
They waited in dread as the sleek black copter settled on the ground, the blades of its rotor slowly winding to a stop. They could see movement through the tinted cockpit glass, but not faces. "I hope it's Beast," Bobby said in a loud whisper to Kitty. "I can handle Beast."

"Or Ororo," she replied. "Just anyone but..."

The side hatch of the Velocity slid open with a snap-hiss, a black ramp lowering to the grass below as a pair of heavy booted feet stomped their way down.

"Logan?" Peter said in slight surprise at the sight of the stocky fighter striding down the ramp.

"How do you know Logan?" Bobby asked incredulously.

"Met him a few times," Peter said, his expression impossible to read through the mask. His head tilted to the other two mutants, still receiving their disbelieving looks.

"You never said anything about that!" Kitty said.

"What, it never came up."

Logan reached the trio, his hard black eyes sweeping slowly across them before settling on the large white eyes of Peter's mask. He looked up at the brightly colored teen, jabbing a finger into his chest. "I should have known you would be involved in this mess."

"Great, they run off and play heroes and I'm the one getting in trouble?" he said, hands defensively in the air.

"Don't get me wrong, they're in plenty of trouble themselves," he gave them a sideways glance, "but that doesn't mean you're off the hook."

"Logan, leave him alone," Kitty said, crossing her arms and glaring at their instructor. "We got involved long before he showed up. And we were the ones who decided to keep helping to stop the Lizard."

"Lizard huh?" he saw Doctor Connors still out cold on the ground. "That the guy who shoots acid from his tail?"

"No, that's the Scorpion," Peter answered. "Lizard is a giant crocodile lizard thing."

Logan gave one sharp laugh. "Right. You're villains are pretty lame kid."

"How did you find us anyways?" Bobby asked.

"Aside from watching the news and following the giant blocks of ice you've left all over the city?" Logan snarled.

"Um, yeah," Bobby drawled.

"Your constant power use was quite easy to detect with Cerebro," came a voice from behind Logan. They had all been so overwhelmed by the presence of Logan that they hadn't noticed Professor Xavier moving towards them. He stopped next to Logan, but began speaking to Spidey instead of his students. "Hello Peter, I'm Professor Charles Xavier. I have no doubt these two have mentioned me to you."

Peter tentatively shook the hand Xavier offered him. "How do you know who I am?"

"I am a telepath, and while using my powers to pinpoint the location of Kitty and Bobby I gleaned your identity from their minds. I apologize for that, as I am sure you have strived to keep it a secret from as many as possible. I assure you that we will guard it as best as we can."

"Thanks, I appreciate that."

Xavier shifted his attention back to the other two. His voice remained calm, but they could sense his disappointment and mild anger. "And now I believe it is time for an explanation. I allowed you to come into the city trusting that you would maintain a low profile and refrain from using your powers. I think it is safe to say you've done anything but."

"Not to put a damper on the punishment," Spidey interrupted, "but I'd really like to get Doc Connors somewhere safe before the cops show up. He's not responsible for what the Lizard does and his research is too important to let them just lock him up."

"He's quite safe right now. I've created a psychic barrier around the area. It will deter anyone from wandering this way. Now, about today's events."

And so Kitty and Bobby took turns explaining everything they had done that day, starting from the sightseeing they had done, to the point where they found themselves in the middle of a theft by Doctor Octopus and the Lizard. They told how they had met up with Spider-Man and when the Lizard escaped how they decided to help out. They went on about their time in the sewers, their fight in Hell's Kitchen, and the blast that prevented Bobby from changing out of his ice form.

"Peter was a big help at saving Bobby. Who knows what could have happened if he couldn't figure out how to work the Recombinator in time," Kitty said. The panic in her voice was evident, as the idea of what might have happened had never slipped far from her mind that afternoon.

"He helped us, only fair that we kept helping him make sure his friend was turned back to normal," Bobby added.

"We had to get Doctor Connors away from the police so they wouldn't arrest him, and that led to all the ice," she said lamely.

Xavier was quiet for some time, his face lost in concentration. Logan had an almost proud look on his face, usually an expression, described often as one tiny notch above stoic, he reserved for when they managed to break some sort of record in the Danger Room. It was usually followed by yells to do it again, so Kitty and Bobby weren't sure what to expect.

Finally the Professor began to speak again. "It is still a dangerous time for mutants and there is much uncertainty as to how our relations with the general populous will play out. I can only hope today's events will not be used as more ammunition for those who fear us. But I will admit to being torn about this, because you have shown courage and strong moral character today with your actions. You were not showboating or using your powers irresponsibly, but looking out for the safety of others, including those who were the unwitting cause of the trouble. For that, I am proud that you are X-Men. And I'm sure Logan would praise you for your tactics, if he was inclined to give such complements. For those reasons, I believe a mild punishment is all that is required." He looked to Logan for this.

Logan gave a nod in agreement. "Most of the vehicles are pretty dirty and could do with a nice wash and wax. I think you have some experience in that," Logan said to Bobby.

"Yeah, yeah, I know," Bobby said kicking the ground, well aware of the number of times he had received the punishment. At least Kitty would be there to keep him company this time.

"So, now what?" Spidey said. He had been perched on the side of a tree for most of the tale, adding a few details here and there but mostly remaining silent.

"Now I believe we can assist you in getting Doctor Connors back to his home, and you to yours," Xavier said. "I want to thank you for all that you have done to help Bobby, Peter. I know that you are not a mutant, and most likely will never accept it, but there is always an offer for you to join us at the Institute if you'd like."

"Thanks Professor, but you're right. I have a life here, it would be too hard for me to just up and move like that now. Maybe when I first got my powers, but I'm doing all right now."

