Alrighty, the ending has come. We would like to thank everyone for their awesome-tastic reviews. Also, this last chapter has been edited to fit under the 'T' rating. If you'd like to obtain the unrated version (OO) then feel free to message us. We have no problem sending it to you. Thanks again, and know that we're currently in the process of yet ANOTHER Stan/Kyle fic. Rest assured, you will want to read it :)

Chapter 8

Within a few hours, or possibly just a few minutes, both Stan and Kyle were drunk. To different degrees, but drunk enough for sure. Kyle walked-Well, more like stumbled-over to Kenny, and personally handed him his birthday gift.

He looked Wendy up and down and slurred some whispers into Kenny's ear. "Guess you won't be needing this much," he teased.

Kenny's eyes still lit up with delight. He had a lot of memories in that restaurant. A lot of memories...

He turned to Wendy, who was tapping her fingers on her crossed arms. She was obviously displeased. This was a new emotion for Kenny. He wanted to visit the ladies down at Raisins, but there was this beautiful woman in front of him that had submitted herself to him a few days ago. What was a man to do?

Kyle hugged the pondering boy, and staggered back over to Stan.

Stan noticed Wendy's reaction to the gift, and laughed at Kenny's misfortune. "Heh-heh. Sucks for him, huh?" he remarked as Kyle returned.

Kyle grinned, turning back around to the aforementioned couple. Just as he swiveled his head, he tripped on his own footing, sending him flying toward Stan.

Stan, though drunk and slow, did not hesitate to reach out to save his secret object of desire. He scanned Kyle's body as he lay in his arms, an embarrassed ball of red.

"Thanks, d-dude," Kyle stammered, as he pulled himself up.

"No problem." Stan said. And it really wasn't.

Back over in the other part of the room, Kenny turned his head toward his drunken friends. He saw a way out of his awkward situation with Wendy, but he also saw a way to help Kyle and Stan out yet again.

"I'll be right back." he told his woman.

Without enough time for a response, Kenny dashed over to meet his buddies, who were walking back into the living room.

"Hey guys!" he yelled, jogging to catch up.

"Hey" they said back.

Ken put an arm around each of them, if only to help them balance. "So, what're you two up to?"

"Laughing at you for getting in shit." Stan informed him.

He rolled his eyes. "Yeah, that'd be Kyle's fault."

Stan raised his hands, palms facing Kenny. "Hey, I'm just happy it's not my problem. She's all yours, buddy." Stan never realized how annoyed he was with Wendy's...girlyness. How could have he EVER failed to notice his attraction to the male personality over female? He really was a doofus.

Kyle smirked. "You're a married man now, Ken. Gotta put the toys away." He climbed over his own foot that he was dragging along as Kenny held him sturdy.

"Well, maybe not -all- the toys." Kenny smirked as well. "We'll probly agree on some...Hehe...Looks like you just wasted twenty bucks though," he commented to Kyle.

"Meh. Yeah, but I drank twenty bucks worth of Jack, so it all evens out."

"Speaking of which..." Kenny leaned over to whisper in Kyle's ear. "Why aren't you taking Stan upstairs yet?"

Kyle pushed away from Kenny, stumbling backwards. "Whoa whoa whoa. WHAT!" he cried, surprised that Kenny would bring up such a thing front...of Stan.

Kenny grinned, his eyes wide with anticipation, pulling Kyle back from falling over some invisible object on the floor. "Dude!" He mouthed the words, "Do it!"

"No!" Kyle said back, trying to whisper as best he could.

"Why not? You're both already fucked up. Go for it!"

With that, Kenny let go of his position as the middleman and pushed the two lovesick boys together. They collided with an "oomph", and Kenny backed away gracefully.

Both boys glared at a quickly departing Kenny. Kyle's look was a bit more intense. Kenny just winked in response at the Jew and attempted to smooth things over with Wendy back in his section of the room. Stan and Kyle, meanwhile, remained standing against one another.

Neither boy moved their hands, which had been smashed up against their chests while shielding each other from knocking each other out. Stan looked up to Kyle, who was just a few inches taller. "Uh..." He gathered his courage to ask the red-headed boy the question that had been plaguing his mind all along. Instead, he opted for the sissy way out. "What was that all about!"

Kyle sighed in annoyance. "Don't mind him. He's just...Well he thinks that...Eh..."

"Kyle do you want to go upstairs?" Stan asked, suddenly and unexpectedly. "Uh...I can't really hear you down here," he added.

