for my shoulder. I quickly looked over my shoulder to find Zach there with a smile on his face.

"Hey," I said emotionless.

"Hey," He said back. He looked down at his feet for a moment, then back up at me. "So...you going to the dance tonight?"

I shook my head. "I…I sorta don't have anyone to go with." I looked down at my feet, waiting for his response. If he didn't get the hint then he was an official idiot.

Zach stayed quiet for a moment. Even though I wasn't looking at him, I could feel his stare. Finally, he said, "Well, uh, maybe…you know…you and I…we…could maybe…you know…go together – as friends of course…but if you wanna go as my date…I mean…that'd be great too – but you don't have to! It was just sort of a suggestion…"

I tried not to smile as he said this all and I could feel myself turning pink. I looked up and gave him a friendly smile. "Sure, Zach. I'll go as your date."


"Well, do you want to go as my d-"

"YES." Zack replied immediately.

----- Warren -----

It seemed like it was only yesterday that Jessica had asked me to the dance, but it was a while ago. The dance was tonight.

Krys wouldn't speak to me at work or school. And for some reason Layla wouldn't talk to me either.

I sat alone on the bus, looking out the window. The dance was in five hours. I wasn't excited…I was just anxious. I didn't really want to go, but I sort of did. I was so confused. I really wasn't ready to go, but I didn't need one more person not talking to me.

----- Krystal -----

The boss had given me the night off for the dance. I was so excited! I was going with Carson Johnson…oh my God. I smiled just thinking about it.

I danced around in my room to invisible music as I held my dress in front of me. The next five hours would go by so slow, but it would give some time to prepare.


Two hours went by. I was almost done with my hair before I heard a loud ringing from my cell phone. I decided not to pick it up. They'd leave a message and I could get back to them later. I was getting ready for my first actual dance of my life.

I had never really been to a dance, at least not with a date. Actually, the only time I had ever went to a dance was with my friends. This night was going to be special and I was going to make sure it would be by any means necessary.

----- Layla -----

"Only an half an hour until Will gets here." I said to myself in front of the mirror. My hair was curled and up in a ponytail. My strapless sparkling green dress reached my a ankles.

"You look beautiful, Layla." I heard from my Mom in the background. She sauntered over to me and wrapped her arms around me, hugging me tightly. "My little girl's all grown up."

I smiled as I pulled away, "Mom," I moaned.

She gave me a bright smile, studying me, making me feel a bit uncomfortable. I just stood there and stared back at her. Finally, she said, "Come on, let's go wait for Will downstairs."

----- Will -----

"You know who you remind me of?" My Dad asked. I stood at the foot of the stairs, ready to go pickup Layla. I shook my head. "You remind me of me when I was your age." I smiled. He firmly grasp my shoulder, smiling down at me. "Like you, I had a great date…great smile….and looked incredible in my tux."

We both laughed and gave each other a hug. "Thanks, Dad."

----- ??? -----

"Tonight is the night we strike. It's time to be free. Let us let the world know that they must be punished for locking me up. Let them know no mercy. We only need one more piece of the puzzle and tonight is the perfect night. Tonight is the night….we make history."


Once again I'm sorry for the delay. Please review and thanks for everyone who reviewed before. ;3