"I understand. Just know if you ever need any sort of assistance, don't hesitate to call."

They loaded the Doctor onto the helicopter and piled in. Peter was instantly intrigued by every aspect of the helicopter, mercilessly flinging questions at Logan about the design.

"Forgotten how much you talk, kid; reminds me of the Half-Pint here."

"Hey!" Kitty and Peter shouted together, sharing a laugh.

They were able to get Doctor Connors safely back into his house, Xavier ensuring that anyone who noticed them would not remember they were there. Peter left the doctor a note, explaining what had happened and that he, as Spider-Man, would be checking in on him in the morning to see how he was. They also left the Neogenic Recombinator with him, the device too damaged to work but most likely repairable by those at Connors's lab at ESU.

Lastly they flew back to Queens to drop Peter off. Landing Velocity in a nearby park, Xavier allowed Bobby and Kitty some time to say goodbye to their new friend as they walked back to his house to pick up Kitty's purse. Peter had been given an Xavier t-shirt and workout pants that had been among the spare uniforms kept on the helicopter, allowing him to walk freely down the streets of his neighborhood without be ousted as Spider-Man. Bobby sported a new shirt as well, replacing the tattered remains of his other shirt, which had barely hung on his body after all the slashes, throws and genetic deconstruction beams that he had suffered that day.

"Look, I ran into him once in the city and he helped me out of a jam, and then I helped him another time when he was on the run from some guys. This was all right before everyone found out about mutants," Peter said. "Besides, you never mentioned his name was Logan, you kept calling him Wolverine."

The point was dropped as they came in site of the Parker's home. Sitting on a porch swing was Mary Jane, who rushed over to them with a grin when she saw them. "So how did it go? The news said the Lizard just took off and they don't know where he went."

"It's good, we got him back home, all humanified and everything," Peter said. "Only real problem was that Kitty and Bobby's Professor showed up afterwards. Apparently they're not supposed to be out superheroing this trip. Tsk tsk tsk."

MJ laughed. "Shame on both of you!" She handed Kitty her tiny backpack. "So I guess this means you guys are leaving?"

"Yeah, and we're only a little grounded when we get back," Bobby said with a smirk. "Not too bad for a day full of trouble."

"Too bad you can't stick around, it's been a lot of fun. It's nice having other people to talk to besides Peter."

"You have way more friends than I do MJ, I don't know what you're complaining about," Peter said.

"But I can't talk to them about you running off and fighting the latest creep in a Halloween costume to blow something up."

"Don't worry," Kitty jumped it. "We'll keep in touch. We're not that far away and maybe we'll be allowed to come back down sometime, you know, when we turn eighteen or something."

"Or you could always come visit us," Bobby suggested. "We don't have a lot of friends outside the mansion these days."

"I wouldn't mind getting a crack at the Danger Room," Peter said as his eyes took on a far away look.

MJ rolled her eyes. "Anyways, here's our email addresses and phone numbers, don't be strangers." She handed Kitty a slip of paper with all the information.

"Don't worry, we won't," Kitty said. She gave the redhead a hug, whispering something in her ear as Bobby and Peter awkwardly looked around.

"We don't, hug, do we?" Peter asked.

"No, pretty sure we're not allowed to."

"All right, just checking."

The girls laughed, though the guys couldn't tell if it was at them or whatever Kitty had said to MJ. Kitty then went on to hug Peter goodbye as MJ wrapped her arms around Bobby. She held the embrace for a moment before pulling her head back to look him in the eye. "Make sure you keep in touch, I'll need someone normal to talk to after Peter goes on about his latest science project."

Bobby just laughed. "I will, I promise. I kinda know what it's like."

MJ gave him a peck on the cheek and broke the hug. Kitty was finishing whispering something in Peter's ear, no doubt last minute advice regarding Mary Jane. The four stood around for a moment longer, not sure what to say or do, when Bobby just shook his head with a chuckle. "We'll see you guys later, have a good night."

Each couple waved to the other as they turned and headed in opposite directions, Peter and MJ back to the house, Bobby and Kitty back to the park and their ride home.

"This was a lot of fun," Kitty said.

"So good date?"

"Certainly wasn't what I expected, but it was exciting. And we met new people, that's always a good thing."

"Yeah, it is."

"I would have liked it if you had been a little friendlier with Peter though."

"I don't know. I don't hate the guy or anything, but something about him still irks me."

"What, that's he's a man and he's talking to me?"

"Sounds about right."

"Oh please," she stopped. "I bet if you just gave it a little time you and Peter would be amazing friends."

"Yeah, right, and Wolverine talks in an Australian accent," he rolled his eyes.

"Okay, but don't be surprised when I start rubbing it in your face when you two become all BFF."

"If it happens, go right ahead."

"Oh I will." An evil grin crossed her face as she began walking again. "So MJ was all over you there a minute ago."

"Like you weren't all over Peter?"

"I'm just saying, you seemed to look at her a lot when we were with her. Checking out another woman Bobby?"

"She's cute Kitty, but you're cuter."

"Damn right I am." The grin hadn't left her face, making Bobby nervous. "She looks a lot like Jean, did you notice that? Does that mean you're checking out Jean too? Wonder what Scott would say."

He grabbed her hand and pulled her into a hug, kissing her forehead. "You enjoy driving me crazy, don't you?"

She pushed herself up onto the balls of her feet and kissed his nose. "Yes."

He let out a small laugh, took hold of her hand and began to walk back to the park. they went together, hand in hand, teasing each other about the day and thinking about what misadventures they might have on their next official date.

The End

A/N: There you have it folks, the end for now. I don't know when I'll start writing it, but I'm already planning out Misadventures II, called Double Date. In the mean time, take a gander at my other stories, and be sure to read any of the others I may put up.