Dukes of Hazzard

Title: Priority

Author: Numb3rsfan

Rating: PG

Disclaimer: Warner Brothers, Paul L. Picard and A Lou-Step own and operate the Dukes of Hazzard. No profit has been made and no copywrite violation was intended in the making of this story.

A/N: This is set when Luke is 16 and Bo is 13.

Summary: Jesse has been working the fields alot, and he has desided to take some time off to be with the boys, but when he starts to pay to much attention to Luke, Bo is taken aback and runs off to find someone who will give him all the time and attention he needs.

Chapter One:

The sun rose over the horizon, blanketing everything in it's glare.

The grounds at the Duke farm were well tended and the crops were growing well, not a single uprooted plant was seen throughout the farm.

Maudine the mule woke up from her small nap and trudged over to her grain and began to chow down on her breakfast. When she was about halfway through, the laughter of two children made her lift her head and look at the Duke farmhouse.

Inside the house, Luke Duke and his younger cousin Bo Duke lept out of their beds when they realized this was the day! This was the day that Uncle Jesse promised to spend with them!

For once, both boy's were glad that Daisy was off on a sleepover with her friends, so they could have their Uncle Jesse to thereselves.

The boy's bedroom door opened to admit Uncle Jesse, wearing a big smile on his face.

"Ya boy's ready!" He asked excidedly.

"Jus' about, Uncle Jesse!" Luke replied as he pulled on his jeans and a clean shirt.

Bo, on the other hand carefully pulled on his jeans and shirt and took the time to comb his tangled mop of hair before joining Luke and Uncle Jesse at the kitchen table.

"What do ya boys want this mornin'? Bacon an eggs or eggs an bacon?" Uncle Jesse asked as he grabbed the ever popular skillet.

Luke and Bo looked at each other before replying, "Bacon and eggs, please."

"Alrighty!" Jesse said as he prepared the egg yoke.

"I can't wait! Uncle Jesse promised ta talk me swimmin' at th' new pool that opened up!" Luke said excitedly.

Turning, Bo asked, "Uncle Jesse after we go swimmin' could we visit the new car parts store?"

"We'll have ta see, Bo." Uncle Jesse replied.

For the past two months, Bo had a growing intrest in cars. All sorts of cars, but mostly racecars.

In fact, just last week Bo and Luke had begun to build their own car, which, once finished would be the fastest car in Hazzard.

Within minutes the hot food that Jesse had lovingly prepared was sitting right infront of the boys.

Bo, as usual, reached out to try and take a small piece of bacon while Jesse was praying.

'The man must have some sixth sense er' somethin'.' Bo thought as once again, Jesse opened his eyes and caught Bo with his hand stuck 'in the cookie jar.'

Bo immediately dropped the bacon, bowed his head and folded his hands.

When Uncle Jesse finished his prayer he didn't say anything about Bo's actions.

Bo reached out his hand and grabbed the bacon again.

He brought it to his mouth and bit off a good sized portion of it.

Luke finished his meal well before Bo did, and by the time Bo had finished, Luke was all ready to go.

Since Bo didn't really want to go swimming, he just grabbed some books to read.

"Ya arn't goin' swimmin' Bo?" Uncle Jesse asked his youngest nephew.

Bo shook his head as he headed outside, "No Uncle Jesse, I really don't wanna." Bo replied.

The memory of last week was all to vivid in Bo's mind.

Last week he had nearly drowned when he and Luke had gone swimming in Cripple Creek.

The water was cool and felt so good to both boys as they slipped in.

"Ya boy's be careful!" Uncle Jesse warned them from the shore.

"Yes, sir!" Both boys chorused as they waded out deeper and deeper.

To Luke this was the perfect day to go swimming. No school, no pesky bugs flying around.

This was paradise.

Luke floated on his back for a second, before he turned over and dissipeared underneath the water.

To Bo, this was not the best day to go swimming. Bo hated to swim, since he wasn't that good of a swimmer!

Give the blonde haired kid a book or magazine about cars and he'd be hooked for hours.

Bo clung to an old branch and didn't see Luke's form come up from behind him.

Luke scared Bo by grabbing his legs and toppling the young boy into the water.

Bo had screamed as his whole body hit the cold water.

The shock froze all of his bones and Bo was helpless as the shockwaves of Luke's, kicked Bo out into the 'deep end' where the Cripple Creek current was strongest.

Bo gasped as the current picked him up and carried him along with it.

As his head broke the water, he barely heard Luke yell, "BO! Keep yer head above water!"

"Luke! Help me!" Bo pleaded as the tears started to fall.

Bo was pulled downward and towards a small waterfall that was 30 feet high.

Nothing could stop the child as he went over the waterfall and plunged down towards the sharp rocks below.

His body bounced off a couple of rocks before being picked up by the current and carried for two more miles.

As the current weakened it's hold on the boy, Bo was no longer breathing, for he had been knocked out from the rocks and held underwater for one minute.

Bo floated, face downward in the creek slowly as the current became a thing of the past.

The pattering of two sets of feet were soon heard, and within seconds, Luke and Uncle Jesse came running towards the creek.

As Bo had been swept along, Luke had yelled for his Uncle Jesse.

One look at Luke's tear stained face told Jesse that something was wrong.

Luke had torn off running, following the Cripple Creek current, with Jesse in hot pursuit.

After four minutes they came apon a sight that Jesse hoped he would never have to see.

There, in the water, face down was Bo.

Luke had run into the water and tugged Bo's lifeless body to the shore and flipped him over.

"Come on Bo, I didn't mean it!" Luke said.

Uncle Jesse knelt down and preformed CPR for one full minute before Bo began to choke and quickly spit up the water he had swallowed.

"J..Jesse." Bo said as he raised his arms, that spoke volumes to Jesse.

Carefully Jesse lifted Bo up and carried him home.

"I think Luke might like yer company." Uncle Jesse suggested, breaking Bo out of his musings.

"No, Uncle Jesse, please! I don't wanna go swimmin." Bo said as he went outside to join Luke, who was waiting in the truck.