Title: X-Men (X : 4): The Legacy

Author: Descena

Disclaimer: All these X-Men characters belong to Marvel...I own nothing...at all

Authors Note: This is my first X-Men fic. I know only the movies really, and I don't read their comics and I haven't seen the cartoons in a long time. I am only doing this because I starting getting some ideas about them. They aren't like everyone else's, though there could be some similarities. I hope this is at least entertaining to some...if not most


"Be well," he whispered to her. With a grunt, he lifted his hand as the metal pierced through her skin letting blood flow freely from the wound. There was a final pulse of energy that blasted on his skin as it radiated off her body. The water that had been pulled away from the bay returned to the earth as rain. He held her close and felt her heartbeat slowing, to where, finally, it stopped. He cradled and rocked her, quietly sobbing as the rain lightened up, to drizzling. Logan then screamed, his heart breaking for his lost love…Jean. From a distance away, just outside the X-Men jet, Ororo looked across the way at Logan, holding a dead Jean, and her heart broke…for him.


Logan gasped and shot up from his sleep, sweating, his heart pounding and his claws extended. It took his a second to catch his breath and retract his claws. Logan inhaled deeply at his nightmare. Ever since he had killed Jean, the nightmares had been ongoing. One after the other, each night…every night. Logan sighed and ran his hands through his hair.


"It has enabled us to evolve from a single-celled organism into the dominant species on the planet."


Kitty stood over the graves of Charles Xavier, Scott Summers and Jean Grey and quietly sobbed. A hand gently draped over her shoulder. Kitty turned to see Ororo smiling painfully at her. Kitty turned back at the headstones and wiped away a few tears. "I miss them."

Ororo sighed deeply and looked down. "I know," she said. "I do too."


"This process is slow, normally taking thousands and thousands of years."


Once filled with water, Alkali Lake was nearly no more. Almost completely drained of the water that had flooded the ruins months ago, was now the home of a family. Two small boys ran around the lakes edge, playing tag. "Hey," one of them called out. "We're too far from the house!"

"Jake," called the other boy. "Come 'ere."

Jake sighed and ran to where his brother was calling from. He opened his eyes wide and stood beside his brother, staring at the stranger. "How do ya think he got 'ere, Jake?"

Jake shook his head. "I dunno, Mike."

They both stared at the mysterious man who was lying unconscious by the river bed, wearing torn clothing.

"Ya think he's dead?" Mike asked.

Jake knelt down next to the man, and poked at him. The man moved instantly at the contact and both boys jumped up, surprised. The man started coughing, and sucking in air. Both boys looked at each other, and then ran in the direction of their house screaming, "Papa!"


"But every few hundred millennia…evolution leaps forward."


She sat up, near the wreckage, and looked around her. Dazed, and confused, she held her head in pain. She slowly stood up, careful to keep her balance and let the dizziness pass her. It appeared she was on an island, one that was being rebuilt. There was several construction equipment all around here, and she was wondering exactly why they were there. She looked off in the distance to see work being done to the bridge as well, and to see that she was surrounded by water, on all sides. She slowly walked even more to see guns, darts, cars, and debris all around her. She felt faint and cold inside. It was then that she looked at herself, and her mess of clothes. Her fingers traced along three torn strips of her clothing. She slowly pushed it back to reveal the wounds on her abdomen. The markings of three claws that had punctured her.


"That is why I created a school for gifted youngsters…"


Erik sighed to himself. Being mortal was something he never dreamed of. It was a nightmare to him…as his life is now. There was no adventure. He was them. And he hated every second of it, wishing things were normal again. He'd much rather prefer death to this. Perhaps that was why Logan did what he did…to punish him. Smart, to doubt, but he swore he'd get revenge. While he was human, Logan was still a mutant, able to do whatever he wanted. That was what Erik wanted.

He reached out to gather his bottle caps, as one of them trembled. It was ever so slightly, but, it had moved, and there was no wind today…not even a gentle breeze. Erick smiled to himself. Could it be…? He raised his hand again, and just then, the bottle cap moved…just a little bit.


"This world will continue long after we are all laid to rest. And while our bodies may be gone…our lessons are eternal."


It from within his room that he sighed quietly, pleased. He sense those that he loved and cared about a short distance from himself. But they had yet to know that he was alive and well. How…he wasn't still exactly sure, though he did have a thought. He was able to walk. He was able to stand. And that was what he was doing. Charles Xavier stood by the window and smiled to himself. Soon, it'll be time, and soon…evolution will take its proper course. For that, he was sure of.


Those sentences in Italtics, are words from Charles Xavier, taken from the X-Men: The Last Stand, novel