Kyle stared down at Stan a moment. A bright smile formed on his lips. Since Stan apparently wouldn't be able to hear his answer, Kyle responded to the question by ever so quickly, and discreetly, pecking Stan's lips with his own.

Stan's eyes opened wide. He felt his counterpart's breath move away, but his lips lingered in the air for only a second, awaiting maybe something more.

"Let's go," Kyle said, now close enough for Stan to hear.

"Okay!" Stan said, once again very excited. The boys headed for the nearest staircase, but very carefully made their ways up it. They were still drunk after all.

After several tries of reaching it to the top, Stan allowed Kyle to fall, sending him down with him. He landed on top of Kyle, who scrunched his face in pain. Kenny's stairs were bare--no cushy carpet to break his fall. Stan laughed into his partner's face, bringing his hand up to lightly stroke his cheek.

"Are you okay?" he asked half-concerned.

"Fine." Kyle nodded. "You?"

"I think so."

"I don't think I can move though."

Stan laughed more. "Let's go upstairs. You can make it."

Kyle took a brief moment to gaze into his best friend's eyes. It hadn't quite sunk in yet. Was Stan really on top of him? Had he really just asked him to go upstairs? Had he really just kissed Stan? It felt too dreamlike to be real.

"...I can't move until you do ya know." Kyle reminded him.

Stan smirked, realizing for himself the position they had landed in. "Oh, yeah." he agreed. A few seconds later, he moved...Unfortunately, it was only in his penile region.

Kyle smashed his face against his lovers in response. Stan could feel Kyle smile as he pressed his lips to his. He also felt Kyle's hand move from around his abdomen and sides to down lower. "Let's get out of here," Kyle stated in a seductive manner. The fact that Stan had a hard-on for him was too much to take just laying down on the stairs. He wanted that boy. Right now.

Stan groaned as Kyle touched his private area. The fact that Kyle wanted his hard on was too much for him to take as well. This was finally enough motivation for Stanley to get back on his feet. He took Kyle's hand and helped him up as well, before the boys walked hand in hand into the nearest vacant bedroom.

As soon as Stan walked in, he heard Kyle slam the door behind him. He turned around just in time as Kyle tackled him, their bodies moving in sync to the bed. Stan knew which room they were in. Kenny's bedroom. He could tell by the layout, the dim lights, and feel of the carpet. It was mashed down. From the many, many, MANY nights of Kenny with someone on that carpet. That both Stan and Kyle would hear about the next day. It was weird to think about Kenny being a taken man. He would only mash down the carpet with one girl now. Only munch on one girl's carpet...

WHOA! Stan thought. What the hell am I thinking! He erased the thought of Kenny and Wendy together as he concentrated on who was before him. Who he really wanted. Kyle.

The boys kissed passionately as they drunkenly fell back onto Kenny's bed. They rolled around a bit, wrestling for a position of dominance.

Stan couldn't believe what was happening. A week ago, he was Stan Marsh, hetero boyfriend to Wendy, best friend to Kyle. Now he was tongue-wrestling Kyle as Wendy dry fucked the shit out of Kenny downstairs. He saw the way she was with him. It was amazing. He was quite sure they'd be fucking tonight.

If he wasn't mistaken, so would he. His vision blurred as he rested himself on top of Kyle, straddling the panting Jew. "You're so fucking hot," he said, not giving the words permission to escape his mouth.

Kyle looked up and smiled.

"Y-you too." Kyle said. "I've wanted you for so fucking long..." he panted.

Stan leaned down with a passionate kiss. Kyle opened his mouth, allowing Stan's tongue to enter by permission. He reached around Stan's neck, pulling him in closer, and smashing their bodies together. Stan could feel Kyle's obvious erection too. It turned him on more than anything Wendy had ever done or said.

Stan moaned and reluctantly pulled away. "H-have you ever...W-with...A guy?"

Kyle shook his head. "N-no...Never...You?"

"No..." Stan began pulling his shirt up over his head, drunkenly stripping down.

Kyle grinned. "This is nothing I haven't seen before," he said, admiring the body he got the privilege of painting and seeing not but two days before. This time he got to touch it. And explore it. Stan was interrupted as Kyle brought his hands up to Stan's chiseled chest. "You are so..." he grunted to finish that sentence.

"What about you?" Stan questioned. "Let's see how you look...Besides your dick. I saw THAT already."

Kyle snickered a bit. "What! When?"

"That night in the bedroom. Perv."

Stan began helping Kyle out of his shirt next, wanting the redhead to return the favor and show him his likely equally hot body.

Kyle felt his face turn the shade of his hair. "You saw that? Dude...I..."

Stan threw the menacing shirt on the ground and took a step back, mesmerized in Kyle's toned abdomen. It wasn't even toned from lifting or anything athletic. He was skinny and built naturally. Stan felt himself grin bigger than his face itself. He looked up to Kyle's face. " don't need to explain anything." He walked up, putting his arm around Kyle's neck. "I was freaked out then...but I just want to see that again," he said, smiling.

Kyle giggled a bit. "Ya do huh?"


The boys shared another quick kiss. Kyle granted Stan's wish by reaching down and unbuttoning his jeans.

"You've got it," he said as their lips parted once again. Stan heard the zipper come down on Kyle's pants and looked down excitedly.

But, instead of Kyle placing his own hand around the hardened member, he reached for Stan's hand, placing it firmly down. Stan eagerly accepted, pulling his body closer and falling back with Kyle onto the bed again.

"Nice," Stan commented as he started to kiss Kyle's neck, his hand lovingly stroking the other boy's hard cock. Stanley's free hand worked on removing his own pants.

Kyle moaned into Stan's mouth as he, too, reached for his companion's zipper. They worked together, and Stan forcefully kicked off his pants, so that he was left in only his boxers. He pressed down on Kyle, their bodies grinding into each other. The friction of the two boys' erections made Stan yelp. He wasn't used to that. He pulled away, panting. "You have no idea how hot you are, Kyle Broflovski." He took extra special care to annunciate Kyle's last name correctly, as he had been slurring everything the entire night.

Kyle grinned as he put his thumbs on the inside rims of his own underwear, lowering them down his legs to finally show Stan his own naked form for the first time. Stan, of course, loved the sight of it.

Stan pressed his lips down firmly on Kyle's, sucking almost violently. He pulled away, kissing his neck and sucking at his ear. Kyle moaned in ecstasy as he felt a curious hand reach down and grab him and start rhythmatically moving up and down.

"Oh god..." Kyle murmured softly as Stan played with his stiff member. "W-wait...Lemme up..."

"Hm?" Stan looked down at Kyle curiously. "Why?"

"You'll see."

Stan obliged, albeit reluctantly. Kyle stood up from the bed and went over to Kenny's dresser. This served two purposes: One, giving Stan a chance to check out his bare backside. And two, it allowed him to search Kenny's dresser for lube and/or condoms. The blonde would no doubt have plenty of both.

Stan hastily removed his own boxers in the absence of his partner. He walked over to Kyle, soaking in every look at his body, and reached his hand around the busy-at-work boy. He kissed him on cheek and looked over his shoulder. "Find anything?"

Kyle teasingly wiggled his ass back and forth as he bent over to dig a pack of lubricated condoms out of the bottom of the drawer.

"Yeah, I did...The only question is...Who's gonna take it?"

Stan paused in confusion. He hadn't thought that far. He opened his mouth, but no words came out.

Kyle brought his index finger to Stan's lips. "Ssssh. Let me take care of this." He pushed Stan back to the bed, every inch of the way kissing him with as much passion and force to break down a brick wall.

Stan moaned against Kyle's lips. The Jew forced his tongue into Stan's mouth as they fell down onto Kenny's mattress for yet a third time. This time, Kyle landed on top of the other boy. He placed a curious hand between their nude bodies and glided it downward, stopping only when he reached Stan's erection. Kyle began to gently rub Stan between his legs, his hand strokes very soothing and gentle as they continued making out.

Stan grunted every few seconds as Kyle hit nerves, sending him into pleasure overload. He couldn't remember the last time he felt this way...if ever. In the back of his mind, he knew they were moving too fast, but it all just felt so good. So right...Kyle was supposed to be his.

They were going to do this.

Kyle also knew they were going too fast, but he didn't care. They could always blame it on the alcohol tomorrow morning. They continued kissing heavily and took turns feeling one another up as lustful, panting breaths escaped their bodies.

"Oh Kyle," Stan moaned into the chilled night air. "I want you so bad right now."

Kyle could feel himself smile. He had waited way too long to hear Stan say those words to him. Now that the time had come, he had to relish in the moment.

"Um...T-turn over I guess." Kyle instructed after several more minutes of foreplay. Stan followed the orders. Now able to visualize everything better, Kyle crawled up behind his partner. As he looked Stan over, Kyle applied the wet lubricant to his fingers and member, almost masturbating to the sight of Stan's cute ass.

"Just...Be careful." Stan asked.

Kyle nodded as a moan left his lips. "I will."

Stan turned back to look at Kyle, who had taken a finger and gently inserted it into his partner, preparing him.

Stan let out a high pitched squeal. One higher pitched than Kyle had ever heard him make before. Though it shouldn't have been a time to laugh, Kyle couldn't help but giggle. He watched Stan's face contort from almost anxiety to an intense relaxation.

When he knew Stan was ready, Kyle reached for the condom he had found, tearing it open and applying it hastily. It wasn't too difficult of a task considering he was harder than a rock. He reached out to the boy's sides and grabbed hold of Stanley's hips to prevent too much squirming upon penetration. With a deep breath, Kyle slowly began to insert himself, drawing a long but not totally unpleasant groan from Stan.

"Are you doing okay?" Kyle panted after a long silence. They were much too busy to have a conversation.

Stan mumbled something that Kyle couldn't hear, or maybe it was just cause he couldn't hear anything but his own heart beating and panting. And all Stan could feel was intense euphoria. He closed his eyes and bit down on his lip. Forgetting to breathe, he opened up his mouth again and let out a soft, long, seductive moan.

Kyle heard this and smiled with what strength was in his facial muscles. Sweat beads sprung from his forehead and chest.

Stanley began to stroke his own hard on, knowing he was close to a much needed release.

"Oh god..." Kyle panted out, his breath and his cries quickening as he too got closer to orgasm. "Stan...Ah...I-I'm gonna c-...Oh, fuck!" Kyle's body tensed up, and his breaths became shallow. He closed his eyes and made a soundless noise.

Stan could feel himself heading toward the same point, and as he felt Kyle spasm uncontrollably around him, he too screamed out.

Kyle fell over onto Stan, exhausted and sweaty. "Oh my god," he said in a whisper packed with heavy breath and emotion. Stan reached around and grabbed Kyle's head, patting it gently. He blinked to refocus on his surroundings.

"Yeah..." Stan agreed as he took a natural laying position on his back. Kyle happily rested on top of him, their heaving chests pressed together. Stan had no objections to this as he cuddled the boy in the afterglow of their first time together.

"That was...Wow..."

"Yeah..." Kyle panted.

Kyle lifted his head to look into his now-boyfriend's blue eyes. He studied them for a few moments, adjusting to the fact that Stan was his. They didn't have to say it out loud--he knew from the way Stan was looking back at him.

Kyle lifted his head a bit more to capture Stan's lips in an after-sex kiss. It was tender, sweet, and took every ounce of energy he had out of him. He pulled away and grinned.

"Do you think we'll even remember this tomorrow?" Kyle half-jokingly asked.

Suddenly, Kenny's bedroom door came flying open. Wendy and Kenny began to rush inside of the room, only to find that the bed was already occupied.

"Holy FUCK dudes!" Kenny screamed, grinning wide. He stuck his tongue out while smiling and nodded in approval. Wendy stared open-eyed at the naked display of manliness in front of her.

"Kenny!" both Kyle and Stan screamed back in unison, trying their best to cover themselves up. Still being a little inebriated, they could only succeed in covering each other up with each other.

Ken laughed, almost uncontrollably, and took Wendy's hand. "Come on. We better use my parents' bed."

Wendy was overcome with this strange emotion. Staring at her ex boyfriend and his new love interest, his best GUY friend, entangled naked on the bed, and her current boyfriend with his arm around her waist. Never before has the thought of two guys made her so...

Kenny let out a gust of air as Wendy pushed him up against the door--hard. She smashed her face against his, almost violently, and bit his lower lip. She grabbed Kenny's body and wrapped her arms around it, pulling it out of the room. Kenny closed the door, taking the time to grin and wink at the two dumbfounded boys on the bed.

With that, the boys made their way off of the bed. Kyle tossed his used condom in a nearby wastebasket. Remembering where they were, the boys wanted to get dressed and get out of there before there were any more possible intrusions. At least in one of their own homes no one else would barge into a private bedroom looking to score.

As they pulled their pants up, Stan finally answered Kyle's previous question.

"If we don't remember it, at least we have witnesses."